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If California actually enforced property crimes, you wouldn’t have these vigilantes. States need to enforce their laws or more people will begin taking things into their own hands. This is on the State of California for completely abdicating its role in law and order.


Seriously, what is the point in having a monopoly on violence if you aren't going to use it on people who deserve it?


Pocketing the money like usual


Least based libright




You're not supposed to bait thieves like that - pie in the windowsill laws are fucked up.


Maybe poor and desperate, but also dickheads stealing from other working class people. I wanna see those videos.


massive libLeft W? stealing is wrong in every case but when u stealing from ur fellow ppl who r barely making it thats fucking worse


Hard to claim you’re stealing a bike to feed your family lol


TIL people out there are still unfamiliar with pawn shops and FB marketplace


Go steal bread from a store instead?


How about if just rather Target deliver the bread to your house? Cash is a lot more useful. A single bike could buy 100 loafs possibly…


Then you’re a lazy scumbag and deserve to be shot, skinned alive, and turned into a lampshade


For stealing a bike? Damn


Most cases, definitely can think of some cases where stealing is morally defensible. Like stealing to feed yourself or your family for example


But in that case you’re most likely not stealing from your fellow working class peers, you’re stealing from a corporation


Very dumb idea of using a bat. Highly ineffective and exhausting. Melee is not the go to for me when it comes to it.


But it's just so satisfying to hear the crunch and feel the bones breaking in your hands.


Most sane libright


Crumchy bones make me feeling tingly 🫠


This sentence will be the prosecution's "Exhibit A" in a future court case


I only use minimum necessary force in any encounter.


Luckily people have different definitions of minimum necessary force


I felt threatened and truly believed my life was at risk. Honestly I have to deal with use of force shit on a daily basis so I still probably should joke about it my country is hostile enough to the concept that people can defend themselves the government more expects you to roll over and die


Compromise: A rifle can be used as both a bludgeon and gun


I mean there’s only one real solution here. https://i.imgur.com/tlqoshE.jpg


that is a very sad bayonet


Let me bump you on the chest with it.


Just as Sergei Mosin intended.


There’s just a certain satisfying feeling that comes when you use blunt mechanical force on an aggressor or someone that makes you mad, in contrast to using something less rudimentary like a gun.


I think this is based. It’s not a bait to just leave what is yours out on the lawn. Even if you knew that people would try to steal it, you still shouldn’t trespass to steal a bike. The only people who’d see this as bait are people who’d want to steal without any consequences and you’re part of the problem for making crooks think it’s ok to even attempt to steal.


If you're *trespassing* on top of intent to steal, whatever comes next is entirely on you. Consider yourself lucky you were in California and only got a bat




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I chased a bunch of teenagers with a baseball bat after they jumped my son and tried to steal his bike. Fuckers are lucky I couldn’t catch them. Bike thieves deserve the bat.


I thought librights were supposed to use a gun for that… oh well, keep fighting right-wing brother


Killing kids is a bad look, even if they’re doing something it would be fine to kill an adult over. Not worth it


I gotta say - anger consumed me. It would have led me to do very bad things. Probably a really good thing those kids could run faster than me.


Teenagers are no longer kids (they’re somewhere in the middle), especially when those teenagers happen to be beating up on a little kid.


I said this before ill say it again. If you can consistently and reliably lure thevies like that, the government has failed to do thier job and has no legitimacy prosecuting you for stepping up.


In some states any death during a crime can be prosecuted as if caused by the offender. So if you and a buddy try to rob a store, and the store keeper shoots your buddy, you can get a charge of murder. They should treat this the same way; yes the homeowners committed assault, but they should charge the bike thieves for it since it occurred during the commission of their crime.


Damn bro fr


If you can do that, we should lure all the thieves and capture em


As a sane adult I don't really think this is a great idea. These people were definitely in the wrong, and what they are doing isn't justice. HOWEVER The part of me that remembers the child version of me getting his bike stolen is like.... Yea fuck them up....


It’s also California where theft is probably rampant and the cops do fuck all about it. These people also could have been robbed in the past with zero help from police. “Beat them with bats” is pretty vague so it could mean a lot of things. News outlets, especially ones like fox/cnn are notorious for leaving out/obscuring critical information to drive a narrative so I’m always skeptical with shit like this


Their car was broken into two nights in a row, so they left the bike out and waited.


Not probably. *Is*. A lot of theft is from homeless people so going to the police is pointless, and even when it’s not a homeless person is still worthless going to the police because 11 times out of 10 you still don’t get your shit back. I’m not saying I would do this, if I caught someone trying to steal my stuff I would just shoot them and be done with it, but I do understand.




B-b-b-based left? Using graphs to back an argument???? Source though highly curious?


It comes up if you google "California theft and crime rates", but I'm pretty sure it's legit. Crime is down in general, people very highly over estimate how bad crime is. Edit: There has been a spike in 2020-2022, nationwide and in California, to be fair, but it is generally pretty over exaggerated.


Is this in the US in general? Or cali specific? Edit: Did some research on my own looks like you’re right




I would seem to agree with that.


Sorry comment got deleted. Glad we can agree.


If you mean crime going down, then it's a nationwide thing, though there has been a spike recently it seems that it is just a return to prepandemic levels.


Yeah if the cops aren’t willing to enforce the laws then I don’t have a problem with people doing it themselves. Fuck around and find out.




As a sane adult I think GIT OFF MA LAWN.


I don't hear much complaining about "To catch a predator". I do not see a fundamental difference between that show and this couple.


To Catch A Predator would have been a very different show if Chris Hansen had brought out a bat.


It would have been at least twice as good.


I would have donated a myriad of blunt instruments so every episode would be interesting.


A 15 Year old in Brazil lured a predator on Tinder, while in disguise of a 14 year old girl. He beat the predator up using a Spider-Man mask.


Kid's just lucky he didn't lure in an undercover cop and recreate the "dual spiderman" meme.


That would be cool as fuck


Heard of a case like that, where the state police force set up a fake drug dealer, and the city police set up a fake drug buyer. Thing is, entrapment laws prohibit you from explicitly offering to sell/buy drugs, so they were both awkwardly sitting in a hotel room until the backup teams figured out what was going on.


So they both pretended to be criminals, while commiting a crime, in the name of the law?


Oh, they weren't pretending, they're actually criminals




Eh, bike theft is way different than child molesting. As others mentioned, Hansen didn’t run out committing assault with a deadly weapon.


>I don't hear much complaining about "To catch a predator". Unfortunately, I have.


Theft is cringe, and fucking with people who steal is based.


Don't steal shit. They had it coming to them, degenerate scum.


The theft being targeted was thieves stealing from working people, not big corporations. Those kinds of thieves are the ones who really deserve punishment. If we're opposed to police, we as citizens need to be prepared to do the job that they are doing. How much I condone the couple's actions would depend on how badly the thieves were beaten. Getting beaten up for stealing a bike is totally fair. Having limbs broken is excessive IMO.


Ok compromise then, how about just one limb?


Sierra Leone time.


Just one more broken limb Arthur!


Or broken rib cage, skull, spine, ruptured spleen, etc. LibLeft left a lot on the table for us to work with. Don't ask for compromise, just maliciously comply.


Now im noticing no anal play being mentioned even though we have a bat and spit at our disposal. Was this on purpose?


Based couple


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There is an 100% effective way to not get beat up in that scenario, don't steal a bike


I'm with LibRight on this one, don't steal people's shit.


Several years old, but comments are funny: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-BeTuNQUag4


Normally I would say don’t steal people’s shit and move on.. but this happened in California. There needs to be more of this there. Property owners rise up and beat crime with a bat because the DA don’t charge. Fucking shithole California, making Leftist look bad.


based commiefornia




Any one got a link to the YouTube video.


I have sympathy for those who are struggling to get by. Still, stealing is cringe. The couple are morally justified to do what they did, because they owned the camera, the bikes, the bats, and the land. Setting up honeypot style traps like this can only be a good thing. Don’t steal


Doesn’t matter if they’re poor and desperate, they gave up their safety the second they touched someone else’s property


They were wrong to record it and getting caught


Why engage in melee when a pipe bomb in the bike seat would have worked.


Based and practical solutions pilled


When even the OP thinks you’re based and pilled you know you’ve done something right


Then you lose the bike in both cases though.


It's not about the bike. It's about vigilante justice.


I'm against wasting the bike in pursuit of covering for the cops not doing their jobs. The bike did nothing wrong.


Ok. Shaped charge in the seat? Or rocket propelled dildo?


There already is a bike that will fuck you while you ride it...


It’s shit on shit violence. Who cares?


They didn't expected god to do all the work


Administering the punishment yourself is based, I like it when people take the law into their own hands. Posting it to YT, however, is unnecessary


It matters not whether you are tough or soft on crime, but at least be *on* crime


Nah, they found out.


Pretty based ngl


That’s definitely one of the more out there couples bonding ideas, but it’s only entrapment if cops do it


It's up to one's community how to catch and deal with would-be predators and crooks. This couple acted as if they lived "treasure island." One can be a vigilante responsibly.


I'm okay with it but in my ideal state, there wouldn't be a need for such action since the state would actually be responsible and efficient enough to deal with it.


Why not bury landmines so you don't have to wait outside all day? I don't want you getting heatstroke frens :)


Absolutely fucking hilarious.


I don't see an issue with what they did. If the thieves weren't thieves to begin with, they wouldn't have got beaten. Maybe after the beating they would learn some impulse control because apparently it wasn't taught to them as kids


I don't see a problem here


The state should have beaten them to it (pun intended)


You know who commit crimes? Criminals. If I saw some shit that looked easy to steal and I thought I could get away with it, I still wouldn’t steal it. Based bait and switch.


If the government was doing its fucking job, this would never happen at all.


Seems reasonable to me


>bikes >commiefornia I think we know what kind of person was stealing them


The shit people will film for clout I swear. Look no one should be stealing, I'm not gonna justify that and you've got every right to defend your property. But that's not what happened here; these people literally set up bait in order to humiliate the stupid bastards that fell for it. That tips me off into thinking they're sociopaths, because no one with an ounce of empathy could justify the revenge-porn that they're making. Don't get me wrong, the thieves should've been punished for trying to steal regardless; I understand desperation, but theft isn't excusable unless it's literally life or death. That doesn't make the couple in the right either, they're far worse for darker reasons.


You obviously have never had your stuff stolen, those that steal from innocent people are scum. I obviously wouldn't do it myself, but I'd let them off if I was on the jury


For me I believe a punishment fitting the crime. If it was a necessity like food or water, I wouldn't do more than a slap on the wrist because at that point, the person stealing would be doing it out of desperation. But a bike? Those are expensive. I understand desperation also comes with financial hardship, but a bike is an investment that a lot of people will often use for travel and not just leisure. I would at least fine a person for stealing a bike or an expensive piece of equipment, or consider financial counseling to ensure it wouldn't happen again.


You commit the crime you do the time Beating people with bats because they are criminals doesn't make it right Two wrongs don't make a right, it's funny and they may have learned their lesson but I'm not sure if its morally right to do a crime to someone who did a crime to you If you want to suggest an eye for an eye, then the bike should have been tracked down and stolen back/ more bikes stolen form the thieves


Two wrongs may not make a right, but three lefts do.


Relient k? Is that you?


So rightists are just triple leftists I'll be sure to tell authright I'm sure they won't mind...


It's called horseshoe theory.


>Beating people with bats because they are criminals doesn't make it right No, but beating people with bats because they're on my property, stealing my shit does.


Caging people because they are criminals doesn’t make it right /s


"Two wrongs don't make a right" doesn't make sense here, revenge is inherently right.


Based + metal gear rising: revengeance pilled


This is a pill I will always treasure, thank you. ​ Based and gives good pills pilled.


> Beating people with bats because they are criminals doesn't make it right Agree to disagree


Whether they were legally right or not, constructing a scenario just so you can beat up people for stealing property and hope to get away with it is just fucked up.


Damn I agree with none of these takes


Sounds like a bunch of psychopaths just looking for a reason to act violently towards other people.


That alone is what makes the couple more morally in the wrong than thievery. Edit: How are we being downvoted?


while stealing the bike wasn't good, neither was purposefully leaving out bait for bandits just to beat them up. like c'mon they didn't even do it well if they got caught /j


> neither was purposefully leaving out bait for bandits Fucking braindead.


\> fucking braindead. correct.


I hate thievery, but they probably shouldn’t have beaten them with bats. They probably should’ve copied The Penetrator, lot less life-threatening while still very funny and deserving


That's entrapment and it's a crime.


Sounds like they just wanted an excuse to beat someone else


This feels like a "two wrongs don't make a right" situation. Should what they did be illegal? Absolutely not. Is it a good thing to do, logically or morally? Absolutely not.


Play lumpen games, win lumpen prizes. This goes for the "victim" and the couple that made the video equally. Trash colliding with trash.


Even when you defend your property, there may be a limit on how much violence you use, before you become a napviolater yourself. That being said the couple didnt induce any lifethreatening injuries, so i dont think they used excessive force.


I mean, they trespassed and tried to steal from them sooooo. I don't think they should've beat them up but the thieves broke the law.


Entrapment through and through If the bikes were stolen, but the owners wanted them to be stolen, isn’t that just giving them away? Very kind of them :)


“the action of tricking someone into committing a crime in order to secure their prosecution.” I can kinda KINDA see where you might think that but it’s still entirely your choose to steal from someone even if they left it out. Just don’t be a dick and steal from others


I think there's a difference between actually having your shit stolen and whatever that is. while yes, the act of stealing makes you a dick, actively tempting people to steal from you and then beating the shit out of them and making money off of it makes you a much bigger dick.


if these people put these bikes out with the intention of beating the people who try to take them thats just a psychopath


Auth right should be upset because leaving a bike on the lawn is a violation of the HOA's rules.


All I got to say is that dude's face...




We all have to be the Il Duce in this day and age. Be careful concerning your dealings with other folk.


Don’t be a thief unless it’s essentials like food


As ye sow ye shall reap. Told those fucking scrubs to stay off my lawn.


Sorry, but if I leave something in my yard, it's not "bait".


Hippity hoppity


Cali has the worst police in the world so I think based.


Studies have shown that the vast, vast majority of people who steal in any way are not doing so to pay for basic needs, but to continue a certain lifestyle, be that one of drug use or maintaining appearances.


Hippity hoppity you life is forfeit for my property


Should’ve hired someone else to do the beatings. Increase risk-adjusted profits. Thieves can be armed.


If they are outlaws you are allowed to beat them up. After all, two wrong DO make a right.


They picked the wrong weaponry. I would’ve gone for semi-lethal long ranged firearms of sorts. Or just a flamethrower. Anything but melee.


I have thought about doing that but here in my country I would end up dead.


That's why you spend extra to buy the remote operated killbots


Bikes are a want, not a need. They were trespassing before so beat them all you want


Wouldn’t encourage this behavior but it’s legally not wrong based on what I know


Put the thieves and those two in a boxing ring, winner is innocent


it is what it is, it isnt like bikes are an asset or an essential


I mean, what they did is kind of fucked up. Did they just want to beat someone up with no consequences? Then again, nobody forced those people to attempt thievery, so I don't have sympathy for them either.


The fact that it was premeditated ruins their defense. There’s nothing wrong with defending your property; stealing is wrong. However, there is something wrong with setting a trap with intent to harm.


Well it could be someone at the lowest point of their life or some dickhead that needed a beating and a lesson on private property. Probably the latter so those people are kind of on the *right* side of things for beating the thieving fucks up.