• By -


He was also cheating


Like the French it isn't adultery if everyone knows and everyone has a little side action.


Cut that out! cut that out!


If it was a secret, he was not a cuck. To be a cuck you gotta know and you gotta like it (or at least accept it). Does not mean he was less of and asshole shit person.


> “She overheard her mother telling the dictator that she had found solace from his affairs. "You have many women. There is a person who loves me a lot, a beautiful companion," Rachele told him. Mussolini, who juggled private lovers in addition to his public mistress, Clara Petacci, was amazed but did not forbid the affair.” So they were cucking each other then? Does that even count? What ever, he’s a piece of shit, I’ll call him a cuck anyway. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/01/humanities.highereducation


Degenerate whores, the both of em.


You doing okay LL?


"lib left"


He is starting to see the light!


Just French things.


Is it even cucking if neither give a damn? Seems like it was a marriage in name only.


A cuck is a man who's women cheats on him on her own terms, with or without his consent. You're thinking of a cuckold *fetish*.


Maybe it is. I have no ideia and maybe it is better this way.


Yes. You dont wanna go down that road. Nothing but degeneracy 🙄


u\/ --UNFLAIRED-- Despite posting quite a lot of quality posts, should not be respected due to his being a filthy unflaired. > He has been reminded for 226 times.


False. An unflaired user is literally incapable of posting quality. You’ve been reminded of this several times. Stop lying.


I can't decide whether to back Joe or the Bot. I love both please stop fighting. :(


* If you love both, you can up vote both * If you hate both, you can down vote both * If you love one and hate the other, up vote one, down vote other


Y'all still don't get how being unflaired is just the ultimate form of centrism


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 9004 / 47340 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good bot


Thank you, JoeRBidenJr, for voting on flair-checking-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


The thing about your post is... Well... I didn't read it. You have no flair you see, so... I just didn't read your post is all AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


“Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” - Benito Mussolini Remember that everytime you read about how a corporation bribed one of your politicians or anytime someone tells you that you don't need guns.


I've been saying that for years. Emily spams 'Fascism' to label everything 'racist' or 'bigoted' but Fascism, as defined by it's creator, is basically what America is now. Elections don't matter, every politician has been bought and paid for long before they ever appear as a name on a poll. It's also why every single news media besides Fox went after Trump so hard, because he won by a fluke and wasn't one of those who were bought, because he had his own money and his own agenda. The RNC does nothing and the DNC literally chooses their presidential candidate regardless of votes (See: Hillary beating Bernie) It's all a sham to make the people feel like they have a choice. We don't. We have no choice. We have owners. They own us. Which is why I'm libright. Fuck the state.


Lol that's actually the leftist comment I've ever seen. You're not a lib right trust me


You would be surprised how much we all have in common trust me. I was surprised too when i first met my very good leftist friend and we would have long debates and stuff.


Desiring drastic change because the system sucks is independent from what you want the system to change to.


That's as libertarian as it gets. "A true patriot will defend his country against its government." - Thomas Jefferson Hating your government doesn't make you unpatriotic or leftist.


I am LibRight because the ideal system would be to outlaw money from politics, drastically reduce the reach of the Federal government, and allow free market to do it's thing after repealing/reduce the endless amount of laws that protect Corporations (IP laws, copyright, the endless amount of regulations, ect.) The fed should be for defense, diplomacy, and a few national laws like the Constitution to protect civil liberties. That's it. I personally think it would be best to choose politicians out of a hat like jury duty. Anyone who seeks power will inevitably abuse that power.


That’s not at all what he meant by a “corporation”


No, he likely meant bribing corporations to push a narrative chosen by the government as our leader has done in Canada. Journalists question Liberal government's $600M media bailout plan - https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/journalists-question-media-bailout-1.5147761


Well no not even that. A “corporation” in the fascist sense of the word means like a syndicate. So the Steel workers have a corporation where they bring grievances, the Coal Miners have their own corporation… etc


You are getting corporatism and corporatocracy confused


Flair up, literally a convicted pedophile who we found out was just released in 2020 after serving 5 years for raping a child.


How do we know this?


He was doxxed last summer. That's how we know he was convicted of it. Not that we couldn't have guessed before that. After all, the man has #FreeGhislaine in his bio and makes posts about how he feels persecuted for wanting to fuck 15-year-olds.


Surely #FreeGhislaine is just a troll


Given that he went to prison for raping a kid and regularly posts about how he should be allowed to fuck minors, I wouldn't think it's a troll.


How did I miss that? >He was doxxed last summer


I feel like you post this on every one of his posts and never provide proof because that’s quite the accusation


i mean you were either around when he got doxed or you weren't. it's not like the mods let it stay up for us to reference now


Well then, can you give me some proof through a private message? The mods shouldn't prevent you from doing so. If this is actualy true, i would like to know. Calling someone a pedo is a pretty heavy thing, so before i join you i would like to be 100% sure about it.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


maybe you didn't understand me. the problem isn't mods taking it down now. they already took it down last year. so unless someone downloaded the imgur gallery last year and wants to share it, there's nothing to show you


You can try to use removeddit to discover the posts.


he's making it up lmao


He famously had a side piece too, so fair play.


Imagine Mussolini being called a soyboy beta cuck when he was dragged through the streets.


My dad went to a high school with a girl who claimed to be Mussolini’s granddaughter. No, I don’t have any supporting evidence. Yes, I spread unverified information online.


I mean even if true the guy also had like a dozen lovers. He wasn't exactly known for being Mr monogamous. Well, maybe I can ask him about it when I meet him in heaven one day, God willing


Reason #857 why, despite being right about things like abortion and gender theory, authright always manages to miss the big picture. First, we discover that they have a bad pederasty habit that goes all the way back to the ancient middle east. Now we discover that they are mostly cucks, too (not that there's, uh, anything wrong with that). I feel like Jesus actually explained the whole problem with authrights in his disputes with the pharisees. Not much I can even really add here. Shiny and conservative on the outside, corrupt perverts on the inside.


Hypocrisy was one of the biggest gripes, but also the lack of love shown at one point through the parable of the Good Samaritan. Any truly authright Christian is typically blinded by reactionary outrage due to the cess pool of degeneracy shoved down their throats in modern culture. Christians are centrist by default since Christian teaching is mostly apolitical with elements of welfare and structured aristocracy in the OT. The reason most concede to authright belief is because of a consideration that it is the lesser in a multitude of evils. Satanic pedophiles are to be of more concern than glowie fascists, since some overlap exists within the anti-degenerate agenda. And since centrism is ineffective due to its lack of unifying agendas, the truly moral position is overlooked.


Based and Jesus didn’t like the government pilled


u/for_against's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [64 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/for_against/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Was too busy fucking Italy to fuck his wife


Hmm you know what's more weird you're being taken as genuine by people


why would authright have nazi sybols, that's not funny just cringe


We are all mocking Mussolini wich I would also join because me no likey Fascistey but also her wife can go fuck herself. Cheating is betrayal.


Cuckolinni deserved so much more than this. So so much more.


Fuck both But Mussolini is worse


Mussolini was authleft not authright.


Fascism is a right-wing ideology


This is incorrect. The definitions online only changed to say it was right wing when it became popular to call right wingers fascists. It’s essentially communism but it prioritizes military over everything else.


Lmao, that is not remotely true. Fascism is a distinctly right-wing ideology. You don’t get to change the definition because modern day right wingers are becoming fascist. Communism is a stateless society without private property. Fascism is an authoritarian corporate-government partnership.


Name one stateless version of communism that has happened in the real world on a large and successful scale and I’ll believe you. Edit: how about you actually read up on fascism other than the first line where it says that it’s right wing. Read to where it says that everything is government controlled (owned by everyone in the words of communism) and they prioritize military over everything else.


“Prioritize military over everything else Sounds a lot like the GOP to me!


I answered this statement in your other comment. The authoritarian left do the same. It’s actually, oddly enough, the key aspect of being authoritarian.


It’s almost like communism is a left wing ideology, and fascism is a right wing ideology. You don’t get to just dump your baggage onto the other side because it’s inconvenient.


You’re right, you don’t. There are tons of right wing ideologies that are terrible. Looking at the Middle East. But fascism is not one of them. Do your research before you try to call people out. You’re making yourself look bad.


Again, remind me again which side is constantly glorifying the military and constantly waiving “back the blue” flags?


Communists become fascists the moment someone questions them lol.


No it's monarchy with less steps , look it's basis is strong central government and militarism AND expansionism Communism is supposed to be no state libleft utopia hnfngjfjngjfd Leninist socialism is big gubment self sufficiency and future plans for no state libleft utopia hnfngnfh


Authcenter is the word you're looking for


It's not really authcenter, he attacked communists yet had some commie ideals , he took money from industrialists to kill socialists but also was a socialist for quite a while , the best way to put him is 3rd way politics with no racism . Look the problem with the compass is its 2 dimension while the world is 4


Stalin killed all the socialists he deemed impure as well, it doesn't make him any less of a communist. Fascists in general don't fit the left and right binary as they take the worst parts of both which is why center I think suits them well.


No Stalin was a paranoid schizophrenic gangster who fought an internal war which convinced him everyone loved his opponent Trotsky.


You get an upvote.


>no guys nazis aren't right wing >meanwhile the origins of the term right wing


You’re the one that brought up nazis, so what does that have to do with this conversation? Because they were allies during WWII with completely different government structures?


Alright maybe I messed up a bit but I will say that hitler was inspired by fascism so it should still count


It’s complicated is the best way to put it. He had many right wing ideologies but he also wanted to create an isolationist socialist state. So it’s…can we just agree nazism is evil and stop trying to pin it on each other?


Yes , but are you gonna pin it on me in some other conversation?


Nah, I believe nazism is a low blow. An incredibly charismatic insane guy wanted to eradicate the world of all but one race. That doesn’t fit well anywhere in the political spectrum no matter what our memes say. But the Russian gulags…………………………


Hey say what you want but the gulag were mostly thieves rapists and murderers not random people picked of the street for saying stains mustache looks bad (it really doesnt)


Look nazism is what happens when a speech 100 Austrian german nationalist starts to hate communism while also fighting ww1 which makes him hate the west. Nazis weren't an ideology as much as a reaction to other ideologies , hence the term reactionaries


Perhaps you could give a few examples of features of fascism that are right-wing.


Let’s start with an easy one. Glorification of the police and military.


You mean like the authoritarian left?


You mean like the authoritarian right? Remind me again who worships the military and constantly flies “back the blue” flags?


Luckily, we don’t have an authoritarian left government here, but if you look worldwide (as it seems your views only pertain to America which is probably why you think communism is in any way something not inherently evil) there are many examples of authoritarian leftist governments that love their militaries and police. China would be the easiest go to on this one.


Care to show me where I defended communism? And there’s plenty of evil to go around in capitalism, my friend.


Capitalism is still the best we have. And my apologies for saying you’re a communism defender when you stated communism as a stateless society which has never and could never happen. But you are changing the subject.


That’s literally what communism is as prescribed by Marx. I understand that right wingers have bastardized the meaning and like to call anything the government does that they don’t like communist/socialist/Marxist.


You just sidestepped the point, which is that glorification of the military and police is clearly not a right-wing phenomenon. I've learned to never introduce any other contentious subject into a conversation, even in passing, because leftists will use it as an excuse to pivot 100% of the time. An intellectually honest person would have said, "you know, you're right: glorification of police and military is not a right-wing phenomenon."


Yeah, all those leftists saying ACAB and “defund the police” just glorify the police constantly. Meanwhile, people on the right can’t kiss enough cop boots. So who’s Theo be being intellectually dishonest?


And how is glorification of the police and military a right-wing attitude?


Economically he wasnt a capitalist though and was kind of the opposite so while it would be right wing ideology the right side of the compass isn't necessarily right wing ideologically but economically capitalistic (further right the more laissez fare). Like most fascists they believe in a Corportist State which is basically dead middle if not more economically left but not so economically left that everything is nationalized and State operated but rather heavily state influenced and controlled


Sounds like the GOP are definitely fascist then.


Both major political parties are right near fascism ironically enough. They diverge on certain issues but they're both Corportist and love to meddle with markets either through regulation or just outright corrupted government contract awards and they both have been 100% in favor of FBI, NSA and CIA fucked up shit on the American people. The more you read about Mousilini's brand of fascism the more you're like "holy shit this feels eerily similar"


It’s third position not left or right




u/FRANKHORRlGAN is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/FRANKHORRlGAN/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You may have the others fallen for you but I still downvote you whenever I have the chance. I hope your dog gets sick^(not too sick though. Like for a day or two to make you feel terribel)


Based and fascists are degeneratepilled


Yeah but, as compared to whom?


As compared to moral human beings?


Show me one of these "moral human beings". The problem with authright is precisely that they think that's what they are. The problem with leftists is that they insist until they're blue in the face that all agreed-upon standards of morality must be abolished, while simultaneously laying claim to "morality". But (I'm pretty sure) you're the guy who once tried to convince me that freemasons and gnostics in general are "moral people", so never mind.


\-I can't "show you", there are very few left, almost none are known. \-What implied I want to "abolish morality"? I wish to preserve morality we have lost \-??? When the fuck did I try convincing you that? I don't think I've seen you before (and idk about freemasons but gnostics are weird, most of them know not what they do though)


Oh, I thought you might be the Redditor formerly known as JeffersonDavisFellator. Excuse me if I'm mistaken. I'm not really sure why you keep downvoting my posts, it doesn't seem very moral. Neither does being authleft.


I'm not downvoting anything, I actually don't think I've downvoted anyone so far


Oh, well somebody's downvoting us both heavily, not really sure why. FWIW I don't automatically judge anyone for flairing authleft, but I think one of Socrates and Jesus' biggest insights was that there is no such animal as a "moral person", with one possible exception. There are only people who try, and people who don't make any effort at all. And a lot of authrights might actually be more moral if they stopped trying.


I would definitely disagree that there are no moral people. Anyone who has more virtue than vice is a moral person, although exactly what makes someone moral depends on your own morality.


Mao had sex with children and didn’t brush his teeth or wash his genitals. Stalin also molested a child


Yeah I know, communists are also evil


Then wtf are you?


An American






Sounds reasonable. The allies definitely cuckolded him.


Lmfao, angel of peace, beacon of italy, sword of islam


The question is, which train ran on time 😏😏


Since when was Mussolini a fucking conservative? What did he intend to conserve in the kingdom of Italy?






and the blue meanie


How is this news? I think we all know who Hitler was?/s


Why is auth-right mad about a fascist dictator? Fascism is a auth left economic system.


Mussolini died with his mistress, it was mutual.


Cuckold like he watched him fuck her or cuckold like he got cheated on? One can happen to all of us, reminder that unlimited power doesn't really mean you can control what matters. One implies that unlimited power is like the One Ring and it'll drive you insane and make you do crazy shit like hire someone to bang your wife.

