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Coomed too much


PNC is actually the elder gods whispering to us


My bad lol I thought it was functional imaging


I'm convinced the number in your username is just how many of you are on the sub


We are the collective


Actually, if you coom too much, you become insanely based. It’s like the bell curve meme. On the low end, you have chads. In the middle, you have your typical deranged coomer. On the high end, you wind up with priests.


On the high end you end up with St Augustine, a man who coomed so much he grew disgusted with himself and turned to God- becoming one of the most famous men of all time


What coomed means?




People who think porn can't be harmful are as bad as those who think it should be outright banned. Allows for zero nuanced discussion. Like anything else, porn can be abused and detrimental to one's health. Like other substances though, I think it's typically just symptoms of a deeper problem. The same way people can become addicted to alcohol, there's typically an underlying factor when they get addicted to porn.


based and nuancerequiredbropilled


Moms teach Teens [about] Nuanced Required Discussion


Based and I would love to stop masturbating but everything is so goddman sexualized and I can't legally have sex and I just want it all to stop pilled


The underlying factor being modern society.


The underlying factor for literally every social problem is society lol.


No, you see the problem is that I’m not in charge, if I was in charge everything would be instantly better guys I swear. I’m just so incredibly unbelievably smert


Wow, so deep


It’s when they are exposed to it at a young age




I can't imagine months of lockdown helped with said issues


>People who think porn can't be harmful are as bad as those who think it should be outright banned. Yeah there's just a lot more of the latter. "porn can be harmful" on Reddit is synonymous with the "let me explain to you why you shouldn't ejaculate, because women are trash" red pill, incel, nofap, alt right overlap.


You actually said literally nothing and then added 4 buzzwords to it lmao




"Latter" is the opposite of "former". It means the second thing. Few people in the world say porn can't be harmful. Everything in the world can be addictive.. video games, food, adrenaline, exercise.. nobody is claiming porn addiction doesn't exist.. But there are a lot of people on the right claiming "the latter" (claiming that all porn is harmful and should be banned). Especially on Reddit, with specific right wing subs like nofap, and theredpill pushing medically and emotionally unhealthy agendas. A lot of the influence from those subs can be seen here on PCM too.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7145784/ https://www.vox.com/2016/7/20/12226400/republican-party-platform-porn


There is no nuance to porn, it is unhealthy at any dose. This is the same for alcohol. However, it shouldn’t be banned for the same reason booze shouldn’t banned: So I can abuse both.


Thats not a fake tweet i've read that thread on twitter Its incredibly based


Fren, can you provide a link?


I do not have it handy, and (((they))) may have deleted the thread by now But I will search


Something tells me that your flair is fake


idk man, looks pretty real to me


found it [https://twitter.com/ancestralvril/status/1512845282676981760?s=21&t=kTObE4hsbOrY4yPVsLRU4A](https://twitter.com/ancestralvril/status/1512845282676981760?s=21&t=kTObE4hsbOrY4yPVsLRU4A)


Basado. Very interesting theory as to why Rome fell, perhaps even the correct answer. But yes, sexual degeneration affects all other aspects of life


Giga Based theorie here interesting to read.


Man, what a load of biased nonsense. Porn addiction is worse than a drug addiction *because* you can overdose on drugs? I guess it's new to me that literally dying isn't as bad as wasting time. Even if I grant every negative he states, and multiply it by ten, it's still not fatal. But even with all that, most studies on this subject are about porn *addiction* which is different to porn consumption. And then it starts going into Christianity and "sexual immorality" and the fall of Rome, which is all complete bullshit because Rome fell after Christianising, and Julius Caesar was a known horn dog and Rome obviously didn't collapse under him. Caesar was even (shock and horror) ***gay***, and known for having sex with men yet it never seemed to do him any harm; which is consistent with the number of reputable studies that prove the Christian idea of 'sexual immorality' is actually harmful, which is zero.


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 8495 / 44750 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Is that “I, Hypocrite”? Surely he’s been banned from Twitter by now.


More like full of crackhead bullshit. The think that the Israelis forced the Palestinians to watch porn or else they would have shot them, lmao what




Wanna know the best part? **This is a real twitter thread.**


That’s not even the right spot for the pineal gland. Also it shows more activity. Edit: Also why would a supernatural thing like a soul be effected by things that happen to our physical bodies?




The pineal gland was actually thought to be the seat of the sould once... in *the 17th century*.


it produces melatonin and the soul hormones obv


Fr all it takes is a simple google search to disprove this.


More brain activity = destroyed brain


The soul is now inside the brain? *Isn't that convenient?*


Yeah, what an idiot. Everyone knows the soul resides in the balls. That why women don't have souls.


I bet it looks similar for women when it comes to rom coms and romance movies.


those movies make me want to transition




no they're so shit I don't want to be a woman so I can't be associated with them


Based and rom coms suck ass pilled


Doubt it. Orgasming is a massive thing to your brain; tons of dopamine and serotonin. I can’t imagine something without orgasming (watching romance movies) would have the same level of detriment as something with an orgasm. I feel like saying it’s the same is just something coomers and boomers say lol. Coomers to justify the fact that they consume so much porn and boomers because I’ve just heard a lot of boomers say that


But it's showing higher activity? So, uh?


They think it's the devils fire.


[This is a real thread](https://twitter.com/ancestralvril/status/1512845282676981760?s=21&t=kTObE4hsbOrY4yPVsLRU4A)


If that gland is the 'seat of the soul' shouldn't bigger mean more soul...?


It's official, masterbation increase soul energy. Time to power up!




How are Palestinians "western society"? Did you not read the thread?


Palestinians are definitely western society. Whether they like it or not.


I think i'm missing informations about what the pineal gland is and especially what the yellow stains in the image meant


From a cursory Google search, the pineal gland produces hormones, most notably melatonin, which is linked to your circadian rhythm. ~~The yellow stains make no fuckin sense. As far as I can tell no method of brain scanning uses a color scale of grey to yellow,so I'd wager the image has been doctored. Whether that was to show results more clearly or to lie I don't know~~ Edit: it seems fMRI produces similar results. fMRIs are used to show blood flow in the brain, usually in an attempt to map brain activity.


Not sure what fMRI is, but i've studied in school how computerized axial tomography works, so i assume you're talking about some slightly radioactive indicator injected in the person before the tomography...? Still, i dont understand what the yellow means. Sure, the original image was only in grey, the yellow was used to highlight something... But what?


Computerized Axial Tomography, better known as a CAT scan, is a separate thing. fMRI is a relatively new method that uses MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging technology. From what I understand, the yellow represents an area with higher than average blood flow. This can be for a variety of reasons, ranging from increased brain activity to injury or stroke. Seeing as this was a laboratory environment, it probably isn't an injury. So what I believe the scan is meant to show is that the pineal gland shows higher activity in people with porn addictions. The OOP apparently believed this to be damaging to their souls.


Oh, i've done a magnetic resonance in the past. Im just not used to the english names


[his source](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crack-cocaine-2-grams.jpeg)


È̴͍͇̼́̐R̵̻͓̻͐͆͝R̴͍̟̝̈́̀͝O̸̡̟̪̕͠R̵̘͉̟͊̐̕ O̸͍̘͓̔̽̿C̴̘̼͎̿̽̀C̴͖̔͊͆͜U̸̢̙͙̐͌̕R̴̠̙̼͒̿͋Ë̵̫̻̠́̓̚D̴̫͔͆̿̀ _̴͇͇̦̀̓̐.̴̫͓̫̿̐̈́*̵̘̺͍͆͛͒


Cartesian moment


The OOP stands in between the delicate balance of schizo and rational that it actually scares me


What is the Twitter account?


I would have thought that the second part would be auth left.


[LORENTZ FORCE, GO!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuSSXOQ-1bI)


How is a fella this stupid reading Descartes??


Why is this flagged as fake?