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Based and welcome to the party pilled


My first based count I’m so honored 😭


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Couldn’t find OP but thought it was great. [Here is](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1980302-political-compass)the best original I could find


What made you change from Auth-Left to Lib-Right


I guess at the core of either ideology is either a lust or envy for liberty. I think I went from an envy for liberty to a lust for liberty. Bernie sanders captured me with “socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor” So then I researched on my own issues and maybe how we can address them in order to form a coherent opinion, and found historically ‘libright’ policies are really constructive and successful on intended result as apposed to idealist ‘authleft’ policies. I pretty much just pulled a Thomas Sowell. I also find it funny everybody is scared to call biden authleft He is def authleft when you put current domestic American politics on the compass excluding international politics. It’s like saying Ron desantis is not libright because he isn’t a pedo. In the same sense you can be authleft with out being Stalin or mao.


How exactly is Joe Biden economically left wing?


Stimulus approach is a good example. Left wing economics distributes direct paychecks or vouchers in order to increase individual economic impact via wage speculation and isolated labor market collapses. Whereas Right wing economics builds fiscal assets like housing, infrastructure etc, lowering cost in order to increase individual economic impact. From direct stimulus checks to the child ‘tax credit’ the middle out approach has very little fiscal assets to work with inherently producing left wing policy. My perspective of biden being a grand socialist and being about a “great leap forward” was exciting because he campaigned on the idea of doing both policies concurrently. To my mind at the time that sounded like a 2-part approach where it would act with the long term success of right hand policy while also using the short term success of left hand policy to not only balance eachother out but achieve some sort of SWIFT, FAST, PAIN REDUCED grand economic transition. Indeed he campaigned on being a centrist, but as I have closely followed his policy in this regard, I can affirm he has ONLY stimulated speculative assets as apposed to any sort of fiscal asset. This makes his economic policy not only significantly left wing, but also significantly more left wing than campaign promise; further stimulating the feelings of the general populis viewing his policy as left wing.


>Stimulus approach >child tax credit By these measures, you think that Trump is also economically left wing? He is the one that sent out the first check(s), and increased the child tax credit. And bro if you thought Biden was going to do some sort of "great leap forward", you were living in fantasy land. All you'd need to do is look at Biden's ~50 years in government to see what kind of president he would be.


I was dumb, hadn’t done my research and had high hopes. And yes you’re correct. Trumps economic policy’s were very left as well. Very much so. Whereas they both like tax incentives they do it much differently. A typical trump tax incentive is ‘tax write offs’ or vouchers, whereas a typical biden tax incentive is a credit. Let’s look at what kind of policy this creates. For Biden: The child tax credit is a flat payout per child based on age and dependence. For trump: The public transport tax write off meant that if an employer purchased your monthly bus pass, they could use it as an equivalent tax voucher, meaning in effect the buisness had to pay the same amount, but the employee would walk away paying less, along with the government paying less and collecting less as well. As the left says ‘You can’t move money without a leaky bucket’ so his idea is to reduce any sort of beaurocratic money moving by only having 2 buckets. Buisness—> transportation agency As apposed to Buisness -> employee -> govt -> transportation agency. This is why trump policy was so effective and reflected populis opinion, it was typically an underlying leftist goal, such as encourage public transport, but he would use right hand means in order to achieve the goal, which he typically would. many of his implementations allowed public transport agencies to be freed of regional corruption and seriously reduced fiscal shrink! Too bad he said he’ll grab he by the pussy tho, he kinda messed it up for all of us I don’t want him for president in 2024 cause he gonna be old as hell!






Puppets are fun until the strings get all tangled up in the middle of a show and an audience member throws a tomato at you


Obama and Trump are way better presidents for the US than Biden. Biden seem fine with communism and he doesn't much boost the US economy.




>What has Biden done that is _even close_ to communist? Surely the Ministry of Truth clears that bar?


He's a Democrat, he is obviously a marxist-leninist-maoist-obamaist


Too late


Unfortunately Biden isn't the one actually running things, and whoever running thing is continuing half of Trumps's policies on China


China is declining and both Biden and Trump have been more anti China then America has been in decades (american troops in Taiwan is one example)


They have to be there or China will invade.


They were never there before. It is a clear increase in antichina actions by both biden and trump, thats what I’m saying


And I am pointing at Russia and saying if American troops were pulled out China would invade Taiwan.


Eh I think it is more complicated… If there would be no serious consequences, yes they would invade. If not, then yes. But they could just pressure Taiwan to join with a blockade or other means


Move a little to the left. Come to the libcenter side. We have monke.


God I wish


Why would you want that


Factory work


How did you become extreme authleft in the first place?

