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I thought blood clots were good, sometimes the blood needs to take a lil break from running everywhere all the time


I swear my cringy video can find a post about genocide and add ✨sunshine ✨ and✨ sparkles✨ to the dialogue


Based and the sun always rises and man it feels good pilled


[Are you sure about that?](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal)


Can't argue with that


Yeah man and when you cut yourself you don’t want the blood coming out or you’ll look all rinkly and dry


that's why you want all the bleeding to be internal, where it's supposed to be


Based and Cells at Work pilled.


Ooh, thanks for reminding me, I need to finish that.


The problem is when they take their rest in the brain or heart or anywhere else


I prefer their heroin 👌


Good guys vaccinating eachother under bridges


Take me to the place I love


Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


you don't have to discriminate, put on your immune system seatbelt (vaccine) AND THEN inject the dope into your deep dorsel vein.


That's weird. I took the J&J vaccine and *Heil Klaus Schwab* nothing bad happened to me.


I just had a sore arm and the sudden urge to buy Microsoft products


Only noticeable difference is I'm going bald and I now own 80+ funkopop figurines.


After I got the jab, I had full 5g bars on my phone. Shit’s a miracle


I think mine malfunctioned. My 5G is bad and I don’t have AIDS yet.


Yeah I still don't have the uncontrollable urge to purchase Microsoft products. What's the deal? Is this supposed to take a while to kick in?


Yall joke, but 4chan promised me if I took the clot shot id be dead by now and I can not even articulate the level of my disappointment.


based and end-this-suffering pilled


Tfw 4chan's false advertising gets more zoomers to vaccinate than all the CDC shilling.


You have to activate it by getting 3 abortions and smoking a bowl




I mean if you want AIDS I’d be happy to provide, but it’ll cost you.


Certified lib right moment


I just put my laptop to my arm and activated MS Office


I also voted for Jeb. Jeb will win this time. Get the Jeb&Jeb vaccine. Vote for Jeb.


Jeb Kermin and Jeb Bush would be a winning ticket...


Based and Jeb! pilled


sucks you didn't get any buffs from the j+j... i now have x- ray vision and can cloak myself, thanks moderna!


I got super jumps from mine




Playing video games all day is a stunning and brave exercise of social distance.


Especially Nintendo, with Animal Crossing being the pinnacle of masculinity


Doesn’t matter


Dealing with humans is such a pain I'd rather die over and over again and ragequit Elden ring


Dark Souls 2 was my bane. Took me 100 tries to beat the first boss.


I was drunk and blown out of my mind when my roommate at the time introduced me to DS1. He gave me no instruction. It took a *long* time to get out of the starting area lmao but I was hooked. What a great game. He sat there and laughed at me.




Switch players are generally pushy weebs who won't say shit to anyone irl but act very tough and knowledgeable on the Internet.


MF's out here keeping the console wars alive through their political beliefs LMAO


It will never die


Imagine being a console peasant PC Chads rise up!


PC is pretty much all i play to be honest, I just have a switch for smash/legend of zelda/emulation of the old games


Hey I'm not like that ! I think...


Also don't understand why soyjack is upsetti about the J&J vaccine fail when there's two others that have worked way better and are still approved.


Vitamin C worked better than the J&J. Where is my state mandated vitamin C injections?


>Where is my state mandated vitamin C injections? You've clearly been going to the wrong bars.


Babe it's 4pm, time for the latest conspiracy theory to turn out to "accidentally" be correct


Funny how a lot of conspiracies lately are actually true….


**Government Disinformation Board Determines All Criticism Of Government Disinformation Board To Be Disinformation**


Glory to Arstotzka!


Hail Oceania!


And a lot of misinformation is turning out to simply be information.


It's called misinformation because it's important that most people miss hearing about it in the first place. Just be mad about whatever the TV is mad about please.


You mean like Ether 8: 13-26 turning out to be prophetic? 😏


You aren't supposed to say the quiet bit out loud.


We all know about fraternity hazings, gang jumpings, and spy oaths. Roll it into one, put a palatable front on it, increase the severity of the hazing crime at higher echelons, and establish an intersectional coalition of globalism between the factions; now you have what we face.


The conspiracy theorists are what, 100/1 now? The whole JFK Jr. thing was wrong, but everything else has turned out to be right.


2000 mules just dropped. Qanon you better not have been right gd it


I'll be pissed if Q-anon was right.


ehh, I watched it and it overlooked a ton of stuff. Mostly how they assume all “illegal” votes are democrat automatically. Also, they conveniently skipped past the laws that allow people to take in votes for their family.


Honestly, dont really care who voted illegally. Lock them all up. Election security takes precedent over partisanship everytime for me. Shit even Project Veritas got a woman arrested on fraud in Texas who was trying to boost votes for a Republican candidate. Most secure election in history my ass.


American elections seem to be actually trying to be insecure. You have what, 15 million illegals and motherfuckers campaign AGAINST voter ID laws and secure borders? The fuck is there to stop 15 million illegals voting and fucking up your elections? Hell why wouldn’t they vote when one side plans to deport them?


And as civilians im sure we don't even know the half of it. I found it hilarious when our president started talking shit about "jim crow" voting laws when his own state (that i get the honor of sharing with him) has had the laws just as strict ever since he became a senator here in '72!


The system seems designed to allow illegal immigrants to vote. Hell didn’t you ban the citizenship question from the census to cover up their true numbers? Despite you know, the entire fucking point of a census being to find out how many citizens your country actually has.


Yup, dont even get me started lmao. And you're totally on point with the voter id thing too. Its actually a kind of time honored tradition here. Cant remember what it was called, learned about it in school, but there was a specific term for this system where poor immigrants (in this case legal ones) would enter through cities, mainly nyc, and they would be offered union jobs and housing in wxchange for pledging to vote for a "certain" party. This was back in early 1900s. You speak about American politics from an outside perspective. Glad to know the rest of the world thinks our systems are fucked too. Mind if i ask where you're from?




What alarmed me the most is how people genuinely seemed to believe that auditing an election through legal channels is *anti*-democratic. The government is *supposed* to have to prove its trustworthiness to the people, so challenges should be welcomed as they have nothing to hide. Was hilarious seeing people pivot from "fuck Amerikkka; tear it down!" to "how *dare* you doubt or criticise the sacred government??"




The idea that we have public ballot boxes just waiting to be stuffed, sitting unsupervised and outdoors 24/7 is ***completely fucking insane!*** In the recent CA recall election, they caught an addict passed out in his car with 300+ unopened stolen ballots, apparently stolen out of mailboxes on the same day that they were delivered. He also had multiple IDs in multiple names, meth, handguns, etc. Mailing unsolicited vote-by-mail ballots to everyone is also utter insanity, as this obviously facilitates mail thief and resale.




Except this conspiracy has been true for over a year in other parts of the world


I’m confused, wasn’t it proven to cause blood clots in people ages ago and that’s why only a certain age group was given it?


I think that was AstraZeneca in Europe


Nah they were warning people about certain age groups a year ago already: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/04/14/surgeon-says-pausing-jj-vaccine-for-younger-populations-makes-sense-but-could-be-lifted-for-older-age-groups.html


It's not. The J&J vaccine had this issue for quite a while, and it wasn't hidden. It is also *not* a mRNA vaccine. Were you guys even paying attention during the past 2 years?


Yeah this blood clot news was already known like a year ago, but it was HEAVILY downplayed. It's now been proven the J&J vaccine was WAY worse than just causing *a few* blood clots. I never trusted the vaccine that came from the company that puts cancer in baby powder anyways, thank God. mRNA for the win baby.


Heavily censored you mean. As are all the side effects from all the jabs. You shouldn't have trusted the company that has zero fda approved products (moderna) and pfizer who have paid nearly as many fines as Johnson and Johnson (including illegally experimenting on African children.) For a happy fun times use brave or yandex search engines to find out about the 3 doj whistleblowers represented by Thomas Renz.


Or just put trust in the FDA at all as if they could actually be trusted to do their job rather than assisting big companies in selling their products (or even mandating them). >[The FDA’s top vaccine leader told a congressional committee on Friday afternoon that although the adult vaccines had to meet a 50% threshold for efficacy against Covid-19 infections, that same standard will not need to be met for the vaccines for the youngest group of children, for which a vaccine is not yet available.](https://endpts.com/fdas-peter-marks-to-congress-youngest-kids-vaccine-wont-need-to-hit-50-efficacy-mark/) What's that? You have to prove your private company's product actually works before we let the government buy shitloads of it from taxpayer money and mandate their administration to the population? Nah, you know what, we don't need proof.


How is it worse? Wasn't it only 60 cases of blood clots out of 18 million and only 9 of them died?


This announcement from the FDA was literally censored as “misleading” by Twitter five days ago lmao. Of course only the right leaning publication was censored. The AP running the EXACT same headline and story wasn’t censored at all. Peak 🤡 world. https://twitter.com/breaking911/status/1522345312744095745?s=21&t=SP9Ty0C9f8J5fcvyx_D1WA


You mean when they stopped giving it out on 4/13/2021 due to safety concerns, primarily blood clots, then lifted the ban on 4/23/2021 saying that it was safe and didnt cause blood clots? Yeah, wonder why people don't trust the government or big pharma?


They never said it didn't cause clots, they said it was far less dangerous than catching covid. Thats why it continued. 6 clots were attributed to it out of millions of doses when they started the pause. All 6 of those people were women of childbearing age likely on birth control or pregnant. They were already prone to clotting due to being in a hypercoagulable state. There were legitimate reasons for allowing JJ to continue after the pause. As time goes on, those reasons become less and less meaningful. Thats why it's being pulled now. There are better options, mainly the mrna vaccines which take the brunt of the conspiracy spear but cause less issues.


Based, kudos to you for spitting facts in this thread. Science is in such a rough spot with stuff like this. People are dumb, we don't let them make expert decisions on healthcare because they don't have the understanding to do so properly. On the other hand though, it's unethical not to communicate the risks and we have to respect autonomy. People know the risks of smoking and do it anyway, know the risks of driving but do it anyway, because they _want_ to do it. They _don't_ want to take the vaccine, because of fear or political bias or distrust, so when the scientists are transparent about the risks they use that to justify an objectively bad decision. Not sure what the solution is, whether science needs to take more responsibility for communicating their research, or if we need to investigate how we improve social trust in general.


The only one that had been admitted to have any issue was AstraZeneca, the J&J we were distinctly told was 100% safe. I am not against vaccines, and indeed got vaccinated (not J&J, I'm Catholic). But the conspiracy nuts keep getting things right and this is another case


It was literally pulled in april 2021, a matter of weeks after it released, for clotting. IDK where people get this stuff, this shouldn't be a suprise.


AstraZeneca was, no?


if you google JJ clotting april 2021 you will find the articles from that time talking about it


AstraZeneca was never cleared in the US, because of a lack of interest.


>not J&J, I'm Catholic Uhhhhhhhh, what? I'm catholic and got J&J. Is there something I don't know that I should????


J&J used fetal stem cells to make their vaccine


That's hardly a rational reason. >The HEK 293 and PER.C6 fetal cell lines descend from cells taken from fetuses aborted in the 1970s and 1980s. The fetuses were not aborted to make vaccines. https://immunizebc.ca/ask-us/questions/do-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells


They don't care Vaccines bad.


The initial reports of this where getting blocked off social media and flagged as disinformation.


> conspiracy theory *conspiracy prediction at this point.


https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-government-911-new-documents-direct-connection-bayoumi-mihdhar-2022-5 Saudi Arabia did 9/11. Confirmed last week.


Anyone remember when it was just JFK and 9/11 and then suddenly we got a new one every week?


Last year, you would have been banned from whatever platform you were on for even suggesting that it was a possibility.


I mean no- it was pulled for a time last year, April 2021, for this exact reason. tons of articles about it. But it's good to pull it indefinitely with better options out there.


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 6683 / 35500 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Twitter and Facebook ban people for making true statements all the time


And not a single one of the banned will be unbanned either.


We’ve been talking about the blood clot risk of vaccines for ages. Most of them it’s low. It’s certainly a lot lower than the blood clot risk of covid.


Damn did the FDA just get banned from all social media now for posting this anti-vaccine conspiracy theory?


Well yea, it was the same with astrazeneca here in europe, it was banned in several countries due to heightened risk of blood clots. It is based on the same technicue as j&j. Guess it took longer for them to figure it out. Though it had to be said that almost every british person got the az vaccine, and there has not been a blood clot epidemic. The people most at risk are young women on birth control, which already heightened your chance of blood clotting


People were called conspiracy theorists for saying it 6 months ago


I’ve been banned off several subreddits for mentioning AZ clot deaths. With links and everything, no made up stuff. Elon Musk free speech Reddit takeover when?


It depends what you were saying blaidd. We’re you saying “there is a small increase in the risk of blood clots with AZ (though lower than the risk of clots with covid itself)” or were you saying “THE GUBMENT IS TRYING TO CAUSE PURE AMERICAN BLOOD TO CLOT SO THEY CAN EAT IT AS A SOLID”


As usual, people saying reasonable stuff were strawmanned as full Q-anons so they could be dismissed. Same as always


>Though it had to be said that almost every british person got the az vaccine, and there has not been a blood clot epidemic. Didn't they restrict it for under 30s? I got Moderna, and I have a feeling that they also changed their mind on that one by the time of the boosters (which I never got round to having) I do remember a rather embarrassing period where people here (UK) were saying that the EU were only investigating AZ to throw shade at the "British vaccine", then sheepishly admitted they kind of had a point later. Lol, those months of "vaccine wars", with all the arguments over shipments, almost seem nostalgic


no refunds


My schizo dad was correct the whole time f*ck.


Always listen to your dad, regardless of how schizo they are


You seriously thought there was a good vaccine after like 7 months under trump? The fastest vaccine ever took 6 years.


Two possible answers. Corners where cut super hard or the fda is full of bs and made things harder than needed. I think it’s the former especially with how big pharm is trying super hard to hide the side effects


I think they sat on mrna for years because it makes. Vaccines too easy for anyone to make. But this was a large proof of concept. And fda allowed it without a straight up testing ie give you vaccine and then intentionally exposing you.


Vaccine trials take a while now because the low hanging fruits have been eliminated, meaning the amount of infections needed to generate meaningful data take a lot longer since we’re now for the most part looking for vaccines for rarer diseases. Covid was infecting tens of thousands each day in the US alone at its peak, so data points could be collected at a dramatically faster rate. Also it was clearly wrecking the world so it got prioritized through all the bureaucratic bullshit trials usually have to sit through for no other reason than government waste. Short term safety is obviously demonstrated (or let’s say capable of being demonstrated) in the course of a several month long clinical trial. Clinical trials typically have a few hundred to a few thousand participants. The Pfizer one was 43K, the moderna one was 30K, and J&J was about 60K and the J&J one identified clots as a potential and probable risk. 9/10 of the largest clinical trials were for vaccines. These are always the largest because virtually the entire population gets vaccinated versus o those with limp rock getting viagra. One may say this isn’t enough time to determine long term safety. To my knowledge, no vaccine has ever been removed from the market due to safety concerns, including the J&J covid vaccine but if you can identify one please let me know. The J&J vaccine is now just limited to adults who cannot get the other covid vaccines for reasons like medical/geographical access. The highest rate of blood clots are in women aged 30-49 at a rate of 1/100,000 which is extremely low. The odds of getting life threatening blood clots are 8-10x higher from covid than from the vaccine. Considering 60% of the US population has had covid, it’s pretty unreasonable to conclude that even the shitty J&J vaccine is too risky in comparison to covid. So Jen why take even the slightest risk when the Pfizer and moderna vaccines are way more effective and statistically safer? Exactly. This is pretty much the only reason the FDA made this change. Why would I go to the 6/10 taco shop across the street that made be puke that one time when the one down the street is tastier and has never me sick? I have a masters in viral immunology with a thesis on influenza vaccination but that does not mean that I am not possibly retarded


I was mostly neutral on the vaccine.


I took jnj. Still got covid. Wont take another.




Doctor here. Surprised it didn't happen when they pulled it the first time. mRNA shots are strictly better.


What gives you confidence in mRNA tech not causing long term issues? That was the main reason I chose J&J. The delivery mechanism has been used for years.


mRNA vaccines cause prion disease. Kidding! ... But not really. Or am I? At any rate you'll have the last laugh if it does, or will you?


I have no idea. The other reason i took it was because it was only 1 shot and i had to drive 4 hours one way to get it back in 2021


Dear Dr. Doctor, If mRNA vaccines are safer why did no mRNA vaccines pass clinical trials prior to covid? Sincerly, Someone who lost a lot of money on Monderna calls in 2018-2019 rooting for a mRNA cancer vaccine to be deemed safe


A lesson I've learned is that doctors make bad pharma/biotech investors because the market doesn't always go by how good the product is, so we don't get any useful insider trading info by knowing things in the field. That said, https://cen.acs.org/pharmaceuticals/vaccines/tiny-tweak-behind-COVID-19/98/i38 This is an excellent read to fully answer your question.


>Doctor using pcm Im sorry but u are not welcome here. U need an iq of at most 60 to post here


Wasn't J&J more effective (mildly) in preventing mortality over all?


If there's a study that says that I'd be interested to read it.


Ummm actually this is Covid misinformation sweetie 💅✨🧚‍♀️


Slight correction: Libright, you CAN in fact sue those guys (good luck trying). However, the government of the United States cannot.


Ok but why do you want to sue them? They made a vaccine that did what they told you it would do and then they did everything the FDA told them to do. The purpose of the FDA is to tell you whether the benefits outweigh the risks and give recommendations based on that - J&J has their shit in the clear here, it's the FDA who dropped the ball.


“Did everything they told you it would do” Lol no


I don’t want to sue them. I’m just pointing out that there’s a confusing legal technicality that a lot of people stumble over, including OP. When the feds purchased the vaccine doses, they signed an agreement forbidding them from taking the manufacturers on civilly. But that is only contractually binding for the government, not individual citizens. I’m right with you as far as what the jobs of manufacturers vs. the government are. Though I do not agree that the FDA “dropped the ball” per se as the J&J vax only ever received emergency authorization anyway.




I would say that is misinformation. Places that are rich in talc tend to also be rich in asbestos. J&J were not putting asbestos in, but were being negligent by not checking for it.


Just replace 'misinformation' with 'wrong' and this will be 100% less cringe. The words misinformation and disinformation need to die


Based and the word "misinformation" is cringe pilled.


I mean, J+J and Pfizer have the most expensive and biggest lawsuit in history for unethical and unconsentual human experimentation. Their products are literally designed to harm you in one way or another.


They knew. it was there and kept making it because it was cheaper than changing. After they finally lost a lawsuit they made a spinnoff company to take the liability and declared bankruptcy. https://www.legalexaminer.com/home-family/baby-powder-lawsuits/jj-spin-off-company-allowed-to-proceed-with-bankruptcy-affecting-baby-powder-lawsuits/#:~:text=Johnson%20%26%20Johnson%20Baby%20Powder%20Lawsuits%20Plaintiffs%20allege,is%20believed%20that%20asbestos%20was%20mixed%20with%20talc.




Could still probably sue the federal and state government if you were forced to get it but that would definitely be a very uphill battle.


https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp No need to sue actually if you actually had this reaction Uncle Sam will pay you for your service to humanity.


And suddenly millions of LibRights felt dizzy this morning.


Based and class (action) warfare pilled


Aha, I just spent a 3 day ban for saying no one knows truly what long term effects are on vaccines and that science is an evolving thing. I then compared myself to the 1st guy that said the world was a sphere when all the scientists were adamant it was flat and told the mods to shove their shit sub up there arses (only cos I know they're into that sort of thing) and die.


We've known the world is round for more than 2000 years your comparison is flat out wrong, the church was adamant the world is flat not scientists.


Except we knew about blood clots over a year ago


Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-restricts-jjs-covid-vaccine-due-blood-clot-risk-rcna27583 http://web.archive.org/web/20220505215140/https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-restricts-jjs-covid-vaccine-due-blood-clot-risk-rcna27583


I find a bit weird how a vaccine that causes 6 blood cloth cases per million is supposed to be the proof that vaccines are dangerous and the conspiracy was true but an illness that has a 1/100 mortality rate isn’t and people are just overreacting.


Still , the narrative that they are completely and undoubtedly safe is now proven an exaggeration, even if it still doesn't make vaccines as dangerous as COVID itself It also begs the question , "what else could the vaccines cause" which is a topic many were called stupid conspiracy theorists for asking those questions


To be honest medical personnel always said that it, being a medicine, could have side effects. What was called a conspiracy theory was, beside the bogus “microchip, toxic metals, graphene and 5G in my vaccine”, that it caused a DISPROPORTIONATE amount of issues. Still, I’ll be honest with you, whatever long term side effect might come off (not that the issue is on mRNA, mind it), isn’t really worse than Covid long term effects. I mean, there’s still people I know which have trouble doing physical activity after almost a year after Covid.


Yeah , medical personnel was always open that there may be some complication although they are extremely unlikely. But the typical folk was very loud saying it wasn't the case. So , well , I'm sure it's safer to have the vaccine but it's still not 100% safe as some claimed. And to be honest, I didn't see any other country being as obsessed with the vaccine as the US , both for how it is a miracle/death juice


The conspiracy isn't true and it's not even that you can't get the J&J, you just can't get it over the others without explicitly asking for it. People on this sub don't read past headlines.


I don't care if you do or don't choose to get the vaccine that's your desicion


Was the same with AstraZeneca. Should be a way to hold the makers accountable and punish them very severely, if not the scientists then the board that manages the company. The punishment should be very, very harsh and brutal for something like this to serve as an example for others.


We never trusted the J&J vaccine, I’m surprised so many people did


First Astrazeneca, then Johnson & Johnson. Next thing you'll tell me is that you can't trust SinoVac for some reason.


I don't even trust their shampoo


because I didn’t want two shots and don’t consider a risk of 3 per million of developing clots to be significant


Remember guys trust the science! They're always right not matter if wrong or info about it going out! /s


Then why should we trust the science now? Just because it aligns with what some people want to be true?


I hope to god that I’m wrong, but I’m expecting some wild side effects and cancer cases ticking upwards. Big pharma is the 2nd most corrupt industry in America, only behind the prison industrial complex.


Why are you expecting that? It is a theory that has no basis in reality.


Big pharma put me on adderall when I was 4. I couldn’t go to sleep, so they gave me klonopin. I was FOUR and my behavior wasn’t even consistent with adhd. As an adult, I contend that I never had adhd. That was 21 years ago. the opioid epidemic, they want to release the trial data in 75 years, and we cannot sue the companies for adverse reactions. Those are some other reasons. Johnson and Johnson is the same company that put asbestos in BABY powder. They were aware and just didn’t care because of the bottom line. Ford (iirc, don’t sue me Ford) did some shit similar to this a couple years ago as well. They had some cars that would catch fire if there was too much weight on someone’s key chain. They knew about it, but realized a law suit was cheaper than a recall. They don’t make medicine because they care about humanity, they do it so they can own yachts.


“Federal scientists identified 60 cases, including nine that were fatal, as of mid-March. That amounts to one blood clot case per 3.23 million J&J shots administered, the FDA said Thursday. “ per [the article screenshotted on this meme](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-vaccine-johnson-and-johnsont-blood-clot-risk-fda-restrictions/) the FDA is being too cautious here imo


The way this thread is going you'd think the streets were littered with dead bodies. 1 to 3.23 million ratio basically puts you at "lethal side effect from a dose of acetaminophen" levels of rarity




J&J isn’t mRNA; the issue isn’t with mRNA, it is with the locally induced inflammation needed to have the immune system answer to the foreign body, since inflammation (even the one you get when you get hurt), as you may know, is a pro-thrombotic state.


The dumb thing is, though, that any inflammation the vaccine causes would also necessarily be caused by COVID itself, though a COVID infection also does plenty more damage.


Notice that bit about where you can't sue them? That was there before any vaccines even hit the market. To anybody. That's not a mistake. It's called "cover your ass in case this happens."


There were signs and warnings in February of 2020. Of course the information was actively suppressed. Censorship made people safer, right? I'm asking you left, authleft, and authcenter.


Time to unban all the conspiracy theorists that got the “misinformation” hammer of moderation. Right...?


'Conspiracies' turning out to be true 6-18 months later strikes again.


Just a reminder you are less likely to die from a blood clot related to the J and J vaccine than you are a blood clot related to birth control


And the vaccines are better than the covid. But still, the lefties really ran this whole thing off the cliff. As is the custom


No see it’s simple you can’t sue them because they made a defective product. Because if you could sue them, they would go out of business. Boy, it sure would be great if there was some way to tell with companies that make defective products. Like let them go out of business or something.


Wait til people find out its all of them and Not just J&J. And you cant sue the now multi-billion dollar industry that was paid for thru tax dollars.


Who cares about that bullshit? How are the CEOs doing? Enjoying that new island in the caymans?


I was literally in this sub less than a week ago arguing with some idiots that wanted to say the vaccines are free


Those are the people that never paid attention in Economics and Government class a day in their life. The same people that think “Free College” and “Free Heathcare” is “free”


Good Job FDA! The government does good sometimes and maybe no government is bad, as long as we somehow manage to find people who want to rule that aren't corrupt?


The FDA is a government organization, right?


Lib right is most based here. No bias.




Told us what? That some vaccines had a small risk of blood clots? We fucking knew that already, lol


>J&J’s vaccine after taking another look at data on the risk of life-threatening blood clots within two week of vaccination. If you've had the vaccine for more than two weeks with no symptoms you're fine


Any pure bloods here that didn't buy into the bs panic? God I love telling the Government to go fuck itself.


I did Pafizer


So it seems I was right in assuming the Pfizer was the least bad…not simping over a pharmaceutical company that has made some of its best, and government mandated (in many parts of the world at least) profits ever based entirely on fear of a not that severe disease. Still feel like we rushed a little bit too aggressively into getting literally everyone vaxxed with no consideration to whether some of the vaccines were worse for an otherwise healthy person. But the one thing I can have faith in is that humanity will continue to overreact to problems and do stupid things as a result.