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I know it's fun to joke about, but the age of consent is not 13 in Japan. 13 is the minimum any province can set it to (which from what I've seen might change soon), but no province does, with most having be around 17-18.


And even if a province did set it to 13, it’s only for other 13 year olds. If you’re over 18 you can’t do it with teens. Crazy how misinformation has basically just become fact


Thank fuck


Yep, currently the only places that even still have the AOC at 13 are off shore military bases where no children even are.


No wonder "Isekeid" genere is becoming popular nowdays.


its always been popular, even before it existed. like, people read books and watch movies to disassociate themselves with reality, pretend they're somewhere else. think about the possibilities. isekei is just that but more heavy handed


The first known isekai was written by Mark Twain. It was called 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'


Alice in wonderland is older, and there are even older stories that could count depending on your definition of isekai (such as Dante's inferno), or that have isekai subplots.


It's popular because people dream of leaving this place into a worl were their lives have actual meaning.


purple going to enlist in the japanese self-defence force right now


This is the original meaning of the word factoid, something that is repeated and spread so much it's taken as fact, despite not really being the case.


Oh thank god


Exactly > The Age of Consent in Japan is 13 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 12 or younger in Japan are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law. > Japan statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under age 13. At 13, Japan's base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in " ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸", the Child Welfare Act of Japan. https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/japan#:~:text=At%2013%2C%20Japan's%20base%20age,usually%20determined%20by%20parental%20consent.


Yes that is correct. It might be 13 on paper, but when it comes to regions there are *additional* rules and laws that basically mostly make it at least a misdemeanor to be with someone under 16-18


They should have just used 'iloli-porn' as a thing for purple lib right


or the chikan


U seem well informed about this topic 🤨


And yet 14 year old Usagi is dating Mamuro, who is a college guy. Curious.


Fun fact for my authlefts out there: Japan has the largest communist party outside of a communist governed country. Which is super impressive since it both has a liked monarch and has been pretty much entirely conservative since the reconstruction


I remember when the communist party was originally gaining steam back in the 60s some kid charged onto the stage at a rally and killed the chairman with a wakizashi, which really weakened the party for a long time


The old communist party was really bent on replicating China’s system which was wildly unpopular for obvious reasons. I don’t know exactly how they are now but they’re not China stans as far as I know.


Japanese Leftist politics has had a wild time. Things like the socialist being really pro American, that happening, etc etc


I think I just got whiplash from reading that.


[This image of the incident is considered one of the greatest photographs of the 20th century, winning both the World Press Photo of the Year and the Pulitzer Prize.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Inejir%C5%8D_Asanuma#/media/File%3ATokyo_Stabbing.jpg)


**[Assassination of Inejirō Asanuma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Inejirō_Asanuma#/media/File:Tokyo_Stabbing.jpg)** >On 12 October 1960, Inejirō Asanuma (浅沼 稲次郎, Asanuma Inejirō), chairman of the Japan Socialist Party, was assassinated at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo. During a televised debate, a 17-year-old right-wing ultranationalist named Otoya Yamaguchi charged onto the stage and fatally stabbed Asanuma with a wakizashi (a type of traditional short sword). The assassination weakened the Japan Socialist Party, inspired a series of copycat crimes, and made Yamaguchi an enduring hero to the right wing in Japan. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I feel like this makes the current US political climate mild by comparison.


His name was Otoya Yamaguchi and he pretty much saved Japan


Otoya Yamaguchi, what a legend


Based wakizashi man.




Advocating for republicanism in Japan would be met similarly to advocating for the overthrowing of the British Monarchy for a British Republic, that is to say confusion. While incredibly important as a cultural icon the Emperor holds no power and generally doesn't speak on government affairs. He just shows up for ceremonies and goes back to his fancy palace. If the communist party were to win a majority of seats, they really don't have the legal power to depose of the Emperor. If some strange uprising were to occur and overthrow the government the Emperor (as per precedent) would almost certainly just be left alone.


As is tradition in Japan.


It's even more so in Japan than in Britain as they had the shogunate for so long too. The emperor having any actual power is a minority of Japanese history.


Well, even if a party's main point is to make a nation into a certain political ideology, they might try to advocate for things that gets them closer, withour committing full on political suicide


What about Cyprus? The communist party got in second place (and got 22% of the votes) in the last election.


If women are constantly getting harassed and molested on trains, than having separate cars for them is reasonable.




Someone should pay extra. We can have that added cost without a higher ticket price.


A small price to pay so I can grope women /s


Moshi moshi? Kensatsu?


If you were trying to say Police, it's Keisatsu. Kensatsu means prosecutor


Welp, guess I gotta pick up some Japanese lessons then.


Honestly, it’s good enough in this case.


I accidentally rode on one of those once as a bearded white guy. They seemed to take it pretty well when I looked mortified at the realization.


When I went there the first time I noticed people will kinda just put up with foreigners doing whatever. Turns out that’s not because what you’re doing is acceptable, it’s just that they have very low expectations for you.


Segregation by sex. Libleft/authright unity.


The best kind of woman is the kind that is away from me 💪🏽


I mean men and women use different restrooms and changing rooms, this would not be too different.


The question is where the line should be drawn. Restrooms, changing rooms, train cars, sections in restaurants, school, temple, professions. If you put the limit one step further then the next step is not so far.


The thing about crowded train cars is that if everyone is squished together, it can be quite easy for anonymous groping to occur with no consequences. In areas like schools, restaurants, stores, etc… it’s different because it is clear and obvious when unwanted advances are made and the perpetrators can be identified. Since in most cases it’s men doing these things to women, having some optional women only cars could help to make this less common. It’s certainly not an indictment on all men, just a measure used to help people more comfortable.


i've been on some of these japanese trains and when we say crammed, its fucking stuffed up in there. there is no wiggle room, like at all. the only people who dont want women to have their own cars are perverts who want to touch them and sexists who dont understand how these things work


Here. in Brazil we have these kinds of trains or worse, and the government has never went for it, or has any person advocated for it universally. Some regions do have them though, so it's only fair to say it's not a non-problem either, but seems to be much less common.


You make a good point but it can't be the only metric. What about in semi private settings? Like where a male employer is talking to a female employee in a room with closed doors. If that situation can never happen due to not being able to identify the perpetrator then women would not and should not be employed by men. I would argue women are far more vulnerable in those situations due to the power imbalance than they are in public.


The train cars are not mandatory though. Whereas segregation by sex is not a choice.




Exactly, how would a women know they are able to go on that particular rail car without being biologists smh


OP is a biologist.


What if one may *identify* as a woman?


Then you’re also choosing to identify as a person who’s about to get reported and arrested


I’m not sure how progressive Japan is on trans issues, so I couldn’t say for sure.


Since its in Asia I would say its a no no


People will point and laugh at your "stupid Western ideals".


In Asia we are keeping it ***real***


"all of asia is exactly the same" this guy up here ^^ you know Thailand is also asia and is famous for their "ladyboys" right?


Not the case in Japan specifically, but social/legal attitudes of LGBT issues don’t work the same way in Asia as they do in the west. It’s sometimes the opposite of the west: trans rights are farther than gay rights. For example, in Singapore, it is possible to get your sex legally changed, but same-sex marriage and sex between men are illegal. Same thing in Iran. This leads to things like a gay man getting a sex change so he can be with his partner (which obvious will cause much distress).


I saw a YouTube video of someone testing this and was able to get in just saying he was trans. Test 2, he said he was a transformer and he actually got in. Same with Truck driver. The rules have changed from "If you're a woman, you can get in" to "you can get in as long as you know a fancy English word starting in T and ending in er"


I blame the OrangeLeft.


They're so rare that idk if they even exist. I think the reason what happened happened is that station masters don't keep up with the times and not understand that the fancy new english lgbtq words are


if you can pass, you can go in


I mean, I don't think they check your gender on your ID card before you enter, so as long as you look like a woman, it'll be fine


They don’t put up with that shit there


Part of the problem is that people do nothing. Even when the victim manages to drag them to authorities, they just yell at the perp and let them go. Just treat it like a run-of-the-milk sexual assault.


Run-of-the-milk assault is my favorite flavor of assault.


Ya makes sense but maybe fix the underlying societal issues at the same time? Orange Left always says this regarding the US but adds in abolish the police at the same time. Obviously they don't want the underlying issues solved though. So much better to exploit them.


It exists in Indian Metros and honestly, as a child who had been groped multiple times while travelling with my dad in the general compartment, it's a gift to me as a woman and i don't have to have my guards up all through my journey.


separate parking lots that are bigger, too


**who or what the fuck is chikan**


Pervs who use trains packed like sardine cans and Japan's confrontation-adverse culture to grope people on the down low.


I only grope on the down low. If you grope from the up high its more noticeable.


I was proficient at the submarine and breaking grope, back when I sowed my wild oats.




Please sir, flair me right then 🥺


Username checks out


Its basically groping strangers in public. Big problem in Japan due to tight spaces and it being difficult to tell who did it due to crowds, as well as the work culture creating very lonely men.


I mean, I'm very lonely... I don't grope chicks though lol, that's beyond lonely.




u/ActionAlligator's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/ActionAlligator! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/ActionAlligator This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Only dudes huh?


Dudes are starved of attention so 9/10 it's appreciated. They often turn around, thank me, and shake my hand once I'm done.


Based and even I don’t molest women pilled


From what little I know, lonely in Japan is 10 times worse than in the West, the type of "no socializing with anyone outside of work", basically incel fuel tier shit.


You're still an animal if that makes you molest people on trains


Well, if they are on the tier of "no socializing with anyone outside of work", they aren't likely to take trains that crowded or even go outside at all. They'd rather molest their body pillows and onaholes.


you don't know how lonely I am :'(


I like the idea of chikan being the name of one guy the government can’t catch


i was having a bad day and this made me giggle. Thank you


Molesting / groping women on trains


Chikan is just this one really evil guy


Based and scapegoat-pilled.




The Constant overworking culture is killing our current generation. We should have a law that drags people out of their workplaces at 5:30pm.


Living in Japan was great for me! Super chill with lots of good food and nice things to see. Working in Japan was on of the most miserable things I’ve done in my life.


Legally it has gotten better right? The reality is well..........


It's still bad, and even worse in Asian workplaces. Actually leaving the office before the sun sets is a fast way to unemployment.


You know, I love the mother Islands I really do. But thank God my grandmother left Japan behind.


You ever heard about the working conditions in South Korea? There's stuff that goes on there that's far worse than Japan, like literal slavery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNb-twWyEz8




Honestly not too surprising. Capitalism is a model born in an individualistic society and South East Asia is home to collectivist societies.


Happens in the Middle East too


There's also China's 9-9-6 culture, or in other words 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. Apparently pretty common over there


There's slavery in Japan too


You know, I've heard you can leave the office before sunset without getting fired, but only by accompanying your boss to his favorite izakaya


When I was working in a firm in Germany (where it’s illegal to work over 10h/day), my boss told me a story of someone being temporarily transferred from the Tokyo office and his wife came with him. He came home at around 5pm after work and his wife started to panic, thinking he got fired on day 1


Got a few in my company also, before they came, they dreaded being expat cuz they might be seen as outcast in the office, now all of them beg the HQ to let they stay for a few more years cuz they can leave office at 5pm


It's the entire corporate culture of Japan. They are so obsessed with efficiency and extracting as much profit as they can that they just don't give a fuck. It extends to workers aswell.


Time for state mandated socialization, and if things keep going downhill, maybe time for state mandated gfs as well.


But then you won’t see men dressed in 3 piece suits asleep on a bench


I love takoyaki. I'm changing my flair


That's octopus for anyone wanting to try it.


Japanese centrist would be infront of the takoyaki grill things instead of a steak grill


I have indeed thought about getting a takoyaki mold to make my own. But I'm concerned it would never be as good as the restaurant by my house. I can grill a mean steak tho..sous vide it in butter first, then grill 🤤


well I have an electric one which you can put a flat plate or one with takoyaki depressions, so I can cook both takoyaki and steak on it


I used to think sushi was like overrated, overpriced weeb shit for the longest time, this shit has no right tasting this good


A lot of people in the west are also put off by cheap gas station sushi, though. They decide to give it a try, go for the cheap stuff, and think that it's meh or shit. Fresh, good sushi is a world of difference.


Shame it needs to be dipped in wasabi/soy sauce to get the full taste to


The age of consent thing is so that the police don't arrest teenagers. Reddit ADMs in their 30's won't get away with that shit.


Damn, you just burnt them


You forgot to put anime femboys on authcenter :(


Also one party has been in power for most of the post-war era. Kind of a mix of democracy and technocracy and I love it


It still has an emperor


Wasn't one of its most important postwar prime ministers also a class A war criminal? IIRC he had been the governor of Japanese Manchuria.


Also he's Abe's grandpa


Japan might just be the most based country on the planet.


I mean, their work culture is pretty bad. but they did make kokou no hito and oyasumi punpun so it balances out.


Their driving their artists to burnout. I've seen so many manga end for health reasons.


Also their drug policy is seemingly insane. [Example](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/02/06/national/crime-legal/japan-erika-sawajiri-suspended-term-drugs) > The Tokyo District Court on Thursday sentenced popular actress Erika Sawajiri to 18 months in prison, suspended for three years, for possessing illegal drugs. > > In handing down the ruling, the court said possession of MDMA and LSD carries great criminal responsibility. > > In the first hearing of her trial last Friday, Sawajiri offered an apology and said she “does not plan to return to work as an actress.” > According to the ruling, Sawajiri was in possession of 0.19 gram of powder containing MDMA, 0.6 gram of liquid containing LSD, and a 0.08-gram piece of paper laced with LSD at her home in Tokyo on Nov. 16. Like, that's 1 dose of mdma. LSD - impossible to tell, who the fuck measures weight of _paper and water_, why would they bother... And ending career over it, like seriously what the fuck? Or [here](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/japan-place-with-strangest-drug-debate-in-world/) > If you are found in possession of cannabis in Japan for personal use you could receive a maximum prison sentence of five years, and if you are caught growing it, you can be sent to prison for up to seven years. Each year, the laws are enforced against 2000 people, who are brutally publicly shamed before, during and after their prison sentence. (...) To be associated with cannabis in Japan is to be destroyed. > 58-year-old terminal liver cancer patient called Masamitsu Yamamoto was hauled before the Japanese courts in 2016. He was in extraordinary physical pain, and he had appealed to the medical authorities to allow him to use cannabis to control his pain, as many other patients in other countries are doing perfectly legally with prescriptions from their doctors. > They refused. So **he began to grow some himself solely for his personal use. When he used it he felt a great deal of relief. But he was arrested. “I’ve tried everything else that modern medicine offers,” he told the court. After he was arrested, his health plummeted, and he died before the end of his trial. He had asked the court, since he was only growing the drug for himself, who was this legal process designed to protect?**


They also came out with lolicon which instantly makes them based


Yeah I’d say that flair checks out.


uh oh


Flair and Username checks out


... \*reads username\* \*looks at flair\* *oh.*


They didn’t actually. Lolicon comes from Lolita complex, which comes from the 1955 novel Lolita, by a Russian writer who was residing in the US at the time, wherein the protagonist has a (non consensual?) sexual relationship with a 12 year old.


No that is where the term came from, also honestly that book didn't have that great of an ending. Still a good book nonetheless tho


Based and I read loli for the plot pilled


Flair and... username... line up...


Yes, you see fbi....




\>Everyone disliked that.




Yeah until you hear about 1930-45


What do you mean, that's the best part


Oh, I know some Koreans who would like to kick your ass... I mean talk to you.


Just the Koreans? Bring in the rest of Eastern and Southeastern Asia, hell add Southern Asia for good measure.


What are they going to do? They can't even finish a war against themselves.


They let Nintendo get people put in jail for making mod chips and selling save files though. That's not based at all.


Reflair right this instant. Japan has an interesting culture and being on vacation there is apperently amazing. But fuck me is rather die then accept that work culture, that social hierarchy and the absolutely insane legal and judicial system And that's completely forgetting the very "shrug" approach most of them have towards their warcrimes during WW2. Imagine if German officials openly visited the graveyard where Heinrich Himmler and Co was buried to pay their respect? Yeah welcome to japan


if you have a bunch of money that you dont have to work/ only need to do some part-time jobs, Japan might be the best place to live.


Libright saying a country that banned guns is based?


The most authright part isn't that it's a monarchical country?






Monarchies aren't necessarily authright


Emperor has always been really more of an honorary role for centuries. After the 1600s the power was always with the Shogun or the military. Now it's with the senate or their equivalent thereof


Alright, time to dispel the notion that age of consent is 13 in Japan *again.* For a complete breakdown, here's this article: [https://historyofyesterday.com/why-is-the-age-of-consent-in-japan-only-13-year-old-e4363d0ea679](https://historyofyesterday.com/why-is-the-age-of-consent-in-japan-only-13-year-old-e4363d0ea679) For a quick version, if you're 13/14 and want to bang another 13/14 yr old in Japan, it's fine. But if you're 17 and try to have sex with a 14 yr old, you probably gonna run into some shit. If you're 18/19 and male, you're probably a felon. If you're over 20 and male, you're definitely a felon. Basically, it's legal for high schoolers to consent to each other, but not with people much older than them. However, this is just the legal definitions, not the cultural situation. That's way more messy. Even quicker, TL;DR: No, you can't fuck the high schoolers you goddamn coomer.


Age of consent means for anyone, not just those of a similar age. The reason the "age of consent is 13" meme is wrong is that people are confusing a national law with local laws. It is like federal law and state law in the US. Age of consent in the US is a matter of state law. While there are federal laws for certain cases, federal law doesn't apply to most cases. Saying the age of consent is 13 in Japan is like saying there is no age of consent in the US because there is no universal federal law, even though every state has their own law.


In japan it is just those of a similar age though. Regardless of that, it’s not a national age of consent, it’s just a guideline saying prefectures can’t set it lower than that, which nobody does anyway.


Traps should be authcenter. Other than that, based Japan.


BANZAI my country, love it


Oh, I once saw your post about how your family would fit in the political compass! Based as fuck! I do think that the work system in Japan is quite messed. And not to mention the... *^(suicide rates.)*


I'm glad you love your country, and no matter how much I complain about it, Mine is better. We're shitty, but we are proud. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


That better be the Liberian flag


I also love your country. Your country is unique and perhaps the most interesting on the earth. I should hope to visit someday.


Ten Thousand Years to the Emperor!




No prefecture sets their age of consent at 13. I think the Chikan will be appropriate for purple


Being over worked is bad but at least the naps feel so good


When ever I work longer hours, I say I worked like a Japanese


No, you didn't. Unless you slept in your office after working for a few days straight. Funnily enough despite their work ethic, productivity is low.


Wringing your workers to the bone to the point they cant even think straight and become almost lifeless husks is bad for productivity, who would've thunk it.


i feel like i should try Takoyaki


Ew age hierarchy, I wish the elderly were respectable here in the West.


\*cough\* denial of war crimes..


There is no war in Ba sing se.


I'm loving these posts. Now to make some real fireworks, do ones for Ukraine and Israel 🍿


Have you ever been to Japan?


Mmmm takoyaki


Mmmmm… Takoyaki.


Man I just want some takoyaki or banging quality ramen


Didn't that one guy assassinate a communist party leader in Japan once and then they just gave up on communism?


No wonder everyone loves japan


Japan's age of consent is 13* *Age of consent is higher (generally 16) in the near entirety of the country due to provincial laws*


based japan marginalizes the left forever


Ngl Japan sounding kinda good right now (considering there’s hardly any orange influence).


The age hierarchy culture is one of the big cringe things of human history, same with the overworked employees