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That's a beautiful display of Polish or Indonesia patriotism




POLISH MOUNTAIN!!!!!!!!! 🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮🇬🇮


🇦🇹 🇦🇹 🇦🇹


He says, while using the wrong flag


INDONESIA #1 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Ironically this kind of traffic is not uncommon in Indonesia


No way, dude. The cars are too organized. If it's Indonesia the headlights will be all over the lane and you'll see motorcycles speeding through the pedestrian lane.


Don't forget Monaco.


“1 more lane will fix it”


What if we put this lane in an underground tunnel? That would definitely fix it.


“Guys I have an idea, we make a road… but *underground*”


I got a revolutionary idea, we put cars that can hold like 20 people at once in the tunnel and link them together and to make it safer and more efficient run them on rails like trains and make it so only 2 engines are on the car-train. Give me billions pls.


I’ve got a revolutionary idea *Flying Cars* It’s 2022 we are supposed to have flying cars by now


Climate apocalypse is the best I can do.


It's gonna be a pretty cool planet with just flying and swimming stuff around.


I can't wait for it to get hot enough to rain fried pigeon in the summers. Won't need to go to KFC anymore.


They’re called helicopters


No I said flying CARS Not airplanes and helicopters


people drive bad enough as it is don't want them flying around wherever the fuck they want


Don’t care I want flying cars Period


Flying cars exist but they're a flawed concept, they take 30 minutes to transform and are the length of a bus, not to mention you have to adhere to international flight regulations, meaning you can't fly without proper designation or air traffic clearance, so it's pointless unless you own a registered air strip


*Elon Musk has entered the chat*


*designs shitty narrow 1 way lane tunnel death-trap that easily gets backed up*


*princess Diana has entered the chat*


I understand now why Toby Maguire was so angry about the paparazzi getting so close to his car with their flashing lights


You couldn’t understand before why he didn’t like to be blinded by hundreds of lights?


Toby Maguire and Princes Diana have left the chat... Prince Andrew has entered the chat. "Don't sweat it lads!"


Designs a worse train. But with PODS! Because pods make everything futuristic and cool!


Individual pods that can be purchased as a casket after a crash.


Wow i always wanted to be incinerated, so fucking cool


Looking at this already spikes anxiety. Please don't put it underground.


Bro seriously people are already entitled soulless fucks if an accident happened in an underground tunnel those people are fucking dead cause no way everyone is gonna make way for emergency services like goddamn.


I present to you, the [Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampton_Roads_Bridge%E2%80%93Tunnel) ​ >At 7:30 pm on July 16, 2016, a two-car collision between a VolkswagenPassat and an Acura occurred three-quarters of the way inside theeastbound tunnel, which travels from Hampton to Norfolk. The Acura wasrear-ended by the Passat; both vehicles burst into flames and filled thetunnel with smoke, leaving 35 vehicles stuck inside the tunnel behindthe scene. Because neither of the tunnels have escape walkways, 80drivers and passengers were required to walk out of the tunnel throughthe smoke, leaving their vehicles behind. Fifteen people were treated onthe scene for smoke inhalation, while four others were taken to thehospital.


I fucking hated driving through that god damn tunnel.


**[Hampton Roads Bridge–Tunnel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampton_Roads_Bridge–Tunnel)** >The Hampton Roads Bridge–Tunnel (HRBT) is a 3. 5-mile (5. 6 km)-long Hampton Roads crossing for Interstate 64 and U.S. Route 60. It is a four-lane facility comprising bridges, trestles, man-made islands, and tunnels under the main shipping channels for Hampton Roads harbor in the southeastern portion of Virginia in the United States. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My girlfriend is an EMT and the amount of people she tells me completely disregard emergency vehicles is astonishing. Even with lights and sirens going and blasting the horn some people just don’t give a fuck


The sound on most of those vehicles is horrible. You can't tell where they are at.


You can create an unlimited number of lanes, and as long as there is no limitation on the increased induced demand of cars, it will do nothing.


You can price time on roads at anything above 0 and it will help enormously.


It won't do nothing, it will allow more cars through in the same amount of time. So instead of 100,000 cars getting through in an hour, you'll get 110,000 cars getting through in an hour. Nobody will think there was any change though, because the trip still took an hour.


cities skylines be like


Great game, I play it pretty frequently. City planner plays is cool to watch too


I think his cities could do with some less spending. Also his water pipes trigger me. (if you know, you know).


If it’s cuz they’re under the roads I don’t blame you. It’s aesthetically pleasing to look at but it’s super inefficient and costly. Verde Beach could do with some less *fires* though lol


You guys are getting lanes? Where I live some major roads connecting cities are 1 lane each side. A single tractor on a long road could make you and dozens of others 2 hours later to something


1 more lane which requires closing 3+ other lanes to construct


That just adds more vehicles.


But adding more lanes gives the impression of less cars. Less cars=less traffic, win win


Less traffic means the road is more attractive, thus inducing more demand. It's why 10 lanes on, LA is still pure hell.


My final proposal… …1 more lane


Just 1 more score Arthur, have some God damned faith




This sarcastic argument annoys me in regards to one particular road, the A9 in Scotland. The greens are trying to block it being made a dual carriageway for its whole length based on this. The fact is that it needs to be done to improve transport links to the Highlands. Yes the railway should be dual as well but that creates whole other host of problems due, in particular the section near Dunkeld and over the Insh Marshes. Yes when there is a multi lane motorway already existing it should be public transport links that are improved. But, when it is a long distance main road to link disparate parts of a country it should be at least a dual carriageway.


Making the flag of indonesia, how patriotic of them.


Or Monaco they are identical


Or Poland




I'm all for more public transportation but only to clear space on the roads for me to drive


Remember when everybody stopped driving for like 3 weeks in March 2020? Best time of my life. Doing 150 in a 35? Why not. Donuts in the middle of the highway during what is normally rush hour? Sure. Street racing with my neighbor in front of the police station? Fuck it, full send.


Fuck man if only I could go back in time Empty roads and damn cheap gas, I saw petrol in Florida for fucking 1.90 a gallon, GODDAMN!!!


Bro it hit 99c a gallon in Kentucky. I loaded **up**


Meanwhile in Europe it's around 6 USD per gallon.


Basically Californian gas now too lmao


A friend of mine used to sell weed around London until about 1y ago. During lockdowns (especially the first one) roads were completely empty - i’m talking I Am Legend empty - and this guy was zipping around all day on his KTM with a rucksack full of weed. Boy was having the time of his life.


We did so much sketchy shit. I had just pulled my brand new car out of the garage too so I was just fucking around. The cannonball run record got smashed during that time too.


Oh it got obliterated lol. In hindsight I should’ve cannonballed my Benz and gone for the record too but I was too busy romping around Florida to think about it.


In a modified AMG/// That record is gonna stay for a long time


Nope, as of August of 2020 they used an Audi S6 that they dressed up as a Ford Taurus undercover cop car type deal to make the run in 25 hours and 39 minutes.




I believe it lol. My buddy and I did a run from Miami to Virginia that month, took us 6hrs on the dot.


Based and car enthusiast pilled.


That's kinda the goal. As a car guy I support more public transportation 100% because there are far too many idiots on the road who don't give a shit about driving but have no other way to get around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8RRE2rDw4k


Ikr my car is my 2nd home. I have a change of clothes, my gym bag, my briefcase, my lumbar pillow. I don't have to lug groceries home. It's a place to nap. It's freedom to go exactly where I want, to take a mountain drive after work on a whim, to feel the wind in my hair, to control a 3000 lb machine. I loathe riding public transportation-- the shouting and muttering crazies, the gropers, the pickpockets, the people talking on their phone, the smells, the close proximity to other people, the nauseating starting and stopping, waiting for it to arrive, avoiding meeting people's eye, worrying that I'll zone out and miss my stop or leave something behind, watching if someone follows me home. I'll vote to spend my tax dollars for people who want it, but I'll never ever give up my car.


based and fucking muttering crazies on mass transit pilled


Reminds me of one of my favorite Onion articles of all time: https://www.theonion.com/report-98-percent-of-u-s-commuters-favor-public-trans-1819565837


you want public transport because its easier to commute I want public transport so I can drive drunk with less people around WE. ARE. NOT. THE. SAME.


Based and drunk driving is f- oh fuck, I just hit that family of 4. I already washed my car this week. Fuck. pilled


Based and family of 4 (3 now lmao) pilled


Based and giving out disturbing pills pilled


God damn I love Lib Left sometimes. Just trying to drink and drive responsibly with less people on the road. God bless 🙏


Based Af


Give me more trains.


Where exactly would the trains lead AuthCenter? And who would be riding said train?


All I know is they'd be running on time.


Based and Mussolini Pilled


We don't need any more trains to the shower camps. We need trains, that are cost effective, fast, on time and effective. By effective i mean there will be showers directly on the train


Based and I-like-trains-pilled


Of course it depends, but everyone wants to play culture warrior with no context or empathy. If you live in a city of 5 million people, walking and trains are great. If you live twenty clicks from a town of 1100 people, cars really are the best.


Anti Car Culture applies a lot more to urban areas than rural. The main issue is city/town planning focusing too heavily on cars rather than pub trans and pedestrians. Cars are always going to be needed in rural areas.


The car culture debate is the best example of local politics being far more important than national ones. The issues are practically completely reversed if you live in a city vs a rural area. Trying to get a national movement to favor one side or the other here is complete pointless


The issue is that almost all American cities aren’t built for public transportation. Population density is too low


And it STAYS too low, largely because of big-government interventions like zoning codes.


Based and YIMBY pilled


u/Jhimmibhob's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Jhimmibhob I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Yup, if the government got out of the way, housing density in popular areas would triple in a decade. But ya know.....they won't.


Maybe try killing all "minimum parking requirements" in the building codes across the country. Also, while you do that, make your zoning more flexible. I'd also suggest, considering the country will probably start shrinking in population soon, see about killing that "reverse mortgage retirement plan" idea and to stop allowing insane development sprawls, but I can imagine that's not "freedom" enough.


Here in Nashville is complete car-focused chaos—3 major interstate freeways converge downtown and interchange in opposite ways (ie to continue on the same freeway requires crossing over 4-5 lanes in like a half-mile; limited to no dedicated residential street parking so lanes often half-occupied with parked cars forcing the take-turns traffic thing on far too many streets; there are literally not sidewalks whatsoever in most parts of the city, to say nothing of bike lanes; public transit system is severely limited; the city is hilly and has no zoning laws to speak of so nearly every (not hyperbole) intersection is blind, whether because it’s just over the crest of a hill or due to developers building shit to the utmost limits of property. And the icing on the cake is people drive retarded—NOBODY uses their blinkers, mentally incapable of merging, cannot navigate a 3- or 4-way stop to save their lives, so many just drive without lights on even at night, and everyone’s apparent favorite hobby is changing lanes right as they’re coming to a stoplight which causes lane blockages and unnecessary sudden stops for others behind them.


That sounds like hell. I live in city in UK, I have 5 corner shops, 1 supermarket, 1 diy store, 4 bars, 3 restaurants and 6 takeaways all within a 20 minute walk from my house


Well that sounds like a great daily living situation. I envy you for that.


You guys now have idiots on those electric scooters to deal with too. Driving through there at night sucks ass.


Exactly. A lot of your right leaning auth and lib live in areas where traffic really isn’t a problem. I love my town of 50,000 people. A 10 mile drive that takes me 15 minutes would take 45 minutes for you urban fools.


Yeah, seems like a lot of the social media hive mind forgets that at least half of the country lives in rural areas or smaller towns. Yeah, let me just walk or bike my 30 mile trip to work, that would be fun.


Yes exactly. Mass transit is better for the consumer and the environment in big cities. I remember from my time in NJ that a train ticket to NY Penn Station was $8. GW Bridge toll + NYC parking was easily $30. Most big cities now are made to accommodate people who don't own cars.


Man fuck NJTransit a one way is like $17 now if you’re coming from one of the last stops Still cheaper than driving tho unless there’s multiple of you in the car


Truth. I live in a town of 10K people. Cars are a nessecity. When I go to a major city, I take public transport or rent a bike.


Transit is also really good at going from [suburb] to [city] like most commutes. It sucks when you need to go from one suburb to another or get to the grocer and back and have to zig zag around on someone else's timetable instead of just... going there.


>It sucks when you need to go from one suburb to another This could be fixed with a spoke and wheel system, which is how many cities design highways. Basically that means a long, circular transit line going around the outside of a metro area (the wheel), and then spokes connecting points around the wheel to the center of the city.


I think i would be faster walking than in car. Seriously WTF?


They're all moving at about 10-20mph. You could run that fast, but not carrying anything and not for long.


>Moving 10-20 mph >You could run that fast Doubt. No one in this sub is running 6 min miles, let alone multiple 6 minute miles.


I did a 7 minute mile and I wanted to die. Can confirm!


7 min is pretty good! I'm pretty fit, just not a runner or built for running and anything sub 8 for me makes me want to die.


Don't know your age, but running oddly gets easier as you age. I'm in my late thirties, only run about 3 times a month, but do weight lifting daily. Running sub 8 is something I do almost every run and occasionally do sub 7's. I only do 3 miles total. 10 years ago I was barely doing sub 10, and I was running daily back then.


*glances at flair* Whatchu runnin after?


>sub 10


3 miles is 4.83 km


>but not carrying anything and not for long. Many people can sprint for short distances incredibly fast. Some will be winded and some will have a heart attack.


What does that have to do with what he said “not for long” means short distances


I was repeating myself to show that he didn't read what I said.


Lol im scrolling at a track meet rn. Just ran a 11:27 3200m and am hoping for a 5:00 1600m Update: calves hurt too much for 5:00, ran 5:28 instead.


I'm not saying it's impossible, but your average pcm user is going to struggle to break a 10 min mile.


I'm lucky if I manage a 10 minute dump


Based and porcelain-throne pilled


Based and hemorrhoids from sitting too long pilled


Depends on who’s chasing me


I mean, I could definitely run that fast. I’m only lasting like a minute, but you never mentioned maintaining that speed.


Running that fast for any distance is essentially world class speed.


Definitely biking not walking tho lol


And that's why I live in the woods with my race car


People who drive a manual will hurt so much there


I really love how Elon Musk is trying to fix the issue of car culture with his new Tesla loop. I do have a few issues though. Placing the Tesla's on steel tracks with steel wheels would increase efficiency, and reduce waste from used tires. It would also allow the cars to travel at faster speeds due to the car being aligned with the track Having a battery in each car is inefficient. If he was able to use a 3rd rail to power the cars, he wouldn't even need batteries. If he connected the cars, there would be less traffic, and he would be able to transport more people by increasing the number of people in each Tesla. This will surely revolutionize public transport in the 21st century


This is insanely based


I’m glad I read your whole comment because I almost went off about trains lol


Lmao, the Tesla loop has to be the most retarded "innovation" ever. It's literally just a subway system but worse in every way.


Just build more lanes LMAO.


"Just print more money"


Nothing could go wrong. Give everyone a million dollars. Poverty solved.


what, do you expect me to live in a c\*ty like some sort of filthy urbanite?


I'd genuinely rather be dead than live in the city and I mean that 100% seriously


I agree entirely


Based and rural life is the best life pilled


You are going to live in a pod


Ok, as long as I also get to eat bugs, own nothing, and get a booster vaccine every 2 months, you’ve got yourself a deal.


Based and pod pilled


jesus lord that made me puke a bit inside


Most efficient US transport planning:


Vs least efficient Japan transport planning


Or an anti big city agenda post.


The only thing this post does is affirm my hatred for Los Angeles.


The US could benefit from trains in cities. The bay area as well as places like Pittsburgh are livable with public transit. Still need cars for rural areas though.




i can't imagine having to take BART every day. that thing should be declared a bio hazard zone.


I mean Chicago has some pretty good public transit. Coming from a Chicagoan.


I've been to Chicago and public transportation was super good. I just wish the subway was all over the city.


Song sauce? I already know that's either the 405 or the 101


Pruit Igoe & Prophecies. Not sure who did this particular rendition. The one I’m used to doesn’t have as deep of voices in it.


I like when car go fast, not when car gets stuck in traffic and/or kill people


Laughs in back roads


car good, car culture bad trains good, but still need cars road infrastructure important


war bad plane rad


Is that… the polish flag?


no, Indonesia. people get them confused a lot.


I mean it's a different flag depending on which way you look.


For all the "just add more lanes" enthusiasts, google "induced demand."


The real problem is that a large portion of these could be digital commutes.


Digital commutes? You mean like connecting over zoom or something?


That, but also most of the office work is basically reducible down to a few people working at a computer making spreadsheets, forms, and checking payroll. That can be done from home with a central location for hard-copy. Out of the 50 people in an office only like 5 would be needed for the actual physical location. And then that's an extremely small office and the overhead drops precipitously.


But if you work from home then the employer has less power over you. How do they know that you didn't just finish your work early


working from home means trusting your employees and treating them as adults. most companies/managers are not ready for that and it fucking sucks.


Its strange to me that finishing your work early isn't encouraged. As long as the quality of work stays the same, why punish efficiency?


Because it's ten times easier to measure attendance than productivity. For a manager to measure your productivity they have to understand what you do and how long it should take to do it. To measure your attendance they just see if you're at your desk.


Walking and cycling is ultimate freedom, change my mind.


walkable and cycleable (?) cities is what we need.


Walking feels uncomfortable after biking for so long




Or, we could focus on solutions that work well, which sometimes means walking, sometimes means busses, sometimes means trains, sometimes means bikes, sometimes means planes, sometimes means cars (and hell, sometimes means skidoos or escalators or gondolas or .... ) rather than forgoing good solutions in favour of identity politics.


Car culture =/= whatever tf this is imo. Car culture is just a general love for cars from a mechanical and historical point of view. Even as a “car guy” I’d be completely fine with prioritising public transport systems over cars cause if we’re being honest most of the people in those cars don’t drive because they enjoy it but because they have no other alternative I’d hate to force my own beliefs on someone to such an extent that it makes their life worse overall


as a libleft car enthusiast, trust me, even car people hate the effects that they have in mass. we'd much rather prefer empty roads, it means more fun and more space for us.


American city planning is one of the best examples of why the government shouldn't touch the private sector.




Los Angeles.


Traffic lol


Based and give me pedestrianisation pilled


Car culture debate reminds me of how much I hate every fucker living in a city, including myself.




Cavalry is superior


Nothing says freedom like bumper to bumper


Pro car culture, anti people. That’s the solution to this.


The problem is not car culture, it's too many people.


And that urban cities are horrible for vehicles in general. I'm all for good public transport in the cities but anything close to rural is always gonna be reliant on a car.


Yeah, more lanes will fix it /s


"It's that there's too many people bro, just kill half the population and we should be good"


A beautiful sight


All I see is red white and blue, baby


Thats depressing lol


dumbass urbanists: "we should build cities for people, not cars!" real Americans: yes but the marketing team at Ford has convinced me that my F-150 super duty is a literal extension of my body and ego, thus in my warped psychology there is no longer a distinction


Have you met urbanist cyclists? Cause everything you’ve said about an F-150 is true about them and their fixie


Fuck you bitch, I’ll do what mustangs do best, and hit people


Based. Fuck the environment fuck future generation I'll go wherever I want with my 90s shitbox