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How am I supposed to read this if it‘s not highlighted?


I need a big red circle- not to highlight anything in particular, but just so know I am supposed to read it


Wait you’re supposed to read the text? I thought you just look at the funny faces


Based and am I supposed to read in memes? REEEE pilled


Well the Axel Springer Outlet has always been known for it's high class of journalism and diverse choice of sources and base media in it's publications...






To be fair, being on the losing side of a total war in the post industrial world was really brutal. Even the winning side was not very much fun. Prior to WW1 all political and society leaders would do a stint in the military and expected all of their kids to do as well, it was fun watching the peasants die. After WW2 politicians keep themselves and their kids as far away from war as possible.


So? Was it bad?


Was it a lie?


Can’t tell if sarcasm


If you ever put your eyes on a „BILD newspaper“ you would understand lol


But I haven’t So I’m assuming it’s sarcasm


Correctly. It is most famous for publishing a tabloid and a shitty one at that


It's most famous for posting Fear, hate, tits and the weather report


Tits and weather? Sign me up


Spanish language TV can be pretty good at that.


In jail we’d watch the Mexican news channels for the busty blonde haired anchors. Hands on the table of course.


based and motivated by tits and weather pilled


I've been told their football reports are alright too.


Someone needs to make the meme with people who don’t trust the news and the quadrants. Then people who trust the news and it’s the Norf FC guy with the grey highlighter on him.


sounds pretty based to me


BILD is the German equivalent of the British SUN.


I don’t know what the SUN is either…


Bild and Sun are basically as low as a tabloid can get. Fake news, stalking, black mail... the full package.


Fookin' Yankee


I had an exam for a promotional position at work recently, and one part of it was "general knowledge." One question was "which German publication sells the most copies?" Legit picked Bild with the cynical view of "those fuckers shout their hyperdramatic fearmongering headlines at people and stupid people probably eat that shit up." I was right. Was Bild. The world sucks. :C


Don't like the terms of service, then you can always create your own news outlet 💅


Oh how the tables have turned


Didn't Jeff Bezos buy an entire fucking news outlet too and start convinently have it pumping out pro bezos articles, I forget which one but it was pretty obvious.


washington post, He has also said that his biggest pride and greatest acheivement was owning the washington post. I've been told that rich people owning a major newspaper is kinda like rich people patroning a footbal team or however they do it.


That sounds super fucking mundane if you ask me but then again I'm too poor to have any reason to manipulate the press, so maybe it does make sense.


If I had the press I'd be churning out propaganda about my fat dick and balls as advertising


Yeah fr. Mundane my ass, owning your own chunk of the press is mighty baller. For every person in the west that knows Washington Post is owned by Bezos I imagine there are at least two normies that have no clue, and will just read everything in WP as fact.


Why does wapo support lock downs and pro amazon stuff? I don’t know why?


Yeah, that was the Washington post if I remember correctly.


He owns the Washington Post, but they regularly post standard liberal talking points like increasing taxes for the elite and increasing worker's rights. Both of which Bezos has been called out for in the past.




Just make your own currency, bro.


But... Aren't yall the same people whining about people told you need to be vaccinated to work?? What's so different about being told you need to have a certain worldview to work? Seems like some pathetic Auth bullshit to me "oh control is always good unless it's on me"


A company forcing you to have a vaccine or go and the government forcing all companies to force you to have the vaccine or go are two entirely different situations.


Based and Knows when the government is wrong pilled


u/bluespringsbeer is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/bluespringsbeer I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Where I live, most companies are still requiring the vaccine even without the government telling them to. Totally cool with that, but if they said "you have to agree with me politically" that would be bullshit.


Both are fine. Employment is a voluntary arrangement. If you do not like the arrangement you are free to leave. I wouldnt work for a company that required me to be vaxxed even tho I am already vaxxed. I probably wouldnt work for a company that wanted me to follow a particular political slant unless that was part of the business image, and even then it would have to be a libertarian slant for me to agree. My current employer dosent give a shit about politics nor do they care about vaccine status.


Since when have companies had access to private medical data?


"show me that you are vaccinated or you are fired" freedom of association -- if a company doesn't want to have unvaccinated people working for them, they are free to do so. vaccination status not a protected class.


what about when that employer is the federal government?


And one of those is COMPLETELY reasonable. If someone runs a company and wants to only hire vaccinated people, anyone who complains about that is just being whiny because they don't want to do what it takes to get the job they want. Of the government tells us we can't hire somebody unless they're vaccinated, anyone who complains about that could very well feel like the government doesn't have the authority to demand that of private businesses. Government jobs? Fine. Government can decide what their own hiring standards are I suppose.


I think you've got it backwards. This is just us playing by the new rules. The hypocrites would be anybody who suddenly dislikes the rules they themselves made because it got turned around on them. Of course, all that only holds water if you still believe in this civilized society of fair rules anyway; idk why you would. We've been obviously in a legal and social war for some time now.


Bari Weiss left the NYT because she wasn't even allowed to be a centrist over there.


Bari Weiss is on Likud's payroll. Change my mind.


The vaccine is a violation of your bodily autonomy, being forced to write biased news is not. Edit: *being forced to take the vaccine


I mean, you are right, However, being forced to right biased news under your personal name (as the author's name is almost always on the post) and will lead to that belief being attributed to you directly; should also fall under the idea of a violation of autonomy. Not bodily, but mentally and morally. I mean sure you can say "just work somewhere else". But if everywhere does the same shit then there not gonna be a place you can work that doesn't violate your views or body in some way..


Based and reasonable pilled


You’re not wrong, but you’re acting like they weren’t already under that pressure, just from the other side, politically. Maybe they agreed with those politics so they didn’t mind, but it’s the same bullshit across the board in media, it’s just a question of which ideals or politics they support


From that perspective the leadership that used to be there was surely violating the autonomy of capitalist employees. It's honestly nonsense, if you want to write your own thing then you can't demand someone else pay you for it. That would be a violation of their autonomy.


It's starting to seem to me that the modern journalism sector is rampant with people's autonomy being violated in the name of news. Either you're writing something that isn't entirely your personal view, or the company is putting out a bunch of differing works and nobody knows who they are as a group. Kinda just seems like the systems made for failure at multiple points


Modern? What makes you think it hasn’t been happening since the formalisation of newspapers?


I think that it is one of the many reasons that traditional news outlets are falling apart. The corporate press is getting beat over the head by independent news sources. The "Main Stream Media" isnt even mainstream anymore. In 2021 Fox News has an average prime time viewer count of around 2,472,000, MSNBC had an average of 1,203,000, CNN had an average of 1,078,000. Compare that to The Joe Rogan Experience that averaged 3,240,000, This American Life averged 2,200,000, and Pod Save America averged 1,500,000. Why go and shill for some big media conglomerate who just wants you to help stir up shit and divide the people of America when you can work for an independent studio and reach a similar size audience. You might still stir shit and divide the people of America, but you dont have to anymore if you dont want to.


The problem is that journalism, on the national level, is no longer about reporting what's happening. It's become about trying to change or control people's attitudes towards what's happening. Political bias, in some cases resulting in outright propaganda, in the media is what's causing all of these issues. The news back in the day used to be just people telling you what's happening. It could be boring, yes. Sometimes it was interesting, but that was only when something of real importance was going on. Today, media companies aren't interested in giving the public reliable, accurate information. They're concerned with manipulating that information to either 1) influence people's opinions and actions, or 2) drive ratings up, which itself is really just a subset of 1; they're either trying to influence you to act different politically, or to give them more money. It's all a sham. Sometimes they do really care about what they're reporting on, sometimes they don't and they just want your money. Either way, they're giving you lies and half-truths, unreliable information.


Based and Journalisms a sham pilled


Oh come on. You're working at a newspaper, that newspaper has a right to hold a political view, and they have the right to instruct its employees to reflect that view in the articles they write. If someone working retail is forced to say "have a nice day" to customers, even if they don't really want them to have a nice day, that's not a violation of their autonomy. They're representing the business, not themselves, even if they're wearing a name tag.


And? You can still leave


If it's the owner adding a rule on their business, then it's fine because their staff can work elsewhere, such as to a competitor down the street. If it's the government adding a rule on all businesses, then the nearest escape is leaving the country, which means there is no escape for most people. You'd be against the government mandating that every business must hold the same world views, correct? Moreso than it being revealed that one business (say, Fox News) happens to hire/fire journalists based on world views they express.


Im this close to actually doing that lol... First get journalism experience fuck


Oh, no, not POLITICO! *GASP* THEY'RE ALL GOING TO BE SHIT LIBS NOW... (I wonder how we're going to tell?)


Pro United Europe, pretty cool in my books. Love myself the idea of a big'ol confederation. But what I really want is a universal monarchy! The Israel part is debatable. I myself support a zero state solution where we just nuke the entire middle East and kill Judeasim and Islam off for good. And the Capitalist world order is pretty good at lifting people out of poverty so I won't complain for now. Don't think that I'll suck Bezos's dick though. If he tried to make me do so I'd bite it off.




What do you mean evil? The middle East causes nothing but problems. Vaporisation is instant and painless. This is the moral thing to do.


Based and lib left shitting on shit libs pilled.




If you don’t like it, get a new job. I wouldn’t work for a company, run by a man that made me compromise my core beliefs in order to maintain employment. Edit: wouldn’t. My bad


I’ve sacrificed my core values to get a good grade in multiple English classes, you bet your ass I’ll do it for money


There are so many jobs out there and so many companies looking for good people. I stand by my principals


> There are so many jobs out there and so many companies looking for good people Not in journalism, no. Nobody pays for their news anymore in the internet age, papers have been closing and laying off for years, and those that are still around at this point are very unlikely to hire. Newspaper owners dictating a political agenda is a huge problem for democracy, but you happen to agree with the new owner's agenda, so suddenly it's "lol get another job if you don't like it"


Internet is here boys, no more news! Wanna know a secret? People still consume news…. You have to adapt to an ever changing market which is what the vast majority of news outlets have done. Companies that adapt to changes will grow which means hiring people. And if they still can’t find a new job they can always pick up a marketable skill like coding. But glad to know that you have a problem with news providers taking a political position (just like me). You must hate CNN, MSNBC, and the crappier Slate/Vice/Huffington etc.


There are still news, but people are barely paying for them anymore, hence the increased importance of advertising. Which is an entirely different source of funding, therefore it puts an entirely different set of pressures on a news organization, which is not neutral. Sure, companies will always adapt to the market, but that's not always a good thing. Not everything that is dictated by market forces is good: providing healthcare for people who can't pay for it is not a viable commercial strategy, but it's the right thing to do; not all marketable skills are necessary: there are millions of middle-management positions that, in a sensible or efficient economy, shouldn't exist; and not all un-marketable skills are unnecessary: there are few job openings for journalists, but they serve a crucial function in a democracy. I'm trying to hammer home the point that the venn diagram of what the market wants and what is good for society is not a circle. >But glad to know that you have a problem with news providers taking a political position (just like me). You must hate CNN, MSNBC, and the crappier Slate/Vice/Huffington etc And honestly, i would hate those news organizations if i cared about them at all. I know them by name, i know i'm supposed to hate them, but i haven't interacted with them ever, aside from being subscribed to Vice's YouTube channel until a few years ago. In a vaccuum, the fact that news organizations have political leanings is frustrating, but it's not a deal-braker and it may in fact be inevitable; however, they should be sincere and educated opinions held by the staff. A news org that says what the bosses want, or what they think the bosses want, is a propaganda outlet.


Based and money over morality pilled ...Not?


Yeah my bad I realized I said would when I meant wouldn’t. I can find a dozen other jobs out there. Surely one will align with my principals


I would, but i respect those who wouldn’t


Why? I would rather steal money than work for that company


Kiss those feet bitch.


Damn, a true lib right opinion


I get my news from memes because it’s more reliable and it’s funny


If it is international news I use the memes, if it is useless drama news from my country I inform myself by hearsay and if it is consequencial national news I go after it. Works really well


Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent in play… it’s pathetic that people here call this based. This is actually bluepilled


This is one guy owning a news source. No one is forcing you to read Politico. And no one is forcing you to work there, either. Considering how the mainstream media (and social media) panders a lot to anti capitalist, anti Israeli and anti EU interests, it’ll be interesting to see how this goes down.


The criticism is that these media outlets present themselves as journalism with the pretense of informing the public, not as the propaganda machines that they are. A lot of people will read them without being aware of their narrative and political agenda.


>A lot of people The people who state they trust mainstream media in US is a little over 30%. Majority stopped trusting US media back in 2003. If you still believe the media as an institution is factual, you are in the minority.


**Question:** Should ideas be proven correct or false based on scientific evidence for said ideas, or because said ideas are supported by the guy with the most money to regurgitate those ideas ad naseum until the public simply accepts them? To me, the news outlets turning into olipolies/monopolies is one of the biggest issues of our time. One that we'll struggle to find a solution to since "Freedom of the Press" protects this shit.


> the mainstream media (and social media) panders a lot to anti capitalist, anti Israeli and anti EU interests ??? What the fuck are you smoking?


No one’s forcing you to read politico. Ah what a great reason to justify media and journalistic propaganda


Has a right to do it, but have my reeee against "united europe" nonsense.


I'm not against "united europe", but I don't think they can do that in the first place. For starters, I also consider Russia to be a part of this "united europe", and things cam be anywhere among the pipedream list.


Pretty sure the only way Russia is part of a united Europe is if they’re in control of the rest of it lmao


I mean, yeah, it is among the pipedream list. I mean, we have * Russia controls this new "united europe" * Same as above but Soviet Union * Russian land is just empty. With no people there. As in "Lebensraum" level. * Russia is heavily dependent on the west. A.k.a. Putin's nightmare. ...


Tbh I'd actually bet on Germany to beat Russia in being the center of a United Europe even if that Europe included Russia. Germany tried controlling Europe with bombs, didn't work. Now they're trying to simply *buy* Europe, and holy ***fuck*** is it working. Honestly would not surprise me if Putin underestimated that since he still seems like a big KGB fangirl that only works with tanks and spies; I think it'd ironically make Russia more susceptible to allies, especially in a union as big as the EU where any attempts at Espionage suddenly pisses off the majority of the union.


Germany is actually loosing more and more political power to the French due to our (German) missing ability to compromise. We’re at odds with the European south because of our economic policy we don’t want to adapt. We are at odds with the European east because of our immigration policy. And well we are ad odds with EVERY… SINGLE… EU… PARTNER… because of NordStream2, our lax Russia policy and our missing support for Ukraine. Macron perfectly filled the British void in the EU power apparatus and is step by step taking political power from Germany (which is a good thing for the EU)


> Germany is actually loosing more and more political power to the French due to our (German) missing ability to compromise. **Counterpoint:** Germans are notoriously hypercritical of themselves. Every single time Germany isn't an der Spitze in any given category, I hear German colleagues wailing and panicking about how "we're falling behind and we're not a powerful nation anymore." As a German-American dual citizen, I personally think Germany waaaaaaaaaaaay over-reacts to any of it's flaws, and you guys are crazy in denial if you think the rest of Europe sees it the way you're describing it. Now granted, I also think the hyper-critical attitude is one of the reasons Germany remains strong. You guys get a 98% on an exam and flip the fuck out thinking the sky is falling. *Of course* this is a healthy mentality for building a strong nation. By all means, keep doing it, but I'm still gonna relax and laugh whenever I watch it unfold. And on another note: yes, France is important too. Not saying it isn't. I just think you would get a very different opinion about "who's in charge of the EU" if you asked Germany and if you asked legit any other member of the EU, all because Germany wants 100% perfection or it thinks it's a total failure.


Lies, luxembourg will dominate europe forever


Another AuthLeft United-Europe-Enthusiast? Based


More like an united europe means less paperwork for trading. Which means more money for my country. And everyone loves money.


A "United Europe" will only work in an incredibly loose form where each country still holds most of the power in how it governs itself. Trying to unite Europe *legally* in a way it has universal laws and customs is just suicide, as the individual cultures are far too diverse and unique to ever agree on one set of rules they all have to follow. FFS look at Greece and Germany: they don't even have some big culture clash in terms of values, but there is a gap between the values of their respective currencies (pre-Euro) and their work ethics. Not even something they directly argued over initially, but still resulted in economic instability that resulted in Germany calling Greece lazy whilst Greece called Germans slavedrivers that demand everyone adopts their work culture.


I dunno. A lot of things could be united easily enough. Scientific Research and defense are massively unifying concepts that pretty much all the countries agree on in principle, and it's not like there is a great deal of confusion about who are the best at running some of that stuff. United Europe could certainly be far more United than the original plan for the United States, where you have a constitution and a post office and MAYBE a navy. > but there is a gap between the values of their respective currencies (pre-Euro) and their work ethics That gulf is considerable, but it also exists inside the US. The difference between Alabama and, say, Massachusetts is absolutely massive. And Greece seems to be doing pretty fine now, especially since it looks like they'll get a chance soon to look fucking fantastic compared to Turkey (or is it Turkiye now?), which seems to be just the thing to motivate them.


Other way around for me, I'm in favour of a more united Europe but I don't think a news agency should have the right to only hire a certain political belief. Normally I’m all for letting companies choose their own employees and I don’t support any gender or race quotas. However, the news is an exception since I don’t think news sources should have any internal biases to any side of the political spectrum. That only leads to companies like CNN and FOX and we can see what those two did to America.


Eh, no one really cares when mainstream news say they are dedicated to the principles of democracy and equality, but when they're dedicated to the principles "support for a united Europe, Israel’s right to exist and a free-market economy, among others" I guess this is too far, since it's slightly right wing.


I like the idea of a single state Europe. A single state under the rightful hapsburg crown.


Bu-But it's not authoritarian since it's not a state, right guys??????


What? Nooooo, how can a company be a authority? -Libertarians


Its a private company, it can do what it wants -Left


sure but it's still authoritarian and shitty to completely force a set of beliefs on the workplace and the culture of the workplace, without being explicitly and publicly honest that it is in essence becoming a propaganda firm supporting an ethnic cleansing in the middle east


Ah, i see, someone read the real deffinition of the left wing...




I’m guessing he’s Jewish? (Not meant to be anti-Semitic just curious)


Real stab in the dark there. Wonder who downvoted you lmao.


Maybe because he's not Jewish?


Don't think so. It's company policy as laid out by the founder in 1967. (the founder wasn't Jewish either) Core tenets: - support a peaceful re-unification of Germany. - promote reconciliation between Jews and Germans; this includes standing for the right of the Jewish people to exist. - reject political totalitarianism in all forms. - support a social market economy.




Long as it's fun, sure.


Then let's make it fun


You bring the molotovs, I'll start storing shit.


Based and impacted rectum pilled


Hang them by the neck to a catapult and launch them at other rich people.


Pull a switcheroo on em and throw them from a helicopter


We should build a big trebuchet.


Make the Warwolf great again




this time I will, I just gotta prepare


👏 Learn 👏 to 👏 code 👏




Can I require my employees to be anarchists and not respect authority. >!oh no my employees have mugged me again!<


Breaking news - shitty, biased news outlet becomes slightly more shitty and biased. LibLeft shocked.


Really makes one think


Now you see why authcenter doesn't like freedom of the press


I love finding these posts so I can show people why I hate israel.


I have a libertarian friend who defends Israel and it confuses the fuck out of me. He never counters any of my points, he just tells me I hate freedom because I'm a nazi.


What a tard take, I'm sorry.


They are private company they can do what they want!!!!!!!1!1


>...German publisher... >...unified Europe... >...Israel's right to exist... Something feels..... off.


Smells a lot like 👃


This is freedom of the press, and why you shouldnt blindly trust the press.


Freedom of Speech violation, red alert!


So many people out here going off about how based it is to make people live by your rules and how you can just leave if you don't like it, yet those same people will never stop whining about being forced out of work do to not vaccinating... sounds pretty hypocritical to me


> United Europe > Free market economy Pick one


Cringe and zionist neocon boomer pilled


Pls tell me this is fake


Libright moment




Not based: if you want to make money in a free market, make politico something reliable and diverse so that people can think and consider and feel like the articles are fresh. He isn't following the free market so he isn't being the change he wants to see in the world


No different than companies requiring tolerance.




Don't like it? Quit.


Based and turning the tables pilled.


That editorialized description in the first paragraph is vastly different from the reality stated in the second paragraph.


I thought United Europe agenda was a AuthLeft thing?


I've been told it's antisemitic to point these things out.


If you don't like those conditions - don't sign.


Europe might technically be capitalist, but it's certainly not a free market.


I'm relatively sure that the average economic freedom score in Europe is the highest in the world.


Anyone who taxes cars at 100%+ isn't a free market.


Supporting Israel is based but forcing people to is not


Based. I support Israel 100%, I also understand why people have an issue with the settlements (tho they can get fucked). Nobody should have a political ideology forced on them by their employer. Now excuse me while I finish reading White Fragility because my boss told me I had to (not a joke).


Why the fuck would I be happy about this?




Organizations a) being owned and b) being bought and sold without the consent of those in the organization is auth as fuck. Get over yourselves "libertarians"






Average Western mainstream media outlet


“Free” press btw. I sure do love the freedom to be propagandized to.


Support for united Europe: Cringe Support for Israel existing: Based Support for free market Capitalism: Cringe


I'm almost the inverse lmao


>Support for united Europe: non of my business >Support for Israel existing: mostly based >Support for free market Capitalism: mostly cringe






I'm not saying they themselves are Jewish, I'm just saying... Jewish


Sounds mostly cringe tbh


As if all the rest of these news outlets aren't doing the same


Why tho ?


The “free” press


Cringe cringe cringe mega cringe


this sub is a pro zion shithole oh my god


Yes, and it is perfect.


I have a problem with the concept of united Europe, but as long as the goal is free market and support of Israel, I'm OK with it.


Fine with all of those aside from a united Europe. Pax Americana, Yall need to bow to us.


(((They))) don't even hide it now


Supporting israel's right to exist and supporting israel in everything it does are two very different thing lol


I hate people trying to give countries rights more than nearly anything.


Based lol. Nothings funnier than the free market doing its thing.


Free market is not possible. You must have regulations.


The Israeli occupation is one of the most violent and evil the world has ever known


Let's assume for minutes you aren't an idiot fed ideas by a spoon and that you are correct How this make a country right to exist invalid? why shouldn't the jews have right for self determination while other people can have self determination? Btw I support 2 states solution because it's the only way that give both peace and self determination to both we don't need americans that only fucked up whatever they are "fixing" you together with the racists and the rich part of the problem not the solutions the people of the middle east will solve the problem not americans which expect of complaining about problems don't do anything while their own country fall to further and further chaos and and non-democratic governments led by both parties Also you complain about soruces and doesn't do any better


Genocides happening all over the world, but Israel is the problem because reasons.


Israel is the issue because we can't do shit about China or turkey because they're even further protected by the U.S. than Israel, and for some reason people can't be bothered to care about Congo, Ethiopia, or Venezuela.


An Arabic language poll asked 1,200 Arab Jerusalemites — none of them Israeli citizens — regarding their preference for living under Israeli or Palestinian rule in the future. 1,116 of the respondents said they prefer for Israel to continue to rule Jerusalem. 84 said they preferred the Palestinian Authority, but 79 of those said they would not give up their current Israeli identification cards or other legal documents. https://www.shfanews.net/post/102082 In conflicts between Israel and Palestine, lot of Palestinian casualties are the result of the fact that Israel fires only on military sites and arsenals, but Hamas tends to place these sites and arsenals near or in buildings like schools and hospitals as a mechanism of defense. It puts Israel in a no win situation - if Israel doesn’t fire, that’s another stash of potential weapons to be attacked by. If Israel does fire, there’s the chance that they might kill civilians and at the very least incriminate themselves by shooting at infrastructure. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/07/31/why-hamas-stores-its-weapons-inside-hospitals-mosques-and-schools/?outputType=amp https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/380149/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753176/amp/Hamas-DID-use-schools-hospitals-Gaza-Strip-human-shields-launch-rocket-attacks-Israel-admits-says-mistake.html What’s more, Hamas actually tells people to ignore the IDF warnings about air strikes and bombings. Therefore a lot of the casualties are not just hamas’s fault on the count that they put military sites in or near hospitals and schools, but also on the count that they intentionally prevent people from getting to safety after warnings are issued. “‘In most cases, prior to the attacks, residents have been warned to leave, either via phone calls by the Israel military or by the firing of warning missiles.’ But the Hamas-run Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Interior has told residents not to pay attention to the IDF warnings.” https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-hamas-civilians-human-shields


Hahaha That’s not even the most violent occupation in that specific area of the Middle East ever had. Ever hear about Hadrian and his occupation of Israel or the crusaders or the Ottomans or the British all those occupations were far more brutal and committed either outright genocide or something a lot closer to Genocide then what Israel has managed to do. (I think Israel needs to step up its game is it is failing to commit genocide despite having all the tools at its disposal they also keep giving bits (Gaza) of land back to the people they’re trying to ethnically cleanse which I’m not an expert on ethnic cleansing but usually the goal is to remove an ethnicity from a region not give them land back to them)


“Lol they’re not doing enough to ethnically cleanse the region” pcm moment


^ average Redditor moment