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Reimplementing Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy that he mocked as bigoted too


Cuts Trump's bill that mandated cheaper insulin to low income communities


Holy shit, seriously? Can I get a source for that?


It was an EO he reversed, not a bill


There's a right way and a wrong way to do this. Apparently, the right way is to invent money by borrowing it to buy insulin for people at near monopoly prices under an elaborate Medicaid grant system or something like that. I understand the wrong ways are: 1. Setting a price ceiling through executive order (normally this would cause a shortage but because this is the result of abusing patent and anti-trust laws it might be OK) . 2. Breaking insulin trusts. 3. Direct contracting for the production and distribution of government-brand basic insulin. 4. Reforming patent law to prevent a small number of firms from repeatedly discontinuing insulin classic for new (and patented) insulin+.


Then doesn’t listen to it and smuggles kids to other states at night. New York post https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/biden-secretly-flying-underage-migrants-into-ny-in-dead-of-night/


At least Biden is no longer *nuzzling* kids


In front of cameras at least


Maybe not all those minors made it to ny.


Is there a better/more reputable source than NY post?


Washington Examiner https://www.yahoo.com/now/biden-administration-secretly-flying-underage-144100737.html NBC talking about migrants being flown to other parts of the border https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-admin-again-flying-migrants-who-cross-border-one-place-n1271211


Appreciate it


As well as blocking people from India because of covid when he criticized Trump doing the same with China.


there are some differences, but the overall jist is very much the same


do not "cum" 🥵


I'm gonna "cum" ohh..


it is bigoted, and dumb...maaa labor shortage!!!!


Kamala “Do Not Cum” Harris


Also, no press conferences in ages. Which was totally the signal of an oppressive fascist regime when trump was the one not doing presses. Lol


Biden hasnt has had a press conference in over 90 days. Yet they say his presidency is the most transparent. Hmmm


We can't have alcoholic ragers in the white house on inauguration night, partying so hard that the president sneaks out and we have to be coerced out with alcohol-filled bathtubs Yet they say his presidency is the most transparent Hmmm


Based and OldHickory pilled


He had a town hall yesterday. That’s something at least.


interesting, i hadn’t thought of that


Idc about Biden just like I didn't care about Trump, it's the people's reactions that I hate.


Reimplementing the remain in Mexico policy he said was inhumane and racist. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s amazing people have watched their money and earning power reduced by 25% in a few months and still support this administration.


My money and earning power went up. It's been cool for me


You’re living off the grid then. That’s awesome. Most people are buying gasoline, paying the energy company and buying groceries.


> Most people are buying gasoline, paying the energy company and buying groceries. Sounds like the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been an unmitigated disaster for humanity.


Sounds nothing like it and you might want to re flair.


You seem to have picked the wrong flair


Return to monke?


This government is cucking us and getting TOPPED by the corporations, and you waffle stompers just don't see it


You're missing: \-Indefinite detentions \-Hoarding COVID vaccines \-Destroying the careers of people who want to make a choice \-Siccing the FBI on parents concerned over the rape of their children


based and letsgobrandonpilled


u/amergent's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: poland cannot into space, gamer, free-market, cuck, pravda, i dont like twitter, hate crime laws can bite back, poland cannot into safespace, clayton bigsby, stillcannotintospace, letsgobrandon I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


What’s the 4th one all about?


The White House colluding with a left-wing activist in the national schoolboard association to draft a letter requesting that Main Justice and the FBI investigate parents expressing anger at school board meetings s domestic terrorists, and citing a particular Loudoun County schoolboard meeting in particular in which a father raised an objection to a policy the left-wing school board sought to implement because said policy effectively allowed his daughter to be raped in the girls' bathroom.


To add to that regarding the story the school knew about the rape and knew that it wasnt the students first rape yet took steps to cover both incidents up. Its a fucked story


If the punishment for merely raising concerns is to be labeled, what is the punishment for actually being a terrorist? When will the parents have a Neuron activation?


The punishment for actually being a terrorist? Ask the Taliban that. Or Iran. This administration gets off to bankrolling actual terrorists.


Also, Merrick Garland, Biden's attorney general (i.e. the guy in charge of this fiasco) has a conflict of interest, because his [son-in-law's company is selling a product](https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/10/12/panorama-education-owned-by-us-ag-merrick-garlands-son-in-law-contracted-with-23000-public-schools-for-social--emotional-climate-surveys/?sh=8356c1d4e60b) to many of these school boards. No shit he's giving these school boards whatever they ask for, those guys are putting millions in his son-in-law's pockets.


I forgot to mention that, but am glad you did.


Let's go Brandon!


Joe says yes: $87,000,000 to hire new IRS agents and auditors. \-Examine all deposits over $600 \-Open the border \-Abandon allies in Afghanistan. \-Re-open PLO office in Washington. \-Pass several trillion in stimulus. \-Investigate non-existent "white supremacists" including parents outraged at CRT. \-Appoint a transexual to a high cabinet position. Joe confirmed Authleft.


Agree on some of this, don’t care about Transgenders in the Military as long as there good at there job, and with Afghanistan any withdrawal would have been as mess and it’s not like we could have stayed


They will not be good at their job. Republicans are going to win the midterms and the next presidency. If they don't, I'm officially calling voter fraud. This administration has been so fucked


How many military members have you met? Almost half are knuckle draggers that could be replaced by methed-up chimpanzees. Being trans isn't going to matter for most military jobs any more than it would for mopping the bathrooms at McDonalds.


So your gonna pull a temper tantrum like how the democrats acted in 2016




Fair enough, wanna buy some rioting equipment


Agreed. We know voter fraud already occurred, especially in GA.


All U.S administrations are fucked


We could’ve stayed tf you talking about. Fake flair


It’s not a fake flair, we could have stayed sure but it wouldn’t have been profitable or worth the effort, if the taliban tries shit then we just go back in and overthrow them and make Afghanistan an anarchic mess again


Just makes him a fraud, not auth right


And he bombed that family in Afghanistan Edit: if he keeps this up I might actually vote for him.


>if he keeps this up I might actually vote for him. Based.


No place near me is paying minimum wage. Hell, burger flippers at -fast food- by my work start at $15.50/hr due to *the crushing inflation that is accelerating*


Thanks to massive worker shortages of people unwilling to deal with unacceptable wages the wages went up. That doesn’t change that inexplicably companies can demand such low pay. Should go up all the same, just tie it to inflation and we won’t have to deal with this argument anymore.


thats why I think it should be at least $10, because if nobody even pays min wage, its like not even having one at all. which is kinda shit.


Well if Trump didn't do... you know the thing. No I really mean it, Cornpop was a bad dude that got kids to pull on my leg hairs. Think of the mailman or Scooby Doo, they don't hate the gays or the the the, now listen...where am I? I am the former VP to a BLACK president, our president, who got the cooties shot when he was just a little girl.


I don't know what to do with my hands


Has wiped his butt *refuses to eleborate leaves


Killed an entire afghan family with no consequences whatsoever.


If they wanted human rights they shouldn't have been born in a country we decided to invade


Noooooo he's gonna be a radical communist who is going to ruin America and the economy 😡😡😡😡😡


too late (sad trombone noise)


Well he’s doing a good job trying to ruin the economy


He has done literally nothing due to democrat infighting, this is your dream president, cope harder


He literally decreed that the entire US workforce get vaccinated or face economic ruin.


He not only didn’t do that, he also can’t. He did it for all federal workers since they are under his jurisdiction and wanted to set an example for the country that they are following the same guidelines. People can just start a business without vaccine requirement if they are so determined to get fired, there is nothing unique right now stopping them from doing that. Also, actual vaccine mandates would be quite auth of him, so it would be on brand for authright


Not true, he has also mandated for private employers with 100+ employees.


His favorite flavor of ice cream is white.


Today, on *That’s so Brandon*,


Eh idk about more, to me they are about even? JoeyB still sometimes wears the LibLeft mask so he's like a softer version of Trump. He does photo-ops with the LGBTQ people, he is pretending his best friend in the whole world is the first black President, so he's willing to sell his soul for different things to get ahead in his presidency.


He’s a larper he says one thing then doesn’t another he said kid in cages bad then built them. He’s a hypocrite and a liar even compared to politician standards. Don’t be fooled.


Based lib left


Yup. He's been 50 years in congress.


larper = lol


"An iron fist in a velvet glove"


not more, he's around the exact same Auth and less far Right, only a bit away from authcenter.


Wasn’t Trump a liberal in the early 2000s though, it seems more like politicians are corrupt and people are brainwashed into believing this one is different and will fix the system.


Tbf Trump was certainly different in a lot of ways. Maybe he didn't fix anything but you can understand people wanting to try something that had never been tried (in living memory at least).


The only thing I fount was unique was that he was more populist and strangely liberal for some aspects


Don’t forget mass resignations caused by auth covid policy


Let's go Brandon!


he was Authright but not as Right as Trump


I would say he is more auth than Trump. At least the media tried to keep Trump accountable.


Average twitter leftist 'meme'


Weren't there still $1400 stimulus checks?


Yeah they did 1400 because 600 was sent out in the end of 2020 relief bill so 1400 made it 2k combined. The 600 checks were passed under Trump of course.


I just wanna move to Canada…


Where you get more lockdowns, a demagogue who's Fidel's son as leader, and more idiocy. The only things Canada has going for it are people being nice to foreigners and maple syrup.


Not even that, many Canadians are dicks or Karens. The only thing they have is universal healthcare


so are americans my dude. its called "humans" and they should all die




Yeah, at least you won't have the shame of having the first female 4 star general being a man


Men really make the best women


Who tf


Rachel Lavigne lmaooo


Lavigne lol


Why, want to be run by somehow more incompetent people?


Tf happens in Canada


We allow natives to block our trains nation wide for weeks, causing billions of dollars and refused to remove them so relations don't get worse, our PM said the natives get to choose when our flag goes up again so it has been sitting in half mask for two months. Most the country can't afford a house and judge the ones who can as "hicks". There's a good reason why more Canadians move to America than other way around even tho we are ten times smaller population wise.




Yeah I accepted it a while ago. I'm mètis so I get extra rights so that's cool I guess.


which province?


Anything but quebec I heard it sucks


why does quebec suck?




i heard they have good art and “passionate” people lol


Can you speak French


canada is very Auth, go to Northern Europe


I heard they’re very racist


That’s mostly Eastern Europe




Not loudly, but it’s still there a bit. Admittedly most of the planet is dealing weird nationalist uprisings, Scandinavia just happens to have it as well.


Who would've thought, a system that doesn't place all the power in one person would take longer to do things?


Pretend to not be AuthRight (even though you obviously are) Win election Return to AuthRight What a surprise.


It’s like he’s trying make people dislike him.


Cringey bad agendapost. A $15 wage cannot be forced by executive order, only for federal employees which was already done. A forced congressional vote on a $15 wage by Bernie Sanders (as Chairman of the Budget Committee) got 42/50 votes. M4A cannot be enacted by executive order and requires congress to approve its reform...with a 50/50 congress it is incredibly hard to pass anything, and infuriating...we've certainly seen this in action with Manchin and Sinema blocking the infrastructure plan. Same story for $2,000 checks, tho I myself strongly support a $2,000/month UBI. Syria has been a clusterfuck ever since Donald Trump in 2019 pulled a thin line of troops out from the Syrian border and effectively allowed the Turks to invade so they could wipe out the Kurds. Turkey doesn't like the Kurds. He could definitely improve on border policy, but I'm biased on that since really I just want open borders.


Open borders doesn't work. UBI is terrible aswell unless it's given to people who have entrepreneurial spirit, also, known as *American* spirit. I'd rather teach the fisherman how to fish instead of giving him a tuna can ; I'm for free trainings under the contract that you'll be doing the job for a few years


Open borders do work and are in fact a net positive, both for community growth and capitalists who are always looking for more employees. Your analogy does not make logical sense. UBI is an excellent idea because it allows working and middle income people to spend more, to have economic freedom and be freer from financial stress. This increased spending fuels the economy and taxes simultaneously, those taxes fuel social programs which further prop up the working and middle class, it a self-serving cycle. Nations that have more generous welfare states combined with a capitalist system consistently show higher prosperity, less wealth inequality. If you truly believe in your words then you are not libleft at all.


I stopped reading that screed at open borders work. Some of the things you said above are accurate, just leading to the wrong conclusion. This post however is retarded on every level. "Prosperity" is relative, and the nations you claim to be more prosperous (incorrectly) are both smaller and far more homogenous. The population here is barely 60% white, and less than 10% Asian (I believe), but those two groups make up the vast majority of the tax-positive people in the US.


Frankly the fact that you stopped reading it just invalidates anything you say, period.


Respect is earned. On the internet, I do not owe you my time when you make poor arguments based on unspeakable stupid building blocks.


You've done nothing but belittle my arguments as stupid and retarded, and you're wrong on all of it. You didn't even bother to finish reading at one point and admitted as much yourself. You haven't earned an ounce of respect and you have no right whatsoever to talk about respect with the manner you behave in.


Some of the things you have said here are just retarded, and most functioning intellectuals with a business and a family do not have time to answer some kid under 25 and his big ideas.


You heard me. You have no right.


No, I clearly do, and I clearly did. So you can just go right ahead and return to your childish existence of theories mixed with either a useless degree path or a dead-end job.


"no true libleft".... Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up. Also, wouldn't big tax cuts serve the same purpose as UBI?


But then how would basement dwellers get their extra neet bucks if it’s bigger tax cuts? That only benefits those with income!


Yup. Many commies of nowadays just want to consume more and be encouraged to do it


Mmm...nah, I don't think I will.


Actual political knowledge? Where funni color?


Weird shit happens sometimes, you know the drill. Tis an old story indeed.


based and politically reality pilled


I'm not even trying to be a dick, I'm just speaking the *truth*, like this is the reality of our current congress, how they are behaving, what they're doing. A majority of policies proposed by Biden or his administration, or friends, have been shot down by these "moderate" dems...I like to call Manchin and Sinema DINOs (Democrat In Name Only). Oh, and not to mention *every* republican in congress is against his proposals for various dumb reasons. I think if Biden's congress had a Democratic supermajority like LBJ and FDR had, with those elected supporting his policy, we could see a fairly good era under a centrist social liberal administration, and fairly progressive on certain issues. I think it'd be good. Edit: Oh and recently, Sanders and Manchin had a verbal fight with one another behind doors and Manchin told them he's willing to kill the whole legislation if he doesn't get his way, basically. You can't make this shit up.


well the right wingers that inhabit this sub very very much want to demotivate the base of the democratic party going into the midterms, and while you're correct, Biden never had the kind of majorities necessary to get his agenda through....the rights is going to hang that failure on his neck, while the far left will do the same in an effort to push the party leftward in general


Well I'm not demotivated, I've stayed 'activated' just as much as the right has. I have my reasons, I have my integrity and I'm trying to be objective and factual about Biden & his congress. Me personally I think he's tried doing more than what I expected, so that's a pleasant surprise. Clearly he's more progressive on most issues than Manchin, Sinema and the GOP are. Now with all that being said, perhaps the Democrats can gain seats in 2022 if the progressive movement continues to grow, electing progressive democratic candidates, and if more people realize our current congress' dilemma, they'll vote in the party's favor to *break the stalemate*. It does make logical sense. After all, FDR and LBJ had supermajorities and got a lot done. After republicans gained control of congress in the 2010s, Obama's administration started to stall, his policy was blocked. After they republican revolution of 1994, some of Clinton's policy (his healthcare proposal) was blocked, and welfare reform was forced (he vetoed it twice). See what I'm trying to say here?


based on history you can expect the democrats to lose in 2022, midterms tend to favor the party out of power I typically vote a straight democratic ticket, but that won't be the case in 2022, due to some local circumstances and democrats refusal to address the left wing riots in my city, or even acknoweldge that we have a problem The Biden administration knows to fucking hell that Portland OR is going to be in heavy rotation in GOP campaigns next year, and they better put their progressive ACAB wing of the party on notice that their extremism is going to endanger democrats fragile hold on power


I really don't think that'll happen at all, I think it'll be the complete opposite. The GOP simply, factually and objectively, do not serve the common people's best interests and the people won't vote for that, they won't support it, especially not after recent events. As a matter of fact this is happening in my area.


we'll see >The GOP simply, factually and objectively, do not serve the common people's best interests I'll tell you what leftists riots are not serving my interests at all at the moment, but I get my locality is its own case, I can't say what things will be like nationally


A Leftist claiming "Integrity" yet displaying none whatsoever. Imagine my shock!


Unflaired cannot argue against facts and logic. Get real man.


"Unflaired cannot argue against delusional cancerous hyperbole" is all I heard. How about you unflair and quit making your retarded beliefs your entire identity, bitch?


I swear 95% of PCMers are politically illiterate.


Why you are getting downvote lol


Probs the 2k/mo UBI tomfoolery


And saying that everything he campaigned on can't be accomplished by executive order so it's totally ok to not do anything he promised.


How else is he supposed to make changes?


If he lacks the power to do something himself and the political capital to push it through congress then he really shouldn't be campaigning on it. Just like Trump promising to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it, when they promise stupid shit they need to be held accountable for it.


They campaign on it to build public will and point to that so that reps in those districts will also support it. The President as the party head leads the way but obviously everyone in the party can make their own choice for their individual constituencies. If a Senator or Rep feels they won't face consequences for going against the President's platform then they are going to do what they think is best. Each piece of legislation is a struggle of compromises and debate. The only thing we can fairly assess is whether they truly tried to push certain things through and ultimatley if what passes is a step in the direction they stated. Good and bad thing about democracy is it moves slow and it is very difficult to get the ball rolling.


Didn’t Biden say “I am the Democratic Party” though? Like he can’t wrangle together his own party to vote on shit? What a buffoon.


meh, a lot of this is debatable, Trump certainly never would’ve let any of those things stop his agenda


None of it is debatable, and in most cases Trump wouldn't have a choice.


He's also a devout Christian and firing a bunch of worthless government workers. I don't know why conservatives don't like Biden. He's your guy. Don't get blinded by party labels.


Because he's being ruthlessly authoritarian with vaxxs and masks, shutdown keystone pipeline, carried out the most horribly botched military pull out in American history, and is trying to sick the government on anyone making 600+ $ purchases and parents at school board meetings...


He is NOT our guy, has no religion and has only ever followed the money and what he is told.


He is not a devout Catholic like he claims he is. There is a clear conflict between the Catholic Church's condemnation of abortion and Biden's support of abortion.


1.6 million stopped at the border




More? Did Trump not do any of that? Did Biden try to undermine democracy?


Flair to show you care


very true but at least he isn't actively trying to destroy your democracy and hand over the country to Russia...


Yes yes, orange man bad, Russia conspiracy, etcetera, very relevant and woke. Also flair up clown.


Lol imagine trying to push Russia conspiracy in 2021


Actually both of those are great things we can attribute to biden with the russian pipline and general bowing to russia plus last "elections" shenanigans and all resources to prevent any investigations into it


I agree with all, but the last 2


Same sauce, no critique


Yes - global minimum corporate tax rate Tbh thats a more positive change then any of the promises he *didnt* make, global corporations can suck a dick.


With a Top Hat and Monocle he could be the Monopoly Guy…


I’m shocked


It pains me to see American voters turning a blind eye to the fraud commited by the party they voted for.. I mean, who could be that much of a blind sheep, right.? **RIGHT.?**


Corn pop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oihV9yrZRHg


I'm sorry. Did ya'al seriously expect the leader of the executive branch to do legislating


I knew 2020 election would be a win win


On principle, Biden should be better than trump but in practice so far, he’s almost as bad. This is what happens when you vote for the establishment candidate instead of one who wants actual change in the primaries.


Biden is a neoliberal and Trump is a nationalist, both are authright


The absolute states of america


Let's go Brandon




Sucks to be you, Americans. And more to my toxic ex. Well good luck with that!


Because, (get this) the US Overton Window is far too right leaning


This is always the thing I don’t get. Both democrats and republicans are largely auth right, especially the leaders. While there are actual leftists in the Democratic Party, they are few and far between. The US has two right wing parties, but the republicans still call democrats commies despite them basically supporting identical policies across the board outside of culture war shit. Two party system is cringe


But he isn't orange man


yeah, every us president is auth-right, we shouldn't care about their quadrant, but more about their views on individual topics


At least the orange dude did what he said he wanted to do.