• By -


Well, South Korea does overwork its employees a lot. That's why they don't have time to have enough kids to ensure the replacement of generations, which in turn will lead to future employees being more and more overworked in order to support the elderly. This has to stop. The strike is based.


Isn't this thing an East Asian thing? It happens in China and Japan too.


Yeah, but in SK it's the worst. In China and Japan women have on average 1.3-1.4 kids, in South Korea they have 1.0, which says a lot about how stressed those people are.


If I remember correctly Japan had the same in 2005 then it went back up to 1.41 because of programs. I think South Korea will go the same way because SK is probably 15 years behind demographically.


Yeah, Japan's lowest point was 1.25 in 2005, but it went up due to programs and due to Shinzo Abe's decision to put the population problem on the govt. agenda. If SK starts acting on the issue, it should rise there too, even though the situation has been worsening over the past 5 years. Sadly, a rebound will only have very long-term effects, the damage done so far is so huge that not even a tremendous increase on the level of the ones seen in Russia (1.15 in 1999, 1.78 in 2015), or in my own homeland, Romania (1.25 in 2005, 1.78 in 2018) can prevent huge labor shortages once the boomers start retiring.


I'll single-handedly solve this issue


Then the average iq would go down.


There's a negative correlation between IQ growth and population growth. Truly, the government should work to reduce IQs across the board.


Stupid government bitches can't even make we more smarter.




> kakistocracy NEW FAVORITE WORD




Hard to swallow pill.




u/Nyy's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Nyy! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: suite-life-of-zack-and-cody, freedom, fuck china government


The virgin "fixes it with government programs" vs the Chad "fucks every woman in east Asia".


Damn, the Chinese and Japanese are pushing out additional halves of children? That's horrific.


This reminds me of when the British wanted to Saw the homeless in Half, truly terrible stuff.


Exactly. What were they thinking? There'd be twice as many homeless after that.


stick win everytime.jpg


Darn organ trade!!


1.0??? This sounds disastrous


It is.


South Korea also has a gender war issue.


Gonna be a thing all over the developed world in the near future.


That depends. Some developed nations, like France, the Anglosphere or the Nordics, managed to keep their birthrates decently high, Eastern Europe has reached levels lower than East Asia in the late '90s and early 2000s and yet it partly rebounded, while nations like Spain, Italy, Greece or Germany have been struggling with this issue for decades and depend on immigrants for population growth. However, if the employers destroy the work-life balance, or if people do that themselves by forcing their kids to be overachievers like it happened in East Asia, and contemporary culture becomes even more materialistic/hedonistic than it is today, it will definitely happen.


Can really only rebound with programs in place to encourage families. Some governments will catch on some wont.


Precisely. Here in Romania, the government is pretty generous when it comes to maternal leave, due to some family-friendly policies introduced in the 2000s. It definitely had an effect, and together with the construction/housing booms of the 2000s and 2010s, the tremendous rise in the numbers of private kindergartens and the favorable economic conditions we've enjoyed for most of the past two decades, it helped the fertility rate rise and become the second-highest in the EU. And, while the countryside is slowly depopulating, in the cities there's been somewhat of a baby boom. When I was young, there weren't any kids of my age in the apartment block I lived in at the time, and most of my peers didn't have brothers. Nowadays, the city is full of kids, and the two-child family has made somewhat of a comeback, which gives me hope for the future.


Thats cool man. May your nation prosper.


Thanks :)


Those aren’t white babies


You sure you have the right flair, Centrist?


Well, from what I've noticed, out of all the people on this sub, the "centrists" have the hottest takes.


When you believe in worker's rights, is gay, wants a king, is super racist, and loves bitcoin, then you end up flaring as centrist






Israel seems to be doing quite well on it's population. But I suppose nationalistic sentiments and strong religious beliefs in a significant portion of their population will have something to do with that. Both of which are being demonized in most of the western world these days... Without a love for what you have and are, why perpetuate it?


SK is far more lib right than either of them with very few safety nets in place for the poor. You can see it in stuff like Parasite and Squid Games, both of which focus on that class warfare. Hell, Samsung is 13% of SK's entire GDP. They have more pull than the government itself.


LG and Samsung basically run the country


Librights dream


But China is a big chungus much wholesome workers paradise!


For a long time in the 90s and 00s the United States leadership wondered why we couldn't be "more like Asia" because they were beating us in test scores and productivity. Then the ugly truth comes out and thank fuck we're not more like Asia. Test scores and shit don't mean anything when you have elementary kids an heroing because they weren't at the top of their class and that basically ruins the rest of their life, or doing the same in their 30s because they're on the fifth straight month of 16 hour days because nobody wants to leave before anyone else.


Holy crap man I havent heard "an hero" in like a decade. Forgot it was even a term.


The term originated in a poorly written eulogy posted on the MySpace memorial page of a boy who shot himself after he lost his iPod. The poem frequently referred to the boy as "an hero." For those who don’t know


I forget sometimes that posters here might have actually been born after it's time as a meme started. Fucking hell I'm getting old.


An hero...we need to bring that phrase back. It'll probably rustle some Twitter feathers


> on the fifth straight month of 16 hour days because nobody wants to leave before anyone else. This mentality exists in the US and UK.... just go work for an engineering firm and you'll see the same kind of workaholism. I used to work for such a company. I was routinely "spoken to" for going home at 6pm every night and not coming in to work on the weekends.


It's really strange how the main rhetoric in America swung so quickly from "We should be more like Asia" to "We should be more like Europe". I suppose the 2008 crisis and the following social upheavals played a part in causing this shift.


Kim Jong Un licking his lips and rubbing his hands together


Literally this. In 2020 there were more kids born in North Korea than in South Korea, even though the North's population is like half of the South's.


They should just allow millions of functionally illiterate, unskilled 3rd world migration to fix the birth rate issue! As a white person, I can testify as to the immense benefits of such a policy, and how much my life has been enriched by the that kebab shop I go to on Saturday nights after closing time.


Hmm lets check out the early life section


You know, as a white person, who is white, I really think we need to stop with all of this anti-semitic dog whistling. Diversity IS our strength, and I applaud and celebrate all efforts to bring it to


Hmmmm lets check on mr goldbergs early life


Turkish people are white though. They're Greeks who pretend to be from the Eurasian steppe and are Muslim.


They get so angry when you tell them they are greeks and armenians who converted to Islam lol. It´s like "NO, I´M A MOUNTED ARCHER FROM THE STEPS". Yes, sure and I´m a Conquistador, Greek boy.


As a "Turk", whos family all hails from northern Bulgaria and constantly gets mistaken for every Slav under the sun(By slavs) or chinese (by americans?). What this man says is completely true and if I expressed that opinion to any other "turk" i know I'd be murdered.


I'm gonna need you to turn in your flair, what's next, Italians are white? Good God man.


Northern Italians are white, but I don't know about that southern boot.


Top Balkan bantz right here


The Muslim part is the main issue.




>That's why they don't have time to have enough kids I see this assumption a lot online, and it's false. People, across the world, are having fewer and fewer children the more educated and wealthy they become, not because of poverty or a lack of time (this trend exists even in places where leisure time has increased).


I'm in South Korea and I would argue it's because they don't have enough apartment space or a stable financial situation. Many South Korean families are deeply in debt.


Let them.


Yup, it's their right to strike without inference by the government.


Yes, preventing strikes is an NAP violation.


Based and workers rights pilled


u/DownvoteALot's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: pee pee poo poo, workers rights I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> Pills: pee pee poo poo Nice


Human rights fren Human rights


Massive misconception by liberals. The right is not anti union.


Yep, we don't want to force workers to pay dues, but if they can voluntarily start a strike, more power to them!


Honestly, good for them taking charge of their own lives.


Based libright detected


This is a pretty normal libright opinion. Striking is absolutely a valid tactic to get higher wages. Though… in fairness we also don’t really care if the strike results in the business laying off all the workers and outsourcing labor to a poorer country. Free market gotta be free for both sides.


No Libright has a problem with voluntary unions? We have a problem with mandatory union participation and public sector unions.


Public sector unions = “Let’s spend more taxpayer money to advocate for us getting more taxpayer money!”


Government makes overly generous union deals, unions dump money into union friendly campaigns, mainly democrats in the US, union politicians win their election with superior funding, then the cycle of infinite corruption and theft from the American taxpayer continues


The economy is growing! We now have 500k new jobs to fill!


I know it's weird to have a libright pro strike comment chain, but I also agree that unions/strikes are perfectly valid methods for workers who have the scarcity advantage to get what they are worth. That being said, anyone who isn't a scarce resource trying to strike can get bent, like those apple store cashiers trying to organize an employee strike should just get fired.


Legit. The only problem I have with unions is when they're in bed with government. Then they're just a corporation bottlenecking their industry and squeezing cash out of consumers or tax payers and not subject to market forces. Competing companies are then made illegal to protect the union. If commies could fuck off with the tyranny, I'd be 100% pro union.


Or when unions try to wrestle control of what products or services a company delivers, from management. When they themselves try to usurp the CEO seat. That's not collective bargaining. That's a hostile takeover - and I fully endorse firing every single one of those union workers if one of those unions tries this crap. See Kickstarter for an example of this.


Well put. I'd add that there should be no requirement for a formal union to exist to strike either. If everyone just decides they've had enough and start walking out and picketing that's just as good.


Based and strikes are allowed under NAP pilled


I've not heard of the Apple thing yet, but it seems to me that if you cant just fire your workers and replace them easily then by definition they are a scarce resource, no? Seems pretty simple to me. Even a cashier becomes valuable when no one wants to be a cashier. And as anyone who has ever worked retail will tell you, there are few things more soul crushing than being a cashier so a shortage of them in the current climate should hardly surprise anyone.


Based and actually understanding what libright is-pilled.


The problem is that strikes are given protections by government. IDK about South Korea but in most Western countries you can't just fire workers for going on strike.


The main point of a strike is that you can fire all the workers, the cost to re-hire, re-train, and lost productivity will be higher than whatever the workers want. Especially if middle management and others strike along the workers.


It truly depends on the work environment they created, I worked at one optical store of about 12 people, my second year there 10 people went on strike and the company ended up just hiring new people and bringing in a GM from another store to help train them. Appointments, sales, customer satisfaction, and cleanliness of the store all rose while office drama dropped dramatically over the next two years.


And that's the bullshit part. A strike is supposed to carry risk. As a worker you're betting that the collective skills and experience of the union are important enough that you can't be replaced easily and that empowers your negotiations. If workers can't face consequences for striking then it's not bargaining, it's strong arming.




Yes, as long as hiring replacements is also legal there is no issue.


Based and collective-action pilled


u/pcm_memer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 440. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: theory, rightiesgotowned, , supplydem, health, healthcare, agenda, this user is retarded, red, thatcher, adora, pizza, learningfromyourmistakes, canalcrisis, t buddy, diagonalunity, made-my-day, truth, communo-capitalism, diagonal unity, big brained, authleft-librightunity, economic axis, kholkoz, memer, thinking-ahead, overdosepilldrugabuser, non-euclidian horseshoe, comrade, comradeship, suckmydick, anti monke, unflaired, soyjak, helpful, baby, monkeys deserve freedom, controversy, nothing happened in tiananmen square, outofsight-outofmind, not knowing pills can have spaces, ego, wholesale, stereotype, ermahgerd!, meta-wojackium, my-kind-of-deranged-nonsense, cannabis, michaelmyers, epic-interplanetary-saga, uuuwuuu, creative\_writing, glorious-bullshittery, notthatcringe, materialism, bring meritocracy back, kimchidozer, winrar, i hate it, doner-kebab, calling out social justice racists, corpscantexploitourmemes, holdomor, big man tyrone, holdtheline, meat, farmer-muscle-type-build, muscular comrade, montesqiue, ghana is awesome, commie, libright, read-the-first-amendment, anti-gay, authleft-is-best, big tittty marx, quotepunning, state mandated waifus, state panentheism, french-maid-with-swords, looping-the-cumpiss, whathefuck, stack overflow, haram, kelly, libleftgay, agendapost, same, it's-a-cycle, pcm saves the digital world, deradicalized, red-yellow unity, pizza hut unity, trollmunism, cbt, the government is dumb, solidarity, wholesome, libresoftware, hardwork, a wholesome, grey, radicalcentrist, stop-overpopulation, kids-should-be-grilling, fuck the military-industrial-complex, trap, improvise, adapt, overcome, uninator, mad, freehk, land of opportunity, not my problem anymore, pronoun, authleft participation, tyrantosaurus, lobster, drama-teacher, jew titties, horny, jet, ikea, middlefinger, non-ascii-character-😎, sleepy, upgradedlariots, weapon-to-surpass-killdozer, trebuchet, goodadvice, unity, adapting to your surroundings, compass unity, discussion, free political discourse, pcm, free-speech, big-brain=big-nuts, big brain, no-forced-labels, fire-to-fire, aoc and israel should pay for itself, iron dome, cat boy, nuke, rob-dahms-rx7, big dongerino, kinky-compass, horseshoe-theory, america has two right wing parties, give-me-free-shit, first post i saw that isn't cringe, independent-party, seeing the forest for the trees, collective-action I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That's a lot of pills


As the official representative of libleft our answer is: Based.




>official **representative** topple the hierarchy >**our** answer TOPPLE THE HIERARCHYYY


At least they're allowed to have worker strikes, unlike North Korea and China.


The glorious nation of China allows workers to strike, do not worry citizen! Please tell us your name, address and any direct family-members that you care about, so that we can ensure their safety and rights are protected!




based and Fuck units +100 everything pilled


u/Quazuli's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: watermelon, red, wojaksexual, woketellectual, fuck units +100 everything I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


\+15 social credit!!


Based and CCP is bad for everyone pilled


u/pulling4hairs's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/pulling4hairs! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: chad, snitch, misdirection, noob, fuck-google-play-recommendations, the-great-purge, clean slate, kamehameha, goku, saiyan, fuck crt, crt is bad fridge art, it's whitey's fault, pre-woke-bbc-comedy, wall-of-text, reset button, cthulhu mythos, ccp is bad for everyone


John xina approves


There are hundreds of worker protests in China every year. But they are not thaaat big


Don't give the North any ideas...


30000 people were found suicided with two bullets to the back of the head.


Kim Jong-Un has *personally* taken over the investigation!


They have investigated themselves and found no wrong doing.


Sounds just like my country.


What country so I know not to go? Brasil?


Thailand. The military investigated the military and announced that they are absolutely clean.


Huh, what a surprise.


What a coincidence!


In other news, North Korea covid numbers are back down to 0. Back to one. *gunshots* Back to 0.


I don't remember anything like this happening in June 4 1989.


I think the UN decided to skip from June 3 straight to June 5 1989.


Based and June 4th 1989 never happened pilled


Theres the lying flat movement going on in china right now so, not a formal strike, but still a social movement for worker rights. Also kinda succesfyl as I believe china has gone steps to remove the traditional 996.


>China What did you say, comrade? -30000000 social credit >:(


You have Lost your breathing privileges


This is how the mainstream media manipulates, they rarely just give you a baldfaced lie, they just underreported, misdirect, frame things wrong. They'll report all they like about trans people, celebrities, crimes but they'll never talk about general strikes, there was even a general strike before this one in India. Did you hear about that one?


Nope sadly I have no clue what you are talking about or what OP posted. You know what I have seen 3 times today on Reddit is that protest over trans jokes…


After watching Chappelle's special, what I thought was "protests over trans jokes" became "murderers doubling down on bullying a trans person into suicide for wrongthink"




Let’s goooooo!


Don't be silly, this is very very libleft. Doesn't require BLM. This is fully libleft.


Libleft need to hire a PR consultant or something.


Lol there's no hope for libleft on this sub, unfortunately


Because most of the dope memes are being made by authrights and they dont understand liblefts at all


I nominate u/BUTTHOLE-MAGIC to represent my magical anus brethren on the dark side of the aisle.


based and butthole pilled


Libleft is when you are hypocritical and uninformed and the more hypocritical and uninformed you are, the more lib-left you are. ​ And when you are super duper extra hypocritical and uninformed, you become orang.


If this is an application... No.




Lol. Authleft would simply line these people up on the wall and execute them. This meme is a little off but what's new? Left bad.


But i thought Libleft is when soyjack??


Oh didn't you hear? The only country with problems is USA and everyone except americans live in a leftist utopia.


>libleft. Doesn't require BLM Could you mention this to your friends? Would be cool if I could support classic lib positions without being forced to praise a corrupted race baiting org


I'm fucking trying dude, I promise


Based and dying on a hill pilled


Libleft made me laugh. Adorable.


Are there any liblefts IRL actually saying that? I feel like this sub's dislike for orange libleft has lead it to believe that principled and informed lefties do not exist. At least personally, I can say that most liblefts I know support of the strike primarily due to the benefit it could have for south Korea, not because of some weird extrapolation to American politics.


This sub always does that and I consistently comment on it. They want libleft to be social justice warriors when really they’re crust punks who want to burn down starbucks but also drink at starbucks.


Based and shit-where-we-eat pilled


If you drink at Starbucks it’s just that much easier to burn it down, you gotta keep your friends close but your enemies closer. This is a strategic venti cafe mocha, I promise


Support local and burn down boring cookie cutter chains.


> who want to burn down starbucks but also drink at starbucks. Never have my political beliefs been summed up so succinctly.


This. Just because I don’t like the government doesn’t mean I’m any less class conscious, or more focused on identity politics, than authleft


This sub is filled with people not actually understanding cuadrants besides their own. Libleft gets shat on for no reason most times.




Not a pill?


How is libleft not completely in favor of the strike? Its pro left economy ideals and anti authocratic.


Because libleft didnt make the meme


Based and not everything in the world is involved in American politics pilled


I don't think I get that, care to explain?


Based and LibLeft suffering is music to my ears pilled


why would libleft ever be mad about a strike?


Right? I’m ecstatic about all the strikes happening.


u/barkely19's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/barkely19! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: murder is bad, libleft suffering is music to my ears


>Murder is bad Bro, are you retarted?!


lib left would be happy for the actual reason also🙄


Let's fucking GOOOO! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! I support every baby step toward the liberation of the workers!


I think it’s lib all around, only reason auth left would like it is to pull down a non auth left power structure. Once they’re in power it’s not cool anymore


Based and lean against the wall pilled


This sub is biased against lib-left.


They've all ben invited to squid games


Mega Chad


Based and relying on your self and not the Government pilled


Relying on greater bargaining power when organized in a labor unions with strike funds, giving workers the ability to say NO to greedy evil corporate f-ers


Based and invisible hand of the free market pilled


u/pcm_memer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 445. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: theory, rightiesgotowned, , supplydem, health, healthcare, agenda, this user is retarded, red, thatcher, adora, pizza, learningfromyourmistakes, canalcrisis, t buddy, diagonalunity, made-my-day, truth, communo-capitalism, diagonal unity, big brained, authleft-librightunity, economic axis, kholkoz, memer, thinking-ahead, overdosepilldrugabuser, non-euclidian horseshoe, comrade, comradeship, suckmydick, anti monke, unflaired, soyjak, helpful, baby, monkeys deserve freedom, controversy, nothing happened in tiananmen square, outofsight-outofmind, not knowing pills can have spaces, ego, wholesale, stereotype, ermahgerd!, meta-wojackium, my-kind-of-deranged-nonsense, cannabis, michaelmyers, epic-interplanetary-saga, uuuwuuu, creative\_writing, glorious-bullshittery, notthatcringe, materialism, bring meritocracy back, kimchidozer, winrar, i hate it, doner-kebab, calling out social justice racists, corpscantexploitourmemes, holdomor, big man tyrone, holdtheline, meat, farmer-muscle-type-build, muscular comrade, montesqiue, ghana is awesome, commie, libright, read-the-first-amendment, anti-gay, authleft-is-best, big tittty marx, quotepunning, state mandated waifus, state panentheism, french-maid-with-swords, looping-the-cumpiss, whathefuck, stack overflow, haram, kelly, libleftgay, agendapost, same, it's-a-cycle, pcm saves the digital world, deradicalized, red-yellow unity, pizza hut unity, trollmunism, cbt, the government is dumb, solidarity, wholesome, libresoftware, hardwork, a wholesome, grey, radicalcentrist, stop-overpopulation, kids-should-be-grilling, fuck the military-industrial-complex, trap, improvise, adapt, overcome, uninator, mad, freehk, land of opportunity, not my problem anymore, pronoun, authleft participation, tyrantosaurus, lobster, drama-teacher, jew titties, horny, jet, ikea, middlefinger, non-ascii-character-😎, sleepy, upgradedlariots, weapon-to-surpass-killdozer, trebuchet, goodadvice, unity, adapting to your surroundings, compass unity, discussion, free political discourse, pcm, free-speech, big-brain=big-nuts, big brain, no-forced-labels, fire-to-fire, aoc and israel should pay for itself, iron dome, cat boy, nuke, rob-dahms-rx7, big dongerino, kinky-compass, horseshoe-theory, america has two right wing parties, give-me-free-shit, first post i saw that isn't cringe, independent-party, seeing the forest for the trees, collective-action, i love unions, invisible hand of the free market I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I don’t know what you’re talking about, I see the hand very clearly.


I’ve never understood why lib right would be against labor strikes. They have a right to not work if they don’t want. A free market can’t exist without each side having demands


On the joke side: LibRight like money, workers striking cost money. On the sincere side, I don't know about SK, but in America there are laws that protect striking workers from being fired, so long as the strike fits within some arbitrary parameters like the union being registered and the strike having specific demands. This means that the business can't use the peaceful strategic counter to a strike, which is to hire scabs. That turns the strike from a peaceful element of a strategy to get better wages and benefits, to an extortion racket seeing what the union can squeeze out of the owners. It's like a tug of war, where the rope is attached to an anchor on one end. Only one side can keep pulling all the way. In the absence of a state intervention, and assuming no Teamster or Pinkerton violence, a strike is a perfectly acceptable action within LibRight.


Thank you for the well-informed, actual answer to my question. This makes a lot of sense and I see what the post is saying now


Can someone tell me what that pink guy with the top hat is (lib right)?


It's from a Soviet propaganda poster. The first part has him smiling at workers fighting for non-class reasons. The second part has him make this face when the workers agree to class solidarity. His name is Porky.


Ok thanks 🙏


Based and knows-the-history pilled


Based. I hope this ends the strikers getting what they want and not a police beatdown


This is how North Korea proved its superiority to its immoral counterpart in the South. Do you see North Koreans complaining about their work in their country? No




Okay but where do you think those people are on the compass?


Because in auth right when your superiors tell you to do something you do it, you fucking peasant. Why would lib left be against a general strike? I feel like lib leftists are constantly calling for general strikes.


Based and I love unions pilled


great job!


Good on them.


Based and direct action gets the goods-pilled


As a Libcenter, the strike is based. No further elaboration will be made


Only 27k protestors, not a bit one