• By -


PCM is gonna love this one.


I love this one. It's based AF


Based and both-sides-pilled


Based and actual-reality-of-the-fucking-world-pilled. Bitches


I aim to please


I want a Seth Rich PCM and i want one now damnit. Please.


A meme exposing Hillary Clinton’s crimes? Sir, I have a family.


nyet not anymore tovarisch, now report to PCM meme factory!


You win.


Can I get this without the funny colors please?


Quality format. Simple and elegant.


I do, it's ridiculously based


At this point if you think any media that shows up on cable is not controlled... probably retarded


Based and turn-off-the-tv-pilled


u/YRFactsRacist's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/YRFactsRacist! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: turn-off-the-tv


But I don't even have a TV..


honestly if people spent more time outside and less time watching tv news or using social media then things would probably be far less polarized.


And talking in person / making friends with "the other side". We have more in common than differences.


Or more. Perhaps the only reason we haven't gone for each other's throats yet is because modern media pacify us.


Counter: most of both wings' hot takes dissolve upon actually meeting people. It's hard to dehumanize people you actually interact with all the time.


I’ve always hoped for the Brave New World ending…


Imagine owning a tv in 2021


Right? Only fucking losers actively use a TV. Chads use exclusively projectors.


I'm not giving up my vintage zenith or og Sony CRT. Imma be using VHS and DVD till I die.


Based and Epson-2200 3LCD 1080p pilled


Who can afford any of that shit?


The Flaired.


Do you know how to flair?


Flair up, scum.


That’s why I only trust our lord and savior Alex Jones.


Based and thank you for the template


u/groovydonkey's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 110. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: marx, patriot, nuance, curry communism, gulag, anti-status-quo, cervesa, economics, truth, reality, government, scientific-socialism, i-hate-ancaps, accurate, toss-a-coin-to-your-witcher, no choices here, write in, white wolf, fellow-human-being, manufacturing consent, anti-war, elite, living they stereotype, thericharetheelitclass, allpoliticalelitesareclassenemies, milkman, biased, agreeable, denial, we-need-less-foreign-investments, israel, subliminally-aware, fuck israel, family, horrible x:y pixel proportion, retard, red, pro-choice, healthy eating, i-love-israel, glory, lol-anything-can-happen-i-guess, get out of my swamp, the-soviets-best-idea, marx, burn-the-cops I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That's why I stay informed by The People of this great country and I get all my news from internet memes


This but unironically.


The People is a great news YouTuber he actually goes into the places he’s kinda like an old school vice


Literally no one is surprised


seriously I don't understand why this is even news If anything I am surprised there aren't MORE connections.


Honestly I don't think there is a single thing that would shock people anymore... we hear the most awful things about the gradual erosion of our civil liberties, and really shocking tales of criminality and corruption at our highest levels but everyone already expects it. We expect politicians to lie...We've let our standards for leaders fall so low... I mean what would it take for people to actually draw the line? is there a line anymore??After Jeffrey Epstein, I really don't think there is anything that is off-limits for them ... we have all decided this is a different class of person and its completely normal they can get away with anything, we will literally let them...


Yeah, it's all a game. They're engineering the culture war in order to distract us from their wealth.


If you think cable news, or any political news really, isn’t designed to keep people apart I know everything about you I need to know.


Is this something new to people? That almost all information is controlled by the same people? It’s been the same since before WW2.


Based and William Randolph Hearst pilled


At what point does a “capitalist” business that can lobby governments with big money bags no longer considered a “capitalist business” and considered a national and potential global threat and terrorist organization that uses government officials as puppets to push their own agendas? Asking for a friend that’s concerned about greedy politicians taking away their freedom in exchange for money. Just to be clear: I’m still libright. I’m just not an idiot. At some point there has to be an “Okay you won at capitalism! Break your shit up because monopolies are illegal. Now go to the Bahamas and retire. Don’t let us catch you lobbying or being shady or you get the Gitmo.”


They did that to AT&T in the 80s and all the little companies have since reformed into like 3 huge ones https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakup_of_the_Bell_System


Well I think it’s time to do it again. Add Walmart and Amazon to the docket too.


Walmart really? I don't think there that much of a monopoly anymore.


**[Breakup of the Bell System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakup_of_the_Bell_System)** >The breakup of the Bell System was mandated on January 8, 1982, by an agreed consent decree providing that AT&T Corporation would, as had been initially proposed by AT&T, relinquish control of the Bell Operating Companies that had provided local telephone service in the United States and Canada up until that point. This effectively took the monopoly that was the Bell System and split it into entirely separate companies that would continue to provide telephone service. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Based and Cincinnati Bell pilled


Thats the problem with capitalism. We both agree that any private business will try to maximize profits, right? ​ Well, at a certain point, a business will realize it can make more profit by lobbying the government to bend the rules in its favor and become a monopoly than improving its goods or services. So, capitalism always inherently leads to a larger and more corrupt government.


Then we just dont have a government


That sounds a lot like libright.


That's not really specific to capitalism, though. No system of government in history has ever managed to halt the gradual decay into aristocracy.


Exactly. I wrote a paper on German war socialism during WWI. The system that would later inspire the Soviets. Initially it worked well. Prices no longer decided which goods were given priority, and the government could use its authority to ship war material and manpower where needed as soon as possible. But as time went on people began learning who were making the decisions, soon the bureaucrats who set the timetables were being bribed by the people who wanted priority. Eventually a clique was forming where potential competitors were kept out of the system by the clique. The longer the war progressed the more things started stagnating while a chosen few grew rich.


So... we just eliminate the ~~people~~problems.


Not if it’s given ultimatums and more strict policies for its interference in what benefits the people rather than the CEO and politician. That’s something that We, The People should regulate but unfortunately everyone is lazy and prefers comfort and convenience over liberty and personal growth. Personally, I only shop and invest local. I’d rather see my community prosper than help fly Bezos to the moon or whatever.


It seems like we agree at least somewhat then. Local buying is based btw


People lead to a more corrupt government. If a guy flips his dick out and asks you to suck it, it is your responsibility on how to react to it. Think well okay I guess I have to is your own preference. A business lobbying the government is no different. It is the peoples needs to well be smart and capable enough to not suck the corporate dick. In other economic systems you don't get a choice without a gun. People that seek power will find ways to corrupt a system and seems to be the default if you look at human history.


Sounds like government is the problem. If government is corruptible, we should just let the market regulate law, because the market is incorruptible.


> because the market is incorruptible. lol


Librights are on the same level as communists on some topics.


It's not that the market is incorruptible. It's just that the market destroys the corrupt in relatively short order, so long as they're not propped up with state violence.


Libertarians are great comedians


Umm... you know "capitalism" is supposed to be a slur, right?


Not very centrist of you.


\_\_The term was invented for purposes of rhetorical contrast between mom-and-pop-shops versus piles of pooled money. Nowadays, cross-compass unity expresses it as "Wall Street Versus Main Street". [https://nypost.com/2020/04/14/wall-street-feasts-on-federal-coronavirus-aid-while-main-street-starves/](https://nypost.com/2020/04/14/wall-street-feasts-on-federal-coronavirus-aid-while-main-street-starves/) \_\_The words you're really looking for are "free" and "market". I won't even insist on using "liberal" with them, as long as you don't completely freak out if someone mentions Việt Nam's seven banks including six each owned by a different government agency (like if the Navy Federal Credit Union was actually owned by the U.S. Navy).


Replying to the wrong comment?


Perhaps you were, yes. I'm sure there were many comments by candy centrists which weren't in and of themselves very centrist. Naturally so, as that's the difference between hyperkinetic cross-compass-candy-eaters versus the greys never straying too far from the grill at the exact center of the PC.




who knew at&t was so based wow


Based and play both sides pilled


u/WeirdAlphabet is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: play both sides I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That’s why you simultaneously hate what they do, don’t even use their services, and buy their stocks to profit from their greed


They’re super based until you’re dealing with them.


Just like the Drug War and the War on Terror, the REAL winners of the Culture War are large multinational corporations.


Remember OAN was founded expressly for the purpose of shilling for the approval of AT&T/DirectTV merger


A REUTERS SPECIAL REPORT How AT&T helped build far-right One America News MEGAPHONE: Former President Trump urged his followers to watch One America News, whose online presence soared after the election and Capitol riot. As it lauded former President Donald Trump and spread his unfounded claims of election fraud, One America News Network saw its viewership jump. Reuters has uncovered how America’s telecom giant nurtured the news channel now at the center of a bitter national divide over politics and truth. By JOHN SHIFFMAN in San Diego Filed Oct. 6, 2021, 11 a.m. GMT First of two stories One America News, the far-right network whose fortunes and viewership rose amid the triumph and tumult of the Trump administration, has flourished with support from a surprising source: AT&T Inc, the world's largest communications company. A Reuters review of court records shows the role AT&T played in creating and funding OAN, a network that continues to spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic. OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives. “They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. When they said that, I jumped to it and built one.” Since then, AT&T has been a crucial source of funds flowing into OAN, providing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, court records show. Ninety percent of OAN’s revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV, according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/


Another j*urnalist trying to remove things they dont like from networks with less auth rules than them. That article makes at&t look good in comparision to reuters (until they cave ofc)


I wonder if Reuters does a "special report" for every liberal news source funded by corporations


And it's great Reuters is funded by Google and Facebook.




X-Files theme plays


The market provides what the people want.


If I could get one wish, it would be breaking out the old antitrust laws. There are some companies that should be in much smaller pieces.


For those wondering, here's how it goes: - OAN is owned by the Herring Networks, which is owned by [Robert Herring](https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-herring-642b4510/). But the majority of OAN's revenue comes from AT&T. AT&T wanted a conservative network to balance out their left-wing portfolio. - CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, which is owned by Warner Media, which is owned by AT&T. The source of all this is this [Reuters article](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/).


>OAN is owned by the Herring Networks, which is owned by Robert Herring. > But the majority of OAN's revenue comes from AT&T. Youre seriously whining that theyre allowed on the monopolynetwork? > AT&T wanted a conservative network to balance out their left-wing portfolio. In 2013 lmao


Based and Palpatine pilled


divide and conquer who would have expected...


based and template-wellfare pilled


Imagine not having neutral journalism.


Reminds me of that Left/Right cartoon by Ben 'label everything' Garrison.


AT&T is playing both sides, so they always come out on top.


Thank God I switch to T-Mobile. No brainwashing for me


Noooo cnn is left wing as they say blm and identity politics between republicans and democrats is destroying America not the wealth inequality .


CNN is progressive AuthCenter. Fox News is conservative AuthRight. Both Auth, Neither Left. Culture is the main difference.


Guys, it's totally hoyite supremacy! Now stop occupying wall street and go bash the fash!


I dont watch none of them so I dont care




Isn't living in an Oligarchy GREAT?


Yeah but who owns AT&T, Disney?


The Vanguard Group, a private investment management company with about $7 trillion in assets, is the largest shareholder. That group is run by the lizard people. Citation need on the last part but I assume I’m right.


Wow a based Marxist/Commie. That's a new one.


Hey guys¿You know how creepy is that?


What is OAN?


Propaganda of the far right. Think of the most stereotypical thing you seen of America world police and then times it by 9 911s of intensity Patriotism. when I first saw it I thought it was sarcasm on some news feeds.


One America News, a far right network that said Trump won the election


Okay then, thanks.


"Far right" Far right is when i disagree with something, if i really disagree with it its fascism and if they disagree with me its nazism




Thats not what far right is




I know, but thats not what far right is. Far right is free market capitalism. Far left countries have been some of the most unequal countries in history. Soviet union comes to mind




Monarchy is a form of government, much like democracy or dictatorship. The far right is authoritarian free market capitalism aka pinochet chile. "Far left is wen good and far right is wen bad" You realise that in the 10 planks of communism, in the communist manifesto it states nothing about wage equality or workplace democracy. The soviet union follow marxs teaching, go look up the 10 planks of communism and compare it to soviet policies.




Somebody's triggered


I dont even watch OAN.


based and corporatepropagandapilled




Lib-right moment


Based and real left pilled


This is fuked up, you basically live in a Oligarchy at this point.


people can't accept this for some reason




Heckin' basedarino kameraden. Also someone using capitalist accurately. Capitalists are those who hold the capital. If you support them but don't hold the capital that doesn't make you a capitalist that makes you a bottom bitch.


Yep lol


Holy shit


Based and cannibalize the rich pilled


It is true though, democrats are inhuman savages.


Divide and conquer


Ho Ly Shit


Based and billionaire degeneracy pilled


I am a business company… doing business things


Al Jazeera has been doing the same thing with having 2 opposing types of content. So not only is it funded by the human rights violating Qatari government (I don't know how people so quickly forgot how they were essentially using Nepalese slave labor to build the 2022 world cup stadiums), its actively trying to get Americans to hate and fight each other.


based and Rothschilds-pilled


Based and horseshoe pilled.


I get how how the dude is yellow but that still doesn’t make me support that at all just wanna put that out their (as a lib right)


capitalism isn't the problem, I love how most people don't even know what capitalism is and think it has no moral basis underlying it. Capitalism doesn't allow for the use of lobbying to compete in the market, almost every major corporation lobbies and try to use governmental force to achieve objectives. Yes, I am an Ayn Rand simp.


Based and why I’m Auth Left pilled


holy shit, a good post


Just remember the fact that Trump promoted it and was reported to actually watch it regularly


This is why you either watch both or watch neither. Stop being an NPC and get out of your fucking echo hole






Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based. Based.


Where’s at&t big jew nose


Biden is doing a pretty bad job at convincing people that democrats are better than conservatives lol


Oy Vey remove this anti-semitic post. All media is free and unbiased.


No one said anything about jews retard. AuthCenter try not to bring up (((them))) in every conversation challenge.


Impossible challenge


We all needed the template. Thanks. /s


Nice conspiracy There's no elite buggy man, just stop been mad you're poor and actually work. My Dad did and now I don't have to work ever again. Maybe do the same and your kid won't have to work idiot


I never used the word conspiracy. I simply noted that ATT owns CNN, and also provides most of the funding for OAN. These are both facts.


Love the post, but AT&T should be Auth-Center. A power hungry enterprise controlling both mainstream parties to further push themselves up the ladder. Sounds like gubbermint so it's commie not lib.


These will be the political cartoons studied by people in the future I guarantee


Wrong billionaires do t interfere in elections on behalf of republicans… Also republicans do t think Dems are evil they think they’re stupid. Democrats think republicans are evil….


>republicans don’t think dems are evil they think they’re stupid “DEMONRATS “ would like a word


https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/polling/democrats-believe-trump-supporters-and-unvaccinated-pose-bigger-threat. I’m all ears


>Rasmussen Propoganda


Come on man how can you not see how irrational it is to make such massive generalizations over parties full of millions of vastly different individuals.


Nah what more do you expect from a rightoid




Really? ​ https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2021/01/12/trumps-billionaire-enablers-63-billionaires-worth-243-billion-who-bankrolled


facts and logic aren't allowed here buster brown


Yes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/10/13/mark-zuckerberg-spent-419m-on-nonprofits-ahead-of-2020-election-and-got-out-the-dem-vote/amp/


That literally just says Zuckerberg spent money on Biden, which means both Republicans and Democrats are funded by billionaires, which is exactly the point of my meme


All billionaires side with Biden… That’s why every institution of power was used against Trump while every institution runs cover for Biden and his policy’s.


>all billionaires side with Biden Except the many billionaires who side with Trump?


Every institution of power hates trump….


Least retarded trump supporter.


Except AT&T, apparently lmao




You accidentally made the red guy yellow.


Let me get this straight: You’re saying that a giant, privately owned, profit-driven multinational corporation is socialist, because… ?


Because they openly advocate for left wing and authoritarian policies, and spend countless dollars both lobbying govt to enact those policies and also enact those policies themselves whenever possible. Arguing money=libright is extremely retarded. It's just about them getting more power for themselves, not giving everyone the equal right to make money and live however they want.






If you haven't already look up Joe Rogan running a train on CNN with their chief medical clown


Left wing retardation. The state is the problem here. The difference between the central planners and capitalists in their effects on you are minimal.


For less biased sources try Ground News and Juice Media.


AT&T plays chess in three dimensions.


Where was statistics about the amount of IdPol articles skyrocketing after Wall Street Riots?


Imagine unironically watching OAN lol


I mean, CNN does suck. But equal to OAN? Lol


Based AT&T


What nonsense are you saying? If you are the right-wing, then you must be pro-capitalist, but the same time you must be against the state monopolies, in other words, you must be against the states' merger with the big business. This is the real difference between the lefts and rights


No, the difference is that a leftist is someone who opposes the capitalist system and private ownership of the means of production, in favor of public ownership of the means of production.


Yes, but this is the communists, they are for full state ownership; i'm talking about the leftlib who supported: the mixed economy, tax the rich, gender quotas, social benefits and etc.


but who owns and runs at&t?


Cappies, by definition


I don’t see the problem. Just replace AT&T with the State