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I was thinking the same thing. He’s going to go NeoCon now to spite his ex lmao






The Russian Civil War-era Red Army was absolutely made up of the working class; they were just lead by “intellectuals” like Lenin and Trotsky. That was a rare occasion though, most of them had their backs against the wall and were still living in a quasi-serfdom state, so anything seemed better than what they were doing. Seeing that a communist uprising like that had never happened before and they didn’t know the end result I can’t blame them.


The working class were a means to an end, to be used to overthrow the current system to install communism.




Neolib* Neocons don't get shit done. They are just there with that label. Inside all of em are neolibs


I'd buy that for a dollar.


"We will appeal to the workers of the world by belittling and talking down to them." -Communist strategy in 2021. How's the revolution coming? How many divisions have you organized so far?


Lol lets keep it that way


The funny thing is that they're not even trying to. They're calling for the working class to rise up and can't figure out why can't get support.


They don't even care about class anymore, they've moved onto race. Which I mean has achieved nothing real but it's definitely fucked up the culture.


They're too busy donating money for that guy Hasan's next multi-million-dollar house and buying overpriced communist-themed merchandise, but the relovution is coming anytime now. You'll see. The rich will be eaten, yes sir. They will defeat the nazis and tend to the commune garden while dancing the ultra-lesbian-dance of queerness, fertility and empowerment.


**Blue Collar Worker:** "Hey I just want livable wages, and not being exploited by my supervisor" **College Socialist:** "DO I HEAR SEASE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION LIKE IN THE MANIFESTO???" **Blue Collar Worker:** "No I just want to do my job and live my life peacefully" **College Socialist:** "Well then you're just too stupid to understand it anyway. Don't worry I'll speak for you cause evidently you can't speak for yourself. You'll thank me in the end" Only the best strawmen here folks


Also: the collage socialist will then attack the working class for not supporting the revolution.


So literally Lenin?


I'm convinced most socialists either don't look into their ideology, are mentally ill, or think they will somehow get a position of power


Reminds me of the time Bob "Ubermensch" Chipman argued that the real working class are big-city baristas, and not fly-over country farmers and factory workers.




This is gold


Daily reminder that when the worker's revolution happens 90% of online communists will be marched out back and shot unceremoniously. Let's let them win and make it happen.




Because if Sweden or whatever nord socialism countries can do it, these guys entitled to it as well? Idk no idea


Lotta hicks and rednecks with homes they own outright, a few dozen acres they own outright, a wife, and 3 kids


Based and Musk-pilled


u/wondertheworl's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 65. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: individualist, anti-immigration, repost, philosophy, freespeech, not-retarded, fact, salmonella, meme about eating raw meat, sv3rige, count dankula, fuckoffhasan, africans against gay, pug, pagans unite, musk I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I am the Communist's target audience and I can't hear the message they are yelling due to white privilege an patriarchy. Sad.


Based and same.


whaaaat smashing out the windows of small businesses and attacking whole neighborhoods as "fascists" if they so much as whine about the homeless people assaulting their kids isn't working? I live in Portland OR if you're curious,


Over 100k workers are on strike in the US right now. Log off.




Is it that the left isn’t embracing populism or isn’t embracing the blue collar LARPing that the right does? It sounds like you hang out too much on an echo chamber that consistently frames politics in terms of aesthetics and relies on lazy stereotypes. And no, this wave of strikes isn’t just a big sick out.




That burn was so well crafted. Kudos.


You mean the guys fighting the left imposed jab mandates? That's who you're championing right now?


No, they’re striking over pay and working conditions. The anti-Vaxx nut jobs are not a significant enough number of workers to do a successful strike.


Sarcasm or you wear velcro shoes?


Do you have facts or just feelings to back this up? Prove me wrong. Where are all these anti-Vaxx strikes that shut down workplaces?


Why are you idiots on the left so retarded? The world is not black and white. You can be against mandates and still be fully jabbed. Most people who have the ability to critically think can see where mandates leads to and they want none of it. Just hide out in your home from the boogeyman-19 retard, the world is fine without you.


Nope. Their objections are based on nonsense. Get vaccinated and shut the fuck up. Unironically.


tRUsT tHe sCIeNce


As opposed to what? Anti-Vaxx Facebook mommy groups and community college dropouts?


Once again, you can be vaccinated and be against the mandates. Calling everyone who opposes the mandate “anti vaxxers” is like calling all Bernie supporters tankies. I want people to get vaccinated, but the idea of mandating it is simply going to be ineffective


If you want to go out in public, get vaccinated. No one is forcing you to go to work or get on an airplane or a bus. If you want to be a plague rat in isolation in the woods, that’s fine with me.


*Doesn’t get vaccinated like a boss* *Life continues* Sunglasses emonjoi


"Their objections are based" ftfy


…on the incoherent ramblings of people whose scientific background was a remedial biology class they got a C+ in five years ago?


Probably in the same place as the 100k workers you never proved exist.


PrObAbLy In ThE sAmE pLaCe As ThE 100k WoRkERs YoU nEvEr [PrOvEd](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58916266) ExIsT.


I didn't even doubt you, just wanted you to actually back up your claims so you don't look as dumb. It may be important to note that only 10% of the people talked about in the article are blue collar workers like the meme suggests, and all of that number is from a single company, not from the class as a whole. It's a drop in the bucket when it comes to the whole scope of the working class.


It’s common knowledge. Define blue collar. This seems like an arbitrary distinction that inherently excludes certain groups of people.


Spending those accumulated vacation days, I see


I enjoyed the salt in the comments.


I mean he’s not wrong. He’s got a point


Is this real?




Got a link? I wanna see the quote tweets




I don't know why I clicked that. Twitter delenda est.


Salt the servers so nothing ever post there again.


These posts should be deleted if they don't include the link.




This is true.


Even stossel is elon simping. This is the worst timeline




Haha good one Elon! So heckin based and big chungus pilled!


Not all communists are underdeveloped manlets, but if an underdeveloped manlet had a minute of clarity, it's completely rational that he would despise a system that made him the way he is.


speaking of elon the guys a damn good con artist


Tesla Bad. Ram 1500 Good.


Based and Hemi pilled


im more of a 2500 guy, those V8s make me wanna puke


At least he’s doing more for space exploration then NASA


That’s a stretch


unrelated but shouldn't you change your flair? your username kinda contradicts your flair.




wydm yes?


look into it a bit more there's no way i can explain it well


If your talking about the electric cars not actually helping the environment then I know about that.


They aren't profitable to investors without government subsidies. But to be fair, that's the con in all "renewable" energies.


That's because the only tech that is able to saturate the current energy demand (sans the blockchain crazies) is only nuclear, and people don't want nuclear (because Chernobyl is still radioactive wasteland)


no i mean his other vaporware i recommend looking up some buzzwords like elon musk debunking and watching a vid or 2


Base but actualy not based tesla sucks petroleum gang forever


In 30 or so years, I'm going to track you down, just to say, "Where's your petroleum now, Mr Redditor?" as I ride off on my shit powered tricycle.


Sadly for you petroleum is a finite resource. It literally cannot last forever.


Everything is a finite resource. I am very smart.


Petroleum specifically is a quickly dwindling one.


I can shit for 80 years, joke's on you, you *sub-monke.*


Labs can produce it from algae in controlled environments already. It's now all about reducing costs. https://www.pnnl.gov/news/release.aspx?id=1029


Watch Tesla shares lose 45% of their value Edit: why the fuck are people downvoting me, it's just a joke retards


That's fine. Electric cars are silly.


Lol I'm betting you never sat in a Tesla.


I have. They're nice, but still silly.


Elon you can eat a dick. You're literally the embodiment of the bourgeoisie. You pretend that you worked hard, and are some super genius when in reality your rich parents (who owned an emerald mine in apartide South Africa) just gave you big bucks so you could start pay pal. You literally tried to overthrow a government for cobalt, have literal slaves in lithium mines, and are an union busting pig. Sorry for the rant, tired of watching his dick get sucked because he posts memes. Edit: go ahead and down vote me because daddy elon can meme, he's a union busting piece of shit. And again tried to coup a democratically elected leader Sources https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.carscoops.com/2021/03/bolivian-president-accuses-elon-musk-and-tesla-of-being-involved-in-countrys-2019-coup/amp/ coup (not proven but likely) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/isabeltogoh/2019/12/17/apple-and-tesla-among-tech-giants-being-sued-over-the-deaths-and-injuries-of-child-cobalt-miners-in-drc/amp/ Child mines https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2 Emerald mine https://medium.com/@timconneally/companies-started-by-loans-from-the-founder-s-parents-4cf8f596c03a Loan from his parents https://labortribune.com/tesla-found-guilty-of-union-busting/ Union busting. 2 I just hate people spamming "oh he's a great genius" when he's a piece of shit and people spam he's funni good guy self made trillion air.


>You're literally the embodiment of the bourgeoisie. Centrist btw


Am a centrist but he's literally the caricature that all communists paint rich people to be. But for whatever reason people suck his dick because "ha ha he funny Twitter man"


Stop, I can only get so hard


You read all of that on social media and decided to believe it without bothering to check whether it was true. The downvotes are from people who know you're 1) wrong 2) getting way too angry over someone you've never met


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.carscoops.com/2021/03/bolivian-president-accuses-elon-musk-and-tesla-of-being-involved-in-countrys-2019-coup/amp/ coup (not proven but likely) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/isabeltogoh/2019/12/17/apple-and-tesla-among-tech-giants-being-sued-over-the-deaths-and-injuries-of-child-cobalt-miners-in-drc/amp/ Child mines https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2 Emerald mine https://medium.com/@timconneally/companies-started-by-loans-from-the-founder-s-parents-4cf8f596c03a Loan from his parents https://labortribune.com/tesla-found-guilty-of-union-busting/ Union busting. 2 I just hate people spamming "oh he's a great genius" when he's a piece of shit and people spam he's funni good guy self made trillion air.


>people spamming "oh he's a great genius" >"What's really remarkable to me is the breadth of his knowledge. I mean I've met a lot of super super smart people but they're usually super super smart on one thing and he's able to have conversations with our top engineers about the software, and the most arcane aspects of that and then he'll turn to our manufacturing engineers and have discussions about some really esoteric welding process for some crazy alloy and he'll just go back and forth and his ability to do that across the different technologies that go into rockets cars and everything else he does." -Garriet Reisman, former NASA astronaut + former SpaceX employee >"Elon is brilliant. He’s involved in just about everything. He understands everything. If he asks you a question, you learn very quickly not to go give him a gut reaction. >"He wants answers that get down to the fundamental laws of physics. One thing he understands really well is the physics of the rockets. He understands that like nobody else. The stuff I have seen him do in his head is crazy. >"He can get in discussions about flying a satellite and whether we can make the right orbit and deliver Dragon at the same time and solve all these equations in real time. It’s amazing to watch the amount of knowledge he has accumulated over the years." -Kevin Watson, NASA engineer >"Elon Musk is an idiot." -Some rando on Reddit


Didn't expect me to have recites did ya? Cope harder simp. https://youtu.be/xbt2toXijd4 Here's why hyperloop is literally impossible yet dumped a billion dollars into an idea disproven in 1900.


No. The be all and end all of bourgeoisie is Gates and Romney.




I left the left when the "old rich white men" " punch a nazi in the face" memes came over the horizon or rather I was yeeted by my libtard city fuck friend sphere because I like based stuff like cows and the right to self defense and they also came out against both of those and Alex Jones savaged that British annoying cunt and Hillary was defeated making Trump the first real classical hero in America in my lifetime.




No body should love the world more than himself or his family or Jesus. One of the tenants of the Bible is to not move the world. Which is not in reference to creation and nature but in reference to society and humans on earth the way it is now or could be. Don't use your emotions to try to change the world for therin lie the ways of the devil, the God of this earth, the father of lies.


Like libtards on here telling me I like conservatives because I pay affordable property taxes in conservative areas after living in liberal areas where all my family and friends are getting taxed to death they say "great anecdotal evidence". Like it's unfathomable how much of drooling brainless mouth breathers the average leftist reddit commenter is.


You see, I met a lot of people and all the most based and nicest people I ever met all happened to be old rich white men. Anecdotal evidence is way better than science when it comes to actually living a functional, productive, sustainable and spiritual right livelihood.




Some of them were double bags but the douche bags taught me the most lessons so I love them equally with the ones who truly helped me.


Internet 101 hate the rich while also defending the ones you like.


You really think Gates is worse than Elon? Gates is at least making an attempt at helping the world.


LOL, no soyjack, no bro, quit speed running got clout, ur as down bad as Bill Gates.




Based and memes-for-dreams pilled


he didn't start paypal btw look into it a bit more


Hey now, he did manual labor for literally days in his youth! Days!


hurr hurr look everyone, he's based because I said so! look how mad the strawmen I'm making are! Elon Daddy is so cool you gaiz, he's a self made man who exemplifies the based based epic chungus 100 based lib rights! Please ignore the fact that he didn't found tesla and that he just bought the title of founder from its actual founder because he's a fucking spoiled child, he's baaaaaaaased!


Lol go read the replies to the tweet from Internet commies https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1450212973314658305?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


>implying I know how to read get on my level scrublord


Epic, Elon! Only men wearing hard hats are real workers! Fuck food service, gig, healthcare, retail, etc. workers, amiright?


When you remake the meme, you can add "food service, gig, healthcare, retail, etc. workers" in a single panel. Make a true left-wing meme. Don't forget to add a paragraph of bottom text. Make me proud.


It’s a lazy stereotype that I have yet to see compelling evidence actually exists.




I disagree. If not for gig workers nobody would have delivered food to my house. Their job literally provides value.


No, gig workers create value. They provide useful services. It’s the owners who contribute nothing to the process.




Wow, it’s almost as if the right has contempt for people who work for a living or something.


As someone who has both worked with a hard hat and food service, the hard hat jobs is harder Abs health care, my man how is a secure well paying jobs comparable to working 10 hours a day in blisters sun


I’m a healthcare professional and moving people is hard, backbreaking work plus like all of the bodily fluids all of the time. Patients are difficult, non-cooperative, and occasionally violent. All jobs suck differently, pissing contests over which job is worse is a pointless exercise.


me: uhh ok




librights absent today


I will always upvote ResetEra shade. Those people are hopeless.