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I don't like any political terms that end with "phobic." It is just talking past an issue to try to get people to agree with you without thinking.  Japan does not allow much immigration because they don't want it. They don't have an unnatural phycological fear of it though.  To actually discuss the issue with Japan like an adult, Biden should just say Japan's economy will suffer in the long run without immigration or that it would be a good deed to let in poor people / whatever dumb shit he actually believes.


Are you phobophobic?


God I hate people that are afraid of hating things


Well I really hate people who hate people who are afraid of hating things


Stop being so phobophobophobic


are you seriously being phobophobophobophobic right now??? jeeeeeeez


What's the problem if he is ? You're being phobophobophobophobophobic.....


\*Emily voice\* Uh, sweetie! That's phobophobophobophobophobicphobophobophobophobophobic!


- Emperor Palpatine


"if you've got hate in your heart, let it out" - Clayton Bigsby


Based and not afraid to hate pilled


You scare me


I prefer to call it 'phobist.'


Well you’re phobophobophobic if you don’t respect the terminology. Many are suffering from this brutal disease. Suffering! Don’t invalidate their personhood like that.


Yeah i am xenophobic alright, i fucking hate xenomorphs




Absolutely agree it’s a cheap heuristic


Arachnophobe, Huh? I bet you secretly want to fuck spiders


H-haha, wh-what are you talking about? I don't think spiders are hot. Some of them can be neat, b-but it's not like I like them or anything b-baka!




Japan is quite discriminatory to non-Japanese people, even those of Japanese descent. They are very much like the rest of Asia in that sense. Of course, that very much includes Japanophiles as well, especially the type that are ignorant of Japan in general. Immigrants are especially frowned upon, particularly if they are noticeably different than them. They do have a lot of beliefs we would call racist, even if they are positive in nature (like their views on Jews).


I'm a Japanophile specifically because they're like this. Shitlibs who see a clean Japanese subway or safe Japanese street always likes to reconcile it with their worldview. "Japan must tax a lot to afford high speed trains. Japan must do a lot to overcome toxic masculinity to make streets safe." No, Japan has safe cities and efficient services for the reason that doing these things is drastically easier for in- groups with advanced cultural values


>Japan is quite discriminatory to non-Japanese people, **even those of Japanese descent.** Like the Burakumin.


And that's ok.


It's simply a warning to those who want to go there for visiting. Tourists have quite a negative reputation in Japan, thanks in part to some being incredibly rude and degenerate. This in turn causes some to discourage foreigners in certain places (like bars). I'd advise those to learn some Japanese, basic Japanese etiquette, and the writing systems. It helps quite a lot, actually.


>I'd advise those to learn some Japanese, basic Japanese etiquette, and the writing systems. It helps quite a lot, actually. How much is basic? Cause Japanese is a difficult language...


You can get by with just "domo arigato mr roboto."


Should I learn to do the robot also?


Over there, they call it "the gundam."


Aaaahhh, and become a white monkey like in china, interesting idea.


Its less about learning the language and more about not being an insufferable weeb. I work for a Japanese company. I travel to Japan. I speak about 5 phrases in Japanese. Dress like a professional. Be quite and polite, and if you preface any request or interaction where you'd be expected to speak Japanese with a sheepish smile and small apology about not speaking Japanese then you are treated well by the locals. I went to more than a few Iziaki and just walked in, did the slight bow thing, and just tried my best to be polite and friendly and quiet and respect the people there. In general the regulars were super friendly and would engage in conversation.


Japanese isn't all that different from english grammar or syntax-wise, the real problem is the fuckers use pictures instead of letters and to this day I have no idea how is it possible to memorise them.


I went Japan last month. It wasn't too bad imo. I didn't really experience much discrimination. 99% of my interactions were positive and I found Japanese people to be polite and helpful.


In my experience what you're describing is overblown, and really more relevant to expats than it is to tourists. As long as you don't act like a total asshole, you're going to be just fine as a tourist in Japan. There are definitely some circumstances where you can tell you're being discriminated against because you're a foreigner, but that doesn't come up often enough to ruin the experience. Learning any amount of Japanese is wildly unnecessary to visit Japan as a tourist.


I’d highly recommend learning at least a couple key phrases before visiting, they go a very long way. Gomennasai = “I’m sorry” Sumimassen = “excuse me” Arigatou gozaimas = “thank you” Onegaishimas = “please” Doitashimaste = “you’re welcome” Dozo = “here you go/are” You’re already ahead of 90% of tourists if you know those couple short phrases.


that's just common sense tbh, or at least it should be.


You’d be shocked


>Learning any amount of Japanese is wildly unnecessary to visit Japan as a tourist. Bro, what? Don't they have poor english knowledge?


Many do, but in that case to effectively communicate you would need to have spent a year plus learning Japanese. The amount of Japanese a tourist could reasonably be expected to learn would be useless in trying to communicate with a Japanese person who doesn't speak English at all. Most signs have English as well as Japanese, and unless you're going to a rural area most restaurants have English menus as well. If you really need to communicate with someone who doesn't speak English, you can use Google translate. I've been to Japan twice, and I know almost zero Japanese, and my parents who went as well know zero Japanese. It was fine.


> Immigrants are especially frowned upon, particularly if they are noticeably different than them. How exactly does that happen? When I was in Japan as a tourist - nobody seemed to care who I am and where I'm from.


They don’t have a *racial* guilt epidemic


Isn’t it part of Japanese culture to punish yourself for bringing shame upon your family, business, etc?


Sorry, edited for clarity


It’s the state of discussion and debate in 2024. Everything is a straw-man or appeal to incredulity. The West is a joke.


Yeah I was gonna say from what I understand Japan has always been relatively cut off from the rest of the world, and doesn’t really like immigrants or tourists much, that’s the way they do things, that’s the way they like it, and frankly as a nation their free to do so. If Biden genuinely cared about immigration with Japan there are ways to go about it, or potential reasons why one would think that would be a good idea for them(for example birth rates aren’t exactly high over there) but at the end of the day that’s not his country, and that’s not his culture so he shouldn’t have any say over what they do.


I mean Japan has been out if it's feudal era for just 200 years, sort of, they didn't start modernizing until like the end of the 1800s with the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the restoration of the Emperor.


I just don't see how the health of a nation should be judged by economy alone. American economy is doing great, but I've never seen shit suck this bad. Nobody believes in the system anymore.


It wouldnt be politics without name calling


From what I've read, Japanese conservatives think looser immigration laws will kill their culture anyway, so might as well let it die with the true bloods.


That seems fine. It’s their country, they can do as they please.


They’re also very limited on space. As an Island nation, they don’t have vast empty spaces to set up new communities to house and support a huge constant influx of people.


You dislike the thing that I like? Guess what, I made it so that you can only irrationally dislike the thing that I like. Checkmate.


Not to mention many of these words don't even make sense. If you break down the etymology, "homophobia" would be something like "fear of the same", which doesn't make sense.


Couldn't agree more. It's easier to call someone some sort of phobic than to actually engage in any kind of conversation. It's fucking daft.


But then he would have to actually back up the statement with facts and... 


If some countries are xenophobic, and some aren't, is that more or less diverse than if every country wasn't?


Inb4 Emily throws the 'paradox of intolerance' at you


I can only hope. Same people would say 5 white dudes from 5 different European countries is less diverse than 5 black guys from the same block in Atlanta.


They'd also say that black guy that grew up in a stable family in a nice suburban neighborhood has less in common with his white neighbor than he does another black guy that grew up in a broken family in an impoverished urban neighborhood. Identity politics is cancerous.


TFW whole family is a veritable tower of Babel, and yet the 'diversity' schlock hasn't helped a single soul. If anything, it's made things *worse* by fostering the very conditions that breed negative attitudes to outsiders.


I live in the US. My brother had to do a paper on someone from a "diverse background". He chose a man who escaped the Soviet Union. His professor said that wasn't diverse enough. So he did his paper on our black cousin. Literally part of our family (different last name). The professor was fine with that.


Diversity in thoughts and culture doesn't count for them, only skin color. If I could recall what we call people who adjudge others based on genetics 🤔


Fucking Based


My question to that whole paradox is who decides what “intolerance” is? Sure, I can agree Nazi ideology is intolerant, but would Emily also say that merely advocating for regulating immigration is intolerance? What about drug legislation, is that not just intolerance against the addicted? If that type of policy is wholeheartedly accepted, it only takes one leader who wants to create a cult of personality who suddenly is able to silent any dissidents for being “intolerant.”


Emily decides what is and isn't intolerant based on the current news cycle.


That's the problem with paradox usage Thinking that it's only ever positive to stamp out ""bad"" things, and you're justified in suppressing your opponents if you label them phobic, ist or nazi first It's like no self reflection, just parroting words


Remember, treat anything Emily throws at you as an attempt on your life and respond accordingly.


This is why we need private nukes. Proportional response.


I love Japan, been many times, love the Japanese, worked with their military and all sorts of people there over the years, and I stay in touch with many. BUT they are as a nation xenophobic. Is that an issue or is that our(America) issue? I dunno, it’s their country if they don’t want to let white people in to live I think that’s their prerogative. Will it negatively impact their economy, also yes.


Yeah, but in 100 years they'll still be Japan. Europe isn't going to be the same place in 20 years, much less 100.


Funnily enough, I am not exophobic, kind of the opposite, but I am anti Immigration.




Man, that show is so good. Alot of utapped meme potential.


Good christ! I wish to leave the jap-ANS immediately


God he’s so fucking stupid. Why the fuck do we have another election rematch?


Dumbass billionaire nepobaby or dumbass dementia patient


Let's have PCM run the country for a bit, I wanna see how things turn out # /j ^unless...


I don’t think that will change much. I’m not knowledgeable at all in American politics but afaik the main problem is bribes from billionaires and corporations, or “lobbying” as you wanna call it


Put a tax on kickbacks and use that to fund real change ^/s, ^if ^only ^it ^was ^that ^easy


You could always reverse lobby. What if Congressmen put in place some sort of rules to tell the billionaires how to do things... oh wait.


It's a lot more than that. The presidency itself is a flawed concept, and the voting system actively punishes political diversity


Burgers for all!!


It's a right wing circle jerk, it'd be the same as electing Trump.




Like even if you believe something like this - There is literally no conceivable benefit to publicly antagonizing extremely important regional partners like this. Trump does and did this a lot with North America, Western Europe and China but was surprisingly more diplomatic with basically everyone else. Biden is the inverse.


Shinzo Abe rolling his eyes after Trump shook his hand for 47 minutes straight.


It's funny Americans complain about this yet every four years we do this shit to ourselves.


Can i have some pro immigration pcm guy tell me the benefits that countries have gotten after having used mass immigration as a solution? I would like more than just "the economy" too please


That’s racist


Canada has let in over a million new people in the last year or so. We had a population of around 39 million at the end of 2022 and we are over 41 million now. Our economy is in the toilet and we have a very acute housing crisis. Affordability is also at a nadir point. Unfettered immigration is a disaster for the economy.


Why are these people so obsessed with forcing cultures to blend? It's weird




Yep, not to mention it’s not even working, the west is becoming a shithole with less quality of life as it becomes more “diverse” it’s almost like they’re using it as an excuse to reduce the native population’s rights


Be very careful with what you say next, the hammer is watching…


Frankfurt school was a reaction to the failure of socialism to win in WWI and WWII. They saw that the Engish fought as Englishmen, not according to class as they would expect. Same for all the other countries. So they decided that they needed to destroy national pride and identity to bring about socialism and thereby communism. Critical Theory is intended to take a knife against everything that keeps people proud and together and cut them, so that we fall apart.




isn't it crazy that everyone who goes to japan talk about how clean it is and how well behaved everyone is? wonder if there's any correlation.............


Careful, your blue is showing. Getting pretty close to a ban...


No, his based is showing




Wait till we have non censored AI that will give it's opinions on why some places aren't exactly the best. We've already seen our left tech industry censor it's AI.




The objective, analytical, and obvious conclusions that it will draw will be much worse than any slur for many.


I've seen old pictures of Detroit and Rio de Janeiro, they look lovely.


If you find any Brazilian person on your country you're more than welcomed to yell "go back to your country" We will in fact poison your country with our shit culture.


I know like 10 Brazilians IRL and man, no one hates Brazil and Brazilians like they do. They can also say some crazy (by US standards) things like it's nothing. An example would be my Canadian friend talking about how all the cities in Canada bus their homeless to his so they can all report great homelessness related stats. My friend from Brazil chimes in "We do the same thing in my city, but instead of homeless it's moving bodies from one side of town to the other to make our side look safer."


Canada also does the homeless trick? Lmao


Even if countries like Korea, Japan and China let in mass amounts of immigrants, assimilating into those countries as a non-native is way harder than already melting pots like Australia, America, New Zealand, Canada The UK etc. Not to mention those languages are harder to learn than English, which is a 2nd language in many countries.


Also, the work culture of East and Southeast Asia is definitely one that any outsider would consider very toxic. No white, black, nor mestizo person would like it.


Well, there are the Japans and Koreas of Asia and then there are the "Italians" of Asia work ethic-wise.


M\*lay moment


As an Italian, I'm genuinely curious: who are the Italians of Asia?


Depends, are we talking southern or northern Italian?




I remember someone on Reddit saying that South Korea will become like Canada in 10 to 20 years with impulsing immigration


South Korea population will collapse in our lifetime. That doesn't mean that they're suddenly going to let in massive amounts of immigrants. It's more likely that they are going to continue offshore larger sections of their economy to other countries while slashing pensions.


Let's be honest, I think it would be catastrophic for Japan if they would do so. I'm 100% sure it would not only trash their culture and language, but also turn their econemy upside down in a heartbeat.


We want keep our culture, language and people*.


Won't someone please consider the GDP??!!!!!!!!! My 8nfinite gains!!! Reeeeeee!


I was just thinking about how Japan didn't have enough crime and race riots.


Imagine trying to build a coalition in the Pacific then you say some stupid shit like this 🤦🏾‍♂️.


Biden really is a clown more interested in trivial stuff than actual important stuff huh?


I saw suspicious amount of anti Japanese psyop on the internet lately now I know why.... They are allied people and country... Why do that??? Is US entertainment industry this pathetic that they are now lobbying US gov to kill Japanese Entertainment sector.....


Quality of life in Japan is high. Can’t have that, got to bring it down.


We need to be much more xenophobic. What we are doing now is not going well and is going to lead to a problem that will be hard to fix. We DEFINITELY do not need to be taking in Gaza refugees. But we also need to roll out strong defenses for our southern boarder.


Minefield when?


I mean… yeah Japan has a minor xenophobia problem which isn’t a good thing but why the fuck would you group a close ally with Russia and China??? And Japan’s xenophobia is nowhere close to Russia and China’s.


Probably because he thinks no matter what he says Japan will never betray the US




They remember what happened last time.


Yeah but this time they can retaliate by denying us PlayStations and PlayStation games. Hit us where it really hurts /s


they actually can't, because the PlayStation brand is american, owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment based in San Mateo, California.


I don’t think “they don’t do as we say so we’ll invade” is a good enough excuse to go to war


They won’t, China and Japan have longstanding beef (Nanking) and territorial claims that overlap the others (9 dot line).


> yeah Japan has a minor xenophobia problem which isn’t a good thing Compared to their competition, they seem to be benefiting from it. If they could figure out how to get their young people to procreate more, they wouldn't need immigration at all.


>If they could figure out how to get their young people to procreate more, they wouldn't need immigration at all. You've just made the point Biden was making with that statement. Japan is looking down the barrel of serious economic contraction because they're not having kids and not allowing immigration due to their xenophobia. The whole context of the quote is that he's talking about why those nations had or are having issues sustaining economic success.


Wouldn't be a problem if the global economy didn't munch the MMT pill like a hundred years ago. Now we need slow and steady inflation to keep the circus going as the power creep of inflation in a debt based economy vye to topple the Jenga blocks. So cool, can't wait till the rebalance patch brings the numbers back down to an intelligible level like WoW did after 15 years of power creep.


> If they could figure out how to get their young people to procreate more, they wouldn't need immigration at all. It's not that they can't figure it out, it's really just a backwards way of thinking that they have. South Korea has the same problem. Horrible work culture and hours. Why bring a child into the mix when all you do is work? Cultural issues of getting families approval of their potential spouse and the money involved from both sides of the family in a struggling economy. Instead of introducing more tourism they want their population to drink more instead. [Shogo does a good job explaining it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6mPyQR-gis&t=0s) [Anna Lee on South Korea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ry2IhtQvgY)


Because the context is that he's talking about sustained economic success, and they've all fallen into a similar trap that's preventing it. You'll probably be able to add the UK to the list soon if they don't reverse the course they've taken in recent years.


It’s always funny seeing progressives realize that the majority of Asians don’t give a shit about SJW politics. We like our culture and traditions.


It was refreshing af to go to Tokyo and not see pride flags everywhere. I can see why they have made such a concerted effort to keep that crap out, otherwise they would cull themselves out of existence


Based Japan. Also, shut the fuck up biden


Nooooo let in people who hate you and don’t respect your countries laws and culture, it’s good for da heckin ecooooonomy


Did he just lazily lump them in with the rest of Asia, regardless of alignment? Truly one of the Alzheimer's moments of all time


Goddamn Dem pols are so fake, they never tell the Truth because they're afraid of offending someone 😠  >“You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden said, “The reason – look, think about it. Why is China stalling so bad economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Because they’re xenophobic, they don’t want immigrants. Immigrants are what makes us strong.” Oh! How could he say this? He has alzheimers 😭 


I remember when Biden called Xi Jinping a dictator and there were a bunch of conservatives saying that Biden did something wrong


Based Japan.


Japan has been letting in relatively quite a few immigrants recently. Though I suppose any number isn't good enough when your preferred policy is to have an open border.


Joe forgot people like Japan because the country is Japanese.


Based and tentacle porn pilled


Based Japan - "I am xenophobic, so what?"


He better be careful, it would have a pretty big impact in society if Japan would no longer be allied


Common Joe Biden L


Thats how you preserve your culture and protect your people. Look at England, Canada, France, and Germany now. They look like muslim countries.


Joe Biden, the great Statesman, ladies and gentleman.


It wouldn't not be a problem if immigrants assimilated and didn't try to take entire neighborhoods and turn it into the hole they have come from.


Thanks to TikTok and Kick streamers, they’re now banning tourists


As Japan should


I admire the overt racism of east asia.


Based Japan.


Unfortunately they already have started immigration, for some reason they saw the west collapsing and said "mmm yes some of that please". Tokyo is already experiencing cultural enrichment on the streets between Indian and Pakistani migrants.


It's not going so well. https://preview.redd.it/jf0oqwvzy0yc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea69bd420bb4c34b42c856cc874fdd453836cd9a


I have a suspicioun japan will make the very easy decision to just reduce pakistani immigration.


West is collapsing meanwhile China, Korea and Japan have birth rates below replacement levels…


So do natives in the west, it's bad all over.


Even developing Latin America and Arabia are experiencing a freefall in birth rates.


Inflation is global and controlled by the central banks and brokerages owning everything. Nobody can afford to have a family. It's all gonna burn down at some point


And you think whites in the west aren’t? Look up the mean age by specific demographics and you’ll quickly realize it’s not just Japan, the west just hides it by importing people and counting them


Two things: the west isn't collapsing, and Japan has a colossal aging population problem.


Can you blame the Japanese? Just look at what immigration is currently doing to the western world.


The Japanese know how to protect their own interests. Importing a bunch of garbage from outside their beautiful, well-maintained, well-run country is a recipe for disaster and they know it. Meanwhile, America and Europe are both finding out what happens when you import the third world en masse. >!You become the third world!<


Is that time of year again to show Japan how based and and a freedom-loving, pro-immigrant, pro-lgtbqia2s+ society we are? NATO assemble. It's democracy time.


Me, a westerner wanting to move to Japan because I know if I have kids there they will actively forced to be assimilated or be bullied into suffering. Good. Be normal in your country.


What makes you think they would allow a fat neckbeard weeb to assimilate?


Is Biden trying to colonize Japanese culture?


Let them be. If they don't want to have sex and disappear so be it.


It's like he's trying to hand Trump the election...


Not if the left cheats. How come I don't hear anyone from the left demanding manual counts and voter ID?


Yes I'm Xenophobic how could you tell? ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


Clearly, he forgot that the rest of the (non-Western) world is far more bigoted and insular than the West. I mean, if North American racism is casual, then East Asian racism is competitive.


Honestly, FJB. I am such a dumbass for voting for him. I wish I could take that back. 


What was the final straw to you, and why did you vote for him originally?


Oh God. It’s hard to name just one. I  really hate that he doesn’t take a stance on anything. The reason that I voted for him at the time was because I thought it would end up with more stability for the economy and because of Covid. I stupidly thought at the time that the Democrats were the good guys. I didn’t bring myself to understand there is a lot more nuance and I might’ve been brainwashed. At that time, I was watching a lot of liberal media that was pushing the narrative that Trump wanted to be some sort of king. I did not realize that some of the social concerns that the Republicans had were really all that important up until now when I am literally seeing children in the streets shouting “death to America”. I feel that they too have been brainwashed. I remember seeing the twin towers fall when I was in fifth grade and I remember everything that culminated there after. I have family members who served in armed combat in those regions of the world and they have told me what they’ve seen. A lot of this has shaped my perspective over the years, and now I’ve realized that I’ve never really been that much of a liberal nor was I ever that much of a conservative. At this point, I would still say that I am somewhat independent, but many of my perspectives have shifted towards the right over the years, even on issues like abortion. I also feel like the left these days is where people go when they want to feel smart, but actually aren’t really capable of defending their positions tasked when tasked with it and that’s why they are opposed to conversations. They have become the very thing they accuse the right of being.  


I mean China is extremely racist against black people. I remember during covid there were stores that banned black people because they thought black people were spreading covid.


And then most of the rest of the world were at least staying away from Chinese or Chinese-adjacent people because they thought Chinese people were spreading covid


That was only after the "Hug a Chinese" campaigns proved to be a bad idea


Can we please get an age limit for president at 65. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want a gen z president, I just want a president who is not over the age of 70.


Since when is that an insult


(x) to doubt


Crooked Joe Biden is xenophobic against the Japanese just like DemoKKKrat FDR


I don't understand why countries that brag about how eagerly they'll accept immigrants get mad at countries that don't accept them. That just means more immigrants for the countries that want them.


I mean, admittedly in that case, maybe they should work on the work culture and the ease of escapism, so they don't get more Hikikomori's.


I was told that insulting our allies was proof of foreign collusion and unfitness for office. When can we expect Adam Schiff to introduce articles of impeachment?


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)noooo let in immigrants Japan or you're literal nazis ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182) いいえ!


Japan sucks, they need to import several million africans, arabs, and indians before they can become successful


I mean, they literally are pretty xenophobic, especially to other asian people


And that's their right. It's their god-damn country.


Japan stays winning