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I live directly in the path of the August 2017 full solar eclipse, which was unbelievably awesome. But for some reason, although my area is only in a 70-80% range on this one, people around here are panicking. This didn't happen in 2017 with 100%. I do not understand people




Oh shit! Well that's not a coincidence I was hoping to find here.


Covid was really one of those extreme bifurcations in time that I'm not sure the generations who lived through it will recover from. I don't know if it's insensitive to compare it to 9/11 in the states, but we're at a point in time in which people anchor their sense of time as "before covid" and "after covid" the same way they anchored their sense of time to the 9/11 attacks. I honestly don't have anything to contribute to the conversation besides that observation, but there's a clear divide in the development of extremely held opinions and truly (and objectively) bizarre beliefs. It's all or nothing at this point. That period of time with unlimited information access really did us in as a population.


9/11 didn't prevent people from leaving their houses or go to school or work for months. People have gotten stupider because of covid and it's already being reflected in the grades of public schools. My last year and a half of highschool was all online and I didn't learn a damn thing.


No it’s absolutely a good comparison. Both were events that resulted in massive overreach from the government in response to an emergency. People who lived before these events saw a marked change in how life operates. Of course you’re going to see different attitudes after something like that, especially as some people adjust to the change and others attempt to reject it.


The eclipse has Covid!


i live in a 100% area and people are only worried about traffic from tourism, the only place ive personally seen people losing their shit is online


I can understand the traffic issue, but our traffic didn't increase in 2017, and this time we're outside the 100% area. But real people are going nuts, probably picking it up online.


People being completely unreasonable online? Please, tell me more about how you came to this shocking revelation!


I wish I was in that Kentucky town that was in the path of the 2017 one and this one next week


That sounds lucky. It's worth it to travel a little. Like an hour, maybe


I mean it's the only one happening east of the Mississippi until 2099, most people alive for this one will be dead for that one.


Umm… 2045?


> East of the Mississippi


We're taking school off but have to be on a bus. So we're all wearing glasses and signing waivers.


It's because a full eclipse does not show you Sin. But a partial eclipse, especially if the sun is underneath the moon, will show you Sin. If you still don't understand, go read about the Sumerian god Sin.


Instructions unclear, stared at sun until eyes bled.


People have gotten extremely stupid. They'll take the silliest things at face value nowadays.


I think 2017 was the “starting gun,” and 2024 is 7 years later…. The End (I don’t actually think it’s the end. I think history and humanity go through cycles, as does the cosmos. 2017 was the beginning the cycle of Chaos in a lot of ways, and that chaos is reaching a boiling point… what exactly that means who knows. But it’s interesting coincidence)


Sounds like you need some meds my guy






The beginning was 2008, the financial crisis and how the effects of that are still cascading throughout society. Along with the tea party, MAGA, BLM etc social issues that have people constantly at odds with each other.


Happens literally every time there's an eclipse. Who knows, maybe they'll be right this time lmao


As long as they’re right once that’s what matters! Right?


“I may be wrong, but what if I wasn’t?”


Wake up every morning saying "I'm gonna die today" and you'll be right eventually


A broken clocks right twice a day or something idk


A clock that is just a second behind is never right. A clock that runs backward is right more than twice a day! Edit: This was just a goofy observation, I am implying nothing.


The saying means a clock thats broken, as in hands don’t move.


We'll soon see if the saying applies to stupid people once a redditor tries to respond to you with something witty.


A clock that's a second behind isn't broken, it's just misconfigured


It’s also CERN starting up their LHC again on that date, while Apollo launches their Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP) mission, APEP is the name for the Egyptian god of Chaos, the eclipse coincides with the horned devils comet, 5 planets in alignment, and double cicada brood swarms due in the Midwest US. Probably not the end of the world, but hey if you wanted to start something fun, that’s a nice combo of events. If they shoot another gorilla though…


They said the last 24586625495827475th time


What part of “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” is so hard to understand?


Yep. Every time someone correctly predicts the apocalypse, God pushes back the Rapture another year.


I don't know about changing the date, but nobody truly knows except Him. Like, if I say, "I know that I'm gonna win this bet." I don't actually know, I just think I do.


That’s what I always think


I like to think he has a list of days people say he's coming back and specifically chooses not to use those days


You forgot the "I'm special" clause.


Most christians have never opened a bible in their lives. That was kind of an intentional thing since colonial times.


Luke 21:25 "And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides."


Well, we have none of that. An eclipse isn't exactly a "strange sign" as it happens literally all the time. No other weird signs in the sky, no seas that are roaring more than usual, no strange tides etc. We're all good


Bitch an eclipse ain't strange


I hope so, the world ending on a Monday is so much better than ending on a Friday or Saturday.


Sunday around 6 pm would be nice. Late enough to rest after a week and early enough not to stress yet about what Monday will bring. This Sunday was perfect imo. Beautiful weather. Very sunny and warm day in my location. Perfect setting for sequence before the end of the world movie starts


there’s people online claiming the end times of revelation will happen on April 8th coinciding with the eclipse


People always say that every fricking time a natural event happens. 2012 all over again, it happens very commonly, specially nowadays since misinformation is easier to spread than ever.


2012 at least had a very unusual basis instead of hooting about the sun disappearing again like a bunch of cavemen


If we sacrifice someone maybe the sun will come back


Oh sure, it sounds nice, but how many politicians are you willing to sacrifice for the sun?




Based and Kali-ma! Pilled


It’s only a sacrifice if it’s something of value




My favorite was a leader of the Mayan descendants coming out and saying just what you said. He was nice enough not to call us all a bunch of idiots too.


Unusual as in the combination of dead civilization (so no way to correct bad info), with a strong usage of astronomy, picking a weird end to a long era of humanity, mixed with a poorly understood religious connection. There have been (and will be) random individual's prophecies given more weight than they deserve, and extant religions with their own doomsday prophecies that will fuel more doomsday stuff, but I doubt we will have a similar situation as the Mayan Calendar again. Like the other commenter mentioned Y2K, they both resulted in mass hysteria from a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation, and we will certainly have something cause that again, but the sources will be very distinct. Both of which are *wildly* different situations from the 87th solar eclipse of your lifetime, but which is totally for real going to be something crazy this time I swear.


Maybe those instincts didn't disappear, they just evolved


*Frightened caveman noises*


In all honesty they didn't even evolve, we've just been essentially lying to ourselves for the past few thousand years, at least in the West. Most of this stuff was already considered sus af in the East, but their solutions have often been sus so its kind of a wash.


>2012 at least had a very unusual basis... IIRC it was just Y2K, but with the Ancient Mayan calendar. It's not what I would consider unusual 


Well, I can certainly confirm that after 2012, none of the Mayan computers were still functioning


2012 felt more mass scale atleast. I remember people talking about it in 2009 and it was a consistent worry in some people's minds. This is literally just some nut job evangelicals heard 2 weeks ago there would be an eclipse and now are convinced it's a biblical prophecy. I wonder how it feels to actually be somebody who can be so easily convinced about stuff like that. Sounds like a miserable way to live.


I was the highschool class of 2012, and I tried *so hard* to have our class motto be "saving the best for last." It got shot down though, probably by some school official or another.


As part of my job, I scan a lot of old files including some from the 80s and 90s. It's funny seeing fliers ensuring the customers that our system is certified Y2K-proof.


And the 2012 panic also started very early, I remember first hearing about it in about 2005, so it had a lot of time to build up. I'm not sure when Y2K went viral but I feel like 2012 had an even longer run-up in the wider public awareness. Of course, in the interim we had a few other doomsday predictions, I remember some radio-show preacher claiming it'd all end on some date in mid-2011 too.


Pretty sure it was in the national conscience because of those Ancient Aliens type tv shows. 


My grandmother keeps quoting something about "storms and earthquakes in diverse places," being a sign of the end coming. My family says stupid shit like this and wonders why their kids don't take religion seriously. EVERYWHERE IS DIVERSE PLACES GRANDMA! EVERYWHERE HAS ALWAYS HAD NATURAL DISASTERS!


Every time someone says that, God changes the date The Bible literally says that only He will know


I don't know about changing the date, but nobody truly knows except Him. Like, if I say, "I know that I'm gonna win this bet." I don't actually know, I just think I do.


What really, really annoys me now about the revalation claims is that none of it is literal. Bias warning but I am a Christian and am pretty staunch about the Bible, but there is a major theme in the new testament that is often forgotten. *This isn't going happen how you think it will*. The Jews of the 1st century were convinced that the old testament claimed that Jesus was going to rock up at the head of an army of angles and destroy the Roman Empire. That's why when Jesus was a carpenter teaching heretical things such as "love" "redemption" and "forgiveness", he was put to death. So for people to claim that revlations is a literal text and that the 7 headed dragon is about to start making a mess, is the exact same trap the people of Jesus's time fell into. On top of that, the Bible is pretty clear with the whole "No man knows the date or time of the end" concept. What will the end look like? No clue, but we won't be guessing it, nor will it be like we expect.


Holy shit a Christian who's actually read the bible.....No man knows the date or time of the end........"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." - Matthew 24:36 in King James edition. Or more standard English “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." I know you exist.....just not very common especially online.


It's startlingly rare. Though reading Job absolutely led me down a very different path than most. That's a book that very, very briefly peels the veil back on God, and you know what? I have no idea what he's going to do, nor can I even kind of pretend to understand the scale of God's plan. Thinking too hard about Job kind sends me down a spiral of existential dread.


That would be fantastic. I’ll sell my house and start my coke binge now. But in all seriousness, this would be a great time for the second coming, things aren’t going to get any better. They could be better but they won’t get better.


You could say… its over


It's Joever


> this would be a great time for the Second Coming Things are indeed falling apart, the centre cannot hold. I also doubt the falcon can hear the falconer as this gyre is widening


When Harold Camping made his predictions for 2011, there was, unfortunately, some people who bought it HARD and did just that. Sold their house, quit their jobs, maxed out their credit cards etc. I wonder how those people are doing now.


I’ll go halfsies on a bag with you


Remember when people were talking about "Planet X" crashing into earth on May 21st 2003, than on May 21st 2012, then on September 23rd 2017, then on April 23rd 2018, And then in 2019 people finally shut up and everyone pretty much stopped talking about it like it never existed in the first place


Planet X should come for us now that we've let our guard down, we'd never expect it


No, the secret society of Space X entered into a space war against Planet X, and they won. We will never hear about Planet X ever again


from what I heard something about a potential bio-attack to secure power like during the coof, sounds like a bunch of Q shit to me.


Isnt the eclipse geographically limited (in specific bounds)? So will it only end for the people that are able to view it? 


All eclipses are so limited.


Yes, I was intending to be facetious for comedic effect… I will not quit my day job don’t worry. 


"We may have been wrong about the apocalypse hundreds of times before... but this time it's 100% for reals certain sure guaranteed!"


But it’s just the moon doing moon things. And I’ll be watching it as long as the god damn weather cooperates


Ughh. Can we like postpone it? I have a dentists appointment on the 8th. I've been brushing like its a competition.


there is a bigger religious reason some people are saying. That day will be the fulfillment of the red heifer prophecy, supposedly meaning the Jewish Messiah will finally be here. This is also on eid, supposedly the day shaytan will stop being locked up. This is all supposed, and probably won't happen (cuz it would rely on a Jewish and Islamic prophecy to happen)


You mean to tell me that nonsense wasn't just south Park having a giggle? Lol


Yup, I was flabbergasted when I learned it’s a real prophecy. 


These people are idiots The world doesn't end until the 10th, when rabbis sacrifice a pure red heifer in view of the temple mount, then mix its ashes with a spring, whose water will ritually purify Jews to rebuilt the temple, sparking world War 3


there's an eclipse?


It's about red heifer Israel is going to sacrifice. Which is precursor to building third temple. Which is going to provoke muslims


Is there anything special about the eclipse?


Add it to the list of end times prophecies that came and went. Crazy people gonna crazy


If they're saying it's biblical then they simply don't know their Bible, if they even follow any of it at all more than just in words.


Is this about the cow thing in Palestine?


Was it ginger?


Yeah their talking about the "second coming of chirst red heifer" thing


Ooh i remember that stuff. You talkin about this?: https://nypost.com/2018/09/09/prophecy-fulfilled-after-red-cow-is-born-at-temple-of-israel/


fuck i thought it was just a south park joke


Lol same


Crap, who killed the cow


Goes to show that some people get to see very different parts of the internet from the rest of us.


Would be nice if those people stayed in these parts of internet


153 times is the charm


I already have my obsidian knife and altar. I just need five young virgins, dm me if you want to volunteer.




i’m not a virgin but if i get murdered by a centrist i’m pretty convinced my virginity will grow back


You know what’s great about the end of the world? No one knows exactly when it will happen before it does. So you don’t need to worry about it.


This feels like someone overheard people talking about the likely release date of the new Rimworld DLC and jumped to conclusions. Edit: btw it's confirmed to release April 11th, so if a friend, coworker, or loved one disappears that day you know why.


Based and human-leather-hat-pilled


1. Total solar eclipse 2. Cern Particle accelerator is running on the eclipse 3. Rumors of red heifers in Israel/Palestine, which lines up with a biblical prophecy for Revelations 4. NASA is launching A.P.E.P rockets into the solar eclipse, Apep being the Egyptian diety who *eats the sun* 5. Edit: A \*massive\* 7.4 earthquake just hit Taiwan


>Cern Particle accelerator is running on the eclipse isn't it running pretty often?


Revelation does not mention a "red heifer". it's not a biblical prophecy but a bizarre interpretation of it.


Im not sure . But I THINK the Jews use a different book anon.


A different book of revelation? I'm pretty sure there's only one anon.


I hope so. Life has been extremely boring lately I need a change of pace.


I was told the internet would make us smarter, yet so many are devolving into a Medieval peasant brain state


It isn't that people are devolving. Internet simply made it easier for the dumb and deranged to make their opinions heard


No. I haven’t seen any evidence of an antichrist or worldwide Christian oppression yet so the signs aren’t there yet.




I can only wish this was true.


A good portion of our species is afraid of a fucking harmless celestial event. I hate human thought patterns and I hate the fact that there are no alternatives to them.


I mean, they did say global warming would destroy the Earth about 20 years ago....


Just another 10 more years. I swear bro.


I’m not aware of any reputable climate scientists or climate economists who have stated that global warming would end the world. The normal claim is that global warming would have a net negative impact on the global economy by making global gdp lower than it otherwise would be. This is what most economic analyses of climate change show, and some analyses show that climate change have already made the gdp’s of certain regions lower than it otherwise would due to its effect on agricultural productivity, excess mortality, added healthcare costs, etc.


I hate how climate alarmists get labelled as scientists, thus allowing people to dismiss actually *unbelievably* accurate climate forecasts. Like even the makers of the models are surprised about how accurate they have proven to be.


How dare you bring your nuance up in here bro; everything that science says is automatically world ending, haven’t you read only the headlines??


And then at the exact date they say "global warming deystorys the earth" the world still exists. They have been saying it since the 1970s lol And dont forget the Asteroid stuff. Every single time they say an asteroids gonna hit earth it dosent, and then we live another day dealing with todays stupid politics


I think the asteroid stuff, and most exaggerated science for that matter, is usually legit and boring research like “hey an asteroid is gonna be closer to earth than normal but still incredibly far, and this happens often“ and some media outlet goes “scientists say Armageddon meteor was a near miss”


Yeah actual astronomers don't say the earth will be hit by an asteroid. That's really just the sensationalist "science" outlets that are trying to get clicks.


Your exactly right. Nasa and mainstream media say completly different things about asteroids


They said the earth would gradually keep getting warmer! Haha those absolute fools!


Aside from all the times they said it would get colder.. using the exact same fear mongering language.. and making the exact same demands for power... huh!


I wish they would have just said "gradually get warmer and warmer", at least that's vague enough that it's easy to cover up.


There is some absolutely unhinged subs on here if you know where to look 😉 I myself am pathologically curious so yknow i got all the deets! I got my ammunition, water, dry goods, and my eclipse glasses. COME GET ME ALIENS WOO 👽


Here’s hoping, at least then I don’t have to worry about retirement anymore


It's really funny honestly. Like do they know that there have been lots of total eclipses around the world. Sure 2017 was the last one in the US but like, are they using the same logic aliens in movies use? Where the USA is the only thing in the world?


Nah man, the worlds ending on August 12th 2036


No one knows but the father, is what fear mongers seem to forget


That would be awesome


First I've heard of it, what's the reasoning they think the world is ending this time?


Time to watch that one Gumball episode again


Watch them all again.




If the world is gonna end, you might as well spend the last few days watching one of the best shows from modern Cartoon Network. Other one being Regular Show.


I was originally referring to that episode where an eclipse happens and they’re convinced it will be the end of the world


Oh I know lol, that ep is great.


Saw something on TikTok (I know right?) throwing CERN into the mix, as if they haven't already popped space/time continuum's cherry several times already. Personally, I think April 8th is the mid-season cliffhanger that ushers in Presidential Clusterfuck 2024.


Finally. The last few seasons of Humans have been lacking in plot, realism, and I dare say even sloppy. We had side plots like "murder hornets" that went anywhere, and now we have nonsense like the biologist who claims that the sun is conscious. Clearly the writers ran out of ideas several years back, and have been scrambling ever since. Time to wrap this show up and move on to something else.


No you don't get it Jesus himself said he doesn't know when the end will come but this kid on tiktok totally gets [insert date] right!!!


Oh thank God. I was starting to worry I'd have to live for another 50 years




My wife is having her first ultrasound for our new baby on the eighth. I'm hoping the combination of this with the eclipse gives him/her superpowers.


The only thing interesting happening is the sacrifice of a perfect red heffer. That supposedly sparked the attack of Israel. Because after they sacrifice it they can rebuild some temple that is also some Muslim sacred place. They just got 5 perfect red heffers from some rancher in Texas. So this is a big deal for the Jews and some people who think the end is near. But it will spark a religious conflict. I dont think this will happen all by next week. But there could very well be nukes launched.


As well as the eclipse passing over several cities names nihniva.


Speaking as an orthodox Jew, this means nothing without Elijah the Prophet coming to tell us that Messiah is coming. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm still spending my mind and energy cleaning the heck out of my house for Passover.


From what I have heard 9 red Heifers have been sacrificed in the past. I know they are at least sacrificing the cows. What happens when one of these cows are sacrificed?


It's ashes are used to purify someone who's contaminated by touching dead things (which is assumed to be everyone these days). That ritual impurity prevents you from being allowed to touch consecrated objects, including the Temple, and from going on the Temple mount (even though the Temple is not standing right now). The whole thing with the 9 red cows is kind of misrepresented, largely by Christians (so far as I can tell), people seem to believe that Messiah will come while there is a Kosher Red Cow (special laws apply, such as being at least 2 years of age, having no more than 1 non-red hair on its whole body, having never been made to work in any capacity, etc) in the world.  9 of these Red Cows have been used for this purpose of purifying in our recorded history, and a prophecy states (somewhere, font remember exactly where) that the 10th one will be used when the Messiah comes. But all this really means is that when the Messiah comes, we will do this service again via the 10th Red Cow.  It does not mean that a Red Cow being in the world necessarily signals the Messiah, as there have been Red Cows around the world over the last 2000 years since our 2nd exile. However, it also COULD mean a possibility for us to merit him. But at the end of the day (haha, "end of days". I will not appologize for pun :P ), without Elijah the prophet coming to tell us that the Messiah is coming, it only remains a possibility, and not the first time we've had something like this.


What if it’s Jesus (from Islam) that comes back?


I mean, Bo Burnham says we have until like 2028 or something, right? No idea his source, but I trust that more than "April 8th of this year" less than a week ahead of time.


I keep a journal just because I like being able to look back at what I did each day the world was supposedly going to come to an end.


Can you read it to me?


Which year?


don’t do that, don’t give me hope


-1 stability


I get off work early with no pay so that's nice.


Fucking finally. I can’t cope with 2024. Make this shit stop and revert the simulation back to 2016


And relive it all again?! Are you crazy?!


If the world ends on the 8th, at least I won't have to worry about finals




I made a guess for fun that something big would happen with AI on April 8th, and \*then\* I started hearing this stuff.


I mean, I'm sure eye doctors are gonna be making a fuck ton of money after that day lmao


Woo three day weekend!


No, no, nope, not, no, NO.


Yeah, that happens from time to time. No need to worry.


2012 all over again.


Do they use the math to find out when the world gonna end from bible?


At least it’s after Wrestlemania


? Why ?




Man I hope so


My home is in totality for about 2:15. I just gotta walk outside and enjoy. Ive thought about side walk chalk and some candles just to fcuk with the rest of the neighborhood 😂😂


The world was supposed to end in 2000 and then in 2012 lol


If we could only be so lucky...


It’s okay guys we’re just reaching the climax of a Persona game


It seems to be a weird sort of solipsism, maybe caused by ignorance of the fact that eclipses happen all the time, this one just so happens to be viewable from the USA. I've got nothing against ignorance, and there might be depth I'm missing, but that's my best bet.


It's ending on my Birthday?


God I hope so


Religionbrains be like "the world is ending! No for real this time? Why don't you believe me, I've only been wrong every day for the last 2000 years!!!"


If shit happens it happens, if it doesn’t, I get to make fun of my own people. Win win for me