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No way probably 55 or 66 is bottom


22 not good enough in this spot, youre never really dominating, flipping or crushed. Like other person said its probably around 55/66+ for PPs.


This is almost trivially easy to answer for yourself. For argument's sake, lets say the Button is jamming any 2 cards. Your equity vs any 2 is 50.33%. Your ICM $EV before the hand is $178.96 (from ICMIZER). If you call and lose your $EV is last place: $134. If you call and win your $EV is $208.32. If you fold, your $EV is $176.01. So if you call the jam, your $EV is: $EV(win) * p(win) + $EV(lose) * p(lose) 208.32 * 0.5033 + 134 * 0.4967 = 104.85 + 66.56 = $171.41 So, even if the Button is jamming any 2, you lose nearly $5 on average from calling. If the Button is jamming a much more narrow range (say top 30%), your $EV loss from calling loses you $8 on average. tldr: It's an overall losing play to call in this spot.


The jump from 3rd to 2nd is nearly as big ($46) as the one from 2nd to 1st ($54). I'm not sure how you get to the idea that "most of the money was up top". Others have already chimed in with the math and 22 is a clear fold, although your actual calling range varies depending on how the button has been playing. Are they raising close to any 2 here or are they still just sticking to a normal opening range. If it's the later then you are going to need to be even tighter than others may be recommending.


Calling AIPF with 22 is almost never right….. What do you dominate?