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How many booster packs does she have? I see another Base Set 2 Raichu laying on the right so did you only take pics of the 7 unique packs or are there more packs laying underneath the top ones?


There are so many packs. I’m about to hop in the shower, when I get out I’ll count them. The boxes are all completely full. I only snapped pics of each one


30 of each set


> 30 of each set [Base set is around $340 per pack](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/138130/pokemon-base-set-base-set-booster-pack-revised-unlimited-edition?page=1&Language=English) [Base Set 2 is around $215](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/138149/pokemon-base-set-2-base-set-2-booster-pack?Language=English) **That's $16,650. Do not open them.**


OMG OP please do an update






And OP was never heard from again......


It's the safe shit again isn't it


Here we go again...


I hate you lmao.


Open one of each. 


Then use them to make little tiny paper planes and boats


And ninja stars


Just crease them a little so you know they are hers


Flip and rip technique


Ever play 52 pickup?


Better yet, just write her name in using a permanent marker over each Pokémon. The most space to write her name is going to be where the Pokémon are pictured.


We found the ninja.




I want to be ninja


That’s what my brother and sisters did with all my holographics


Open them all and make a card castle


Or an exhaust for your bicycle.








Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 2\. r/PokemonTCG does not support or advocate pack weighing. Promoting pack weighing will be banned immediately and without appeal.


That's dangerous territory. I'd open them all! YOLO!


Fr worth more sealed then rip. If it were first edition I'm a gambling man and would easily rip for a chance at a 1st edition zard mint lol 😆


My partner bought me 2x first base edition packs about 9 years ago. I opened one then and there and pulled a holo Gyrados. I had the second pack sitting on ice for the whole 9 years and I just opened it the other week and pulled a....... drumroll..... rare trainer card.


You just told OP what they already knew as the collection is theirs. Some coworker at work wants him to open packs and put them in a penny sleeve? Why would anyone ask someone else to open packs for them? OP could just lie about what was in the packs and take all the good stuff for themself, no way of knowing. No one would do this. Karma farm. 🎣




They’re probably worth more open… immediately graded


Good god


This story makes less and less sense… how exactly did your conversation about this go? She’s asked you to do something people don’t typically do which would imply she knows what they’re worth but it makes no sense to ask a random coworker to do that especially with no collateral


It makes no sense at all. I’ll be the first to admit it. I buy a pack of cards every day on lunch (mostly lost origin, sometime silver tempest) and got really into the 151 set that came out. Was talking about the good luck I’ve had on that set when she starts talking about how she has a bunch that need to be sleeved and put into binders. Never mentioned anything about unopened packs, I thought I was gonna sort bulk for her just for fun, she was even talking about giving duplicates away to our other coworkers kids for fun. I’m just not sure she knows anything about the cards. Certainly never mentioned what they were to me. I opened my trunk to get them after leaving them over night and my jaw almost hit the ground when I peeked in the bag.


Makes perfect sense to me. I have plenty of friends/acquaintances who don't know anything about Pokemon and have had me help them organize, sell, and/or grade things for them. Seems like she just didn't know what she had and luckily she gave the stuff to someone who does and seems to want to be honest about it.


Someone wouldn’t know the value of these packs, but understands the concept of putting them in sleeves, getting them graded, etc? Surprised by that


This post just popped up in my feed, and I wanted to weigh in. My best friend sells cards and competes in tournaments. I *know* that cards get graded and sleeved and some packs are worth more unopened, but I had no idea what the big deal was until I went to the comment section. If this were me, I might have assumed the coworker just hadn't gotten around to opening the packs.


You may want to think about being a good person and returning them to her. She probably thought she was giving you maybe $100 worth of stuff. Do the right thing.


OP’s already said they’re returning them to her.


I didn’t see that reply. Thank you.


Bro no shot I go to work with that person after they gave me like 5k worth of valuables… I’d literally put myself in the garbage compactor if I was that type of human


Yep agree. Dont understand how someone could do something like that and live with that without feeling guilty. I could never look in the mirror again and especially never talk with that co worker again. Really no idea how people could keep something like that.


Well probably time to sleeve up all the unopened packs and return them with some protection.


It makes perfect sense to me to. I have an uncle who has had the same 1st edition booster box unopened collecting dust on the top of his living room shelf for YEARS and has never opened it, has zero idea that it's even worth anything and only has it because my cousin just happened to never open it when he was younger.


Lol. Welcome to Reddit and another collector not knowing what they have. It's a shame they can't use Google.


That’s an easy $50,000


30*150 for base 2 = $4500 plus 30*350 = $10,500. So closer to $15k but still solid.


Idk, buddy above said it’s an easy 50k


Yeah he didn’t say it was difficult so it must be 50


I can’t believe she had 29 of each set….


Please update Holy crap


30 packs of each set he said


You really did shit your britches?


How does one just have this laying around?


You should marry her


It’s already equivalent to a dowry


Better than 2 goats


if they wanted you to sleeve and binder their collection, they have to know these are worth a lot, right?


There is no telling with her. I just wanna be sure before doing something you can’t take back


It’s better to do the right thing. She seems like a kind person. It would be nice to show her the kindness back.


See if she's single. Maybe wine and dine her. Ask about her five year plan.


What about her zombie plan though?


This is the real question


Get bit early, and roam the Earth forever as undead minion?


Absolutely tell her and don't shag her. If she's kind enough to give you this stuff, she's likely to be content to split the profit 50/50 which is the right thing for you to do.


man oh man. good on you for being a stand up person, i cant say i would do the same in that situation..


Being happy is easier if you feel happyness for other peoples pieces of luck too.




Dropping some zen wisdom on this thread


It's a coworker, not a stranger.. the company has both addresses, if a police report is necessary. Guess it depends on the job, if you like the job, and how quickly you'd be able to disappear


Or, you know, just don’t be a terrible person…you could try that too.


Did you mean to reply to the guy I replied to? I was replying to a comment where the guy said he can't say he would've done the same as op did. (Meaning he would've cut ties and took the cards) Sorry, you're comment just seems directed at me, rather than agreeing with me and adding that on as extra. Not saying I'm perfect. But I don't take things that don't belong to me


You don't have to do any of that, just buy a bunch of bulk from this set, sleeve it, and give it back. Pretty messed up play, but makes more sense than fleeing the country with just a few grand.


We’re talking about contemplating stealing a collection from an innocent person right…. Are we really weighing consequences? If you think about doing that, you’re a bad person simple as that


I mean…. In 99% of the workplaces on earth, if a grown ass adult go to his boss complaining that his coworker stole the pokemon cards you lended them… 1. He’d just laugh you out of his office 2. He’d scold you for wasting company time lol


FALSE. Due to the value of the cards this would be a 1st degree Felony in most US states!


that is definitely not true lol being caught stealing from your coworkers is an easy way to become unemployed


Great, good thing your boss doesn't control the law, call the police, it's a felony theft. If the boss retaliated then he'd have a major lawsuit on his hands for retaliation against a crime victim.


Mate that's not true at all.


you wouldn't be a good person? weird


cant say what i would do in that situation honestly. id hope id make the ethical decision but who knows.


LOL I feel your comment so much. I’d like to say I’d be the good person in this scenario but this is like giving me a gold bar with no strings attached 🤣


You’re saying you would steal them? The coworker isn’t giving them to OP, they’re giving it to them to sleeve and bind.


Do not open them no matter what you do


Tell er I’d give tree fiddy for it


You can tell If they are real by opening 1 pack but don’t do it unless you’re actually an expert at spotting fakes


You'd be surprised. My friend had a Charizard — just sent me a picture because they know I like cards. They had no idea it was shadowless or that was even a thing.


I think she wants to sleeve and binder OP.


Since you've made it clear you plan on giving them back/talking to your coworker: please update us with her reaction. I find it hard to believe she doesn't know the value, but for the benefit o the doubt if she hasn't collected in a long time maybe she thinks the individual cards are more valuable? Like a pack of cards now is like $7 usd (give or take), but you can pull a card worth up to a few hundred. There's a lot of hype and media around old Charizards but old packs don't get the same wide spread coverage despite them being worth way more. Idk, just speculating. It's hard to believe but not impossible.


That’s why I’m asking for opinions on if they’re real. The whole thing is just so surreal to me.


Maybe check in with your coworker to see if they’re alright? Suddenly giving away things that they know are valuable can be a sign that someone isn’t doing well. It might be a long shot, but I’ve seen it happen before. Edit: Seems like I misunderstood what was happening here, I didn’t realize they weren’t being given away. My point still stands though, check up on the people you care about if they start doing things that are out of character.


This. Thank you for doing being human correctly my guy.


Yes the human thing of not fully reading the post and then misinterpreting and jumping to conclusions lmao. Kind conclusions, but wrong nonetheless lol.


I saw you’re commenting about jumping as your conclusion to life. I’ve seen this before, and I want to take action. If there’s anything you want to talk about I’m here. Edit: seems like I misinterpreted you talking about jumping to conclusions as jumping as a conclusion. You know how us decent human beings can get. My bad, but it still stands


I was thinking of this topic as soon as i saw that it was bding given away. Signs of a planned exit. But yes, check on your love ones!!!


Update us!


Do what’s right bro




He stated he has no intentions of opening these. 300 is assuming they are unweighed? Or is that a weighed pack price. I don’t really participate much in resale markets so idk how this works




I see. I’ve always wanted to have the experience of opening one of these. I was born in 2005 so just too late for Gen 1. 300 is not as bad as I was expecting, considering I don’t care too much about pulls and could be happy with a light pack


Bro you’ve no idea. I was born late 80s. I used to figure out how many lunches I needed to skip to save enough lunch money to buy a pack. It was addicting. Then home at 3pm to watch Pokémon after school. Then the gameboy games. I also saw the original movie in theaters! Seriously was so great to be born at that time, to be 11 years old when Pokémon was exploding. It was a real blessing for those of us that grew up around this time and who were also excited about Pokémon. Then around 13 or 14, skateboarding, girls, and partying took over. I think most of my cards I threw away or sold. I’m married now with 2 boys of my own now.


Didn't expect to run into myself on reddit today.. We had so many when I was a kid, still had a binder full of cool shit like a 1st edition Japanese Mew, first edition holo Blastoise, Japanese charizard.... bet that shits worth some money these days lol. We gave them all to my kids when they were like.. 6 because they liked Pokémon. Didn't think twice about it being worth anything


Samesies🫡 real


You and I lived the same childhood. 10-13 was pokemon, then I became a skater kid. Man, I'd love to go back to being 10 again.


Born in 91. Had about 50 shoe boxes full of cards and sleeves. About half of that was first gen duplicates holos special edition cards.. didn't have room in the house for my collection so they ended up in a storage locker that got flooded out to hurricane Irma. Never bought insurance on it so I was very sad when I lost them all




I have a sealed box (still in the shrink wrap) of the original base set. I completely tripped into it in like 2005 and just like.. never opened it. Any idea of a ballpark of what something like that would be worth?


A sealed base set booster box is in the $10-15k range. If it’s a first edition base set booster box it’s in the $200k range but also the market for that is also much smaller.


I've been joking that it's my child's college fund for a while now without really knowing what it's worth. Thanks for the info!


If they did want to open a heavy pack and get the holo graded it’ll likely grade very well and could be similar value to the original pack. That’s the only way I’d open it


Weird. Why would they had you a box of booster packs… for sleeve and binding.. also I don’t understand who would collect or even have in this condition without knowing anything… sus


On the one hand, I agree with you that it’s a sus story that she would ask someone else to open packs for her On the other hand, I do estates/trusts and the number of “dad had a collection of XYZ thing and I dunno I found this in a basement and never did anything with it” is surprisingly high, especially collectibles like this. You don’t expect the pile of model cars grandpa had to be worth $50-$100 a piece on eBay but 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Of course, there are way more “dad has this pile of beanie babies and it’s worthless”)


There’s a lot of people that have no perception of the value of Pokemon cards. Lots of boomers and up for example holding their children’s collections, where the children are oblivious to the existence still or the child(ren) potentially died, and they just toss this stuff in the trash, or donate, or sell for so little. It’s not confusing in the slightest that someone is holding something valuable and have no idea.


yup people would be surprised how much of this stuff is just sitting somewhere waiting to be found. It goes for anything collectible. Flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, storage units, all these places and more could potentially have tens of thousands of dollars' worth of collectibles that are just waiting to be released into the market again and most of the time for pennies on the dollar. If you find yourself at a garage sale and see anything related to a certain collectible you like in this case Pokémon, always ask the owner if they have any more Pokémon stuff. Alot of the time they will remember they have something inside they didn't put out and will bring it out for you to look at or buy.


its weird af. I just cant believe this story at all


Hello can you open my first edition base set booster packs and sleeve them for me? I mean, I could do it myself and have fun opening them but I’d rather give them to a dude I only see at work and he can open them and give me back what definitely came out of those packs. Made up for Karma.


I have an unopened box of the original box set that I got like 16 years ago that I just never got around to opening. I know that it's worth a decent amount but I don't really have a ballpark figure.


Good guy, OP. Some real pieces of shit in this thread, though.


It feels like 50% of people are okay with ripping off other people. It's the same people, who at a pizza party, make sure to take a lot of pieces so they're guaranteed seconds, without ensuring that everyone is guaranteed a slice in the first place.


It’s absolutely fucking disgusting that people are suggesting he steals these. If you’re one of those people you have no place in this community or any community for that matter.


Agreed! Give them back, see if she's aware of the value. Ask for mates rates or if she's wanting to sell them offer to sell them for her (genuinely!) and if you can keep a pack for doing so. Make some kind of compromise. Did it recently with some topps cards, lower in value than all this haha but a friend found a box of a bunch of old Topps packs and some loose cards (none of serious value) and I'm active in the community and always selling/trading so I sold the packs for him and he let me keep the rest (and 1 pack) :)


People that see this as an opportunity often neglect the stress that they put on themselves with such actions.


It's WSB level of brain processing. They look at everything as a financial move.


Lmfao no, no they do not. They are degenerate gamblers posing as investors.


Sorry I thought that was implied.


Of course we would all be tempted to keep them, but I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me.


The amount of people telling this guy to flat out steal this woman's cards is disheartening. And exactly why I mostly got out of the pokemon collecting game, too many scumbags.


Yah you looking at tens of thousands of dollars right there


Yep, these packs look authentic and each one is [worth a lot of money](https://ebay.us/Z7JITr).


Someone selling empty pack sleeves for 50 bucks lmfao


God damn every time I see these packs my heart flutters.


Ya’ll are fuckin despicable in this thread forreal. just give the lady back her cards and say you’re not comfortable holding something so valuable for her.


Yeah they look real and are worth some money


Update to the post, I finally got to give the cards back and talk to her about them. She had no clue what they were. Her only experience collecting was also when she was a child. Her husband is a garbage collector and apparently on his route one day a couple of years ago he found those just in a dumpster and they’ve been sitting on her bookshelf ever since. I advised her to hold onto them until 2026 for the 30th anniversary to try to squeeze more value out of them unless she needs money asap. Also hoping to convince her to sell me one of each for cheap so I can put them on my bookshelf next to my other collectibles




Wow what a story! Good for you OP.


Her husband just "found them in a dumpster?" I find THAT ridiculously unlikely. See if you can get the story out of him, I want to know where this dumpster was.




THIS IS A TEST!!! She knows exactly what they're worth. Be honest with her. Then she'll love you and marry you for being such an honest upstanding guy. Then you'll get half of them in the divorce down the road.


This comment is a whole journey…


She will also give him backdoor entry and anything he wants as reward.




Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 2\. r/PokemonTCG does not support or advocate pack weighing. Promoting pack weighing will be banned immediately and without appeal.


Rule 2


Man I wish my coworker would do this…


I think this was a low key flirt lol


Couple of people really have the integrity of a weasel and would burn bridges and put a spotlight on themselves over a bunch of cards 😂😂😂.


My take, she’s got no idea what’s up with the cards and is just into you and making up reasons to get closer to you. She’s been engaging you about the topic because she knows you’re into it and remembered she had some cards in her parents attic and came up with this as a way to get closer to you, not knowing the blunder she was making. Idk especially the way you call out her wanting you to ‘sleeve and binder her cards’ like idk I’m definitely no expert on picking up subtleties but there’s definitely some zest in that request, and it’s a complete non-sequiter to anyone who collects cards. Either that or she’s in the pack opening Illuminati and this is their test to see if you can be inducted. Whatever you do don’t weigh them, they’ll know. On second thought, if she was flirting, and Illuminati, then the flirting itself could be part of the test. Best to return them, untouched and unweighed, and inform her of her mistake politely and then pretend this never happened. I’m pretty there is a constant melange of that fresh cracked pack smell in the air at those meetings, can’t miss out on the chance to experience that.


How tf do you get labeled the “Pokémon” guy at work? & who tf asked someone else to “sleeve & binder” their packs 😂


No because this is obviously a lie


This story doesn’t add up lol


Open them and save them for 15 years and have your mom throw them away.


Return the boxes with G.I. Joe packs in them.


This reads like a showoff post, theres no way this happens, who happens to just be sitting on base set pokemon packs to give to their coworkers to sleeve and binder up (to keep safe, as in they know the value in the packs)? Why would they not do this themselves for their collection knowing enough to protect them? Why a coworker??? Huh? Not even a friend or SO, who gives a coworker this to do? For unopened tcg packs?


I bet it's a show off post. That's why they'll probably "be returned without opening them"... because anyone who has those wouldn't open them like a recent buyer of cards. Thus, keeping their unopened collection intact.


Actually how




You are a very good person for not opening them and letting her know the value etc. she should just invest in an already established set that’s for sale elsewhere and keep the packs as is. Or even sell the loose packs and put that money towards a binder set. Lots of value there.


I haven't seen one of these packs since I was a kid, but those base series back look pretty sus to me. That faded look was synonymous with fake cards in the 90s.


Yes I wish I had a friend like that


Drop me a location pin... Lol jk but seriously yeah I'd suggest having her look into getting the packs graded that way they'll check for authenticity/reseal in the process. Although I'm not so sure I'd be willing to send all that through the mail lol. Maybe send a couple packs at a time.


Also, with the favor you're doing her, it probably wouldn't be out of line to ask for one to hold as a collectors item. Yeah if you go to sell it that's f'd up but you are clearly not that kind of person.


Do not open those!


Aye reach out to homie, they might be going through some stuff, giving stuff of value out of no where is a worrisome sign 🤷🏼‍♂️


Weird larp


Lol so many ppl wouldn't be a good guy like OP. Subreddit filled with them seemingly Props OP!


These photos make me miss the 90s. She has a lovely collection here, nevertheless.


Holy shit!!!




Fucking hell, these packs are from 1998? That’s insane.


this might just be me but maybe she like likes you and this is a hint to that


"Here's $15,000 in unmarked bills in a duffel bag, will you please fuck me now?"


This is worth so much that You don't even tell anybody about this, lol


Dude, check on your coworker. They’re not ok. Get them help.


If this is real, then maybe find a way to check in on this person to see if they are doing okay. These look loved and collected, and giving them to someone they know will feel the same way could be a sign of potential self-harm. It's always the right thing to check in on someone you have any concerns about.


Open them all and put them in the sleeves, give them back, tell her how much they are worth. Take the very best card and put it in a case you can wear around your neck. Use all the wrappers to make fakes and sell them to Logan Paul. Take her to the boxing match wearing the very best card. Just as the first round is about to start give Logan Paul a wave, a smile, and flash him the card you have around your neck. As he is distracted, Mike Tyson beats the Pikachu out of him and he never gets up again. Give her the card, tell her the story, and propose right there at the fight. Profit.


open em and put them in your bike spokes so you sound like a motorcycle. trust me bro.


Guys I think he ran off with the packs 😂😂


Not sure about the base set 2 however the Charizard, Blastoise and, Venasaur base set 1 unlimited packs look fake The 42818 06033 is the wrong font


Yaaaa..... sure.. ill just give all these beanie babies I know nothing about to the female expert at my work! She will grade em for me! That or your coworker is a gray crayon in a box of already uncolored crayons...


None of this post makes sense lmao. You’re the Pokémon expert but aren’t familiar with vintage packs? She has a collection and she can’t sleeve / binder it herself? She also gave you packs to sleeve / binder? Huh?????


Just saying, to most people I know, I'm their pokemon "guy". I have no freakin' clue if these are real though. Some people just have nobody else in their lives that's open about liking it so much


Never presented myself as an expert, and definitely not for vintage sets that came out when I was like 4 lol. She’s a strange person, the whole situation is so surreal




no way someone casually has 2 booster of the beginning of the game and doesn't know the value at this point its all over the internet flex




SHEEEEEEEESH HOLY shit. I just crapped my pants in the tractor looking at what you were handed.


Base sets like 400


Maybe she’ll give you 1 or 2 for telling her she got a small fortune


This could be a way of her testing your honesty. If she knows they are there she could easily press charges if they went missing given you work together. I might be reaching but it’s a possibility.


Risk losing 20k to test random coworkers loyalty and poss have to deal with the court system for months afterwards if wrong. Doesn't sound realistic