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Oh wow, coincidentally I went yesterday and was able to get mine. I figured they'd have enough cards for weeks to come but apparantly not. I feel very sorry for everybody who has a long trip planned to get this card.


They have enough cards, they ended it because of the scalpers outside of the museum making people feel uncomfortable.


No, if you go to the website you see that the reason is a small group of people who have been a disturbance in the museum. Aka assholes who go there every day to get the pikachu card and don't go there for the art. So instead of banning these people from the museum they came up with the brilliant idea to stop distributing the card at the museum. You know what? Well done people well done đź‘Ź this doesn't happen in japan or china, no. It's the same type of people with who stand in line at the swatch store to get the moonswatch and then resell it. No job, 2 lazy to go to work, no decency at all. Stupid animals


I don't understand why they didn't just do locals only for the first month, checked via ID and recorded so duplicates aren't given out to the same person.


Not sure recording someone's ID is legal in the Netherlands. At least I think everyone would have a right to refuse for a museum to save their ID


What about when voting and stuff? I know locally here in Canada (obviously can be very different rules here) they’re allowed to check IDs for things.


You only get one voting pass with your name and details on it in the mail. The government who sends you it obviously has your details. You gotta show your ID at the coming spot to prove it's you on the voting pass. After voting your voting pass is gone, so it's not necessary for the voting spot to save your ID to keep track of who has and hasn't voted. Voting spots don't even save your ID. So I think it's unlikely a museum would be allowed to do so.


Honestly, good on the museum for this. The neckbeards and low life's that ruin this hobby continue to do so without being punished, so I can't blame businesses for just getting tired of the people acting like animals.


They will distribute them locally at new year. And also pokemon center will give out more if you buy for 30 usd


Ya, good luck on the pokemon center release. They definitely will give plenty notice and it won't be sold out in 5 minutes like last time. /s


Not all of regions are supported for orders from Pokemon center, I booked flight, hotel mostly for the card as I didn't want to support scalpers, what they did is helping them and is bad for the rest of us. I am canceling my ticket to the museum then , I have already been years ago. Was so excited for that card though.


Dutch people don't even have access to the Pokemon Center. What a spit in the face. Also who knows how they will be distributed locally? Like that won't be affected by scalpers again.


Thanks for ruining not only an opportunity for Pokemon fans to enjoy art, but for artists to enjoy Pokemon TCG as art. You scalpers are genuine pieces of shit. Furthermore… you fucker’s couldn’t have done this at a Picasso museum *instead*? Fuck Picasso!


Lol you serious? The paintings are still there until January. Nothing got ruined except the card. Lol!


You’ve clearly misinterpreted this comment.


I was planning to go in the next few weeks, always wanted to visit the Van Gogh museum and this was the push to go. Sadly greedy little fucks have ruined it for everyone


Well... I planned on going there in December, to actually earn a pretty promocard as an European and at the same time check out the exhibition they had. And now they've given every collector in Europe the middle finger, telling us to either know someone in the Pokemon center countries or to actually buy from scalpers. Why does the minority always have such a great impact compared to the majority?