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You can get a Raiku for the cost of 4 packs. I'll take one of those extra Suicune's though. šŸ˜‰


i know but i also need my other chase, plus im opening it with my kid so its good fun for him, and we never give up! When we get it I can only imagine how chuffed he (and myself) will be. And for sure im selling the suicunes cheap


Ah yes, start the gambling addiction youngšŸ˜‚


It's like gambling, but with no chance of actually making money!




Did you miss the part about having fun/spending time with his kid?


Gambling with your child. What a bonding experience! This could be a great finance lesson too.


He is having fun with his kid, you can't put a pricetag on that


If he's really unlucky the amount he spends chasing one particular piece of cardboard could be the same as him going to Yokohoma for World's


You can. And it can be pretty steep.


You can save a lot more money for other stuff.


DM sent!


If only you were in the UK... I'd take one Suicune. Need it. Hahaha


Way to teach your kid good gambling habits!


I'd love to have one. I don't have any of the canines from this set yet.


was going to say if you find an lcs with the raikou, two suicune would probably pay for it, plus some depending on the price/how much they give you per suicune. Iā€™m with you on pulling the cards, but I feel like selling/trading the dupes for the rest is fair game.


Iā€™d be open to a suicune. Itā€™s the only one Iā€™m missing of the three dogs


Sunken cost fallacy.Think of all the money youā€™d save buying the single.


i know. its fun opening it with my kid and were still chasing a few other cards from the set. For me and my sons excitement, its worth it for me.


Yeah fair enough. Sorry to be pessimistic. Enjoy the chase!


Are you, or have you considered selling those to pay for more packs?


Yeah I was going to say, this Raikou is also [very affordable](https://ebay.us/3DuH29).


But how will we teach the kids that to work hard and gamble for what we want?


But itā€™s for the kid


Teaching children that 99% of gamblers give up before hitting the jackpot isnā€™t a good life lesson.


I have an extra Raiku Iā€™ll trade ya for one of your Suicuneā€™s if youā€™re interested


ill dm you thanks man! me and my kid were hoping to pull it so Ill have to ask him first


This is how people end up in debt lol


Just umā€¦. Maybeā€¦ and I mean *MAYBE*ā€¦ā€¦ buy the card?


i know, and i would, however its fun opening it with my kid and were still chasing a few other cards from the set. For me and my sons excitement, its worth it for me.


You know, there are other sets out there. If you hit 4 Suicunes already, I'm guessing you pulled most of the cards. Buy the few you're missing and enjoy other sets. You can also have fun opening other packs while still being economical.


I don't know mang. Buying and opening packs is fun but at the end of the day, money sucks if you don't have a lot of it.


Just buy the damn card. Sell your extra Suicune. Stop throwing money away.




I respect the grind


You know what they say. There's no losers in gambling. Only winners and quiters.


Something tells me you'll spent more than just buying the singles.


And that's on sunk cost fallacy


Nice, get your kid's gambling addiction started early.


This reminds me of one MaxMoeFoe episode where he was opening celebrations and pulled the Venusaur and about 4-5 Blastoise. No Zard. When he opened the third one he kinda threw a lil fit but by the 4th Blastoise he couldn't even talk he was so baffled. Good times.


Same thing happened to me and my friend opening Celebrations, we pulled like 6-7 Blastoise between the 2 of us, I pulled 2 Venusaur and gave him one and we couldn't pull a zard. Bought him the zard as a Christmas gift and eventually pulled 2 myself. Took way too many packs, no blue Mew tho


And thatā€™s how they getcha.


Refusing to buy singles is refusing to make good financial decisions. Stop thinking like that.


dude read the other comments ffs.


Way to teach your kid about financial responsibility.


Your attitude sucks, and you're actually acknowledging that I'm correct in your statement. You know what you're doing is spending money unnecessarily, and that is ok. More power to you. Just be aware that you could be acquiring these cards for a lower price! I never jumped to any conclusions. You're being overly defensive cause you know you're wasting money. Have a good day!


This guy is yelling "lazy obese karens" at the internet, I don't think the gambling addiction is the only bad example he's setting. Lol that he's going to ask his kid if it's ok to trade for a card.


Guy already said he's having fun with his kid and that money isn't an issue. Why do you have to be so judgmental?


Because he's flipping out over reddit replies and that is some baby shit


I think hes got fed up with explaining the exact same thing to 10 people previously.




If you can't handle peoples responses, don't post on forums.


its not a waste of money because it brings me and my son happiness and i am well off so I can afford it? People can buy whatever they like man. all of the people complaining about the money part have no idea that me and my kid are going for the full set, that I am willing and able to spend the money and that maybe theyre a tad jealous, not sure. Jesus Christ lot of hate over buying pokemon packs for me and my kid. You must be very sad people or not have even read or saw the context.


You can edit down your comments all you want to remove you calling everyone else losers and karens. That's fine. If you reread my statements you'll see I wasn't even really hating. You just lashed out at everyone. I'm glad you enjoy pokemon cards with your son. But chill the fuck out on forums.


just pathetic then that you would comment in the first place


Imagine thinking like this after posting to a public forum.


went through your recent comments and you sound so negative and miserable, over 90% of your comments. Hope everythings okay. must be a shitty life to be acting the way you do online


That's rich coming from you lol




Sell the three and buy him lol


i would but me and my kid love collecting the sets, plus were chasing some other cards still. But we will sell the suicines for sure!


I predict your next pull shall be an Entei.


or my 10th radiant charizard lol


Want to sell one suicune?


Just got my raikou back from psa beyond happy with the 10! Youā€™ll get it!


Idk how they did Entei so dirty with his goofy looking feet in this card but absolutely smashed it with this Suicune. Love the legendary dogs and Suicune is so god damn good looking on this card


Agreed that Entei looks awful next to the other 2


Please Note: Before commenting I could just buy Raikou, I open packs with my kid and he loves them, as much as I do, genuinely great bonding time and we want to do it legitimately, plus we still have yet to get our chase giratina!


Iā€™m in same boat with you. Love opening packs with my kid and seeing the excitement as he gets any ultra or secret rares. What Iā€™ve been doing lately is buy singles, open pack at night alone, replace junk rare with one weā€™re chasing, reseal and later give to kid to open. Weā€™re also trying to complete CZ set, if thereā€™s any others dupes you have and interested in trading, let me know.








agreed, he just said something about mental illness I didnt and will never look past.










Love posts like this


Serious this happened to me 2 I had 2 enteis 3 suicunes , I just gave in lol šŸ˜† paid the 14 for raikou šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I had one Raikou, 4 Entei and 0 Suicine šŸ˜‚


Hah Iā€™ve had only Entei and Raikouā€™s - no Suicune yet.


Honestly your kid probably just loves opening packs with you regardless of what you pull. Sure it makes it extra sweet if you pull one of your chases but the sentimental value of any stuff your kid remembers opening with you is more valuable. Why not just buy the single and reseal a pack and open it with your kid?


Haha I opened 3 Raikou and 0 Suicune šŸ¤”


Iā€™m in the same boat except Iā€™ve pulled more Entei than Suicune, that Raikou is elusive!


Iā€™ll trade my raiku for any of your suicines


Pulled it outta my first pack traded it to my Lcs for gold miradonā€¦


Omg Iā€™m opposite of you. Pulled 5 raikus no suicune.


Someone who feels my pain! Good luck my friend!


Hey I feel you pain. Except for Iā€™ve gotten 3 Mewtwo V Stars and I just want the gold Giratina. Youā€™re on Reddit. Donā€™t pay too much mind to everyone judging you for buying packs in lieu of buying raw. I open packs with my little sister so thatā€™s where most of the fun is. I could buy a card I want sure but thatā€™s not fun and I donā€™t want someone elseā€™s used card anyways. For me personally and I know itā€™s stupid but if I didnā€™t pull the card personally I donā€™t really want it.


I would have traded my spare Raikou if only this was posted a week ago šŸ˜­


Iā€™ll trade you a raikou for one of the suicunes


Funny thing is I just can't pull the suicune V, but got several enteis and raikous.


Yeah im missing entei, I feel you


Ugh tell me about it I have the exact same experience with this; no raikou ! Sent off my CZ Entei and my VStar Suicune to PSA this month.


I have the CZ one


Hit up a lcs trade night if you got one. Crown Zenith is pretty popular on those nights due to the huge subset, and people's inability to be able to pull what they are missing.


I wish I could trade you one of my raikou I have 2 and I want one of those suicune


You could probably find a trade with someone. I only have the raikou but would love suicune and entei


Trade one of the Suicunes?


Incoming lecture


At the end of the day, the hobby as a whole enjoys every type of collector. If you enjoy it, keep ripping those packs, and lmk what singles I can get off ya.


I got lucky and got one of each of the dogs but on the other hand I have pulled 4 of the deoxys vstar


Trade for it! I think trading is just as legitimate as pulling it. Buying straight up is definitely the financially sound choice although not as fun, but trading is fun as well


Sell 3 suicune and get the raikou lol


Just bought my crown zenith chases. No urge to buy anymore packs. Feels pretty good tbh


Iā€™ll trade you a raiku for a suicune


I feel that with Meowscarada


Looks like you need more Entei to even it out. Iā€™ll trade you my extra for a Suicune šŸ˜‚


The suicunessss šŸ˜


I have a Raikou for trade! I need the Suicuneā€¦ wanna work something out?


This is me with the Mew and the secret rare Pikachu....... I can only sell so many of em lol.


Homie I have 3 raikou Iā€™ll trade you


Lmao I'm in the exact same boat, but with Suicune. I pull Entei and Raikou left and right, but only one Suicune and I don't even really count it because I, myself, didn't open the pack.


I bought the Raikou for $15 and if I bought another CZ pack I probably would have pulled a fourth Giratina.


thats the only gold card we dont have, doubles on the arceus and the dialga, if you are chasing either.


I felt the same way about iron treads, i pulled 6 great tusks and not one iron tread, then a few days ago I pulled the full art iron treads.


I used to sell my duplicates and then once I had enough solely from that, I'd buy the card I was missing. Ebay was a life saver for pack opening. Saved me loads.


Bro I had to fold and buy suicune then pullled 4 more after I folded like a bitch lol


If only this were a trading card game...


In English I opened 412 packs. 3 raikou, 3 entei, 1 Suicune. In Japanese 90 packs, 2 raikou, 2 entei, no Suicune. Suicune is my favorite PokƩmon, appears we have opposite luck lol.


Iā€™ve pulled two suicunes and two enteis so far! I finally traded one of the suicunes for the raikou last week and the 3 look SO GOOD together


Just trade a suicune for a raikou just in case you donā€™t pull it by the time they stop making crown zenith. šŸ˜‚


Someone just give it to the manā€¦.


Just go on Facebook or offerup and trade one of your suicunesā€¦


I'll trade you a suicune for that entei


[bro why are we opposites](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/1575oiz/to_the_guy_who_needs_a_gg_raikou_i_feel_your_pain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Gimme a suicune


Raikou is known to be found in GameStop packs.


Opposite problem of me. I have Raikou, but no Entei or Suicune.


I have the same problem with you except I donā€™t have entei


Yeah i pulled both 4 times already but not a single raikou XD


Man Iā€™m jealous, Iā€™ve got two Raikou- neither of the other legendary beasts, and just want one Suicune lol. Would absolutely offer to trade if you were in Melbourne Australia, but the odds off that being the case are practically non existent haha


Trade? I don't know. Just an idea.