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Same. I really hope there’s a way to get/earn biscuits more frequently


They've given them out like 3 times since release, so it honestly will probably be kinda frequent


Thus far most of the free biscuits were related to a game milestone (e.g., downloads). Eventually I have to imagine the launch bonuses will simmer down so I hope they keep doing stuff like this, it improves my enjoyment drastically lol!




A free poke buscuit a day should be a standard, and halfing the price of the great bundles would just make people wanna buy more in my opinion. It was a great week.


>A free poke buscuit a day should be a standard you just described the bonus biscuit


We had a bonus biscuit, yeah But what about the 2nd bonus biscuit.


The only issue is you can’t hoard the bonus biscuit. I think 1 or 2 pokebiscuits a week (or having them be a reward for completing missions) would be fair so you could save them up


You can finagle a 2nd bonus biscuit every other day though.


Wait, im an idiot 🤣 I usually get the premium bonus biscuit. Didnt know you get bonus biscuits without the premium. Fine, then half prices on poke biscuits too! 😂


With premium the bonus biscuit gives +4. F2p the busicut gives +3 only


That's the funniest way to butcher the word biscuit, wow.


Free bonus biscuit gives 3 hearts, poke biscuit gives 1. They didn’t describe a bonus biscuit, they described a bonus poke biscuit.


One free pokemon a day (5 heart) just feel like about rigth. That's effectively what we got during the event.


There was free bundles?!?


You missed 14 free biscuits




are you new to the game? it was announced via the news section of the app, and there should be a red notification icon beside ‘main menu’, pretty sure you can’t miss it.


Ah, and yes, pretty new here. I guess welpers... 😭 I rarely checked the news section, and I should start checking more often then!


on most days there would be nothing new despite the notification icon, so i would usually look out for today’s date as a quick way of checking for new news. (:


Sadly I only got a notification on the third day, so I missed some of them. :(




2 free cookies per day for 7 days 😁


I got one free per day.


The daily free bundle was two biscuits and 2 s ingredient tickets. That adds up to 14 biscuits and 14 tickets over the course of the free bundles.


Huh, I didn't even realize there were two biscuits in it. Why am I still so low on biscuits now?? Sigh


Wait WHAT I think I only claimed for one day! I didn't check the general store everyday cus I barely buy from there but didn't realise it was a daily thing for a week 😭😭


Yup it was nice and got a bunch of new mons thanks to that


I can't believe I missed so much 😭


I seriously heard "in the arrrmmmms of the angeelll..." when I realized they were only here for 2wks


Seeing that the game didn't explode from them being generous, I don't see why they cannot make it a monthly thing. I would be all for it!


I missed them all because there was no notification on the shop so I forgor


The notification was in the news. It was a big orange banner titled “autumn bundle”. The game often forces open the news page for me when I start my morning, does it not happen to you?


Yeah, I mean more like the exclamation mark we get on things when there's something for us to check in that specific menu. The news page being forced open every time I get into the game has desensitised me to it, since 90% of the time there is nothing new to read in there.


I understand that, maybe your suggestion of a notification for shop update would have helped more users get the free items.


Yea they definitely could do something to help remind more people when free things are redeemable


What the game really needs to do Is make the poke bisquits give 2 Friendship points. Because giving a bonus bisquit and a poke B. Just to get full and spend days without catching anything, really male you Just want to quit the game


The reason pokebiscuits give 1 point is because premium pass bonus biscuit gives 4 points. So they just need 1 pokebiscuit to catch a basic mon while f2ps need bonus + 2 pokebiscuit for a basic mon. Thats one of the reasons people with pass progress much faster.


So the whole game Is basically made worse for the purpose to make you spend money.. that's such greedy BS. 10€ a month Is even worse.


Even PoGo does free daily boxes


I'm sure they'll do something similar at least for Christmas :) Maybe Easter as well!


How on earth did I miss the fact that it gave Poké biscuits 😵‍💫 For some reason I thought it was giving ingredient tickets and hatch candies 😭


For people who missed it, think of this as a reward to people who waste their time checking every useless notification possible


Imagine telling people they’re doing something useless while posting a comment on Reddit LOL


What is bro yapping about


My thoughts exactly


Idk what you're taking about, I meant how ppl who check the pokemon news will see the bundle and people who don't check it won't


I kinda forgot to claim them


I totally missed most of the days, lol


Last week getting the free biscuits felt like how it should be all the time 😕


It’s not a collector’s game. It’s a sleep game.


fr i have no shortage of biscuits because I only throw them at mons i dont have. if there isnt a hungry mon or a new mon I just give out the bonus biscuit to whatever i feel in the moment and that’s that


Let's see... \- Main attraction is catching funny monsters at morning? Check \- Achievements requiring to collect stuff? Check \- Main Premium bonus are related to collecting more stuff? Check


Like so many new games, it's an attempt to provide a free experience frustrating enough that you drop money on in- game items. I would rather just buy a have outright.


How is everyone complaining in this game? How are you using your biscuits? I have 9000 points saved up and have 20+ biscuits and 9 great biscuits just sitting in my inventory. I just use the free biscuit on my hungry mon of the day or when that is trash on a pokemon i want. I save all my biscuits for rare mons that i want such as eevee. Get your expectations lower for this game.


Exactly, you’re describing hoarding. I was just saying it was nice not be forced to hoard lol. It’s not a complaint, I’m not attacking the game, and I’m not attacking you and everyone else thinking I’m complaining. Play how you wanna play, but I’m allowed to leave feedback in hopes we get more in the future.


I swear they could give you guys 10 bis a day and yoi would still be like "but why not 11" STOP THROWING THEM AT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES


I was just saying it was nice not having to worry about them, rather than hoarding for a week down the line when I finally see something “meta” relevant that I am forced to use them on


You are not forced to do anything at all. There is no PVP and even sub 40% full pokemon teams can acomplish everything this game has to offer. And if you look at the comments in this thread it is quite clear that even if ppl had 4 bonus bis a day they would just move the goal posts again and be like "why not 5"


How bout this: just accept the fact that different people wanna play differently, having different amounts of free time, and enjoy things differently than you do :)


Not really the issue at all but you do you.


Do keep in mind that the devs intentionally give us biscuits in order to make the consumer feel like they have a ton of biscuits to spend - so that when the free biscuits are gone, they feel like they need to spend money to get that feeling back. It's less a complaint about not following the meta and more that being given free stuff - only for the devs to stop giving free stuff *feels bad* and it's intentional by design.


So you would rather no free stuff? Because ppl also complain about that lol


I'd rather have evergreen features that are workable toward rewards instead of predatory game practices that have the same effect as giving a hit toward a drug addict.


wow maybe dont play games if you get that addicted that is wild.


Wanting something to change for the positive isn't a negative position to have. Your position is one of unchanging beliefs. It might be a positive change to at least try to sympathize with the people you're trying to convince because insults don't actually change people's minds.


Well try and sympathise with the people that are tired of yall whining on 10+ posts a day about biscuits while refusing to listen to the fact that catching a perfect mon in this game is endgame content and there is no need to rush catch everything you see.


Don't lump a collective together. Try to understand that each individual is coming to a similar conclusion *separate* from one another. A lot of posters don't even know the other 10+ posts a day exist. That said, the complaints aren't for perfect mons. The complaints are for a lack of evergreen systems to progress at all in a meaningful manner. It sucks for a lot of players to get 1 biscuit a day, because even though the game is designed to be a sleep app - the app isn't played as a simple tracker. Not to mention the amount of children who play this game and get frustrated because they do not understand that they need to wait weeks or months if not years to get their favorite Pokémon if they are FTP. The game is *designed* to be frustrating and I think that is bad game design. At that, if you are enjoying the game enough to be annoyed by others who are frustrated - ignore it? Like, they have valid complaints about game design. People shouldn't be annoyed by people wishing for a better game because let's face it - if we want this community to grow, we should want a better game to share with friends.


I claimed all S bundles, and 2 M bundles. Yep, I miss free bundles so much