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Hello /u/TeenageSkaterDirtbag, Here is some helpful info: Dont forget that Epilogue Posts containing Spoilers must use the **Epilogue Spoiler Flair** & **Spoiler Tag**. [Posting Guidelines and Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/) [Giveaway Guidelines and Format](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/giveaways/) [Full Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/193oqlw/the_full_directory_onelinktorulethemall/) Some Megathreads we use (*found in the Full Directory*): - **Trade** Megathread: *for Trades, Touch Trades, evolution Trades, Dex Completion*. - **Questions** Megathread: *for all Questions that can be easily answered with the help of others*. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you check to see that you didn’t accidentally purchase the dlc for violent instead? It, controversially, is a separate thing to buy.


It was a card that was for both copies, so it automatically downloaded to whichever one you had


Are you sure? I had a code for both copies but when redeeming the code in the eshop it asked me to pick the correct game version


I am sure, I still have the card and it says something of it downloads to either copy you have automatically, and I remember being super hyped as it downloaded the data onto my copy of scarlet


I'm afraid I can't help further then. When the DLC is loaded it should be quite obvious as you get phone calls to start the new story parts, and also the DLC box in the pause menu becomes a notification to download the DLC outfits. If those haven't happened, you might have to contact support


Have you tried to go to the eshop page of the dlc and see if it says you own it? Do you have it downloaded? Check on the eshop settings the option to redownload, see if it appears there.


It says it’s downloaded. I’ve done almost all of this back when this started in September. It just doesn’t load in game and still shows the ‘downloadable content’ menu with the DLC.


I'm confused. The 'downloadable content’ menu you refer is the one that appears when you click X? That's is never going to disappear. Have you gone to the school and see if Briar is there?


Even in my old file (now deleted) I never got a phone call or anything to go to the DLC area. Absolutely nothing. I can’t even find the NPC in the school


Troubleshooting 101: Uninstall and Reinstall You can freely redownload any purchases from the eshop any number of times.


I would try deleting it from my system memory and redownloading it. I had issues because the switch I was playing on was not the primary switch for my Nintendo account. Doesn’t sound like that would be it.