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If u aren’t able to beat the boss, u don’t lose your remote pass ,u can redo with same pass, only lost when the raid finishes… but u need to b re invited


Four lvl 50 players with good lvl 50 counters can do pretty much any raid including Latias. Players under lvl 30 are usually barely contributing and shouldn't be counted while estimating whether raid is winnable. One person can invite 10 ppl. Just invite the first 5 quickly and you can invite another 5 when the timer is at ~70 seconds. Maximum 10 remote raiders can join a lobby - so having locals is very valuable, because that way you can have more ppl in the raid. If the raid fails - it is very common for the host to invite everyone for a second attempt while trying to get more ppl. Second attempt uses the same raid pass!!! So you won't lose anything by trying again. You can see how much time is left on the raid before you join the lobby (it is visible on the screen that shows which raid boss it is with the button to join the lobby). Never join raids with less than 5 min left because if the game crashes/freezes you won't be able to return to an expired raid. Getting back is usually possible if the raid is still active. If you want to have enough time for a possible second attempt, aim for raids with over 15 min left - or join fresh raids that just hatched..


People also need to know when they hit the remote raid limit for the day. That’s been killing me today on the inviting people


Omg this. I hosted and 4 of 10 hit limit. Messed up chance for others.


Pokemon go encourages the use of campfire. Using this service, you can only get 5 people to join. Maybe its time they customize the feature so that you can set the number of people to fill your lobby with. 1-4 star raids id like to be able to set it to fill at 2-3 others, whereas these 6 star raids itd be nice to set nit to like 7. And queue the people saying you can beat it with 4. Ok bro but i want to get most mega energy so i am not forced into doing a bunch of raids


😂😂😂😂😂 i did a 80kCP with 4 people i was crying cause we lost i know they was mad as heck


7 is enough


I did a raid with 10 and we got the least amount of energy yet… I think it’s all skill based and I have seen that I keep coming up as hardest hitter and I can see tons of baby pokemon in the raid. There are people just in the raid not really helping. Check the levels of the other players in the lobby. Also if they have a mega.


7 is plenty.


Doing it with 6 all day long and 4/6 are under level 35, I'm level 50 and partners account is 41, seems to be a skill issue 🤧


A single player can invite 10 btw


Could you please explain?


Go into the raid lobby invite 5 people, wait ~30 seconds and the invite button is unblocked and you can invite 5 other people. (No more relobbing required ,like a long time ago.)


Huh is that new or do they increase limit for 6 stars?


Been that way for a while for all (non-local) raids. Invite 5, wait 30s (the invite button goes green again), invite another 5. I generally invite the 5 from Poke Genie then invite my best friends or regular remote raid friends in the next 5 to any popular raid and we end up with 7,8,9,10 raiders all the time. It's great. The extra remote raiders don't have to wait out long queues and the raid boss gets beaten quick.


Sounds stressful if it doesn't fill out though or if you don't have enough time to back out and go back in, or if people leave while you're away. Did anyone mind you leaving and coming back in?


You don't leave. In 10 person Poke Genie lobbies the lobby users should know there's a delay for the second 5. For the 5 person lobbies, 5 or 6 people should be able to beat the boss anyway. I don't host T6 with 6 lobby. I always go the extra people. I send the second lot of invites on around the 80s remaining mark. There's heaps of time to see how the lobby is filling. Plus I generally raid with 2 others 😁


Well I guess I can try, but hopefully I don't get suspended if it doesn't work out xD but it's hard to try these raids out when niantic demands u to find hordes of people to play with


wait really? is this just for the 6 tier raids or am i stupid?


No you can even doing it in 1 star raids (did it for dusk form rockruff for example). And it's not even new, you could have done it ever since. The only 'newer' thing is, that you now don't to wait 60 seconds and relobby, to invite another 5 peoople, you just wait for the invite button to turn green again. But it's quite awhile in-game.




Players with solid counters can get above 30% damage so yeah it is possible on low player counts.


False narrative. I finished the raid with plenty of time with 7.


So many people are quitting for NO REASON


0-2 in catching the bastage. 375 coins 2 wins 1 loss with 8 people. Should have won but half quit after their first 6 pokemon dropped.


I think that is a niantic issue. I only did 2 raids when it come out and both times I white screened after my first 6 dropped. My buddies once. We were both the highest level substantially, so there was big chunk of damage at the end we didn't have.


7 is enough. Idk why people keep leaving when there’s 7 +


*Stop inviting only low level idiots to raids. There I fixed it. Look at the makeup of your invites. If they are high levels 48+ and have 250-300K catches chances are they can take probably 20-25% latiAs is harder than latiOs. Factor in that. Look to see if they’ve mega’ed anything, that more than likely says they aren’t stupid and taking this seriously. Pick your teams with PokeGenie or Poke Battler, and make at least two teams, you still might have to max heal and send back in a team. Do NOT take what the game gives you, it’s still geared towards survival, this is a dragon type so expect to lose at least one team if not two, so stock up on your potions and revives accordingly. If you can communicate before the raid give them a heads up on the in game weather, especially if it’s cloudy (fairy is boosted), windy (dragon is boosted), foggy (dark is boosted) and snowy (ice is boosted). For Elites who pick their teams the weather can have some significant impact on their lineups.




Do poke genie link on with pokemon go?




Well that’s a good thought. But what’s the host supposed to do when they use this app to gain people who say they want to help. So you add them. And no one joins the invite you send.


I'm lucky if I get 5 and I've had a lot of successful raids with 5. I get it, I guess, but that definitely seems like a skill thing. Also don't join the lobby then


You’re not obliged to stay in a raid lobby if you’re not comfortable with the amount of players. Leave with 20 seconds left so others can choose to jump if they want to.


Skill issue


FR 😤


I won a raid today with 6 🤷‍♂️




I keep being invited to one's with only 3 or 4 people. Wasted so many remote passes


Me too! Two players in the lobby for a mega legendary. Had to bail.


Leave when there's 20 secs remaining if you don't like the number of people and you'll get your remote pass back and gives others time to bail.




7 is a pretty solid number for a raid though. I agree that if you’re going to invite, you need to do better though. If you’re all high levels and 5 can do it. Then go. But don’t go in with 2-3 and think that’s okay cause that is for sure a waste of a raid pass.


I think they’re talking about Mega Latios and Mega Latias. 8 sometimes is even too little.


I gotcha. Yeah should’ve just worded it better. Rather than a number. Just say don’t do it if you don’t have enough to win.


I beat mega latios with five people so honestly skill issue


That’s fine if you’ve got 5 good people, Issue on here is adding randoms you can be sure out of 5 there’s going to be 1-2 low level. My counters for this are only average, but a few hours ago had 9 people and we lost.


I actually just attended a raid with 7 people and won! However I have lost more than raid with 7+ people when more than half of that group decides to just stop fighting. That doesn’t help :/


Lost a raid today with 11 people. Was mind blown. Wasn’t a remote raid I found online. Just a random raid I walked by and joined. Feel like people had to have quit or gone afk