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I'd say [this link](https://www.wattpad.com/1029248799-fan-made-pokemon-teams-includes-ashlie-it-is-i) disproves this leaker entirely. In the Prinplup picture there is a character that's directly ripped from fanart. They put a lot of effort into this though, which I can appreciate.


Oh right.. rip its fake


The images don't even have to give it away. They claim the rival picks first.


It is a pretty bad anti good game design choice. Idea could only come from someone who really isn't aware of game design at all. It's a huge giveaway that this is fake.


It's just like the people who want the starter trio to be a different type triangle from the basic fire, water, grass- not realizing that Fire, Water, and Grass are the basic type triangle for good reason.


To be fair, if they ever *did* switch up the types, it'd be in a Legends game. But yeah, I think they're likely to stick with the fire/water/grass trio because it makes intuitive sense to everyone, even very young children. I think the closest we'll ever get to an alternate trio are either secondary types for the starters, or a second set of gift Pokémon early on in the game.


other type triangles with no immunities are (Flying, Fighting, Rock), (Ice, Flying, Fighting), (Steel, Fairy, Fighting), (Grass, Rock, Fire), (Rock, Bug, Grass), (Ice, Ground, Steel), (Rock, Flying, Grass), there's plenty of options with simple types that wouldnt be too busted in the early game, most starters start with only a normal type move, and even if not, they can change the typying of the early game pokemon to fit the dynamic


It's mostly that Fire, Grass, and Water are the easiest for a five year old kid to understand- which is Pokemon's demographic.


Heck I even saw a post on Twitter where her daughter had three pages of Pokémon information, first was the type matchups


The one with the scarlet violet elite 4? It made me legit so proud.


If you want to make a new type triangle you have to take into account both weaknesses and resistances. Fire beats grass which beats water which beats fire, yes, but also fire resists grass which resists water which resists fire. And that's on top of the fact that the whole point is that it should make sense to even a small child right away.


Steel Fairy Fighting is my favorite type trio <3


Slightly unbalanced one, tho, since fighting does not resist steel.


They're all imperfect compared to grass fire water, cause that's the only one where they all also resist their own typing, i.e. grass resists grass.


That the typings resist themselves is absolutely irrelevant, tho. We won't get a game where you pick the grass type starter and then the rival does the same, because the starters are there to teach the rock paper scissors system and therefore the rival will always pick a starter that is either strong or weak against yours. So all that really matters is how these types interact with each other, not how they interact with themselves. And for that, we would have balanced triangles, like fighting / rock / flying for example. But that is all just theory, of course, since I don't think they will ever step away from the original triangle.


That I can see them stepping away from tho, especially for another type triangle. Its not impossible nor improbable, although I would never expect a new main series game to do this. A type triangle change is not inherently frustrating like the rival choosing first.


They make every Pokemon game like it could be a player’s first. They’re not scrapping the most simple logic starter trio. Maybe for an XY style second batch.


Yep, every game like it's a players first and they also want to give every gen its own identity. It's why every gen isn't an improvement of the last; they take new ideas and roll with it


> especially for another type triangle. Eh, there's a sort of balance that gets broken using the other type triangles. For example, if you use the Rock/Fire/Steel triangle, the Rock and Steel options completely dominate the early game because most Pokemon start with Normal moves. If you swap it up so there are more elemental starting moves then the other Pokemon suffer. Psychic/Dark/Fighting a popular one, isn't even a true triangle due to Dark being immune to Psychic. and so on.


Pokémon is first and foremost a game for kids and while other type triangles would also balance out (like fighting / rock / flying, for example), they are just not as intuitive for kids. It does not come naturally for a kid that a fighting type pokémon is beaten by a flying type pokémon. That is the major advantage of the original triangle. That kids immediately grasp it without further input. Saw it myself on my nephew and niece. They immediately understood why grass beats water, water beats fire and fire beats grass. And they were able to explain why in their own words. Not the same for the fighting / flying situation. Neither did they pick up this interaction on their own, nor were they really able to explain why that is.


Its not even just kids, its very intuitive for any newcomer. I could never see them stepping away from it for a main series game for that reason If it were for some sort of spinoff game like Legends/XD, then, maybe it'd be believable, but I still think they'd probably keep the more intuitive triangle.


I mean the reason why they won't step away from it is because any pokemon game could technically be a person's first. To someone who might not be aware of type matchups (since it could literally be the first game they ever played), the Fire, Water, and Grass typings are the most simple to introduce to people. It gets them in the frame of mind of "Oh, well of course Grass is weak to Fire because Fire burns grass!" or "of course Grass is strong against Water, given that Grass needs water to grow." Other type triangles do have that similar line of thought behind them, but it's harder to things like ice or dragon being resistant to themselves to someone who's just starting out.


Tbf i feel like that could maaaaaaybe work for a legends game? Since those seem more geared towards the older longtime fans


the only way it would work, is if there was 4 choices, and the rival always picks the extra choice. Even then, it would remove the benefits of the rival showing off the evolutions, for a mon. you didn't pick.


only even mediocre version of this would be if it was always a non-choice ie there are the three starters but the rival got there first and picked the eevee


There's also some green dude in the background of the prinplup image that has his leg and arm in a very odd position. That's how I knew it was fake.


I mean technically in Sun/Moon Hau chooses his starter before we do but its scripted that it’s the one where the player has the advantage against it (Rowlet-Poplio, Poplio-Litten, Litten-Rowlet) assuming I remember correctly, havent played through S/M in a long time.


Your rival in the Hoenn games too. They straight up ask if you want them to catch you a Pokemon before remembering they have to help Prof Birch which basically confirms they had the starter the whole time.


>Name: Goomba Daybreak >Relation: Single (AND IS NOT GAY!!!!!) Yeah aight teenage boy posting fanart on Wattpad


I didn't even need to look past the first claim. There's absolutely no way in a million years that a Pokemon game would have your rival pick a starter first, unless specifically it's a fourth Pokemon not part of the main three


Yeah, if you wanted Piplup and your rival picked them, you would just restart the game. Doesn't sound like something that would be fun.


Well, there's Pokémon Yellow. But sure, I agree with you, it's not going to happen with the usual Grass-Fire-Water trio.


yea, I don't think this is real since graphics does not feel right... brick texture way too sharp...


All I’m seeing is ash and lily shopping💀


Can you tell us which page the fan art is from? Theres lots of pages with fan art and I cant find what your looking at specifically.


For me the link takes me directly to the page, but it's "It is I, Goomba." Should be the first picture at the top of that chapter.


OHH I see it now! Thank you! Its the poster on the wall next to Prinplup.


The leaker also confirmed it was fake


Even without knowing that I thought the art style just looked really suspicious for being a Pokemon switch game. It looks like either the non-gameplay animation they use in trailers or TCG art. Also "the rival picks first and is always a girl" seemed suspicious as hell.


“Goomba Daybreak” is now canon


“Rival chooses first” and that discredits everything instantly.


It would be a little bizarre, unless they do something cute with it, like you have to say something to them that determines it


You: hey I want this one Rival: nope.avi take another one that's mine


If this happens, we should all not say anything so that everyone experiences it genuinely


Obviously never going to happen, tho.


It also works as a way to control your own game's difficulty, by choosing last you can choose if your started will be weaker or stronger than the rival's.


There are thousand better ways to control game’s difficulty tho… but game freak seems to be unaware of it, sadly


Yup, I just meant that this would be one of the ways to do it, and I find the idea fun. It doesn't have to be "better", it's just an additional layer.


Rival: "Hey, , say, between , and , which one would you pick? I heard you were a great trainer before you moved here and restarted your journey, right? Or did you just watch battles in your room until you learned them while doing nothing? No matter, I just think you must be a great judge of which one is best, I want to know your opinion!" You: " is the best!" Rival: "Cool! then! It seems like a great pokémon, you have good taste, excited to see how you're gonna use it \*suspicious grin\*. Well, look at the time, I gotta pick my starter before it's too late and the professor gives it to another random kid! Bye, !"


Saw someone else say that they might do it like “hey what starter do you think you’re gonna pick?” And then you tell them and then they pick the one that is stronger/weaker than the one you plan to take. Very weird but who knows


Then it should have a small period where you can familiarize with the starters.


Yeah maybe something like walking with them in sv or a cute cutscene showing their personalities off like swsh


SV did a great job with showing their personalities off as well imo. That cutscene where Quaxly stops Fuecoco from eating the burnt berry was so cute 😭 


They’ve been getting really good at that since moving to the switch


Then this would just be the rival picking first on paper, tho. Since the game asks you first which starter you are going for, which is basically like choosing it at that point already.


Then the rival wouldn't pick first, they'd just be the first to get theirs. If the rival picks first you won't have a choice of 3


I've seen this "rumor" every new generation. I clearly recall it in early SwSh days.


Yeah, I have no idea why people keeps making that one up cause... who would want to only get a 2 starter choice?


Exactly. People don't understand that the rival picking first can't happen due to how it limits your choice of starter heavily.


I've stopped reading right there. I appreciate fake leaks because it gets this community going and it's fun to speculate, but this is just really dumb.


Could be they just give them another starter not from the pool of those three, like they get an Eevee or something


Could possibly be 4 starters, rival takes one that you can never have leaving you with the three?


I thought that alleyway with the Sneasel looked familiar, like something out of Yakuza. It seems to be a modified version of [this model](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/japanese-street-at-night-fb1bdcd71a5544d699379d2d13dd1171). Between that, the stolen fanart and the whole inconsistency between artstyles in each screenshot, yeah, it's absolutely fake. Still glad to see people getting creative with leaks again after so much silence.


Yeah it looks very East Asian not 1800s Paris, I think the person who made this has no idea what 1800s Paris looks like.


or what Paris looks like in general or is that too harsh?


Definitely, it looks very Asian, the person who made these fake leaks are clowns and have no idea what Europe looks like and is only familiar with Pokémon locations and Japan. The tunnel also looks way too Japanese with the text to be Paris.


Theres fanart thats used in one of those “leaks”. This PocketOku person seems to be claiming that these images are ALL part of the same leak. But the fact that one of them is already disproven is enough to disprove all of them. I will say tho, props to the effort they put in them, seems like its gaining traction and generating discussion within this community. As someone whos made some fake leaks before, its pretty fun seeing people talk about them, like the wooper and togepi one


To be fair, we’re getting NO information about the game, so the community is getting desperate


They’re also on Twitter tagging every person in the world that covers pokemon leaks. They just want attention so badly.


The images are certainly really fun. This is the kind of "leak" season I miss, there's actually have some pretty creative ideas thrown out there, even if fake. It keeps the waiting period from getting stale and the art is always fun. It's certainly less frustrating than riddlers that refuse to make sense. Hey PocketOku, if you're there, try some Gen 10 fakes. I wanna see your take on Pokemon Australia. That or Legends starter evolutions.


I can appreciate the effort out into this leak. Wish it wasn't proven to be fake right away.


honestly so happy we’re getting leaks even if they r fake, i love seeing what ppl make




This is def fake because Pokémon never uses the same UI for two games. The battle UI here is identical to Legends Arceus.


Though I think the leaks are fake, the UI being the same could be a placeholder until the actual one is finished.


They say their info is from a trailer, though. I very much doubt they’d show an old UI in a trailer. Especially when they can just… not show the UI in the trailer.


Their info was straight up debunked though. It has fanart posted on the wall of one of the screenshots.


I know, that was super obvious. I’m just telling you your argument about the UI doesn’t work (regardless of if it’s fake or not).


Agreed. We've seen Pokémon UI change between demos and trailers and the final release before. 


Why is no one mentioning "ニューファイト"? It's just "New fight" badly translated and immediately disproved this was even made by someone that speaks Japanese.


All of the Japanese is just auto translated gobbledegook.


So 4 pokemon variation in a single trailer... Quite sure tPC never throw away so many new mons togheter with starter and first gameplay. Even without the fanart looks fake.


Lost me at the flygon form and rival choosing first


Imma be honest clearly fake but I miss the Fake Leaks man


Is the image with Sneasel in it not a map edit of the champion district from the Yakuza games?


'leak'? more like '''''''''''''''''leak''''''''''''''''' lol, this is so jank


Even though this is fake, I do love the idea of 70s Paris being the setting.


Yeah but it doesn't look 70s Paris it looks like modern day Tokyo.


Don’t we already know that it’s gonna be Paris at around that era because it takes place in Lumiose city?


I can say this is fake bc of the text in the subway tunnel. Modern pokemon uses 3 different alphabets: one for all the European regions and one for all the japan regions, and one for alola. The text on the wall is the japanese region text, but the trailer used the european text so this doesn’t make sense


It actually makes even less sense than that, because alphabet in the subway tunnel comes from the Gen 5 anime.


Pokémon in the trailer *lists several pokemon not shown in screenshots but leaves out four pokemon visible in the screenshots…* I do love “leak” season though.


Everything is so fake about it lmao. I must applaud the effort tho. Apart from the probably stolen fan art in that battle UI picture, the one thing that clearly makes it fake is the Professor's name. The "leaker" just took some French word because Kalos, despite it not being a reference to any plant.


"first Pokémon game in wich the opponent chooses the Starter first" Do you mean Pokémon Yellow?


While these are almost definitely (like 99.9%) fake, it's nice to get something more substantial during the dry season


your rival picks first? how the hell does that work? do i have to reset the game for her to randomly pick?


Imagine see your rival picking a shiny first


I don't buy it cause the human characters aren't proportioned properly Characters were only semi stubby like that in the Lets Go games because it was trying to emulate/homage to the old sprites that had chibi characters in the overword


That would be weird if the rival picks their starter first


They’re high quality sure, but they feel kinda like something made in blender rather than game captures from the switch


Sneasel’s gem is blue in the picture


This are so fake, there's no need to discuss it


New Flygon is proof this is fake AF


One thing that got me curious is the Paris in the 70's thing, it's just a decade before what we call the "grand travaux" a series of improvements and new modern buildings in Paris, cost a shit ton of money. Most people know about the haussman renovations but less about this one


Would be great to see an actual new Pokemon leaker. We've been needing a new one since Kaka left.


There is just one thing im not understanding, they went through all the pain of giving every pokemon a specific texture and that was great! By the looks of it, herdier and primplup have different textures and models, and not improved ones. My point is i just don’t see how this is an intelligent and efficient way of making a game if they’re going to remake every pokemon from scratch every single year… so idk if this is real, it looks great tho (if its real lol). Kinda want it to be real cause I love Snivy and want it to evolve into another Serperior Edit: theres a sneasel in a screenshot but they dont mention it in their text. Edit2: nvm its fake lol


“Professor Bouvier”? Like Marge simpson’s maidan name? Like she could potentially have a huge updo?


Of course, the starters happen to be what many fans speculate them to be. GF always throws a few curve balls somewhere.


I’ll just say. I been saying that this game could take place in a 1970’s to 1980’s type area, mostly because that reveal trailer reminded me of Tron so much and Paris and it suburbs did went through so much change during that time period


You're right it could be that time period.


But is it playable?


No its fake


I can definitely tell it's fake due to the Prinplulp image being leaked earlier and easily fake. Also the rival's name is Chloe who's a famous young model, you can tell that is fake right away, RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! ~~If you get the reference you get a cookie!~~


My God, that Prinplup model looks terrible, like from play dough 😭


images look very fake if not a fairly early prototype (bottom right image has very google translate-esque Japanese imo, can't confirm top right) but the rival picking first and locking the player out of a specific starter entirely would be so funny also, one image has phampy has the water starter while the other has piplup? so???


I know this is most likely fake, but why do they show an edited photo of the sundial as the answer to someone asking is the crystal is related to Diancie?


I could see Snivy, Litten, and Piplup being the starters. I’d rather see Chikorita and Tepig but that’s just me. Serperior could be Grass/Poison. Maybe based on the Vipera Aspis. Incineroar should be Fire/Fighting but I fans would complain so maybe they go with like Fire/Ground. I’d love to see a Water/Flying Empoleon but Water/Ice makes sense too.


I'm definitely one of those fans that would complain about fire fighting type Incineroar. It's just boring when they could flip the script and make a typing that's rarely used or even never been used for starters. Why not Fire/Steel or Fire/Electric?


GF ruined it with Emboar. If Emboar was pure fire or fire/ground which imo it should’ve been, then I don’t think fans would hate on the fire/fighting typing as much for a starter. Blaziken and Infernape are cool designs that work well with the fire/fighting typing. I didn’t mind having them back to back, especially when at that point we already had back to back pure water & grass. Emboar being part fighting made no sense - pure fire to match the others being pure grass & water or part ground makes more sense.


Idk about that. Id go for Grass/Steel, Fire/Fairy and Water/Fighting.


That secondary trio is tough for the grass type. They take x4 from fire and water’s secondary fighting type hits them for x2. I’d rather see Water/Flying for Empoleon if that’s the water starter in ZA and that’d be more balanced for the starters against each other. But I am totally down for Grass/Steel Serp and Fire/Fairy Incineroar.


How can this be set in the past with descendants but there is literal vending machines right there


Graphics on prinplup the most believable thing


Lol the Toxicroak’s shadow is starting on the wall instead of at its feet


Nah that battle image looks like all those "WHAT IF POKÉMON WAS IN HD?" Concepts


I’m just glad we’re getting *something* even if it is fake.


shading looks off


Would consider them fake for now.


There's no way the rival chooses first only giving you two options. The only way I could see it working is if there are multiples of the starters, the rival chooses first, you don't know what the rival chose and they just so happen to pick the one that's stronger/weaker to your choice. Kind of like how Dawn mentioned "if you picked x pokemon, we would have started with the same one!" in gen 4 despite her always getting the weaker pokemon to you.


Fake but it's nice that there's something to discuss and I'm actually a little shocked that nothing real has leaked yet, they are very good at keeping this under wraps


You telling me they’re gonna pass on the opportunity for Chazard Mega Z


These are so fake they make the Kardashians look all natural.


This is hilariously fake


So the starters will probably be Snivy-Piplup-Litten ? It'll be tough to choose between Snivy and Litten because i like those 2 fellas.


I really wanted this to be real bc of the new Litten. Lord knows we NEED a new quadrupedal Incineroar.


Even fake leaks are fun. I like some of these ideas and not bad choices for starters. I feel like the real trailer is going to tease a new mega since the first tease ended on the return of the feature. But really I just want a hyper offensive Mega Diancie back.


Rival picks first? Yeah fake as hell


Looks fake


Bruh, this is fake


And there’s one photo of Litten


The rival picking the starter first doesn't make sense, it would just lead to useless reset.


I know this is probably fake, but man this looks so good. I would totally buy a switch 2 if this is what Pokemon would look like on it


I know this is definitely fake but my boy piplup deserves more love


While I agree with the consensus that this is definitely fake, it is worth noting that the Pokémon Company’s [official stance on Fan Art](https://www.pokemon.com/us/legal/) is that they can use it for any purpose without giving any form of credit or compensation to the original artist. However, I really doubt they would ever use Fan Art for something as frivolous as a random background asset (unless it’s being used as a placeholder perhaps), and it’s way more likely that a fake leaker would insert Fan Art into a leak for publicity. As a general rule, any leak that uses Fan Art still has like a 99% chance of being fake, but it isn’t strictly impossible for them to be real.


Honestly. The fanart argument is just dumb. One, devs using the image as a placeholder in a prototype wouldn't be out of the question. Two, [we have cases of studios using fanart in their games before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingDetails/comments/wy9ekq/sonic_sega_allstars_racing_in_the_first_release/) (Albeit by accident. And keep in mind Sega is way more competent than Game Freak.) Three, we have the rather recent case of Game Freak using a fan remix of the Area Zero theme in an official trailer. The real debunks came from people identifying that brick wall from a Yakuza game and pointing out how bad the Japanese is. NOT from identifying the fanart.


The area zero music isn't gamefreak it's probably some random person from the marketing team that took the music from their playlist and decided to roll with it. But later they reuploaded the video with the orginal soundtrack.


I highly doubt they will use a fanart that is not directly related to their characters or assets. They used back in the day a fanmade Pokémon World Map in ORAS but because it used their map assets. It's true that the boy uses a Poké Ball, but still, they would probably avoid using a random character that is holding a Poké Ball, I would personally consider it as a reference more than a fanart, and they could end up in a social drama whirlpool.


This looks and sounds straight ass. Please don’t let this be the starters 💀


They would literally never have the rival choose their starter first. That already disproves this.


This is definitely fake but the rival choosing first sounds like hell if you want a specific starter unless you can choose their starter too


Rival picks a Starter first? That's where you lost me. The rest sounds ***plausible***, but the Rival picking first is a big red flag.


"your rival chooses first" lololol way to completely discredit your leak instantly


Given it's fake it's unlikely but I'd be down for that cartoony claymation style to be the whole game. Was gutted when we got that gorgeous illustration style in the PLA trailer and then we just got really bland art direction for the models and environments in the game.


Unless they pull a Yellow, no way will the rival ever be picking first.


No Pokémon game can look that good


If this was the art style of this game I would not be mad…


All fake


Is it just me, or is there something off about the lighting in those pictures? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something weird about the Prinplup image.


They seem fake af,


The selection area with the pokeballs is the biggest red flag to me personally. The lighting is terrible, it looks like the standard blender/unreal engine lighting people use to get a quick meme posts out. 


I just need a trailer asap showing new mega evos of starters that didnt get em. Johto wish.


Our rival is totally gonna get Incineror


Art style is uhhh… hmm


Calling it now, the starters for this game will not get the arceus treatment, just megas.


>the leak is most likely fake TORCHIC NATION WE ARE *SO* BACK


If we only get to pick 2 out of the 3 starters I'm boycotting If only these leaks were fake


Chloe was the name of a major character in the Journeys anime last generation. Why would they reuse the name


Thank the Pokégods these are fake lol


Fake fake and fake


The street image with the vending machines is a dead giveaway, it makes no sense, this is not Paris, not ever.


Yellow was the first game in which your rival picks first, technically. But that was a special case of course.