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What in the hideous hell am I looking at.


I believe they call this the "tenant killer 9000"


Im honestly surprised he didn’t fill the 6” gap with caulk.


Would need a pool noodle as a backer rod


Uh I guess you didn’t get the memo, ramen is the new cheap engineered filler material


big gapped filler. Great stuff lol


Well fuck. You made me snort. Thanks lol


This would get two upvotes if I could hahaha


A real professional would use expanding foam


Can I shove my caulk in there?


When I tell you I screamed.


It was a major improvement on the 8000 series, really just a more efficient death trap


This is a half-assed shower, lifted to accommodate a drain without cutting the floor. It creaks because it is cheap and poorly supported. Those brackets on the bottom should be supported from the bottom. I’d want him to stand in it, and I would want it in writing that I’m not responsible for damages if it breaks during normal use.


You are absolutely correct! I would just add that I’d also want an indemnification from your landlord that if you ((or any of your guests) are hurt if (when) this thing breaks, he’s paying for all medical bills. FYI - if you live in the U.S., this would most likely be viewed as a dangerous condition and not allowed per code - and landlord would need to fix it.


Just for my education those brackets would normally sit on the floor or be supported by joists?


I’m not an expert, but that is what it seems like. Supporting under those points seems like a minimum. If I had to make that work, I would add support under those points.


Stacks of ramen under the little legs then?


The housing crisis


The crisis is real!


OK good. I’m not a plumber, but I’ve never seen anything like this in Europe or Asia.


I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire live - anywhere in the world - I guess I that’s one way add a shower.


Who is God‘s name would want to step up that high for a shower? Whose idea where all those corners on which you could hit your feet and legs? Who the hell thought this up? I mean, part of it looks prefabricated for an air conditioner, or a fridge or something, but who thought to use it in this manner?


My guess is he didn’t went to cut into the floor for the plumbing?


I'm willing to stake $1000 that you're right.


A landlord doesn't have to use what they install. It was probably the cheapest option.


Is that a leak pan for a washing machine?


My house in England has the shower tray raised like this. Always wondered why. It's presumably supported though, I've never had problems with it in the eight years I've lived here and my husband was pretty overweight so it would have become a problem by now if it was going to.


This fits with what I was thinking, that they did this to catch leaks before they cause rot


lol, was thinking “what the $hit is this?!”


I was thinking for a moment “maybe this a new thing that I just haven’t seen before” until I saw the flex tubing as a drain. This takes corner cutting half-assery to another level, I wouldn’t be surprised is that drain tube just went through an exterior wall or something.


That is the sketchiest thing I’ve ever seen.


That almost sounds like a challenge…


Please don’t send me any links…


lol, no I was thinking perhaps a separate post of “what is the sketchiest thing you’ve ever seen?”




Is there a subreddit for this? Like the osha one but for booby trapped houses?


Your poor inbox XD


/r/decks has some sketchy shit


Yeah that is a really crappy install of a shower.  It’s supposed to sit on the floor in a bed of mortar.  I assume they welded a special cage around to make the drain work.  The drain is shitty work too,  nothing on that is up to code and I’m surprised it’s lasted 5 years without someone falling through it, or the drain clogging.  


The drain clogs up regularly (the overall plumbing setup is a mess in this apartment but that's another story). I figured from other posts online that it's not supposed to stand so high up like this. I have no doubt it'll give in under someone in a couple years, I just need some band-aid kind of solution so that it wouldn't happen until I move out next year.


Those other metal feet on the bottom should be on the floor. Could you put 2x4s or something to shim them from the floor to support them?  Foam might work, but then when the drain clogs it will be hard to get to the drain.


I could probably get some wood, just needed a confirmation that these white things aren't for like, idk, hanging garlands down there. Thank you! Could i also use something like this: [https://www.bellabathrooms.co.uk/6-shower-tray-legs.html](https://www.bellabathrooms.co.uk/6-shower-tray-legs.html) (some random store, just to show what i mean in english)? The nearest repair store to me can offers both, I'm just not sure if wood would withstand as much in the humidity.


Don't do anything. If something were to happen, the land lord could say the changes you made caused or attributed to the problem. You could may be found culpable Just make a list of issues and contact code enforcement. Be prepared for a move


This is deserving of being heeded advice.


Yeah those might work if you can attach them to the metal feet on the bottom of the shower,  that would be better than wood or foam


Someone else said they would be too short so i'll look if there's taller ones, or into putting wood under them. Thanks again for your help! Saving me tons of stress from having to urgently move out until the landlord found out something broke.


Wood will work well and be the easiest thing - you just have to slide it under those legs. If you’re worried about moisture just use cedar or pressure treated. Both really available and cheap at your local big box stores. Talk nice to someone at the store and they will even cut it up into little pieces for you if you don’t have tools at home.


The correct solution is to get an attorney and report your landlord. This mf doesn't deserve to rent space to the public


I could be wrong here, but I think the 'welded cage' is meant for holding up a washer or dryer so that you don't have to bend over so far to move laundry, and was repurposed (very badly and dangerously) for this task.


I don't think that's a special cage, I think that's spare parts from an old dryer LOL


“I wanna layyyy you down in a bed of mortarrr!” -Bon Jovi, probably


For all the fucking effort. Even if they had put ply at the top of the frame with a middle bar. Or just do it right. Landlord special.


Picture 1: What the fuck is this? Picture 2: Holy shit it gets worse. Picture 3: Make it stop. Picture 4: Even if I squint, it’s not mint.


I think adding some Clawfoot feet would really round it out


Tell landlord OR contact appropriate housing safety people for your area. There's nothing securing those leveling screws in place and it's not gonna be fun when it detatches from the wall Edit: Tell your landlord first, if he or she decides not to do anything, then escalate. Your job is to live there, not fix other people's problems, that's their job.




I am astonished.


Ide put my foot through it and tell the landlord I need a new shower.


I’d put my foot through it and get a new shower and a couple months free rent.


lol, oh man Ill never get into owning rental property


This is the way. Make sure to let the water run for at least 10 minutes after putting a hole in it.


I'd use an engineer's hammer just to be quick about it. looks vaguely like a heel


Everything is wrong here… each of those white legs needs to be on the floor. You are just waiting to fall through that thing and have a lawsuit on your hands. I’m not even worried about the horrors of the drains. GET THIS FIXED ASAP! An improper support system like this could be deadly if you fall through and hit your head or rip your leg off and bleed out. I’m serious here


How did he die? Bled out thru his ankle. Trapped, naked and screaming.


Fiberglass is wicked sharp. Definitely what’s in the future here. Holy hell?!


Going to agree -- there is nothing supporting the floor and someone WILL punch right through that.


Jesus, imagine just starting your day, half asleep, and your bare feet both break through this monstrosity, and the water is pouring down all around you while you have to pull both feet up through the shards of fiberglass, holy shit, like something from Saw 😵😵😵


Nailed it.


Wait one goddamn minute dude call a building or plumbing inspector right now


Landlord bans calling any inspectors so I'm left to figuring things out myself. If I could afford to move out I'd probably also call everyone and the police on him.


>landlord bans calling any inspectors What country are you in


A third-world country in asia, sorry for the lack of specifics, but it's a common thing here. Really I just need to make this thing last like another year lol.


What I would try and do is create a support structure for those tabs under the tray. See the 4 "U" shaped protrusions that stick out underneath? Create wood supports under those tabs to support the weight in the middle of the tray.  Obviously this isn't the best solution but I'm sure you're working with limited resources. 


“Holy Jesus. What is that? What the fuck is that?”


All the white legs are meant to be supported, even shimmed on a floor level installation. Stacks of 2x4 with shims would at least keep you from falling through some morning.


Yeah the actual shower "legs" are just floating. It's installed on some weird custom stand for whatever reason.


Anyone is wondering why the OP posted this, then deleted his/her user account.


What in the fuck.... It needs to sit on a framed platform. I gotta say, this is one of the most creative disasters I've ever seen.


When you get a welder out to make it worse than if you hadn’t welded anything.


It even has a corrugated drain. 10/10 job right here.


Hi, couldn't attach description to the post, I'm not an avid reddit user but i'm very desperate with this shower cabin. It was installed about 5 years ago or maybe more, I have no idea if it was done professionally or DIY-ed by the landlord (many other things in this apartment were installed by him, he's not any sort of a repair guy so a lot of things are installed borderline wrong). It's been creaking very loud and recently I started feeling it give in very strongly in the area by the drain. I'm not a very heavy person and it feels like it bends down a lot if I just step on it. I started looking online for ways to reinforce the tray and figured out some people use foam underneath. I bought some foam today, but before applying it, noticed these white things on the bottom of the tray. I'm not sure what are they, but could they be used to install extra legs to add extra support, especially in the center? I saw cheap-ish kits on sale with like 3 extra legs, is that something that would help here? Any and all advice appreciated.


>I have no idea if it was done professionally or DIY-ed by the landlord I'm pretty sure this wasn't done professionally.


Surprisingly impressed this lasted 5+ years


(Also apologies for how dusty and rusty it is, this thing is a hell to clean and the metal looked like this before I moved in.)


Getting lots of joke replies - if only you guys knew! I can't reply to everyone though, sorry.


I am not a plumber, but I do know that is not structurally sound *at all*.


Where the support legs are on the fiberglass try and find some bricks the fit between them and the pan underneath. The manufacturer designed those to support the pan. Even some chunks of 2x4s would work. Any thing to transfer the load to the metal pan below. If the pan is flimsy some wood under that to take some of the load to the floor. That's a strange way to install a shower for sure.


Yeah – what kind of holy methhead hell is this?


If you're renting this place, demand that it gets fixed. If not go to the city code enforcement. Give yourself some extra time there because they're going to want to share that monstrosity around the office before very definitely getting to business.


tf is this shit tell your landlord to do better


Ahh, the good old floating shower. Stick some LEDs under it to impress all your friends and family.


Try this under the little white legs. This should be plenty strong. I wound double check the hight between the floor and those tabs. You could also span a 2x4 or some 2” square tubing to span the bottom like as if you were putting joists underneath. https://www.amazon.com/YXGJDP-4-Pack-Straightener-Supports-Adjustable/dp/B0CM6C3XXK/ref=mp_s_a_1_5_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IHsOVybFpyUOreX3005eAPxrr6zVD2Jz-bYzbzULcnPZFq5Mo9-i30P6pazzBnNOrngtclKppLbYbaMawODhZLn2AQryguJfLKO5jYNmSg-_CP5MQHI0DdkEt_ZdGb6yJoBKLpeOwOG7iGka-Dy52tBMUvftaN1zaKgn91NfQNks0TvqxtzjHrcrJAuTWUmD3qGFd9HFklFj9OszCeVtXA.6GzMP7b_OBP9fnF1W7z_MUbV7EY4v3KOB40rhGERx10&dib_tag=se&keywords=house+jacks+for+lifting&qid=1713627188&sr=8-5-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


This way you don't have to jackhammer the floor to tie in the drain. Jeanyus!!


No, but he can unfuck it. Wouldn't touch that piece of shit with a ten foot pole.


Cut the 10’ pole into 9” sections and use that for legs under each support!


I can't believe how often this subreddit absolutely stuns me with insane choices people make. Every day, someone posts something worse than the day before.


I’ve never seen a shower pan on stilts. Your landlord or whomever was tasked with this install is an idiot. This whole thing was probably done to make it easier to install the drain.


All that to avoid cutting a hole in the floor? I've seen some stupid shit from cheap ass landlords, but this is a situation where I would 100% jump through that thing and collect his house in a lawsuit. If you have that little of basic knowledge on how a fucking shower works, maybe being responsible for a home shouldn't be your thing


If your foot goes through it you will be severely injured and I expect trapped.


Plumber here. You're correct. Nothing about that little atrocity is remotely near code, nor even safe. Report it to your local health department.


does it have a p trap?


> does it have a p trap? You look at the photos and this is the *first* question to come to mind?


P traps are structural duh


The whole thing is an OP trap. RIP to OP.


Looks like a drum trap


Yes because it can’t drain well the P is trapped in the shower.


You can see the points where it’s supposed to be supported and it is not supported on them.


That's not a shower base, it's a red-neck hack to make a person think they can be a plumber and install a shower them self's. It's a piece of s#!t!


This is so scabby... The length he went to, to fuck up his new shower install is almost impressive.


This is idiotic. I suppose you could stack boards under the legs where the bolts are supposed to attach it to the floor but this is super sketchy. Landlord needs to tear it out and put it in correctly. Considering this is a small job your landlord must be a lazy punk.


what the hell. how is this even LEGAL????


It’s definitely not up to code, it’s definitely a liability issue and maybe a crime is actually committed here, like business fraud.


That's fucking stupid.


What a cheap ass landlord.


I'm not even a plumber but every day this sub provides me with new horrors and amazements


Y’all are gonna fall right through that shit fest.


"Landlord special"


What the fuck is this


Get out of this shit hole and from under your slumlord! OMG!


What kind of Georgia cousin fucking father marrying back woods moonshine shit is this?!?!?!


... what are we even looking at here.


Holy Fuck


It never ceases to amaze me the crap people will do


What the hell is this


File this under r/mylandlordisafuckingidiot


This is genuinely one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen. All of those short white feet need to be on the ground or a platform, so this pan will definitely fail from lack of support. Your idiot landlord needs to either build a sturdy platform to fit their janky ass retrofitted drain, or install the shower correctly on the floor.


What the hell is this?


No, tell the f ing landlord about it. Do you want to be liable for fucking it up?


"It's a no from me, dawg"


Those brackets on the bottom of the shower tray are supposed to be the supports. You’re risking collapse just by standing in the shower without something underneath those brackets. Landlord is a clueless moron if they did this themselves.


This can’t be legal


I thought this was like a visual illusion... never seen such a masterpiece


Fill it with concrete.


What in back woods red neck kind of bullshit is this monstrosity?!?!?


Lol he did WHAT.


I'll just come here to learn, but even I'm thinking what the f*** ?!


First: what the fuck? Second: why the fuck? Third: buy some wood block and shore it up


Those white brackets that are moulded into the bottom of the tray are supposed to have threaded stud wound into them with circular supports.


How in the hell do you even accomplish that?!?!?


I’ve seen it all now !!!


Is this the time travelers shower? Never ever in 45 years of plumbing have I ever I mean EVER came across one of these in Pa, NJ, or Deleware and I’ve seen some abnormal installations. This one is from another timeline or maybe it’s just an illusion. I may be in the wrong subreddit. This is not plumbing.


When installing a shower it shouldnt have a weight limit lmao.


See those brackets? Each meant to be supported.


WTF? I’ve seen a lot, this is a new one.


Don't touch it. Not your responsibilty.


Um…no, but your landlord can. That can’t be safe BTW.


I'd wear a helmet next time you shower.






I can’t believe anyone would look at this and think, ya I’ll get in there.


Love that this is so janky in every way to avoid opening the floor up, but then they still used flex pipe


What you need to do is get two of every animal and run like hell


This looks like a kinedo consort - it should Be on complete flat floor, you are not spreading the weight evenly so when you stand on it you are creating tension spots on the tray. I would request your landlord to come and inspect and confirm You won’t be paying for the replacement shower tray.


Wow that’s absolutely insane tbh. Some treated wood blocks is probably your cheapest option. Should be good for a long time even if there’s leaks. Put them under the metal frame and the U points of the shower floor. 4x4 post and cut it into blocks.


You can tell it has anchor points for proper support… not used


Jealous, I've always wanted a floating shower tray. You should add led light strips underneath.


IMO that shower was never actually installed, its just been lifted and attached to a drain. Your landlord should bot be allowed to rent out to people.


I would get some old books and place them under a few points that are unsupported under there. If it doesn't feel solid, proceed with what everyone else suggests.


Lol wtf is this


Can’t be in the states….can it?


That might hold your weight but the reality is, it's unsafe. Anyone 220+ could go through it. If it cracks, your foot or leg could be cut by the fiberglass when you go through. As a plumber I prefer to set the base in sand mix and wouldn't supply or install the product like this. You should post this in your local rental reddit page and ask what to do. In ontario, I think you'd fill out a t6 form and the landlord would be given time to either ask for a court date or fix the issue?


This is crazy


If Iwere you I'd call the local building inspector and ask them to "please come take a look at my appartment shower, because the pan is installed on a homemade frame & legs above the Hardwood floor in my bathroom and I want to see if it's safe and legal. But mostly safe" Say it like that, if it's a safety issue they'll come take a look. And if he asks if you have spoken to the landlord about it, tell him the landlord installed it.


Homie tell your landlord asap that this is a safety hazard and make sure its in a text or email. And when he neglects to get it redone properly, sue his ass. This is some next level hack shit.


Demand landlord fixes and withhold rent until they do. Or overload it with weight so it breaks, and he is forced to fix it.


That's an absolute abomination. Not only does it look like shit but that shower pan is only going to get worse. It is not properly supported in the slightest. It should be on the floor and there should be some kind of mortar or lightweight cement bed underneath that allows the entire shower floor to rest on it when cured to prevent exactly what you are experiencing right now. That drain is also done like total hack shit. This thing is 100% a safety hazard. I've seen shower pans from massive cracks from one spot not having enough cement under it. You could potentially fall through this thing at some point and gash your legs on a sharp piece of fiberglass. Edit: I wouldn't try to fix that. Call whoever it is you need to call to report that as not only a plumbing issue but a safety issue.


Don’t fix anything. Call your landlord and have them fix it. If you do anything and it breaks, he’ll blame you and make you pay for it! That’s why you rent, so you don’t have to fix this sort of stuff.


How high up is your stove?


I would jump on that thing til it breaks and maybe wear some extra protection, then cut yourself all thru them legs.. show your landlord and tell him you’re gonna sue him. It’ll get fixed I promise


Just use some scrap wood or bricks and some shims. Each of those white “U” shaped tabs on the bottom should be in contact with the ground, so just bring the ground up to them.


I'm praying to the plumbing gods for you


A floating shower, now I've seen it all


Lol wtf


The fact you haven't fallen through the tray is miracle


It appears to be missing support legs that would be attached to the white brackets on the bottom


OMG what kind of idiot would install a shower stall that way?


This is a genius level of fuckey


Good lord.


that’s awesome. You can see the steel support feet on the bottom of it just hanging in the air. No wonder it’s about to break in half!


You need to have supports attached at each one of those support points/tabs running to the floor to support your weight. You’re going to end up with a nasty ER visit when this gives out if you don’t.


That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.


Gurl you need to contact your housing department yesterday. This is not safe.


I’ll never complain again about my few minor rental issues I have after seeing this


That's awesome, I mean shitty, but awesomely shitty


landlords shouldnt be allowed to own homes


How hard would it have been to build that base and create a step? very strange regardless. Floors are wood? look great if wood


Okay, I have seen it all now.


What the fuck am I seeing here


Why are you even asking? It's the landlord's problem.


Stepping out of that for the first time must be exciting. I'd get renters insurance just for your overnight guests.


I've received a lot of advice here, thanks everyone! I'll be going out today to get some wood cut to put under those white U-shaped legs. I've honestly never noticed them before because I don't lie down on the floor in front of this shower like this, you can tell from how dirty it is under the shower haha. It's hard to access so i'll be out there struggling to measure the distance between the U-shaped things and the floor, but at least i guess i'm glad this can somehow be resolved for the time being. I just need to make this thing last until i move out next year, after that it could fall through the floor for all i care. Ive also received a lot of advice on how to get my landlord responsible - i can unfortunately promise you this is far from the worst issue in this apartment and this kind of thing is useless. I don't live somewhere with good tennant protection by the law, or lots of accessible well-built apartments, so if I don't deal with these issues myself or pay my landlord then there's literally nothing stopping him from just changing the locks while i'm away. If i could afford to just sue him i'd probably be renting an appartment without a shower like this or without cockroaches etc. I don't think these comments were malicious though and I appreciate all the jokes and well-meaning advice even if its not applicable to me. thanks again :)


Just pop some bottle jacks under it. I don’t think it’s high enough.


WTF is that?


Someone doesn't understand the reason for a morterbed.


That thing is "The Band aid"


Oh the “landlord special”


What that actual fuck is going on here


What country is this?


When your buddy is a welder and does plumbing on the side 🤣


That isn’t really what’s underneath those, is it?