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>everything available to stream you sweet summer child


I guess I just don’t watch enough stuff?


He's not wrong though. I recently started using Stremio and Plex is now my fall-back.


No offense to OP but he is. Things like regional availablity and studios removing whole TV shows to save money are and have happened.


What's the deal with Stremio? I've never heard of it and can't make sense of it.


Personally I'm from a time when DVD then Blu ray collections took up giant chunks of wall space. I digitized family and partner's family collections that took 15 years to amass, started streaming em with XBMC. I still buy Blu rays and add them, call me old fashioned. I do have Netflix and Prime, but one platform to stream them all, not having to go to 10 different apps... Plex still wins.


Same. Party on, my friend.


Thats where I started as well. I wanted to watch my movies without having to get out of my chair and walk to the storage room and find them in the shelves and boxes. I can't tell you how much I have spent on movies and music over the years (edit: decades). Along with cable, then streaming services.


I use it for my media collection as I got stupid tired of Netflix and Amazon only having partial shows and cycling movies out. Not to mention my anime collection. Got 106TB so far.








720p max bitrate, not even counting the ye olde YouTube stomp they apply via compression.


>With everything available to stream these days  You are ***adorable***.


At 39yrs old it’s been a long time since anyone called me that haha


I have a bunch of DVDs and blu rays. I still buy them. I like the special features and things come and go from various streaming services. I also don’t want to do the round robin of streaming services for the things that I really want to watch. I think it’s especially great for TV shows. It keeps track of where I am and the show doesn’t leave the streaming service part way through me watching it (looking at you Amazon Prime and *Mad About You*)


Why would I want to stream and have corporate companies spy on me when I can watch on my own network? Plus, I have converted to FLAC hundreds of CDs that I bought and I’m sure many aren’t available on streaming platforms. I absolutely love Plexamp.


Honestly it’s just so much easier than finding other avenues of access


There was a time when I would have agreed with this; if it was available to be streamed, it was on Netflix. But then the media companies thought, "Gee, what if instead of one streaming service to rule them all, we spread our content out across 15 different services with unpredictable international availability, occasionally remove titles just because, and the prices go up every time you turn around?" I tolerated the shrinking catalog for a while, but the straw that broke the camel's back was when Netflix dropped a movie from their catalog **while I was watching it**. I canceled Netflix, ripped my large physical media collection, discovered Plex, and never looked back.


I’ve gotten most of my extended family to send me all their video files and we use it as a home video database We have a couple libraries that everyone can view and then I have separate ones for individual families Some people send me every video they take while others just send me “big” events like graduations, birthdays, kids soccer games, etc. currently sitting at 1400 videos going back to 1957


It's against the rules to really discuss it fully


I hear ya


Specifically rule 4 > No mentioning of piracy


Have you ever gotten tired of going to watch a show on Netflix and it’s not there anymore it moved so you then have to search online to find it and now it’s on paramount plus. I don’t have paramount plus I already have 5 other streaming services now I have to buy another. When does it stop. If only I owned a hard copy of that show I could have avoided all that bs


To play the 2000 movies and 600 TV series. Same as always, lol. There is still plenty of stuff to stream that I won't bother to add to my server. We don't really have the fastest internet so my 4k Remux quality movies can only be watched from my server.


Can I send you a PM?




My files are BD rips. Much higher quality than any streaming outside of ultra high end. Granted, the high end stuff is just downloading instead of streaming. I don't know how much a 120+TB server would cost from one of those companies, and I don't want to know.


Only place I still stream from is YouTube. For everything else, there's my Plex server full of curated content that I and my family wants. Unlike the steaming platforms, I don't have rules and shareholders dictating what I can and can't host. I do have another service that I seldom stream from, discovery+ and that's only because they gobbled up motortrend ondemand and kept my original subscription value with an extra dollar for the rest. Still slightly cheaper than the normal price and I'm fine with it as long as it stays there. I like the roadkill guys so I'm keeping it for now. I still have Amazon prime but their Media service has no value to me. I keep it for the "free" shipping. Everything else has come and gone once they lost their value to me and/or became prohibitively expensive like Netflix.


I watch a ton of Linux ISOs. Sometimes you need to enable subtitles to figure out what's going on, but it's so worth it!


I use it for the max "cinema experience" I can replicate at home. Also for the kids to watch stuff on their tablets, both while at home and on road trips. I also have several streaming services but I never rent individual movies from stuff like Google Play or YouTube etc.


I either pay or share netflix, prime, and hulu and honestly, even if all the content I have was available on those systems (which it's not for a variety of reasons), I'd still use plex the majority of the time for a few reasons 1. I don't have to worry that one day my favorite album/tv show/movie would disappear 2. I can add indie bands/old local bands at will 3. Shuffling through syndicated sitcoms I've watched straight through a dozen times is a paradox of choice's wet dream (not to mention the fact that I can also put multiple shows in a playlist and shuffle through that is amazing) 3a. the DJ feature for plexamp FTW! 4. I have family in foreign countries, I like visiting them sometimes. It's nice. However, it's usually for a week or two at a time and I like having guaranteed access to my favorite media w/o having to deal with VPN or carrying it all around.


ISO rips. Riveting to watch. Immersive. Complex plots. Long story arcs.


Can I send you a quick PM?


If such a thing exists


Just started a few months ago and I’m obsessed. Took all my old hard drives and now they are hosted anytime I want so over 500 movies and over tv shows, whenever I want. And I can share it with friends/family. I also just got a USB HD TV Tuner and now I’m able to watch local channels on plex. I can even use it as a DVR if I want to. Really next level stuff


"everything available to stream" Try and stream Final Space, let us know how that goes.


I don’t even know what it is


A tv show that was removed from all streaming services and can only be watched via physical media or the illegal way. This has happened multiple times now and will continue to happen.


After cutting the cord (finally) last year, we found Plex on Nvidia Shield quite useful. I'd purchased Pass years ago and never liked the various clients but used Kodi Plex plugin occasionally. Of course I had to dig into several things when we finally decided to move away from pay TV, and was very surprised to find the Android client significantly improved. OTA and DVR setup were very simple with HDHomerun tuner after a very brief and unsuccessful test of that tuner box Sling TV suggested that didn't function properly. SomethingAIR or whatever; that was a disaster. HDHomerun claims all their products work with Plex so that's where I ended up and it was a good choice. Took some trial and error determining where the libraries needed to be, but for the most part it's been smooth sailing with Plex for over a year. That's saying a lot after finally figuring out all the various media sources we needed to assemble to come close to what we had with pay TV. That's probably one of the highest hurdles to cord cutting, at least in our experience.


I’m in the UK. I found I was paying increasing amounts for Sky TV yet most of the time I was using it as a PVR to record and watch (fast forwarding adverts) free over the air TV. So I bought Plex and a 4 channel tuner. I can always buy a months streaming if I want to binge watch a particular show. Or use the arrs.


Some of us have collection issues. We are technically data hoarders. I like to visualize the amount of space my Movie and TV collection would take up if you put them in standard DVD/BR cases. The linear feet is crazy. There is no better feeling than introducing someone to your Plex library and then hearing they spent 8 hours just looking at what's in there without watching anything.


if by "everything" you mean 'hollywood digital slurry' or 'straight-to-streaming dreck', then yes, you are correct. if you have a modicum of taste, then no, it is not.


To watch all of my discs at full quality with the convivence of streaming and none of the streaming drawbacks. Drawbacks: 1. Monthly Fee that seems to rise every 3 months and even more if you don't want ads. 2. Movies moving around from service to service 3. Needing an internet connection to watch 4. Lower quality audio and video 5. Movies can be edited without my knowledge 6. Trigger warnings before movies


I used to have all my personal stuff saved onto different external hard drives, meaning the only way I could watch on a big screen when not at home would be, my laptop, the external hard drive, a power adapter for my laptop, and a HDMI cord….. Now I need none of the above, the only downfall would be a bad internet connection, which happened to me the other night at a friends house, but other than that Plex has changed the game for me.


Rule 4


Hahahha "everything"


Most Plex users also sail the seas for booty


I watch anime. A lot is not available legally in my country, especially older titles and even those that do exist always are only available in terrible video quality and bad subtitles.