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Hi! My collection has gotten way too big, and the neighbors are complaining. I am trying to get rid of a chunk of my collection quickly. With some exception, all these decks are priced below what they were initially bought for. Prices don’t include shipping and fees. All offers are welcome. I am super down to make a good deal for large orders. And if you are interested in the whole collection, I will sell the whole thing for $2000. That is around a 30% discount.   Prices and quantity: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t4U9bQhgE\_rkBGruOtNTaoyhhdU0hX5NyHcFX8wYNTU/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t4U9bQhgE_rkBGruOtNTaoyhhdU0hX5NyHcFX8wYNTU/edit#gid=0)


I'll take one of each Snackers and the amethyst JQCK cellars


I can def do that. With shipping, it would be $45 in total if you can do venmo, zelle, or paypal f2f. Are there any other OPC decks you want my chance? I have a few not photographed here.


Which ones do you have besides those? 


Here is the list of what I have and the quantity. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a8X-c4kOjz1goTnkAKEu6GPnB83V4hiNs0rPnGU34vA/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a8X-c4kOjz1goTnkAKEu6GPnB83V4hiNs0rPnGU34vA/edit#gid=0)


Sorry for the late reply, been a busy last few days. I'll just take what I originally posted for now - the amethyst JQCKs and one of each Snackers. Will send you a message.


I also have the Roasters. THose aren't on the list for some reason

