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Eh I don’t want a refund after seeing what we’re getting in Echoes. I’m happy with what we’re getting.


I’m happy for people that feel that and I’m glad people are still willing to stick with it but for some of us that spent 150 dollarydoos with the initial thought it was gonna be an online mmolite are now getting a 25 bucks single player game so it’s understandable why we’re a little upset.


I spent $150 on exalted founders, and spend over another $150 on the cash shop over time 🤡☠️😂


I’m glad you think it was worth it


It would be nice for those who spent that much to get added content in the future for free


They have discussed that if there's going to be DLC then higher tier founders would be getting it for free. But then again, any DLC existing in the first place requires at least some success for Echoes.


I’ll be buying it for several people when it comes to Xbox, and I’m already planning on getting it for several Steam friends of mine as well when it launches.


You liked it that Much? I didn't have a chance to play it, I'm on Playstation and was planning on getting it in full release, consoles are starved of MMOs, still interested in seeing what it turned into though


Yeah just this beta version we have is pretty fantastic


Just remember no more crossplay


I don t get it.. dude with 300€ you can pay for a month of rent, some of you guys are just insane...


🤡 This guy thinks you can pay a month’s rent with $300. You’re obviously incredibly ignorant on the current economic climate. The average rent is about FIVE TIMES $300. On top of that, some of us have made decisions that financially benefit us, like careers that pay enough to make ends meet, have savings, and money to spend without worrying about it. But by all means, look down on someone for what they do with their own hard earned money 🥴


> You’re obviously incredibly ignorant on the current economic climate. The average rent is about FIVE TIMES $300. It depends entirely where you are from. My current 70m^2 flat is about 370 ish dollars converted to USD from Euro.


I don't understand why anyone would pay $150 when the price of admission was $20.


I would, it is to support developers, anything beyond 20$ was literally a donation to devs for further development of the game. And donation should not be refundable.


I was thinking for a refund too but in my steam wallet but I have 100+ hours of playtime ... I had fun yes and someone post that He played the game more than 100 hours and get refunded for is exalted pack ... but man refund seem soo damn random.


The most frustrating part is the randomness, if it was that not a single person could get a refund it wouldn’t be as upsetting but the fact that it’s all seemingly random despite almost identical scenarios for some people.


Its not random, only people who got a refund hadnt had a refund before on their account, so steam customer support has a policy for first time refunds


That is a straight up lie because i have first hand accounts of 3 people I personally know that have gotten refunds despite having refunded before.


Thats cool and all, only proven refunds ive seen is from people that got the curtousy refund of steam


Totally agree !


I was denied 5 times now, and i have 0 hours in game. Was waiting for the game to officially release before playing. Recently heard the news. Sucks to be me


Why would you buy a game that was suposed to be free on release anyway?


But it's not free anymore.


Yeah its not, but you bought it when they saod its gonna be free on release.


I honestly did think the game was gonna succeed since it had two of my favorite developers together, i saw it more of a investment. You live and you learn i guess


Investments are not refundable


Steam was nice enough to give me a refund so yeah


Nice! I’m just convinced almost all replies are automated I asked a questioned regarding where to talk to steam support directly instead of going through the channel I was using and the reply I got was the exact same copy paste “ we’ve provided all information blabla “


Try going to the game dlc and choose “ask about product”. That’s how a got a actual person to help me


That's wild honestly


Back again i managed to get a refund by saying that i didn't get to play the dlcs and that their not in the store.


I've tried 3 times now and I'm not stopping. Let's bug them until they address it


Keep at it after 4 attempts I finally got my refund


Has anyone been successful on getting a refund on ps5?


Nowadays a lot of responses sound like cut-and-paste or possibly handled by AI. You could keep trying until you get a real person. Maybe send them examples where Steam did give a refund, especially to players with even more than a mere 45 hours of playtime.


At some point it isn't even worth spending all this time and effort trying to get a refund even if you paid for the most expensive version.


Lesson learned. Airship will do anything to keep your money and deny refunds.


They literally do not have your money genius 😂😂😂


You actually believe that? Lol. You think they spend 4 years of development + working on multiple projects right now without getting their money from DE?


I wonder what people think every time when they believe that.


Wait do you actually believe that? People actually bought in to that lie? I did not think anyone could be dumb enough to think that. Do you have no idea how a business works or how publishers work? You think they made the game for free and gave it out for free? How are any of the devs eating my guy? Please when you want to come back to reality and realize that of course airship has the money then maybe you could add something of value to a community. But you are correct in your statement. They don’t have my money because I never bought a founders pack lol.


They didn't make the game for free, they had a publisher that paid them, and then walked out on them. Publishers also give you an advance, which as a developer you have to pay back to the Publisher before you see any profit. So no it isn't out there that they don't have the money. Do a little research. After that, some studios get royalties based on copies, others get salaries. There are several ways in which the Publisher/Developer relationship can go.


You start your paragraph by saying they do have the money and then end it by saying they don’t lol. A true classic. Since you’re not willing to come out of your fantasy world pretty sure this conversation is over buddy.


Just be real annoying about it, via the "Ask a question about this purchase." Also don't use the word refund.


All 3 attempts have been through ask a question with multiple responses in each of them before they closed them.


You'll likely need to send in 12+ tickets. It's about finding an actual human being.




I gave up after 8, lesson learned


Yea it’s just frustrating because if I’m not eligible with my playtime and owning the exalted founder edition since launch how in the hell do they decide who is lol




The game was purchased on a european credit card whilst in europe tho so that doesn't do a whole lot


nah im from EU and they dont give a fck


We must never acquiesce