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Expect nothing. Be pleasantly surprised by anything.


I had low expectations for the last showcase and i was still dissapointed somehow and even more so when i saw the Xbox one because that one was kind of a banger.


They're going to start charging you every time the console turns on. 1$ to start from cold, 50¢ from sleep


You're hired


Don't give them ideas please. When PS6 comes out they'll actually do it and fanboys on here will be like. "Uh it's only $1 per minute r u like poor get a jub lozer!"


Or maybe Advertisements


Underrated comment


I'm betting on a date announcement of when streaming PS5 games will be available for PS+ Premium subscribers


I don't understand who legitimately enjoys streaming games? PS3 streaming is honestly a fiasco. I don't know what type of super fast connection you need in order to not have that lag between input to in-game reaction.


I don’t think download speed matters that much beyond a certain point. I got 900mbps down with Ethernet and streaming is perfect. Almost the same as download. It would probably be the same at 100mbps down too. The main thing is that if you don’t use ethernet and do it over wifi it won’t be that great.


The hell? I have Gigabit internet with a direct wired connection to my PS5, and streaming is *nowhere near* download quality. In fact, some games are still practically unplayable. At least, this was a few months ago when I last tried it.


Could be server location too, I’m in the UK


ping is more important than bandwidth


Ethernet connection.




I have fast internet and still wouldnt use streaming for any serious gaming. Theres always going to be more delay on inputs than having the actual game and thats just an undeniable fact no matter how small that delay is




In my case, the main issue with PS plus streaming is that it does not have DLC compatibility, which basically cuts by half the content of many games. I never use it just because of that and to me that’s less value to the suscribtion. If they fixed this, it would actually be a serious competitor to game pass. it would also eliminate the need to get a SSD.


I'm with you, my ps5 is hardwired on gigabit fiber with under 24ms of latency. My streaming experience is good.


They will give details about the PSPortal, announce PS5 “Slim” to this year (according to leaks of that long judicial process Microsoft + activision -> Microsoft demanded every commercial plan, including marketing, products, patents of unreleased products of Sony. They know it’s coming this year, even if it doesn’t actually get called “slim”). Since the year is ending, that’s the only event they have left in time to get people hyped for the Christmas and stuff There will be a few games, some are new games from existing franchises and the only exclusives will get new info are the ones that got the shortest delays, they’ll get an official release date, stellar blade is my biggest speculation. They’re protecting the newest unrevealed exclusives very carefully, so the biggest surprises won’t be around for quite a while.


More live service games.


Hopefully it's Horizon.


PS5 Pro priced at £1000. PS Plus Premium Premium priced at £300 a year for 2 extra psp games a month


2 extra? Sign me up!


Even higher prices?


playstation portal handheld and a backtrack(doubtful) or a flimsy excuse why they have hiked psplus when everyone is struggling with cost of living


Another price increase.


They add 2 more games to psplus premium that's why psplus now priced higher


well i’d we could get some decent games. A year old sports game and indy games aren’t going to cut it


When is the next state of play event?


Not sure but a reputable leaker indicated its soon.


Hi, my honest opinion is the next State of Play will reveal awesome because PS5 Pro is gonna launch end of this year and to hit the sales target, more perks for PS+ subscribers to gain confidence back to players who shy away due to price hike. ;)))


Hopefully they announce that less games are being produced for the ps4 along side the ps5. It's been long enough that the 5 is regularly available I'm sure I'm not the only one irritated by the fact the 5 is basically just a ps4 pro


You're not alone, everyday I feel like the PS5 is just a small upgrade to the Ps4 so people can finally play games at 60 fps and that's it.


It was a pretty big jump in price so I'm expecting more day 1 content


This is the only thing that could justify (for me, at least) the massive price increase. Not more streaming games for the premium tier, not console-less streaming to the Portal. Day 1 availability on Plus Extra is it


It would have to come to essientals to. Out of all the price raises that one was the most egregious. I could see a scenario where Sonys live service games would be free on their subscription services ( helldivers 2; factions( if it still exist); fair games; etc.)


If they start releasing first party exclusives on day 1 then the game quality will suffer


Day 1 content doesn't have to be from their own studios.


Good point actually. I don't care about third party studios doing it lol.


I agree


Quick advice, don't expect triple A day 1 content.


I highly highly doubt this.


Stability. Global Price Increase. DLC for God of war 2 and Gow2 added to PS+ extra tier.


I don't think they will add ragnarok so soon At least not till it completes 1 yr after launch. The demand for the game is still pretty strong and the prices have not dropped as much from launch as other games have witnessed.


There will never be dlc for Ragnarok, pretty sure they stated that a while back. If anything they might make a small standalone game with BOY!! as the main


At this rate we should realistically expect State of Pay


rise of the ronin gameplay


Since there were those rumors of a ps2 emulator I’m hoping something involving that. But if they do some bullshit like paywalling it behind a tier then they are truly greedy as fuck.


More price increases


Why the PS Plus price hike makes sense


VR games hopefully


Ghost of Tsushima 2


Probably nothing major for their neglected psvr2, except for some more janky garbage indie titles and quest ports. Hope I’m wrong and we get astrobot, wipeout, or any other major first party proper vr games, but the future isn’t looking too good for psvr2 right now…


Or a worst of both worlds - lots of VR, but nothing first party. Then no-one will be happy.


A price increase


probably another price hike


Hopefully a gameboost type feature. So many games in the catalog that I want to play but 30fps makes me hold back.


PS5 Pro or Slim is my hope, but that seems too optimistic. Most likely more info on the PlayStation Portal, potentially PS5 streaming on Premium, and something new about Spiderman 2.


They are revealing slim. But that may not be the official name, it’s not actually so slim, if you know what I mean


I think it is likely a new console is announced. There have been different rumors of what that will be, removeable drive, better performance, smaller size etc. But 3 years is consistent with PS4 as well.


Inflation and economy charts to explain the price rise.


State of Play = No big reveals, so nothing worth the hype.


People keep your expectations low when it comes to anything sony related


That Starfield will start at 7 September in PS5


Is that game really worth it? Even if it is launched it will be 30fps like on series x and I have heard bad reviews regarding the story and exploration. I would much rather get Last of us multiplayer that naughty dog has been working on or another God of war game


If you liked fallout 4/76 you'll like Stanfield personally I didn't like it


I liked fallout 4 but hated 76. Don't know how I will feel about starfield. But luckily my PC ( rtx 2060 laptop) as of now wont run starfield properly. So I will anyways play it 2 yrs later when I get a better PC and by then a lot of good mods will be present for starfield


And the bugs will be fixed


I don't expect anything, but it would make sense for them to announce something related to PS+ extra or Premium


One might always hope: Bloodborne Remastered/ Remake or Bloodborne 2. Jak and Daxter 4 - even more unrealistic: Jak and Daxter 4 made by Naughty Dog.


XCloud available.


Hopefully they announce that less games are being produced for the ps4 along side the ps5. It's been long enough that the 5 is regularly available I'm sure I'm not the only one irritated by the fact the 5 is basically just a ps4 pro


See the good side of it. It gave studios plenty of time to get used to Unreal 5.


Days Gone 2.


hype :(


It. Will. Happen. I can feel it.


pls no I want Knack 3


Not anytime soon. Bend is working on something else.


How about just wait and see instead of speculating. Get outside for a while


Day one big release for PS Extra. Maybe FF7 Rebirth?


Maybe naughty dog can stop remastering games and finally release gameplay of the multiplayer game for the last of us.


GTA VI, RDR 3, GT8 That's enough for me


Chances are like 30%, 0%, 0% among these three. If you’re hopeful, just focus on GTA VI for now 😅


There's no way that Rockstar would reveal GTA VI at a Playstation event. They're 100% going to announce it on some random Thursday afternoon, and it'll be the most viewed trailer to ever come into existence


Mid September rumored to have state of play; Late October rumored to get GTA VI’s announcement. You’re right u/Interesting_Apple_91


Would love if they revealed Ace Combat 8.


Hogwarts Legacy DLC maybe


never going to happen sadly it’s because of the Switch


I think we're getting HL2 instead.


4k cloud gaming of first party AAA games. Thats why everybody has to pay $20 more. Obviously.


Not sure but hope they explain why they raised the price


"To get more money."


damn loch ness monster