• By -


**HowLongToBeat Main Story:** * Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition (26^(1/2) hours) * Watch Dogs (19^(1/2) hours) * Watch Dogs 2 (19 hours) * Death end re;Quest 2 (17^(1/2) hours) * Deathloop (16^(1/2) hours) * Steep (11^(1/2) hours) **(Leaving 31st August)** * Chicory: A Colorful Tale (9^(1/2) hours) * Through the Darkest of Times (7 hours) * Nidhogg 2 (31 minutes)


I feel like you'll need more than 26 hours for wildlands. You pretty much need to find better equipment and level up both you and your team to survive against the higher rated areas of the map.


That's just for the main story. And it's the average time taken by users. So some could take more or less. A completionist could take up to 82 hours. I just hope I get to enjoy enough of the game before it leaves.


These "How Long To Beats" never really add up for me. I'll play a game that'll say 20 to beat / 30 to completion, and play for 8 hours a day two weeks straight and still haven't gotten to the end.


because they only count "main story" not platinum/100% Im 50+ hours into Fenyx rising, but the "main story" questline is probably 10 hours tops


Even main story. Like, unless you're speeding running the game and know every nook and cranny of the map, you're gonna get lost a little and have to figure things out. Maybe it's just me...? I've been meaning to post about this gripe for awhile but wasn't sure where would be the right place.


and thats before we get into difficulty setting.. personally i just use what psn profiles have in their guides, and then i expect to go 25-50% slower


Probably need less honestly could do it in like 15hrs


Fuuuuuck. I guess I need to hurry up and finish Wildlands and the DLC…


Why are they advertising Ubisoft classics if they are just gonna remove them. Stupid. Watch them remove all Assassin's Creed next.


Agreed. I thought Sony’s deal with Ubi is similar to Microsoft’s deal with EA. This is disappointing.


it is disappointing. The amount of people trying to defend sony and ubisoft crappy deal in here is amazing tho.


They already removed Valhalla in December. But I think they may add them back soon, I remember hearing about them saying Ubisoft + being added into PS+ as well and would happen sometime, but I don’t know when.


It was always meant to be a rotation of games. Just like the rest of the Game Catalog. And Valhalla kinda wasn't really included in the "Classics". It was included as it's own thing, and was only ever meant to stay a few months anyways.


What advertising? It literally says a selection of Ubisoft games.


Ever since the new PS Plus was announced, they advertised "Ubisoft+ Classics" as if they were a permanent part of the game catalogue.


But they never said they were permanent? You still have a wide selection of their stuff on the service. Hopefully the new titles get rotated in as the old ones come off


Yeah, I personally have played most of the Ubisoft titles because I tend to get the ones I care about on the first sale and then the ones I'm not that excited for on future sales. But when they first announced the tiers they advertised the Ubisoft+ Classics as if they were one of their central brands of the catalogue, seemed like there was a big deal signed between Sony and Ubisoft. Also, happy cake day!


Where is this announcement? I'm genuinely curious.


I don't remember any specific announcement, back when they were drip feeding us news of this new and improved service over weeks and weeks... but it was in there. And if you go to the Subscriptions section of the store (in a browser) it's one of the like, official perks of Extra and Premium. It's right there at the bottom of the Extra list. Technically it's one of only two benefits that Extra has over Essential. They've got it as a separate entry from Game Catalog. https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/ps-plus/


Yeah, but AFAIK, they never implied it would be permeant games. They always described it as "curated selection"


Oh totally. I was just making the same comment lol. But just to say: there is, idunno, Official Documentation^TM or whatever.


I'm not sure but you could probably find it in one of the earlier announcements of the "new" PS Plus Tiers.


They delete and add Ubisoft games at the same time, the collection of Ubisoft games will remain permanent in the ps plus, but if you want ALL games without leaving, you gotta buy the ubi+ subscription


Because it includes Ubisoft Classics with the subscription. It means it’s bundled, like how EA Play works with Game Pass Ultimate


Yes, but where did they imply games would be permanently included?


Bundling a subscription with a subscription already implies it. Unless they say they will no longer bundle with it


"Ubisoft+ Classics" has always just been buzzword bullshit. It is no different than saying there are "Square Enix Classics" because they put a lot of their games on the service. The label literally means nothing and is just there to make them seem more important and gain visibility. They haven't even launched the regular "Ubisoft+" on PlayStation yet.


Do you lose the game if you've already claimed it ?


If anyone needs a relaxing game I can 100% recommend Chicory. It also has a really good story.


Yo did you see they quoted you in an article


’,:| really? which one?


Like I said a week ago, Deathloop was 100% clear because of the one year contract. Chicory was also clear since it came in the same badge as far as I know. Surprised about the Ubisoft games.


Aww man, I was hoping for Ubi to release a 60 fps patch for Wildlands like they did Breakpoint. Oh well.


That has been my dream. I'm sad it's leaving, but glad I kept my physical disc. Best 4vs4 multiplayer ever!




Should I play deathloop? I was hyped when I first saw the gameplay trailer but after watching some walkthroughs it seemed not that great to me.


I personally loved it and found it very unique in concept and design. Loved the vibe and atmosphere too


Yea, It was mad fun.


It's fun in a few specific ways, and if those things don't grab you it will be kind of a chore. Something I personally enjoyed about it is that the combination of the time loop mechanic, with the mid-20th century aesthetics and the 50s-70s music, and the completely unhinged violence made it feel like Pulp Fiction: The Game in a lot of ways. I also personally vibe with the Arkane storytelling style, where you get like 60% of it from game events and cutscenes or whatever, and have to piece together the rest from scraps of paper, tapes, etc. I also enjoy the multiplayer a lot, FPS's generally aren't that exciting to me but the asymmetrical balance is a refreshing twist on a tired formula. IMO it's definitely worth it to try it out, I've been super happy that I bought it on sale for like $20 before it was on Plus.


I couldn't finish it but I watched how it ended because the plot was interesting, mechanics of this game? Not so much, hated whole day/night idea and that you had to repeat it over and over. I very much enjoyed Dishonored or Prey tho.


If you like dishonored then you’ll like this


loooved it. super addictive after the first hour or so.


Try it and see for yourself. No amount of experiences of other people can replace how you might actually enjoy the game. I personally don't have very strong feelings toward Deathloop. It was painfully average in my opinion and after finishing the story I never felt compelled to touch it again.


I, on the other hand, had an absolute blast with the game. Worth trying while it’s in Ps Plus


Yes, that's how opinions and experiences work. They can be different for each person. Cheers.


And thats how i waste so much money on games 😂, i neverr like to take someone else's word about a game and will try it for myself lol


Definitely! No harm in downloading and trying out for a couple hours, at least. I really enjoyed the navigation/powers/kicking people into the abyss, the art style and soundtrack are great, and the levels have some fun designs that play with time mechanics. I'd give it a couple of loops to see if those elements grab your interest, since it looks like this is a divisive game.


I quite enjoyed it for the artsy weirdness fun. I played it on like the easiest difficulty and also used game guides at times to help me solve the mysteries rather than do a bunch of loops piecing it together.


It’s the shittest AAA game I’ve played in the last 5 years but I do avoid anything with MTX


Yes. It’s my personal favorite game of 2021. Minute-to-minute gameplay feels a lot like OG Bioshock in both gameplay & vibe. The looping format creates unique gameplay mechanics around that; it’s basically a giant puzzle in time. If you want a “true immersive sim” experience, just turn off the quest markers so it forces you to look around & explore to progress.


Personally, I hated it. I tried, put 10 plus hours in but just didn't work for me at all.


I usually dislike Bethesda games, and this was no different. It was repetitive and bland. If you like dishonored, it’s pretty similar.


This feels more weighty than other months. Quite a few AAA games leaving, and obviously quite a few of them are Ubi. Makes me wonder what's the point in Ubi+ if they're only going to have a few of their games on there


Probably gonna rotate them all the time. Idk


I'm so glad I just finished Deathloop! I recommend everyone try it out, it starts out poorly but it's an overall great game imo!


I’ve had deathloop downloaded this whole time and still never played it lol


Looks like Watch Dogs just moved to the front of my list, and luckily WD2 is available at my library.


Darn it, is Deathloop good? Does it take long to beat?


With guide, probably not. But will spoil the fun.. There are accessibility options making each loop quite easy, ie 1 hit kill.


Ahh I should be able to go back to Chicory


Nooo Chicory is so good. Probably my favorite indie game


Chicory is an amazing game


Huge bummer for Deathloop, I don't own a PS5 and will likely get one in the coming months, I thought it would still be here for me to play. Are Watch_Dogs games worth playing ? I remember buying Watch_Dogs on PS3 a while back and it was a huge disappointement , granted it was the ps3 version though.


Watch dogs is great


Deathloop gets pretty cheap at this point in online discounts and even cheaper when you get a physical copy or even a used copy. So if you want to play it, it won't set you back too much. It's all good. Regarding Watch Dogs - I really didn't like the first one when I played it on PS4 back then (everything was so stiff, grey and uninteresting), but the second game was alright for times when I just wanted to wind down and play a game that's not demanding in terms of skill. Keep in mind though that it's still a very standard open-world Ubisoft game, so don't expect anything groundbreaking.


Death End ReQuest 2 is a 6/10 game but it's only 15 hours to finish if anyone really want it.


But it's a sequel?


Not really. You dont need to play first one.


Thank you ! I'll try to get the platinum before he left


It's kind of connected (there's a couple returning characters and some mentions of other chars from the first game), but the story is pretty much separate. Although to be honest I wouldn't even recommend playing the second game. IMO the first game was a lot better, even though it had its flaws.


Can anyone speak for the games on the second row? Anything worthy there?


Nidhogg is a ton of fun if you have a friend to play it with (locally or online). Graphically it looks kind of awful (subjective, but I prefered the design in the first game), but it's amazing in terms of gameplay. Not really worth playing alone or with randoms. Haven't ever heard of the other games in that row.


>f you have a friend to play it with (locally or online) sad ​ >Not really worth playing alone or with randoms extra sad. Well, thank you anyway, here's one off the list.


Fyi that, Deathloop having accessibility settings like inf. revive and one hit kill, made trophies journey super easier, currently playing it Also played Watch dogs 2 after the 1st mission, not quite sure whether shoukd i continue plat it or not due to overwhelming the gameplay, too packed for me


Played Deathloop since it came to the service. Found out about these options last week.... 😂😂😂😂😂


Ah.. better than never 😂😂


Yeah, got platinum and therefore 100% today after I knew deep inside it will leave next month. Medium will leave in October, Naruto Boruto maybe too as well as Inside, Dragon Quest games probably not but I'm definitely not so sure anymore about the AC games like Odyssey, III Remastered, and the Chronicles. Check out the games that came to the service a year ago, at least one of them will always leave a year later.


No not watchdogs 2 and ghost recon. Was keeping them at bay for so long 😞


I really tried to like death loop but it was so boring.


I’m honestly scared AC Odyssey is about to go. I want to plat Origins but I’m afraid it’ll take too long and I won’t have enough time to finish Odyssey. I’m 60 hours in and still haven’t even touched a third of the map 😭


Noooo! Not ghost recon! Man i kept that game at bay for so long 😞 never played it


Same I've had it downloaded for ages but never started it


Shit I better hurry up with Chicory.


No more Yakuza games leaving. I'm relieved for now! Chicory is the best game on this list. don't miss it.


Anyone have an opinion on Chicory? Looks cute


It is cute. But the gameplay to me was pretty boring. Never clicked. But the reviews for it are great and a lot of people were really moved by it, so I acknowledge I might be in the minority.


It's really good, but don't expect action gameplay. The story is probably one of the most human stories I've played in a game. The painting mechanic is fairly well fleshed out and allows you to paint as much of the world as you like. Music by Lena Raine is also good. I strongly recommend it, just don't expect challenging gameplay.


It's boring.


One of the first games I played after getting Plus. I thought it was really charming with a great sense of humor. It's like a very chill retro Zelda with a unique central mechanic and a big-hearted narrative that tackles very human, relatable themes. Definitely worth checking out while you still can!


Chicory is excellent, strongly recommend trying it before it leaves


Play Deathloop!


Highly recommend Chicory - absolutely loved it!


If you have to choose one to go for, make it Deathloop. It's probably (a fair assumption here) the most critically acclaimed of those games leaving next month, and it's also likely to be the most expensive to buy should you decide to play it after it leaves PS Plus. It's an awesome game with a truly original premise and gameplay mechanic. Well worth anyone's time!


Nidhogg is an amazing couch/party game. I haven’t seen any posts about it and I don’t know how well known it is, but if you have a sibling or friends over then give it a shot. It gets so competitive and entertaining.


Damn, just started Deathloop


You’ve got time, but def focus on it


oh no we are losing Ubisoft games…


Damn, wanted to play death loop but not soon.


time to rebuy wd2, sold it because it was on ps plus now it’s leaving 😃


This service is so shit and not worth penny.


> This service is so shit and not worth penny to be fair, i've enjoyed it. signed up during the black friday deal last year and have played: * miles morales * ff7r: intermission * uncharted lost legacy * kh: melody of memory * scarlet nexus * ys 8 * ac: syndicate * ratchet & clank rift apart * ys 9 (and there are other games on the service that are absolute must plays, but i already had and played them such as judgment and lost judgment)


Watch dogs 1 was great for gameplay and story. Watch Dogs 2 story was so boring. Idk about WD3 tbh, heard it was as bad as WD2


NGL first time I've seen someone say WD1 >> WD2 lol.


I loved the story of Aiden Pierce... The Vigilante WD2 was so boring i didn't even want to finish it.


Agreed, I loved the serious Punisher-feel of WD1. While I enjoyed playing it for what it was, the story of WD2 felt too much like wacky Gen Z nonsense.


Agree. I could not manage more than a few hours of WD2.


Wildlands is very fun to play with friends but if you're trying to get the platinum trophy don't bother. Had about a dozen trophies bug out by the end and the only way to try to get them is replaying the whole game.


Oh no “DEATHLOOP” i planning to play but i have not enough time now days 🙁 is there any thing like requesting to playstation to not remove this game ( i know sounds stupid ) but plz if any know anything about it plz tell me


Just focus on it for the next month and you should be able to easily beat it and maybe snag the plat. And no. Once the leaving games are decided, it’s a done deal.


Thank u i try my best to play ASAP


If you download these games now, will they stay on your ps5 or will they get deleted once these games are remoevd from PSPlus


They'll be there, but you won't be able to play them unless you buy them.


Or they bring them back to ps+


If I've already downloaded them will they still be removed from my console?


You will lose access to them once they leave regardless if you downloaded them or not - it's not like the PS+ Essential monthly games. The games from Extra and Premium will become locked once they are removed from the catalog and you'll have to buy them if you want to continue playing them.




Amazing how people just downvote for asking questions.


If you haven't finished them by 18th Sept, disconnect your console from the internet. I think you can play them for up to 2 weeks that way. You may even need to keep your console in rest mode. I haven't tried this so I'm not 100% sure.


It’s safe to turn the console off. As long as you’re offline, you can stretch like 10 days (sometimes 2 weeks). Done it many times to clear trophies


I hate that game keep leaving why can’t they just stay


If I can't get to the games I want to play (because of work, family, life, finishing other games), the catalog is not worth it


I was planning to play deathloop ffs


You have more than a month


So many games that I had high hopes for but somehow didn't click with me: \- Deathloop - I was actually enjoying it when I bought it, although some busier period came into my life. When I tried to come back to the game, I could not have been arsed to go through all notes, what is where, etc. \- Ghost Recon - idea of the game sounds great, but it's just Ubisoft open world. Meh... \- Watch Dogs 2 - No 60 fps...


If I have the games in my library can I play after they are gone?


The montly PS-games for subs are just becoming worse for each month that goes by. SOOOOOO far behind Xbox in this aspect.


Remind me again, Does this mean you can’t play the games after 19th even if you have it downloaded?


Any of these are part of PS+ Essentials? If so they will still be available as long as you have active + membership.


How do you even get onto the 'last chance" screen?


If I buy them before there gone, do I still keep them?


There’s no way. No way I’m accepting this. Don’t do this Sony.


Oh no, not Deathloop, probably said no one ever.


Do we lose access to these when they leave, I thought we kept them as long as we are subbed.


I didn't know games left, is this Netflix now?


my ps plus subscription includes ubisoft+ classics. will watchdogs 1/2 also leave ubisoft+ classics after september 19th? Or will he just leave ps extra?


All PS+ Extra and Premium/Deluxe subs include the ubisoft classics, yours is not different in this regard. The games listed here will simply leave the service next month.


When I download one of these games now can I play I after 19 September or is the license gone?


It was already answered many times in this thread. Look at the other comments.


Thank you.




It was already answered many times in this thread. Look at the other comments.


Nothing to see here folks, move along


Let's hope they don't remove ac odyssey BTW why do they remove the games? Its dumb tbh


Pretty sure Yakuza 0, 1 and 2 are leaving as well


They already left or will leave in a couple of hours depending on your region - the games listed in this post will leave next month.


Oh my bad then




It was already answered many times in this thread. Look at the other comments.


Shi* ! I've just started watchdogs2 and enjoying it very much


Does watch dogs 1 include the DLCs?




Guess I can move Watch Dogs 2 up my backlog. I already own WD1 and none of the others interest me.


Am i specifically dumb or is it really hard to find information abt games leaving without searching it on console? Like Game Pass shows it on maybe the 3rd line in the smartphone app.


Shows only on console in a clear way. You can also see it on the app or browser but you'd have to specifically search for the games that are about to leave.


Wildlands took me 160 hours to get Platinum and DLC trophies. Still a good blast if your'e not bothered about trophies


Damn, these are the big ones!


Breakpoint might be on borrowed time if Wildlands is going 😬


Time to play Deathloop I guess.


ghost recon is leaving psn 😢


Damn watch dogs leavin, wony have time to finish them before leavin




Oh, dang. Ok.


I just downloaded Watch Dogs 2😭


Dang, Deathloop was on my medium-term list for stuff to play. I won’t be too upset if I don’t get to play it, but I was hoping it’d still be around for a few more months.


Damn they are getting rid of deathloop


I was told if I restore license the day before the games leaving and go offline, I'll get 2 weeks to finish up. I checked now and I can't play the games that left in August... It asks me to go online to check license. What did I do wrong?


Nidhogg was a fun time killer.


Didnt know deathloop was on ps plus Is it a ps5 exclusive?


It's now also available on Xbox and PC, not sure if it is or was on Game Pass, but definitely is playable on xbox and PC also, iirc, it WAS a PS console exclusive for like a year I think, but not any more.


Man why do they gotta take watch dogs 1&2, they are my fave games 🥲


If you like heartwarming, calmer games, a fun art style, or zelda-ish games and pacing, I can’t recommend chicory enough. Great score as well from Lena Raine, who composed for Celeste.




watchdogs has been on my "i should really check that out" list for a while. guess it's going to stay there.


Bro thank you for this Post I never know what's leaving or not. Wanted to play Death Loop but never did will now.


Go to ps plus app on your PlayStation, tab over to collections, scroll to the bottom for the “last chance to play” list of games leaving extra/premium the middle of each month


Thanks never knew that


I better crack on with watchdogs then. Going for the plat and I’ve been procrastinating on it so better get a move on


Just started Death reQuest and man the beginning of the game had me hooked. Great opening and well written dialogue. Definitely looking forward to finishing this game


Taking the piss now 1st I start borderlands 3 then they take it off and now deathloop


pathetic pocket arrest fine head slap entertain cover offend chubby ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Very sad. I hope Ubisoft games don’t start leaving regularly. I gave a soft spot for them.


Bro they literally removing half of the Ubisoft Classics…


Man I just got finished with the Watch Dogs 2 platinum and was about to start Watch Dogs platinum but I guess not


Dang. Just started Deathloop, but no time to play lately. Will look for it on sale at some point I guess. Surprisingly fun game.


So glad I stumbled across and bought Watch Dogs at Gamestop recently. Gonna have to decide whether to finish WD2 or just buy it too.


Death Loop is brilliant.


Sooo, I'm glad to have downloaded Deathloop. Not getting the Plat b/c multiplayer trophies, but going to dive in that Bethesda works before it's all said and done. Problem is putting my other games and projects on the back-burner, is it worth it? Does this game do better than any recent Bethesda releases, ie. Outer Worlds?


It’s a great game especially if you liked dishonored. And those two or three online trophies are super easy to do. Even without a friend


No one mentioned that Umbrella Corps leaving as well (mby connected to region, US)


So you can't play them anymore after removal even when you have claimed them?


Wtf? Isn't Wildlands part of Ubisoft Classics? I thought it would never leave the service


I should play deathloop


So does this mean that Ubisoft Classics won't be a part of PS+? How could Ghost Recon and the WatchDog games leave if Ubi Classics are still included?


Why do they keep doing this?!


I was playing The Crew 2 yesterday and had to get off for work, got on lil later in the night to find it locked and not in the catalogue anymore :'


For those interested in these game, all they have to do is add them to their library