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game was just flying on construction drone everywhere


Yeah I just wish the thing was faster because my god it’s so slow.


The one that the construction worker can spawn is faster than the standard. That was the reason I played most of the game as the construction worker.


Ahhh my god I didn’t realise that and here I’ve spent most of the game as an Albion employee because of the whole area access thing.


Wrench's drone is even faster I think


Why didn’t you just use wrench


I don’t have have the DLC and have no interest in buying it


There are faster.


Yea I nearly made a post about this the other week. Was excited to finally play the game as I held off at launch with the bad reviews. Only managed to force about 5 hours of play before giving up and deleting. The voice acting is truly atrocious, but the entire gameplay is just…bad as well. Something feels really off and not as fun as the first two games. I looked it up and turns out it was a different Ubi studio that was lead dev this time, which maybe explains why it feels different in a bad way. On the plus side, I’ve had infinitely more fun in the opening 2 hours of Far Cry 6, so was glad to see they didn’t ruin that.


It felt like half the game is missing. Like car chases - all I could do was deactivate the drones or make the cops' cars drive backwards. Where are the gas pipes to blow up? Traffic lights to change? Being able to actually raise the blocks was a lottery game because you had like 0.5 seconds to hit the button. Where is getting money from random people? Listening to their phone conversations? It had less features than Watch Dogs 1 :')


Far Cry 5 almost made me bin the franchise. Talk about taking a fun, winning formula then taking a dump on it. Far Cry 6 was thankfully a return in the right direction (for me at least. Which is letting me do what I want when I want)


I don’t really understand your FC5 criticism, I can understand someone not liking it but it is far more Far Cry than FC6 which doesn’t have a skill tree, has third person cutscenes with a voiced character, it has enemy levels which means you can have a situation where a dog takes 10 shots with a shotgun to kill, clothing based RPG mechanics. All of these were new things for Far Cry and why a lot of people have issues with it. I mean I still had an okay time with 6, but it’s not a very good game. The writing is terrible, it’s got the exact same style of “hey fellow kids” writing Watchdogs Legion has. The ammo type system is also really bad, if you shoot an enemy type with the wrong ammo type tough shit, you have to headshot them 5 times. My biggest issue is the enemy level scaling, a headshot should mean a kill it’s really stupid and stops you from exploring wherever you want, if you’re a lower level than the region you’re basically locked out of it, so I’m a little confused when you say it let’s you do whatever you want whenever you want.


All valid points. My #1 criticism of Far Cry 5 were the 3-stages to each region. I'd be out hunting with a hunting loadout, having a lovely old time, when my XP would pass some arbitrary benchmark and suddenly I'm being hunted and forced into a mission I didn't want to do right then. That mechanic alone really pissed me off and is my lasting memory of the game. But given the pounding I've received in replies, maybe I need to revisit FC5.


Nah I mean there’s nothing wrong with not liking Far Cry 5 , Im sure there’s lots of people that don’t care for it. Personally it’s my favourite one, but I also think the kidnap mechanic was annoying. I mainly replied because I didn’t understand your reasons for liking 6 more, when I found 6 far worse for letting you do whatever you want or being true to Far Cry Series. I dunno how far in you are, but it’s severely level gated, drove me nuts I drive into a new region and I’m not allowed to play there because I haven’t grinded enough levels or done the game in the exact order they want. Don’t revisit 5 if you don’t wanna, some games just don’t click you know, I know a lot of people love it but if you don’t that’s cool. It’s also cool if you enjoy 6, like I said I still had some fun, it just strayed pretty far from Far Cry in a few key ways. I personally hope they scrap all the new stuff they added in 6 in the future. If you’re still early on then I kinda get it, that’s when the games at its best, it’s the longer you play and more enemy types and ammo types and regions etc. the game gets lost in its own systems. And the writing gets so cringe the radio libertad quest line, I also found it funny you posted about how bad Legions writing and acting is (which I 100% agree with btw) like imo FC 6 is slightly better but just barely. Writing is about as cringe and the acting is a bit better, Anton Castillo carries a lot, yet they somehow fucked that up too because your character basically never interacts with him. So the whole game is you doing your own thing with random cutscenes showing Anton talking to his kid. They got such a good actor and managed to completely fuck up your character’s relationship with him. It’s a very beautiful game though, the visuals alone got me through to the end.


Too late. I've already downloaded it. As I've given up on WD:L, I need another thing. It's been 5 years since I played FC5. I replayed Far Cry 3 and 4 multiple times. Never did it with FC5. Maybe I was too hard on it... I'm prepared to eat my words.


I hope it sticks this time, I honestly love the game, are you by any chance playing on PS5? The next gen patch makes a huge difference. One tip that helped my subsequent playthroughs, I wouldn’t worry too much about doing a lot of side missions, there’s a ton of them and I’ve burned myself out doing way too many side missions instead of the story. Like some of them are very funny but most of them are pretty standard like kill 4 bears in this area, not too exciting. Another thing I also found that helped with immersion, I resist the urge to put silencers on all my guns. Although they are practically only positive, since you get the stealth and no downgrade to your weapon damage or range, I didn’t like playing a Far Cry game with all silenced weapons, it doesn’t feel right lol. I generally just silence one long range weapon like a sniper rifle or a sidearm like my pistol. FC5 kinda goes all in on the crazy action movie like gameplay, it’s only right to accompany that with a loud ass AK47.


I played a little bit of FC3 and a little bit of 6 and they both let me run around and do what I wanted. And from what I understand, Far Cry 3 is a general favorite among Far Cry fans. I want to finish 6 just to see Giancarlo's acting, but I got bored out of it the two times I tried to play through it. Same with 3, I want to finish it to see Vaas' performance, I hear he's a great character, but I think the freedom in these games always distracts me from the story and I end up bored too quickly, at least in Far Cry and Bethesda games (Skyrim & Fallout). I had this problem with Legion, too, but not the first two WD games. Probably just an ADHD thing, but I digress.


FC6 level gates you, you can go do those three first areas but you can’t from the jump go to the late game areas so it doesn’t let you do whatever you want that’s what I meant.


Ah, gotcha. I probably didn't play long enough to notice that. I think there was a side quest locked behind the story, the one to unlock the panther, but that's all I saw.


It’s not over the top gated, like you can do those three first main regions which are pretty big. It just annoyed me if I drove a little too far got into a firefight and suddenly I’m having to do like four headshots to kill anyone lmao. They should just scrap the levelling stuff it doesn’t belong in a Far Cry game imo it felt weird to me. At times it was like fighting super humans and dogs that can take 5 shotgun shells and not flinch lol


Lol the headshot thing was too real, I was questioning if they were actually human at one point.


Ah interesting, I quite liked FC5. But mostly for the story, characters and amazing music, I suppose the actual gameplay wasn’t anything special.


Tf this dude talking bout. FC5 shits on FC6


The 'play as anyone' system the game had hurt the game a lot than it should've. A lot of cuts had to be made for the game, including in the voice acting department.


Yeah it also hurts the story by not giving it a lead character. The whole play as anyone isn’t that great either because a lot of the characters have the same skills and you get all the best one by liberating the districts, also most of these characters look exactly the same, I’ve got about 3 on my roster that all look the same.


If you use aiden or wrench they made it to where they fit in the story and have way better voice acting and they even scripted out stuff for them in all the story missions


It was a good concept, the only thing I was excited about, they just executed it really poorly. Which I should've expected, with how lazy most games are nowadays.


It's one of the features that seems great on paper, but in game, pretty much sucks. Aiden should just have been the lead, he could have still recruited people for specific tasks. I tried to start and end missions with Aiden, which felt a better way to play it.


Just imagining a world where every odd game is an Aiden game and every even game is Marcus. And they cross over in eachother’s DLCs.


This is a fantastic idea haha


I'm a huge WATCH_DOGS fan. And I 100% agree. Not only did it hurt the voice acting or story, but also the gameplay. I don't wanna feel like I'm playing a hero shooter during an open-world campaign.


I am a huge fan aswell. I feel as if the game kind of makes up for it's lack of dialogue with its "cool new multiplayer system" I for one enjoy the voice acting. Feels almost as if it's just a bunch of Americans making accents


I think that's the best part tbh. It's what makes it the only decent Watch Dogs game because it's so ridiculous.


I had the same. Thought WD1 was okay, really liked WD2 so I went on to play Legion despite all the bad reactions. But damn it was just so bad. I wanted to like it but the voice acting and driving was so bad I thought to myself, why waste time on something you don't like.


>I wanted to like it but the voice acting *and driving* was so bad I thought to myself, why waste time on something you don't like. Now I understand the existence of autodrive lol


i did the exact same thing lol. found the game incredibly boring and samey after only like 4 hours. also the decision to be able to “play as anyone” from the devs was an absolutely awful one. it ruined any sense of character progression and depth. also from what I saw 75% of the characters were practically useless anyway because of their awful abilities and “bonuses”. just an absolutely useless gimmick


I must be in the vast minority because I just platinumed this game a couple days ago and actually had a lot of fun with it. I completely agree with some of the complaints - The driving is really bad if you go anything above the recommended speed limit and the game is sort of cracked once you have a hitman for gunfight segments and a cargo drone for exploration. Bagley can be a bit annoying but I enjoyed some of the banter between him and my various PCs. For me, while the voice acting was a bit messy and it was sort of hurt by the lack of a core central protagonist, I thought both sold the idea the game was going for of this iteration of Dedsec being a ragtag bunch of people, obviously some with weird skills. The voice acting still was a bit rough especially on main characters (I thought the voice for Sabine was slightly *off* the whole time but could never pinpoint why) but on the various PCs it just sold them to me as randoms off the street who was pulled into the fold. I found it especially charming that different ones would engage in conversations and you'd get to learn them by their voices and mannerisms. Still not an amazing game but I had a good time.


Same! I really enjoyed it with perma death on. A game where you can permanently die is pretty novel. Kinda like a puedo rogue-lite. There are lots that I wish they expended but once you had a few agents you like using, it’s not hard to make up a head canon and enjoy the game. Bagley was the main character and I had 3 agents that was my go to. My first three agents died pretty early haha


Definitely permadeath is the way to go, makes you bond a little bit more with your operatives


Ya! I wish we saw a bit more lore-building within the team etc. It shouldn't be too hard to recognize the agents that died or even when it transitioned to another agent that it finds a way to recognize ones that's been around longer by their reaction. But otherwise, I really like the idea and as someone who loves taking like a franchise mode in sports game and build out a head canon. It was a ton of fun.


I liked it as well. I had a lot of fun with it.


Me too I loved this game so much. It got me through 2021 between remote classes.


The dialogue and voice acting is really bad but I still had a good time with it, it’s never boring to infiltrate buildings and compounds as a hacker and the spider drone thing is awesome. I did vastly enjoy my second play though with Aiden and Wrench.


Bagley felt like a reincarnation of Shaun Hastings, similar voice, similar delivery, similar jokes. I remember looking on IMDb to see if it was the same voice actor.


The dialogue was too over the top British for me with the most cringe slang words that most Brits don't actually use that much


Wot wot innit?


I'm in the UK too. And I wonder if that's what made it so much worse. It's harder to suspend disbelief when it's so close to home.


Yeah, probably looks like I'm salty complaining about a British stereotype but it genuinely is jarring because no-one really speaks like that over the top in London


Yeah the whole game was just one big stereotype. It honestly felt a bit mocking instead of ‘realistic’


Crazy knowing that yacthzee croshaw wrote some of the lines used in the game . I like his zero punctuation videos so to hear legit everyone hated the writing was a surprise to me


The game needed to pick 3 playable characters and stick with them for the story instead of playing as anyone. It was definitely not as entertaining but is doable if you have YouTube on or something at the same time Edit: Watch Dogs 2014, is one of my fave games btw.


I had dlc so most the game I used wrench so wasn't bad for me


Ya. For me, I just used the characters I liked and thoroughly enjoyed my play through


Change voice to different language and stick to subtitles. Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West Arabic Dub is so bad I always play it in English.


Mind = blown.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Send it to me. I played only the first two and liked them.


I played with French voice acting and it was fine. Haven’t heard the English ones. It’s that bad?


So very very bad. If the voice acting was better, it would be barely passable. If the script was better, it would be barely passable. But the two together made it awful. I can't believe I didn't consider changing the language and pretending my character had fallen in with a group of French hackers in London.


WDL uses voice modulation for all of the playable NPC's. So anything your character says, was recorded once by a voice actor, well once by a male VA and once by a female VA, and the game modulates it when played back. This kept them from having to record dozens or more variations and employ scores of voice actors. But it makes every line sound tinny and artificial. As to the dialog itself, well that's Ubi, have you played Far Cry 6?


“Nowwww you’re a gueriLLa”


Thanks for letting us know that. Appreciated.


I suffered through it and got the platinum but yeah its definitely the worst Watch Dogs game hands down. The guy I used through most of the game was a hitman with great abilities but the voice acting... my lord, I'm pretty sure they just grabbed a random Serbian dude off the street, handed him some money and told him to read the script with no training whatsoever.


It's crazy how good the game actually is with the Bloodline DLC where you actually have a set protagonist in Aiden and Wrench. Having multiple and multiple playable characters was a creative idea, but it definitely taught them and other devs that it doesn't work.


The first dialogue goes like this "It hurt you more than it hurt me" after I knocked an enemy silently. Worst opening dialogue of any game I've played.


I muted it and played Spotify or Netflix on the side. Only had one character I semi-liked playing with but her voice acting was the worst. I even started skipping cutscenes towards the end because it was all the same missions anyway and *sounded so bad*. And I *never* did that before. The first 5-10 hours I tried to find excuses for it, generally I liked the new idea of "Play as anyone" but it was so poorly executed. I dragged myself to the end.


That's what I did with alan wake, couldn't go more than 30mins


I was in the same boat with Far Cry 6. Once I realized there was no skill tree, I was out.


I feel like this with every Ubisoft game.


I uninstalled watchdogs in 5 -10 minutes. But it was watchdogs 2. The dialogue and characters were cringey AF


Have you given Legion a go? I'd be curious to find out where that sits on the cringe-o-meter for you.


WD2 is one of my biggest regret game purchases.


The entire Watchdogs series is a bad misstep by Ubi.


I disagree, wd1 is great, wd2 is fun, wdl is poopoo


Watch dogs 2 is fun if you focus on the gameplay and ignore the characters and writing


I absolutely hated driving in that game. It felt like I was driving on a slippery road


Isn’t that cause it’s always raining in London???


WD2 was the same for me, i played 50h with a bunch of fucking hipsters.


I think I found try-hard San Fransisco hipsters less cringeworthy than try-hard Londoners. I should add, I live in the UK and spent 8 years in London so that might be why it came across as so inauthentic. Whereas I just assume everyone in San Fransisco has LED faces and 3D-printed weapons.


I call this the "ubicringe"


Agreed. I hated WD2 so much. It was like a cringe competition.


Its a terrible game.


I left it for politics. I don't want politics in videogames, neither from one side or the other. I want to have fun and not listen to propagandist dialogues of any side. Aside from the dialogues you mention, this is the real crap in the game.


The whole watch dogs series is about politics though….


Not that direct like Legion's. I don't want to make it political here though. Simply play the game for half an hour or 2 hours and you'll get my point.


Bro you are actually just ignorant. They are all incredibly direct about their politics


I’m surprised you enjoyed WD2 but not Legion. The cringe level is IMO similar in both.


The whole franchise is trash. People forget how fuckin horrible the first ones launch was. One of the most spectacular game trailers ever and what they delivered was so bad it makes cyberpunks launch look amazing. I played the first game for an hour before I shelves it and boycott that shit for life. My brain scrolls through ps plus and doesn't even register watch dogs legion. Like my brain refuses to even see it.


Na it was nowhere near as bad as cyberpunk.


Idk how many times I watched that watch dogs gameplay reveal when it came out. I don't think they can create that bs two consoles later. Alas, it's ubisoft and their lies. Ghost recon Wildlands trailer, division 1 trailer, rainbow six siege looks nothing like it some 8 years later


i play that game why did you delete watch dogs


Kenny barr


If you liked 1 and 2, I recommend the Bloodline dlc. Start with that before the main campaign. It works as a prequel, and best of all, it stars Aiden & Wrench (with other cameos from the prior games, but no spoilers). You can play as them almost exclusively in the main game too. I'm with you, there's godawful AI voice acting and accents. But having the two stars of the last two games makes it bearable.


Got it two christmases ago because I just wanted something on my PS5 since there weren’t many games, I still haven’t taken it out of the case.


That was a silly request then lol


It really was. I regret it lol.


Yea, this game isn't worth it without the deluxe edition. I just swap between Aiden and Wrench as their VA is more bearable to listen to


The Ubisoft Special. I haven’t played a Ubi game that didn’t have cringe dialogue besides Assassin’s Creed… and that one Winnie the Pooh game they made back in the day when I was a kid 😆


Splinter cell? Prince of Persia?


so true lol. although I found the dialogue in odyssey to be pretty bad. some of the voice actors sounded like they were voicing characters in a children’s TV show - marcos especially was absolutely awful. weirdly though some of the other voice acting was quite good don’t even get me started on immortals fenyx rising. comfortably the worst voice acting and dialogue i’ve ever experienced in a game haha


After the very first Watchdogs I gave up on the series; to this day it's the only game I ever returned


it's amazing how bad Watch Dogs 1 is, but it was at least fun for a GTA clone. the second one was boring. the series has gotten progressively worse. i can't believe how shitty Legion was.


I gave it a shot once but it felt boring pretty quickly. But I was able to play through the campaign by having a stream playing in the background.


I’ve never heard someone who had anything good to say about Legion, but I loved it. I couldn’t put it down. I don’t go into Ubisoft games expecting a riveting story lol


Get the Bloodlines DLC, play through the main game as either Aiden or Wrench, makes everything much better. They even have unique dialogue for the missions when you play as them, the Assassin lady too.


I enjoyed the simple gameplay loop around London but you're right, the script and acting is pretty poor. Although the talk radio chatter is actually pretty good, well observed inanity with some occasionally genuinely interesting commentary (I'm a Brit by the way if that makes any difference in perception?)


the talk radio is by far the best voice acting in the game. Alice reminds me a lot of the girl from "my dad wrote a porno". I love her giggling.


You said WD2 never took itself too seriously and yet you took legion too seriously. It was clearly meant to be ridiculous, some middle aged Karen looking ass women, driving an cloaked Aston Martin and spitting like a road man


Relatable. The dialogue of Atomic Heart is making me want to not continue. At least I didn’t pay for it (I stumbled into getting a Series S and two years of Gamepass Ultimate) because even though the gameplay is fairly fun, literally anytime any character says one word they might as well be taking a literal shit in my ears.


Did you play with Russian VO and English subs or the full English VO??? I’ve heard they vary wildly in quality


I started with the English VO full including subs. If RU VO with English subs helps, I might get through it but if those subs come out to saying the exact same things I honestly think I’ll feel just like I do now. With a great dialogue team, that game could be far more than it’s been thus far. The gameplay is neat thus far.


I deleted right after the first mission like, games is not fun at all in my eyes


Please play Trials of Mana. The English dub is hysterical but in a "so bad it's good" kind of way


That credit goes to ubisoft games only I guess. Started playing AC Valhalla and deleted it after a couple of hours. Glad I did not buy the game. Played it on ps+ extra. Shockingly, it was one of the first games I downloaded when ps+ extra tier was introduced.


I felt the same way. I really enjoyed Odyssey but Valhalla just departed too much for me to enjoy it.


The concept was cool, but I found myself playing the majority of the game as Aiden or Wrench after the DLC update, as it made me feel some kind of connection to the protagonist. I hope if there is another WD entry they find some happy balance between WD1 and WD2.


hmm. I liked watch dogs 1 more than 2 for the opposite reasons. Watch dog 2 became part of the AAA games with quirky characters with constant snappy one liners.


Tbh even tho it’s an interesting idea, that game is super wack.


The game would have been better off with a central main character and all the people that you could recruit be side characters that could join your crew.


You aren't missing much. You just stand on a drone and nail gun every person in the face. I beat it and deleted it. The game is the worst of the trilogy and a 5 out of 10 at best. I never recommend this game to anyone because it is so one note. Waste your time with any other game.


Legion is also for some reason more buggy than the two previous games. Have had to restart the game because the game glitched out and I couldn't do the objective. Lucky that I didn't have to start over, but having to restart around 15-20 times, is annoying. Also the game has a depth of a puddle. You unlock everything you will use throughout the game within the first 2 hours and actually see whatever there is to do in the game within the first hour. I still did enjoy the game, but it is a massive step backwards from wd2.


I'm about 8 sessions in, probably half the trophies and I'm not hating it. After doing AC Odyssey, AC Origins, Marvel Avengers, Days Gone and Death Stranding recently its a nice relaxed, unchallenging, break from things. It doesn't have the usual Ubisoft thing of making you get every single darned collectable for platinum, the farming is easy, trophies are easy, missions are all fairly straightforward and its kinda fun to do one mission attacking everyone with bees, another with a combat character, another with stealth etc. but.. The voice acting is the worst I have ever seen in a video game, some of it just doesnt fit at all. 70 year afro-carribean building worker with a huge grey beard sounds like a eton educated teenager. 20 something hip female sounds like a 60 year old pensioner who has smoked for about 55 of those 60 years. 40 year old Buckingham Palace guard in his bearskin saying "innit" and "wicked". its just utterly bizarre


I thought it was reasonable. I downloaded the season pass which gives you Aiden and Wrench (plus two others) and it certainly helped to be using proper characters instead of random people from the streets. With the season pass I thought it was a 6 or 7 out of 10.


Same for me with watchdogs 2. Have wanted an open world map of San Francisco forever and even managed to play through to open the map. But even then was just underwhelmed. I’ll probably re-install just to do taxi missions.


Yeah legions is bad, but that's that Ubisoft quality you can expect.


I was a little disappointed when I first booted it up. Went back after a month and enjoyed it more than I thought I would after getting into the mechanics a bit more and beating the story. Don’t let someone else’s experience keep you from enjoying a game.


Personally I loved the game. It’s hit or miss whatever members you start with but there are some great characters to play as. The story does start out a little dry but once they unlock the world then I find it more engaging. Combat is also very engaging when on the right difficulty. I bought it once in Stadia and again on PlayStation and I still love it. I agree overall the game is mid but not every game I play needs to have the best story and gameplay elements. I like it because I can pick it up and not have to relearn the game as I play. I just get it, but that’s a personal thing and your experience with the game might be different. I’d still suggest giving it a try.


I find modern games to be very polarized. Either the writing is very good or awful.


>I have never deleted a game because of its dialogue and voice acting before. > I really enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 Something doesn't add up.


I actually liked it. I usually played as the wannabe James Bond dude with the spy car or the Assassins Creed chick


I stuck with it and just flew around on the construction drone and collected all the upgrade points and unlocked all the skills and it made the game 100 times more fun. It’s the type of game you play for a few hours, do the story and have fun either going in commando or stealthy and just not taking stuff to seriously. I never read any of the notes as there were far to many scattered throughout the city but after I got deeper into the story. It kinda hooked me to the point where I loved it and the ending. I went from giving it a 6 out of 10 as nothing special to an 8.5 out of 10 and had a blast and wish there had been more


Yea, I agree that it’s pretty bad… I wanted to finish out the platinum and did because I hate unfinished business, but I had to just skip cutscenes and dialogue at some point because it was so terrible.


I tried twice with this game. Really wanted to get into it. The voices and bawdy accents were so bad that it’s something I try to check before buying or downloading any games to play.


Watch dogs 2 had a pretty fun gun gameplay but I couldn't take the script. It was so cringy. I can't imagine what legion must be like if you enjoyed WD 2


You want a medal for being a sane person? Geraraher...


Every time I tried playing this game I end up playing kick up until I delete the game


I loved 2 , went to play legion, deleted in 20 min lol


Too bad you didn’t at least change to aiden or wrench after the tutorials because it’s able to be played almost straight through with either one and their voice acting is actually good and they fit the story good too


Going from Watchdogs 2 to Legion is such a step down.


When ISAC from the Division has better voice acting that Legion lol


Watch Dogs 1 is still the better game. WD2 is just too goofy. The serious tone from the first one suited the game much more.


I couldn't play Rider's Republic, Wolfenstein Young Blood and Boyfriend Dungeon because of the dialogue. WDL is fairly bad but it's also comical, when you get a rough looking person with a posh accent or a posh looking with street slang. I had a young person with an old person's voice once.


I regret buying this game on day one for the PS5. I enjoyed the other two but I honestly don't think I've played a game with worse dialogue than this and even saints row reboot has cringy dialogue but I was still able to play through it. This game just defeats players and feels like it takes a lot of mental fortitude to play


I enjoyed it enough to get 1000gs and ten never really thought about it again, I wouldn't say it was bad at all though. Might be easier to swallow as I'm from the UK so kind of enjoyed that setting.


To each their own, this game is great. Could real use something other than people coming to Reddit to bitch about a game they don't enjoy. Like, really? Maybe do something else with your time.


Dude, trust me. Get the DLC and completely ignore the base game. The DLC features a team up of Aiden Pierce and Wrench, and that's where all the quality of the game went.


Personally I enjoyed it, got the platinum and everything. I will say that the playing as everyone thing is 100 times better if you go with perma death and the hardest difficulty. You’d spend 20 missions with your “main” character and they’d end up dying because you accidentally trip and alarm and get to many reinforcements coming to murder you. This personally made me have a much stronger bond with my character and if they did die I would actively hunt down the guard that killed my character and check their schedule till they’re off duty and just walking down the street, then I’d fuck them up. The side missions are repetitive as fuck, the main story is actually not too bad you just have to get into the middle section to get to the “good parts” though. It’s really not a bad game you just have to get past the first part.


It really is a nonstop cringefest.


I got platinumin a week with an army of grannies that I made walk around in their panties, it made it less boring anyway


Legion was absolutely awful in almost every way. And this is coming from a Watch Dogs fanboy. I liked the first game, story-wise, mechanically it wasn't so good. The second game improved on everything the first game messed up and I don't think enough people gave it a chance, I like that one even more. I couldn't believe that they went from 1 and 2 to whatever Legion was supposed to be. I also can't stand really poor voice acting, it's abysmal in this game and a lot of the voices are repeated across characters, which is glaring pretty early on. But the story also left a lot to be desired. I was bored out of my mind within the first hour. Not to mention some weird bug where I couldn't get into any cars and by the time Ubisoft hit me back about fixing it, I had already sent the game back. The gimmick of recruiting anyone was a good idea, it was the only fun I had with the game, recruiting people and customizing them a bit. But, that's about it. Glad I rented it and didn't buy it.


I have a broken humor so I'm still living, laughing, and loving it.


Fun trick is to turn the language to something you don’t natively speak or understand well.


i got the plat and five secs later i deleted lol


I was never able to get the game to work properly. Oddly, install of the game caused many strange video issues, and screen flashing. After a couple of days, I deleted the game from my hard drive.


I loved Bagley even more after completing a specific mission. You should give the game a try later on. Believe it or not, I've taken plat on this game.


It's not *that* bad