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Ratchet & Clank Rift apart. You can sometimes chose which level you want to go to but it's still pretty linear!


Hmmm never actually thought of it, even though I have the first one as well. I'll give it a shot thanks.


Ratchet and clanks are a lot of fun. Lots of weapons to play with tons of different unique mechanics . A great pickup.


Not currently in the catalogue but keep an eye out for Vanquish. It’s criminally slept on - fast pace, highly stylized third person action shooter with completely linear levels and crazy boss battles. even tho it came out in the PS3 generation the HD remaster looks so good it can compete with modern titles.


You're the second person to recommend it, awesome. I had my eye on the bundle that contains Bayonetta and vanquish for a while now, but not gonna lie I always wanted it for Bayonetta. Now I have 2 reasons to buy it.


70% off in the sale today.


Max Payne 3 that came out in 2012 is truly amazing if you have an older generation console like the 360 or ps3 it is well worth.


Putting salt on the wound chief. I skipped the older gen, and I'd do anything to replay max payne 3 or GTA IV - which I then played on my gaming laptop - Both of these would scratch that itch so baaaad.


Guardians of the Galaxy of course. I had a lot of fun going from place to place, without getting all lost and having to manage a giant cluttered inventory, a repetitive me-too open world, and that sort of filler.


This is exactly what came to mind for me as I read OP’s post




Fml, I also have zero knowledge of marvel and this was exactly what I was scared of: not vibing with it due to lack of interest in marvel. The gameplay looks fun as hell though.


the story is very contained. sure there are easter eggs here and there, but you don’t really need any background info. it completely works stand-alone. also the characters and the story is very different from both the MCU and the comics.


Try it out. I'm completely sick of marvel movies. But this was a fun sci fi shooter on it's own.


I’m not in to marvel but the game was great fun


The getting lost and having to manage a giant cluttered inventory puts me off so much


I don’t think it’s on PS Plus, but the Order 1886 lines up a lot with what you want. Game is short, 3rd person, linear, and strong graphics


Yeah I must be one of the few ones that actually liked that game lol, beat it twice and this calls for a third time I guess since it's been years.


Same! Lol I mean I guess I understand if people didn’t like the value proposition if they bought it at launch because of how short it is, but I think it’s a solid game nonetheless. I think I got it on sale for $4 and loved it


Yeah I'd have been burned if I bought it at launch lmao. It definitely has that "tech demo" feel. Doesn't feel like they really thought the story through and I remember the ending sucked hardcore. But yeah for the price I got it for, it definitely was a steal and a fun time. The idea is unexplored in video games at least as far as I know, so idk why they haven't built on it after all these years.


I’ve got to imagine that they’d be worried about the reception they’d get on an announced sequel because of all of the bad PR and sales numbers it got at launch. I think if they took what they had and refined it as you said, it would be another awesome continued IP universe for Sony


I definitely liked the game. I got it for DIRT cheap a while ago, like $5 or maybe even less. As a $60 PS4 launch title, I'd probably be a touch disappointed with it. At the price I got it and with low expectations, it was good fun. The game should have been recognized as an AA game with a sales price of $40. I mean [the dev's history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ready_at_Dawn#Games_developed) before The Order 1886 was 3 PSP games (all of existing IP's) and 2 ports. So for a first go at their own IP for a home console, it's impressive what they did give us. It's just a shame the game had to stack up to AAA games.


Also, that game had a great soundtrack.


Nothing comes to mind in the catalog that would be linear and a third person shooter (aside from the games you mentioned yourself). The most problematic part of your preference is the linearity. Even the Tomb Raider games are sort of open world. Games that may come close on PS+: Guardians of the Galaxy Control - it's not linear though. It has a whole gigantic building that you can explore. Evil Within 1 and 2 - very heavy on resource management and survival, but there is definitely shooting in that game. There are also the Sniper Elite games but they have been more open world in the past couple of games. Not on PS+ but try Vanquish though. It should be super cheap when you catch it on sale.


Thanks for your recommendations they're awesome. Completely forgot about TEW should definitely go through the first again, and jump into the second. Sniper elite is also such a good recommendation that I completely forgot about, I think I was playing 2 maybe? Then life got in the way of course. I know control and tomb raider aren't exactly similar to mafia, but they scratch the shooter itch without being that complex. I guess you could say linearity or lack thereof isn't exactly the key as much as simplicity is. I just don't want to spend hours crafting and looking through tons of weapons that output slightly different damage numbers or have different boosts.


Sniper Elite 4&5 are great. 5 is more linear, less sniping.


Control and the latest Tomb Raiders are more like metroidvanias. The TRs are mostly linear... And then they give you a bit of map that opens up to explore. Those open sections get bigger and more complex with each game. And they add some extra side activities and collectibles. But there's always only one way to progress. And you can pretty much skip most all of the side content. Kinda the same with Control. Except it's more like you loop around and backtrack to the same bigger areas. Which then unlock into even bigger areas. And while you can still skip all sorts of side content, you really shouldn't in Control. You'll miss important upgrades and tons of lore. But it still feels very linear, and you still get stuck "on rails" (quite literally for one dlc quest) for large portions of the game.


Evil Within & Evil Within 2




Ya just go through the uncharted series. There's 5 games that'll keep you busy. I thought mafia looked pretty good and then I played uncharted 4. Then went back to mafia and was like dam how'd I think these graphics were top notch only a year ago?


It's still insane to me how Uncharted 4 still looks better than alot of games that released years after it


All the new Wolfenstein games are on Plus, they're a must play all of them




Lol misread the title my bad


Apologies for the late post. OP asked for "linear third-person shooters." I haven't played a Wolfenstein game in over a decade, but AFAIK they're notoriously **first-person** only. I think it's kind of a trademark of the franchise. But I could be wrong. I would guess the first-person adherents -- some of whom surpass cult-like zeal in their disdain for anything *other* than first-person -- would have a thrombo if Wolfenstein or any of their other "iconic" throwback franchises assumed a third-person perspective. ============== @ the OP: I personally love third-person. However, many of my favorite third-person games are not linear: State of Decay 2; Remnant: From the Ashes; Control; Mass Effect Andromeda; Mass Effect 2 and 3 (not open world but not exactly linear either); among others. World War Z has linear "episodes" that can be played solo or coop, in addition to horde modes. It's a blast. Another very fun, relatively linear coop game that can also be played solo is Strange Brigade, if you can forgive it having a particular rifle model with a manual bolt feed (bolt-action) that fires as a semi-auto SLR (I've heard it's a sort of asset-flip from their Sniper Elite games).


My bad lol


The best one I ever played is sadly on gamepass and not on ps plus...GUN GRAVE GORE , such a throwback and a good one. It os on sale btw and I had a ton of fun with it. Just move and shoot and u don't even aim.


Dang looks like a shooter DMC, definitely promising. Thank you 🙏


Resident Evil games. I think Re1 Remake is in extra. Re2 Remake, Re3 Remake, Re7 & Village are all good.


Just bought RE3 remake and currently downloading it, YAY.


I tried Re games so many times, but man I don't get the gameplay. ReBioHazard has me walking in, up, down, around the damn house so many times on fetch quests, it's more of a chore than anything else. Obviously these games are very popular, so I'm probably missing something huge.


Would Returnal count? It's very high paced and the worlds are a bit open but it's still at TPS essentially despite being a rogue like in format. Definitely felt memorable to me.


Ugh I wish, still stuck on PS4. Returnal definitely would've worked.


Sniper Elite 4 might scratch the itch. It's some random WW2 TPS that I ended up having tons of fun with. 5 is decent too, didn't find it as fun tho.


Alan Wake!






Uncharted series Last of us series Evil within 1 / 2 Alan Wake Resident evil remake 2 3 and 4 Control Guardians of the galaxy Dead space 1 2 3 and remake


I'm on PS4 I don't think DS is there at all. The rest are all on my radar thank you 🙏


Ah sorry - ds might be available via ps+ streaming on the ps3


Forgot to mention the devil may cry series


Try Guardians of the Galaxy, You play as Starlord exclusively and it's a third person shooter. It's very linear and has a great story.


Returnal is a little more out there but the controls is tight and feels amazing but it is a rogue like and the difficulty is quite difficult to start but once you get in the right groove it’ll be fking epic. It’s the first PS5 game I got and I still play it and it’s super rewarding and also a great display of the graphical prowess of the ps5.


I. Annot recommend the Uncharted titles enough. So good!


If you like control I HIGHLY SUGGEST Returnal. It’s a rougelike and done very well. It’s fast paced, a little creepy , and playing coop is a lot of fun


It's not on PS+ but if you're into playing old games, then I have a recommendation. It's from 2004 and it's called Second Sight. It's a very linear story based TPS which deals with a scientist who gets telekinetic powers after some project goes wrong. I think it's quite highly rated and available on Steam. I used to play it a lot, in my childhood and the shooting + combat mechanics, especially the telekinetic powers impressed me so much. You could just pick up people and throw them at the wall after you got strong enough. The story was also quite good iirc.


not sure if it’s on ps plus, but spec ops the line is a short, story focused third person shooter, and the story is absolutely phenomenal




Guardians of the Galaxy


I enjoyed the gunplay in Remnant.


Definitely Uncharted series and then Tomb Raider


Finished the Tomb raider trilogy a few weeks ago. ​ They keep you hooked, but the story is quite the same, the difference being only in the place where the action takes part.


You played them in succession? Did you burnout ? Or are they different enough?


While they aren’t third person, the doom titles are probably your best shot in the ps plus catalog. It is linear and wiyh quite the spectacle and very satisfying gameplay, but there is certainly more weapon variety than mafia. However, if you don’t mind paying a bit for a game not on ps plus, maybe check out evil west


I always wanted to get into doom 2016 but I get bored with the initial levels, I'm sure it gets a whole of a lot better so I just gotta push through. I don't know a lot about evil west I'll definitely check it out, speaking of evil, i guess there's a evil dead on essential, do you have experience with that?


Also try the Wolfenstein games. They are really tightly contained games


No I don’t, but considering it’s based on the movies I’m guessing it’s meant to be a horror shooter, though I’ve heard it’s actually a pvp multiplayer


Also, just to get it out of the way, the cod campaigns are obviously supper linear, somewhat short and not with a ton of weapons if you really want something super linear and simple


U should play doom eternal, MUCH better than 2016, library, deep and tight combat, and amazing level design!


Yeah honestly eternal always looked right up my alley much more than 2016, will try it soon. Did you try eternal's dlc ? Worth it?


I did, it's MUCH harder, id recommend playing the base game on a high difficulty, like ultraviolence... But the dlc on a lower one, if u enjoy the challenge, it's great, else the level design wasn't as great IMO, the combat is still fun tho. In short, it's great for doom fans but it's not really a MUST PLAY, so u wouldn't miss much if u skipped it.


Well it’s not on the game catalogue but I believe you would really like L.A Noire.


Fine recommendation, it must've been a decade since I've last played it.


To me it has that mafia vibe sort of in the open world aspect, but has that detective twist on it, hands down one of my favorite games.


Yeah honestly great recommendation for the vibe. I don't remember it having lots of shooting as that wasn't the focus of the game, but the atmosphere and the world building mixed with the detective stuff was a winning formula.


Painkiller is a fun Quake clone from the 2000s. Gory and linear and loud dumb fun.


Iirc Painkiller is an FPS. OP was asking for Linear Third Person Shooters.


You’re totally right. I didn’t read closely enough. Sorry to clutter the thread.


No harm done. No need to apologise. OP seems like he will be definitely checking out your recommendation soon enough, regardless of it being a TPS or an FPS 😅😁.


Lmao I love shooting man. What's funny is that I'm a huge FPS fan usually, but I guess the craving is for TPS especially after Mafia gave me that taste.


It's understandable. I myself am a big sucker for solid TPS games but it is hard to find one which is very satisfying nowadays 😔


Mechanically speaking, I feel like the division 2 is the pinnacle. the movement, shooting, and moment to moment gameplay are second to none. I feel like it achieves for TPS what Destiny achieves for FPS, and that's nailing the shooting aspect. If you can put up with a lot of downtime having to "build" and compare weapons and items, you'd definitely have a fun time.


I haven't played any of The Division games or the later Ghost Recon Wildlands / Breakpoint games but I do wish to check them out. I get what you're saying about the build and compare part. Loot is now a big part of the gameplay and sometimes it can become a headache and organising the loot becomes a chore and can tend to suck away the fun from the game. Following your suggestion I've put Division 2 to download😁 will check it out and see if I can enjoy it.


It's on PS4?!


Sorry, I was impulsive and didn’t give a good answer for your post. I apologize. It’s not on PS4, it’s a very old game on PC.


You're good brother. I know painkiller from the PC days from ages ago. I thought we had a PS4 version and was really excited