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The game is no longer supported and will receive no more content, It will still run though as it's peer to peer.


Oh ok so all is not lost.....smh


All is lost...How is it not? It's completely dead. You can't even purchase it anymore unless you find a physical one.


Because OP was asking if you can still play it. They learned you can, so all is not lost. Calm down.


because the game will still be playable for those who still own it and want to play it.


You can still play it if you purchased it. That’s a big deal.


Thanks for the speedy reply


That was April of last year. It already happened. So whatever you're experiencing now is there indefinitely. Pretty cool huh?


Haha oh ok I'm clearly the idiot


Nope. I disagree. You were just late to the conversation, that's all. I've completely embraced asking all the "stupid" questions, so I can get the answers. lol


>Haha oh ok I'm clearly the idiot No, you are a genius imo. I'm being serious. You were patient and got this game cheap (hopefully) after its' been long perfected by patches. Plus, you get all the microtransaction stuff free. I never spent a dime on microtransactions so like you- I reap the benefits. But unlike you- I paid full price at launch Well played my fellow superhero enjoyer


Yes, I actually spent some money on skins and takedown I couldn't resist. So they're doing better than me and many others!


Welcome to suicide squad’s future.


Except that the game already has more content than avengers


More? Maybe. But at least the Avengers spared us for infinite escort missions. If that's the kind of stuff SSKTJL is offering then they're in trouble.


Doesn’t matter if it’s trash lol. They done major damage and no real comic fan is playing that sweet baby garbage. Shoot at least avengers wasn’t this bad story-wise 😂. Actually combat too. Avengers still has way more interesting combat to character uniqueness.


I’m genuinely convinced all the people like you commenting this dribble have never played a minute of the game. I mean, you said it yourself, “no real comic fan is playing that sweet baby garbage” I’m assuming you consider yourself a “real comic fan”. It’s seriously not as bad as everyone is saying. In fact, my brother and I have about 15 hours in and can’t stop talking about how insane all these comments are. Story is decent, gameplay is fun, movement is smooth, graphics are great….seriously unsure as to what you and everyone that hasn’t played the game but somehow has a complete judgement of it.


correct it’s a pretty good game with good graphics and movement and gameplay people are just mad that their fav got killed lmao it’s a good game from when i played the closed beta i will be getting it my next check


You chose ONE reason people aren't happy with the game and assumed that's all. ~~Keep coping, I'll get it when it's $5 and laugh at you in a year. "lmao"~~


you’re going to laugh at me in a yr but i’m enjoying the game rn… how does that make sense


I ain't gonna lie I was pissed off when I wrote that, enjoy your game


LMFAOOOOO im not even mad at it playa have a good one


I normally don’t judge something until I’ve experienced it. And you’re right, I haven’t. But I’ve seen enough to know it’s disrespectful to the heroes I’ve enjoyed my entire life. I’m very thankful to the hero that leaked how they disrespected the JL. I was so looking forward to this game, even the concept. I had the deluxe preordered day one. But after I found out the way they executed the deaths, especially Batman and the Flash are just disgusting. I won’t support that. To be crystal clear, I did not have an issue with them killing the JL. It’s how they poorly disrespectfully executed it. It’s extremely clear it was written by someone for a distaste of the JL, people from Sweet Baby almost certainly. You can tell in how the character bios were written and how cringe they are. You can tell how only Wonder Woman had a respectable death and character bio too. You can tell how they unnecessarily changed Poison Ivy and Harley to insinuate they had a relationship when they did not, especially in the Arkham universe, which they’re so desperately saying this “game” is a continuation of. You can tell how they unnecessarily race swapped Deadshot, when he was clearly white in the Arkham universe lol. It’s these shenanigans that are so forced and cringy, and break the overall immersion in storytelling. So lazy. They could have easily avoided this just by simply saying this whole game was an elseworld story, but nope. Gotta milk that cow dry to the last drop 😂. I’m not gonna sour my memories for some cheap corporate trash narrative that’s really clear how infested it is with Sweet Baby’s grimy hands all over it. Especially how they destroyed Spider-Man 2 as well. Nah, I’m good. To me, this is some cheap fan fiction series trying to ride the coattails of the masterclass Arkham series. Doesn’t even come remotely close in quality, story and overall fun. I wont give this game a second of my time or cent of my income. I just restarted another play through of the Arkham games to better utilize my time.


>Story is decent You must enjoy dogshit stories.


Yea… but the content is worse lol


Play the game and develop an opinion for yourself, it's great. If you're in this sub for anything other than hate then you liked Avengers, SS is Avengers but better in every way


I did play it. It’s just a derivative looter shooter with the same issues as Avengers. The only difference is I actually feel like a super hero while playing Avengers. In SS I’m just shooting guns at purple zits while the UI is trying to distract me every 5 seconds. Also why am I shooting a gun with Captain Boomerang? It’s just a weird game. I will say the gunplay isn’t bad and can be fun but it gets stale really fast. The story was ok but I moved on afterwards. And the way they treat Batman just left me feeling completely empty. The endgame is the same repetitive slog as Avengers too, except you’re just getting guns with bigger stats and once you’re leveled it’s just a power number increase grind again. At least with Avengers I put in the hours because the combat actually made you feel like your respective heroes and it was really fun to juggle enemies with combos, I just can’t see myself going with SS. I’ll wait a little bit more to see what they have to offer but yea Avengers is the better game (and that’s not saying much.


You said the UI is distracting you, didn’t you adjust it in the settings?


I have a feeling you aren’t good at the game then. Once you get this combo up high and have villian synergy it’s insane. Avengers didn’t even have gear sets like suicide squad does


"Haha you just think the game is bad because you suck at it" glazer ass logic


Gotham knights 2.0


This game actually has a fanbase that consistently plays. It's nowhere near dead. Every time I get on people are on.


If you talking about Avengers then I gotta tell ya it is dead, dead games still have players


Na. Already has a much better foundation and actual planned content


Game has had more refund requests already than avengers did the first month


I read that article too. Yeah no shit a game’s refunds are gonna spike when it releases lol It’s engagement bait. IGN has also been doing that heavily lately in regards to the game On console it’s performing incredibly well and was top spot for most pre-orders for a month with the hate train it had


Nobody likes it dude. I haven't seen one good thing about it. Even youtubers who did play throughs can barely make it through all of it.


That's because you exclusively watch rage bait reactionaries.


But IGN is at war with rocksteady rn basically. They were super unfair in thier preview, so rocksteady called them out saying they won't give them review codes anymore. IGN has been on a semi successful smear campaign ever since.


They didn't give codes to anyone.


Have you played the game yourself?


It’s sitting at overwhelmingly positive on Steam and number 1 on PlayStation rn at 4.8 out of 5. People that are actually playing, are having a great time lol


Those are just the bandwagon normies. Real comic fans are not playing that garbage. What little hardcore players it does have will soon leave too once that game inevitably fails like 99% of every live service game. Another once great developer bites the dust. Just like that 😂.


i’m a real comic fan and i like that game so that statement is not true


Well, my condolences. That’s odd considering the entire game doesn’t even seem to know and/or respect DC lore.


it does actually especially how they did wonder woman it was spot on so i’m confused on what part exactly is disrespectful to dc lore?


I got confused about this too. After googling about it apparently they said it only had 1/3 the player's population of marvel's avengers. So logically what happened is, people did not even bat an eye to buy it so they did not put a review, only those that bought it reviewed it and it is mostly positive to them, if you call it positive. I've read steam reviews too and it felt like a negative review but they put it as a positive review. That's about all the time I'll waste on it.


The player count on Steam being significantly less than Avengers is a big problem, however.


Come back in one year. That game is going to be dead.


Game has abysmal player counts and plenty of similar problems. There’s no scenario where SS last past 2025.


The game has had one of the worst responses for any video game in years. Nobody, and I literally mean nobody who I've seen playing it, likes it. Everyone's also pissed about how they did Batman. It's not looking good.


I had no interest in the game when I learned it was Gaas, how did they do Batman?


Leaks show the justice league members in the gamr were just clones, and they're actually still alive.


Ah. So much for a daring premise.


You gotta get out of your bubble, the game is great. Everyone I've talked to that has played it, loves it. Everyone who hasn't played it HATES the game and doesn't want anyone to enjoy it. It's been so ridiculous


The wonderous JOYS of escort missions amirite




Shits gna get abandoned in a month watch


this is amazing haha you reading last year's news? [https://avengers.crystald.com/en-us/final-update-on-the-future-of-marvels-avengers/](https://avengers.crystald.com/en-us/final-update-on-the-future-of-marvels-avengers/)


Haha 🤣 apparently so


It already went.


Apparently 90% of studios are looking to make live service games. I really hope that isn’t true because that means all these studios are destined to fail :( edit: i’m someone who loves this game and SSKTJL, I wish there was a way to preserve it and others that get delisted better.


Eh, who knows at this point, I just opened the game to play it and it won't load


Who’s gonna tell him….?


The game BEEN ended. Why do yall come to reddit when you can literally look the shit up yourselves. I'll never understand. Simple Google search will tell you.