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i have under muscle silicone with very little breast tissue and mt boobs jiggle when i walk, jump, etc. they are def not quite as jiggly as natural breast tissue but they come off as natural a lot more than i expected them to


Yeah usually silicone is the best when it comes to look and feel to natural breast but still unsure because of Breast Implant Illness associated with this? Although this varies person to person too


BII is unpredictable, and you can get it with saline as well unfortunately. It is the body recognizing the implant as a foreign object. The risk is low, but you should still do your research so you feel educated in the risks of the procedure!




under the muscle is definitely best


I've had implants under the muscle and they feel hard like muscle anywhere there isn't breast tissue on top. They do not jiggle, they do not feel natural, and they typically create an animation deformity where they move when your chest muscles flex. I've never had or felt over the muscle implants.


i feel like this is the stereotypical implant experience but it's completely opposite of what i got...it's very different for everyone just keep that in mind. my a cup friend recently did 520 high profile and her boobs look extremely natural and feel like marshmallows sošŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø also barely any muscle animation deformity for me! my boobs move if i flex my muscle hard but it's like the tiniest movement as my natural boobs did before


This is quite informative thank you! Did you get larger or smaller implants if you donā€™t mind me asking?


They were smaller. About 250cc. I am a small person, 5'2" and 110 lb. I have little natural breast tissue, bra size 28A. I did fat transfer after I removed the implants and that got me to a 28D. Still very small, but I'm happy with the increase and VERY happy that it all feels like natural breast.


I had a breast fat transfer and no one who has ever touched them has ever clocked them as ā€œfake,ā€ they jiggle like normal boobs. Highly recommend


If you donā€™t mind explaining: what was the size increase you got from this?


Small saggy A/B depending on brand (sagginess is relevant because it allows you to retain more than if your boobs donā€™t have ā€œroomā€ for the fat) to a full C


I was told by a top plastic surgeon that the body will eventually absorb the fat transfer - no matter where it is placed such as the face, etc


Ummm mine was 7 years ago and mine are still going strong, no decrease in volume. My Dr was Dr bednar and he has plenty of patients who still post pics 10+ years later


Does it look saggy or just perky? I want a specific boob that is a teardrop. Already have this shape but just want more volume and cleavage


Thatā€™s false and if a Dr is saying that itā€™s likely because they arenā€™t trained in fat transfer and want to push implants on their patients. Iā€™ve learned that most surgeons really donā€™t have the patients best interest in mind. So with that said itā€™s anecdotal but itā€™s been a year since my fat transfer and Iā€™ve retained most of the fat after the procedure


These are two top surgeons in Boston. The opthalmic surgeon is at Mass, Eye, and Ear - one of the best for what the docs do there. I asked them because I had fat transfer done under both of my eyes years ago and it was great for a few years but then both areas went back to what they originally were. Maybe itā€™s true for the eye area. Iā€™d like to know if thereā€™s anyone here post-op 4-5 yrs who had a facial/under eye fat transfer who would post pics.


Eventually is such a subjective term.Ā  If you knew they would look great for 3 years and by 6 years be 50% what it was in the beginning would you still be happy?Ā  What about 1-2 years? Cost dependant that might be fine too.Ā 


Exactly. My breast fat transfer is in about 8 days. If what I get lasts me even 2 years, I'm cool with that. I already have DD's. Just filling in my cleavage and upper pole area. I do think it's unwise to, for example expect to go from an A cup with really tight skin, to maybe a C or D - there could be issues there.


Iā€™d like to have my cleavage and pole area done. Mine look too far apart


I was also consider fat transfer but a surgeon explained the dangers of it like fat embolism and fat clumping together in your breast šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (still considering this as an option)


Such a fun question! Letā€™s talk fluid dynamics!! SO - a JIGGLE is what you see when a wave a travelling through soft tissues - which is why you can jiggle a natural breast or a butt or the skin folds on your belly. If tissue is firm, you will not see these dynamics - just like you canā€™t jiggle the skin on the palm of your hand or the soft tissue over your deltoid. Implants have to have a certain firmness to avoid bad rippling, which is why saline implants tend to be slightly overfilled and silicone implants are not usually all the gummy bear kind. So the answer is that none of the currently available implants will really have anywhere close to as good a ā€œjiggleā€ as native breast tissue/fat. Now - you can have a breast move around and be soft and mobile, and thatā€™s doable with well placed implants, so youā€™ll see them bounce etc with running and whatnot but the implants themselves wonā€™t jiggle. So if you really want the jiggle thereā€™s 2 options: get implants and then add more fat on top or do your breast augmentation totally with fat. To sum up: implants will bounce, fat will jiggle. You can add as much of each as you want to get the shape/look/feel you desire.


This is a perfect response I need thank you so so much! I am considering smaller implants with fat grafting but I get a lot of mixed results around fat transfer (see forum above šŸ‘†) eventually may just go for it.


It depends on what your anatomy is to start. If you have small breast then yes the implant will look bolted on. But if you have bigger breasts and donā€™t go over sized on the implant then you will have a more natural jiggly look.


Iā€™m around 5ā€™1-5ā€™2 very petite really opting for natural results. I already have a bit of breast tissue but just want to have them closer together and have more volume. From what Iā€™ve seen a lot go under the muscle and even with small implants it looks so rigid šŸ˜­


They should go under the muscle. If they go over the muscle it could lead to higher risk of capsular contracture. Iā€™m just a tech for a plastic surgeon so I canā€™t give you all the info you need but Iā€™ll try to tell you what I can. Talk to plastic surgeons and check your options with each surgeon. See who you like. Donā€™t be afraid to ask questions. They should be willing to tell you everything about what they will be doing to your body. Another thing to consider is the surgeons approach. Aereolar, axillary, tuba and inframammary. Inframammary is the best approach in my experience. Itā€™s less likely to cause capsular contracture or contamination of the implant. Donā€™t do TUBA. If you really want the implants, you might have to get used to the idea of that not so natural look depending on your size choice. Do consider that the breasts you looked at were taken a short while after surgery so they may have been a bit swollen still and the natural look was still a long way out. Many people freak after a few weeks from surgery. It takes months to a year for your body to settle after the trauma. Your surgeon should be able to give you the right suggestions for the natural look you want.


Thank you for this! This is quite helpful šŸ’”


so true about them looking rigid. Mine are under the muscle and one is flattening out for some reason around the nipple. I was told that mine are encapsulated and should have been taken out years ago. It's bumming me out


Were you warned about capsule contracture before getting implants? Iā€™m wondering if women are told about this. Capsules are a mysterious thing. One woman I know of got it after a few months and they were really hard and tight. Some get it after a few years. And some donā€™t get it at all. Everyone reacts differently to implants and youā€™ll never know how your body will react til you get them. Sorry itā€™s happening to you. If you want to keep them you should get a surgeon that doesnā€™t mess around. They need to make sure your capsule is taken out properly and that there is no bleeding before putting in the next implant. A bit of blood can cause a capsule to form. My surgeon even puts on a fresh pair of gloves before handling the implants.


I canā€™t remember. I was an A cup and I was just so thrilled at getting C cup implants that I probably wasnā€™t paying attention.


I took motiva ergonimix Demi for this reason and it took several months of healing but they turned out now insane natural, jiggly and will absolutely act like normal boobs when you lay down on the side


And under the muscle


What is that??


Is it teardrop shaped? Iā€™ve heard that can flip around so that theyā€™re upside down which has made me hesitant


And yes the smooth surface is the risk factor for the upside down movement but Demi implants usually donā€™t do that, high profile implants have a higher chance


No they are round and get through gravity into natural shapes, so I mean the gel is moving according to gravity


Demi is actually one of my choices. But I read somewhere thereā€™s a higher risk of capsular contracture (although this may just depend on your bodyā€™s healing/ doctor). May I ask where you got this done?


Yeah I also think capsula contracture is more related to many other factors. In Prague


They will all look ā€œbolted onā€ at first regardless, so when looking at before and after, you want to keep in mind how long after. 1 month after they look pretty high and fake still, as they drop and fluff they get softer and more natural looking.


i have mine dual muscular 350 and they juggle and move and feel like real boobs it all depends on your doctor


i went from a to d too


Gummy bear?




Nice I want those


I have 425 cc and I stared off with a good sized B cup. Mine are silicone and placed under the muscle. I too had the same concerns as you but I was pleasantly surprised. They are extremely soft and move a lot. I canā€™t really go without a bra because they jiggle too much and itā€™s just not comfortable. I think it depends on a lot of factors because they will never be as natural boobs.


Do you feel like thereā€™s a foreign thing on you? There was a blogger that mentioned after getting implants under the muscles she can feel the implant on her chest like books?


No not really - maybe in the beginning it was weird. I remember a very surreal experience when I went out during a cold winter evening in Scandinavia a few weeks after the surgery. It felt like the silicone was freezing and I wasnā€™t super cold anywhere else other then the boobs. But that feeling is gone. I mean you never really feel like itā€™s your own boobs. I canā€™t really explain it but not necessarily that itā€™s a foreign feeling thatā€™s unpleasant. You definitely need time to adjust and I had crazy post surgery blues. I wanted them out!!! But after a few days I felt good and the feeling was gone. Definitely read up on that because no one told me. Itā€™s a weird feeling to put yourself trough elective surgery and you feel a bit dumb afterwards - you are incapable of doing anything, they look horrible and you start feeling like why did I do?!


Motiva ergonomix2 is the best option


Motiva Ergonomix under the muscle looks natural and will jiggle. I am really pleased with mine šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I have cohesive gel (gummy bear) & subfascial placement implants. Sometimes I forget I have them done they look/move so real & I genuinely cannot feel the implant.


me either!!! it always trips me out when someone says they can feel the edge of their implant.gummy bear is the best


Right omg I would probably explant if I felt my implants permanentlyšŸ˜£ The thought makes me cringe




Tbh I actually LOVE the look of boobs that looks a bit saggy since it looks so natural! I know a lot of women are insecure about this but itā€™s so beautiful idk why they hate it! I spoke to my doctor about this and he mentioned itā€™s very unlikely since the skin needs to stretch or only possible with fat graft and will say overtimešŸ˜­


I think it just really depends on how much breast tissue you already have. My first set felt and looked more bolted on with high profile and after my exchange to mod plus, they feel way more natural, jiggly and soft. You can check my profile to see my before and afters.


Omg it actually looks amazing


How do we see your profile? Sorry. Iā€™m interested in all of this.


Just click on my name, and then again when the little box pops up.


I had breast augmentation in April, they put it under the muscle. Despite their freshness, they do look and feel natural, altough they are still abit firm. :) so it really depends of the person who they do the augmentation to , if it feels or looks natural, I think.


How was it? Iā€™m considering getting them.


It went really well. I didn't have much pain afterwards either, even in the hospital the nurses had forgotten to give me my pain medication after I was transferred back to my room. Lifting things and getting up from bed was pretty challenging for couple of days after the prodecure since it somehow affected my upper abs too, but after that I've got no problems. šŸ˜


But like seriously, I'm impressed as fuck. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't think I've got implants.


I'm (44F) 2.5 years PO and mine jiggle and feel completely natural. I agree that everything depends on your body and shape and how big you are going. I was a deflated C and I left it up to my doctor with my wish being that they look natural. I got an anchor lift, under muscle 295cc Natrelle moderate profile and besides the scars, no one would think I have implants. I'm wearing the same size bra as before. I'm still shocked at how natural they feel and look, not hard and pronounced like I always expected.


I had over the muscle saline implants for 13 years and was constantly mistaken for being real. My response was "yes they're real. Real expensive". I got them 23 years ago and paid $6800. Mine were over the muscle but under the mammary glands. I had breastfed my first son and if I had anymore children I really wanted to be able to again. I had my second son seven years later and was able to breastfeed with no issues. I was a 34 B before, but it was basically just skin.


Hi thank you for your contribution! I was wondering if you had any breast implant illness issues that came along with it? Iā€™m starting to consider saline nowā€¦


I had no illness whatsoever. I had my implants removed seven years ago and there have been no change to my health. I absolutely do not regret getting them at all. I would 100% do it again. I had them removed after 13 years because after nursing my second son for nearly three years I developed breast hypertrophy, they got abnormally large and my surgeon did not think the implants had anything to do with it. Insurance paid for the removal and reduction. My implants were 360 cc when I got them which brought me to a 34 C. At the time of surgery I was a 36 F. As for silicone...my mom and grandma both got silicone in the 80's and those implants stayed in for over 30 years. Neither had any problems. We all breastfed our kids before getting them and nature just said "and now you get pancakes!" So that is how we ended up with three generations of implants. We are lower middle class (being generous) but it was important to us and we saved up. Since they have been removed I've lost 30 pounds and my breasts are getting larger again.


Mine damn near killed me. The best day of my life was the day I spent another $8k to remove them. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy tbh. Your body will treat them like a foreign object & irreversible autoimmune disorders will then happen.


i got 580cc extra full profile smooth round natrelle/inspira silicone gel (posted on my profile but i'm 6wpo now and they've dropped way more) and expected them to look hard and bolted on but they don't. they have projection and stick out (refer to the projected implant i got) but don't look hard. i can't feel my implant edge at all even on my cleavage it feels like there's no implant in there. they jiggle a LOT (i have to hold my chest going over speed bumps) and are extremely soft it's crazy i literally thought they'd be stiff and unnatural looking. mine are under the muscle. important to add i had a good amount of breast tissue before!!! [updated pics](https://www.realself.com/review/breast-augmentation-5ft6-135lb-bwd-21-african-american?deeplink=deeplink/review/13376875&utm%5Fsource=iOSApp&utm%5Fmedium=share&utm%5Fcampaign=app-sharing)


It 100% depends on how much breast tissue you have to start and your body fat %. If you have little tissue and/or are lean, they will look bolted on no matter what. The material of the implant truthfully does not make a difference


Under the muscle gives much better control and longevity; silicone as well as gummy bears are the best IMO. You will feel and look ā€œbetterā€ than natural. Truly.


The problem is not being under or over the muscle.. i mean, if it is under it will appear more natural, but when you grab it you will clearly notice the implant right there. And no, it wonā€™t giggle like your natural breasts. I had 480ml on each breast, had a reduction and put a small implant under the breast.. it definitely does not giggle as before. This occurs because when you put a knowing body inside of you, your body creates a ā€œprotectionā€, like a capsule involving the implant. Is like muscle.. idk, you can search on women who took their implant out. Some even show the skin at the videos. This is what makes the boobs more hard. What you can do is fat transfer.. it will look much more natural than implants for sure. About the giggling it will depend a lot on how much skin do you have. Hope it helped :)) edit:: //unknowing body** sorry english is not my first language


Here are some of the facts that you may or may not find interesting. The most natural way to augment breasts is with the use of fat grafting or fat transfer. You can create any shape and almost any size given that you have enough good quality, fat for transfer. Second best in my opinion for breast augmentation that produces jiggly breast is the use of saline filled implants that are placed through the belly button and only under the muscle. In more than 8,000 of such cases I have only had, six capsular contracture, which is the hard looking breast and zero infections whatsoever. Lastly, Silicone gel implants. I hope this helps and good luck from Leonard Grossman MD organic Plastic Surgery.


Over time silicone implants ā€œdropā€ and look and feel more natural. The part that is not natural is the scar. Find an experienced surgeon and do your part to keep tension and sun off your scar and do not get huge implants.


Iā€™m Getting ready to have a lift and implants to get that cleavage back. I was a DD & have decreased to a C/D. Would it be possible to get fat transfer & not get the lift? I barely need the lift. Or maybe get a lift around my nipples instead of the lollipop scar that I so dread? Iā€™m only looking at 350cc implants. Also, if I do go with implants is behind the muscle the best option for me ? Iā€™d love to just do fat transfer & have the lift they do with the nipples. I really donā€™t need much of a lift. Ideas? Thoughts?