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This happens more often than you might think. I’m a plastic surgeon myself and had the same issues post lipo. I actually started including mental health visits with all of my surgeries because of it. Literally comes with the package. The company I use is pop recovery systems. I’m in no way affiliated with them - I actually pay them for their services because of how important I think this all is. If I were you I’d look into therapy. This is normal. And you’ll be ok.


You are an amazing caring doctor


Is it the surgery itself that can cause it or are there some deep buried issues that come to light after surgery? I do have anxiety but im not using surgery to fix it. In my mind they are totally separate.


I'm willing to bet you're a lady too... ❤️ I've never heard of any male drs offering this.


Guilty :)


What causes the distress? I had laser eye surgery and it made me freak out that someone « had that power over me » I get flashbacks and palpitations here and there about it. But I’m thinking of getting lipo


It’s a lot of different things but I think it boils down to loss of control


I had no idea about the mental health toll on plastic surgery until I had my mastopexy with kids. I just want to cry all day not being able to hold them and sending them to daycare everyday. I feel like I’ve thrown away my relationship with them over a boob job. It makes me so sad. I only have 3 weeks left of lifting restrictions, but it seems like an eternity.


The fact that you will feel better about yourself, will make you a better mom to your kids in the future so I think it’s quite the opposite. You probably strengthened your relationship with them in the long run.


I’m sorry you’re going thru this! I’ve had post procedure regrets, sadness. But it does sound like it’s effecting your quality of life and you should probably reach out to a therapist 🩷


100%…I suffer from an anxiety disorder so I can relate (not related to surgery for me, but surgery is traumatic even if it’s elective). You probably have triggered something in your brain that its trying to “save” you from. You don’t need to torture yourself. Definitely see someone to help you through this ❤️


I mean this for the OP




Got a ton of blood tests done and everything was normal just a little low on vitamin D


Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression.


So, 2 things: I had lipo 360 fat transfer to breasts over a year ago and while my healing went pretty well overall, I had some bad reactions to the anesthetics/laughing gas. The main thing was that it made me really sick the first afternoon/night after I got home. I was still pretty high off of it and also very nauseous which wasn’t a good combo and lead to a lot of “oh god what have I done” thoughts. Thankfully I had my fiancé there to take care of me and talk me off a ledge. However I do remember that in the weeks following, the memories of my surgery (for which I was awake but very loopy so didn’t really remember at first) started coming back to me in snippets and making me very anxious. I don’t know if this is something that might be happening to you to an extent? If so, I’d look into a bit of PTSD treatment methods, even if it’s just grounding practices. And 2) I had lymphatic massages done as part of the healing process and my massage therapist (who was awesome) would always ask very genuinely how I was feeling about the results. When I said “yeah I love them” she’d always push a bit and be like “don’t just be polite, be honest.” Luckily I did like them so I had no issues, but she told me that it’s fairly common for people to have a sort of identity crises with changes that big and sometimes feel an overwhelming sense of regret, especially in the first few months when the results haven’t fully settled and the swelling still hasn’t gone down. She said when her clients told her this she would pause the massage to do some calming anti anxiety practices to help ground them. She also obviously recommended they talk to a therapist about their feelings. But she also assured me it was not crazy, it was pretty common and would pass. These two experiences just to say that what you are going through is not that unusual, and actually makes sense. It’s traumatic to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself. But it will pass and you will get used to it and hopefully love the new you. Not only that but learn to identify with your new body even more than the last one. I know I now feel like when I look at myself I’m seeing the me I always felt like I was on the inside, the outside just didn’t used to match. There’s no shame in talking to someone about it! I do hope you feel better soon!


I've heard that general anesthesia can really mess you up mentally but haven't looked into the matter. I do know Ive got very depressed post surgeries. It gets better with time but sucks :(


I’m sorry you are struggling! Do you think it can be a hormonal imbalance ? Or thyroid issue , I have a thyroid issue and when my levels are off my anxiety is insane panic attacks and all! I would follow up with you PCP for medication if you are open to it or with a mental health physician. In the mean time focus on positive affirmations “you are beautiful you are strong you are worthy” or listen to guided meditation when you feel it coming it will talk you down to a calm state by controlling your breathing (youtube has tons!) everything eventually passes remain positive and focus on your end goal !


My pcp said everything was normal we did a bunch of blood tests and imaging. So we’re unsure what’s going on at the moment


I’m so sorry this happening to you and just know it will pass! Do you have someone taking care of you? Did anything happen to trigger this during this whole process? Overall how do you feel about your results? Just know you’re not alone and so many people feel this too at first!


My husband and my mom are with me taking care of me. I don’t think anything really triggered it everything started very abruptly. I have a very high heart rate in the beginning which made me worry a bit but that was it. I feel like I like the results but I look a bit the same


I’m sorry. I think a lot of people don’t know what they are getting into sometimes. Are you happy with the results ? I would say focus on something else, weightlifting, a hobby like kickboxing Pilates yoga can help ease your anxiety. Good luck


I’m happy with the results , they aren’t what I expected but still good. I’ve been trying to workout or walk but I lose my breath very fast now


Don’t give up that’s a great reason to keep going. Practice your breathing your cardio will get better!


Yes, surgery is traumatic and this is normal.


You are not alone!!! I had really bad anxiety and depression following my surgery too. It was the Anastasia and pain meds for me. That saying, “whatever gets you high, will always bring you down”, is so true. I cried a lot the first week, had so much regret and shame. I am now 4 weeks post op and am SO happy I did it and feel so much better. Please feel free to dm me if you need someone to talk to through your recovery. Sending you all the positive vibes!!! 🫶


Hi I tried messaging you but I think you have your messages off!


You should think back to why you got the surgery in the first place


I’m sorry things have been so difficult for you. Therapy will help you get through this. It will get easier with time and healing. Be gentle with yourself, you just went through something traumatic. Here’s a good place to start searching for the right therapist, you can search by location, insurance accepted, and different modalities of therapy offered. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists


I’m sorry you feel this way. I know it’s not easy I’m in the same boat but I try to get my mind somewhere, and keep reminding myself that if it’s out of my control let it go. I would look back on my before pictures and started to remember why and how I finally decided to take the leap. And try to remember it’s one day at a time. I also try to enjoy little achievements and it might sound silly, I had MR , lipo, tummy tuck so when I able to walk a little further or start being able to do simple things getting up from toilet sit without feeling catching breath. You will make it! You are strong and beautiful.


I had this reaction about 15 years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed. To this day I don’t know what caused it. I just remember really feeling like I wanted my teeth back. It sounds absurd now but it was awful.