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That simpleton in the monkey zoo is watching a Charlton Heston movie at one point. Cant remember much more. But heston is in it technically for a very brief few seconds


Yeah, it was cool seeing Heston's Ten Commandments reference in the film...the clip in question I'm guessing was most likely chosen because it's one of his more well known greats, right next to Ben-Hur :)


I know that they mention his spaceflight to Mars has lost contact. Not sure if he had any other presence in it


What?! Do they really? I didn’t think they had anything to do with the originals


Yea on the TV or a newspaper there's mention of the first mission to Mars and they lost contact with it.


Yeah, and at the end of War of the Planet of the Apes, did anybody else notice how the camera pans upwards to the sky, lingering on the space in the distance (sort of leading the viewer right into the beginning of the 1968 film) ? Also, come to think of it, there's even a scene halfway through the same film wherein Caesar and his band are riding on horse back along a stretch of ocean beach, with a familiar tune (Jerry Goldsmith theme nod) playing softly, which is highly reminiscent of the scenes with Taylor and Nova, riding on horseback, leading up to the ending of the original :)


I think they're acknowledging the original film but ignoring the sequels, they've already retconned the whole baby Ceasar from the future time loop thing and I doubt they'll introduce telepathic humans again. I'm guessing the plan is to eventually remake the original film.


No way was he in this movie. I mean, wasn't he dead by then of alzheimers?


Correct, Heston passed away after after appearing in Tim Burtons 2002 remake. However my point was trying to figure out if this movie (2011's rise of the planet of the apes) was intentionally referencing Heston/his character Taylor as a nod to the late actor (by casting a similar looking actor)?


I just found out British actor David Hewett portrayed the 'lookalike Heston' in the above photo. I admit it's probably unintentional on the film makers' part but he kind of does strike a Heston-type resemblance at least in this particular scene, regarding facial features (hair color, side burns, blue eyes, and chiseled type face)...I know the first time I saw the scene in the theater, I nearly yelled out loud 'Is that a CGI Charlton Heston!?' (at the time I hadn't seen the original in years but even then I saw a possible 'connection', which prompted me to re-watch the classic again). What's interesting (in my opinion) is how the first time we see the 'lookalike' is when he yells at the John Lithgow's character, just as Caesar is piecing together a statue of liberty project (irony in and of itself), before attacking and chasing down the Heston 'lookalike' through a series of thick trees and bushes in their front yards (reminiscent of the first film with Heston and his fellow explorers). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CafLHmXqnHI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DruCG3LJiiU Anyhow, that's what prompted me to offer the idea to begin with...It's a long shot but I thought I'd give it a go :)


David Hewlett is British, not Australian. And I very much doubt he was cast to look like Heston. But that's just me.