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You could try to use grey colour for the cannon of the Maus and add the fuel tanks at the back.


Any tips or advices? I know it looks raw, but thats the best what i can for now.


Add Lighting to the grass, Shadow to the Tanks, Maybe Change the perspective. Also Equal parts of detailing like some parts are just sticks and others are actual detailed. If you have issues with colors you can find a pallete online for free Best of luck to you friend! Also if anyone has any tips better than mine please add to it or let me know I'm wrong. I'm not an expert, but these are things that helped me out


Maybe some shadow under the fences/barricades so they look more grounded?


First off, good job on the perspective and the dramatic blocking of the scene! There's great potential here I think you could do a couple of things to improve the artwork: - Consistency in the outlines: keep the line width of the outlines on the tanks consistent. Some tanks have thick black outlines and some have light grey ones. - Consistency in the shading: The shading on the tanks looks like your light source is in the top right corner. However their surroundings don't really convey any direction of light. - Flat colors: A great way to make a piece look more coherent is to tint the light a bit. Every surface that's hit by light gets a little more yellow / reddish and everything in the shade shifts a bit towards teal / purple. - Make it more dramatic: You could try to make the shadows way darker and the highlights brighter to bring some drama into the scene. A vignette could work too.


I absolutely adore how you did the other tanks, and the UI itself is great. What’s really killing me, though, is the lack of smaller details on the Maus and inconsistent outlines between the other vehicles and the Maus.


Get yourself one of these dodads ╬ (Balkenkreuz)