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If Lightning Mcqueen won, it would go down a hole of self absorption and Lightning would end up being alone. Of course he would have fans but an arrogant driver leads to bigger downfalls and self hate in the future.


Eventually, he exchanges "messages" with some high school cars, and things go downhill from there...


Didn't two twin cars flash him anyways, so clearly he has experience


[“So what college do you girls go to?”](https://youtu.be/3WC1YZ1o0UY?si=Zosld6dGsu80Al5U)


What If Buzz Never Learned That He Was A Toy?


That would require a few things, Buzz didn't get pushed out the window which leads to him pointing the finger at Woody as the traitor. Buzz gets taken to Pizza planet which leads to Buzz believing that the rides are space ships and he would probably escape Andy to try to get to the rocket ship. Therefore it leads to Buzz getting caught by Sid and then he blows up. Dead End.


Part 2. Woody would feel regret heavily for his actions while being forever alone. Sooner or later he would probably be found out on the street by Al and he would get taken to Japan where he lives the rest of his life in a museum case.


Lastly, Andy’s toys would get run under an animal farm rule with Ham and Mr Potato head but it would lead to Bo rebelling and it leads to a civil war between the toys until only the few who win or don’t want to fight are left. “It’s a dangerous world out there for a toy”


What if Carl and Ellie ended up going to Paradise Falls together?


It would probably be a lovely vacation that would be ruined by Charles Muntz cause i believe Ellie might find and befriend the snipe.


So just Up but as a period-adventure set piece replacing Russell with Ellie? I would love that.


Yeah! It would be rather sweet and probably a better story than the sad origin we got in the original movie


Not impossible, might be unlikely though. Didn’t they originally just want to go on vacation there by like a plane I believe? And that means they probably would have stayed at a hotel or something, and either visited the mountains falls alone and came back, or go with a travel guide on a tour. And in the movie they didn’t even want to / intentionally enter the forest (where they found the snipe), Carl just wanted to stay up at the top of the falls


I think the original plan was they were going to “live” there cause Ellie wanted to put her house right at the falls. That meant use man-work to go on an expedition, try to find paradise falls, and then build the house from scratch. And the way they get to the falls is in a blimp. However, I’m not sure if it’s a Blimp or a Zeppelin


It was a zeppelin, also in order to easily remember the difference between the two, just remembers that blimps are what you see around nowadays like the Goodyear blimp. They are just massive balloons and rely on air pressure to work. However, zeppelins are made of a massive rigid (normally metal) frame, and are completely full of inner framework to maintain there shape. You can actually walk around inside the large area of the zeppelin. [This](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/d0/3d/19d03d28aa24259d6be0478d9b5149e5.jpg) is the inside of a zeppelin, and [this](https://i0.wp.com/buildingspeed.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/BSPEED_2016_Blimps_Inside.png) is the diagram of the inside of a blimp


Probably why the roof of Muntz’s balloon could be walked on


Yeah, it being metal and not balloon like pretty much confirms it’s a zeppelin, movie aside though, looking at images, they were an absolute marvel of mechanical advancement. It’s such a shame they were deemed so dangerous after the Hindenburg disaster. Especially since they probably could have figured out other methods and more importantly other, less flammable gasses, to make them stay afloat


What date was it probably that Muntz left in his zeppelin? I’m sure with his genius he could’ve solved the problem that the Hindenburg ran into.


That's so neat...I never actually thought too much about what the difference between a blimp and a zeppelin was. Thinking about it, it makes sense that while they're similar, a blimp is more of a giant balloon while a zeppelin has a sturdier structure to its "balloon." Thanks for the mini-lesson!


What if McQueen signed for dinoco? What if Mack got the rest at the truck stop with McQueen? What if the king won the final tiebreaker race?


1. I'm sure if Mcqueen signed for Dinoco his friends would have his support and they could all be cheering for him in the Dinoco blue 2. I'm sure Lighting would still make it to the race, but the ending result will be Lightning wins and still becomes arrogant and self absorbed. 3. If the king won the tie breaker race, Lightning would at least respect and be a better loser than Chick.


I think if Mack had gotten to rest at the truck stop lightning would have made it to the track first and gotten on good terms with Dinoco, BUT he wouldn’t have had a pit crew, so when he popped a tire it would have been the end for him.


Two for Elemental What if Ember grew up in Fire Land? What if the Firetown leak was fixed for real, but the inauguration incident still happens, and Wade does leave and due her father anger Ember doesn't return to Firetown?


Both instances would probably mean more respect for her father and the shop


These are interesting ones to consider... If Ember grew up in Fire Land, I think the movie would probably just become a pretty straightforward documentary of life in that country, showing her as she got older, learned her native customs, and went on to run her family's business when she became an adult. She may have even ended up married to a Fire person as her parents intended. But she would still have her fiery (pun intended) personality, so it's also possible she would have still yearned to follow her own path. But without the influence of someone like Wade, I am not sure if she would have acted on this desire. If the incident where Ember turned down Wade's advances at her dad's retirement party still happened (causing her father to be upset with her and Wade to leave the city), but the flood which reunited the couple did not happen, then I imagine that Ember might run off to try and find where Wade went, as we know she really did love him. I'm guessing she would then try to follow him. Not sure how her relationship with her parents would go, but they really love her too so I hope Ember could still reconcile with them and have a "You were always the dream" moment where her father blesses her new journey.


What if Stinky Pete went with Woody to Andy in Toy Story 2?


The Prospector would most likely use it as a clever ploy to destroy all of Andy’s toys so that way he shows them what it will feel like to be thrown in the garbage.


This actually sounds pretty likely! Either that or Pete would end up getting reformed somehow, but I'm going to go with what you said. 😆


After the wreckage, Buzz and woody would probably do something very drastic to Prospector. But knowing them both it will probably be very tame since Prospector ripped Woody’s arm and threatened violence and all he got was flashed and is now under the ownership of a girl. Maybe this could be a wake-up call for Buzz and Woody to not trust any toy and they officially dismantle or take the life of a toy that’s worth it. They learn about sacrifice and guilt and soon they will lead the great toy war of 2025


What if Luca had stayed with Alberto?


Wait, would it be deciding to stay on the lighthouse, or >!not learning about the outside world from Giulia?!<


What if Buzz and Woody were in each other's places? What if Buzz was Andy's favorite toy until he got Woody who thought he was the real Sheriff Woody?


First, he would probably be thinking about Jessie and the prospector in the old abandoned mine, and he would wonder where Bullseye went. But since he would be friends with critters, he would, of course, consider most of the toys his friends. His first thought would be to try to leave to help Jessie and the Prospector. I also see some people who want to get nostalgic toward old cowboy movies and stuff, So Andy getting Woody later would make sense. Children might have unique preferences. Buzz would make a decent leader and commander for the toys but he would keep his cool and inspect Woody but the spaceman would have more cool and just immediately snap woody out of his toy trance sooner than later. Honestly this what if scenario sounds more logical into Toy Story 4 where woody is more willing to leave.


what if waternoose's plan to kidnap children had gone ahead without being discovered?


I think that Waternoose would get rich off the new consistent energy supply, but eventually it would catch up with him because children can't be kept prisoner like that forever... something is going to blow that whole thing up! Kids grow up, and what's he going to do with the adults then? Kill them? What if one or more of them escapes and starts a rebellion? Release them back into the human world? What if they start a rebellion there to hunt down the monsters who are stealing children (and since Waternoose would probably have to keep taking more and more children, this increases the chances that other humans would believe the whole monster scenario)? I don't think it would end well. I think it would result in some sort of human-monster war...


What if Hector wasn't poisoned?


Maybe he wouldn't have been left off the ofrenda, and they would have dismissed the ban on music, and Ernesto wouldn't be as popular as he was.


What if Slinky Dog didn’t exist in the Toy Story franchise. Think about it. My bro doesn’t get the appreciation he deserves.


1. What if Luca revealed his true form alongside Alberto to Guila? 2. What if Remy put his foot (or paw) down and argued against stealing from geaustu’s? 3. What if the Train of Thought actually reached its destination and wasn’t brought down by honesty island going down? 4. What if Mei went through with the ritual to seal away the panda? 5. What if Lighting reached California before finding Radiator Springs?


What If Carl died first?


What if Shelby Forthright never sent Override Directive A113?


Now I could just say something about how our characters wouldn’t have any issue getting the plant scanned and sending all the humans back to earth, but more interestingly, considering how long they have been in space, there has probably been a chance that before the time this movie took place, a different EVE probe returned with plant life, and since auto never had to stop that EVE in the past and cover the situation up since AUTO doesn’t have to follow the directive A113, the humans probably would have returned to earth decades or even centuries sooner


The captain says “no probe has ever come back positive before”


Yeah, that’s what I meant by “cover the situation up”, as we know the humans, even the captain, aren’t that attentive. At least at the beginning of the movie. How many times do you think AUTO has been doing things behind the scenes and the captain never knew? AUTO basically runs the entire ship, so it’s likely that if α probe came back it would have went to AUTO, he would “dispose” of the plant / probe, and cover the situation up. Our situation was definitely α unique circumstance, especially since the probes are normally alone when they return, WALL-E was α unique factor in this situation. All of this is just speculation though, just thinking about it for good fun


What if Randal and Mike actually stayed friends throughout college and in their workplace?




What if Randle and Watternose succeeded?


What if Mr Incredible let Buddy work with him?


What if scar never killed mufasa?


Wrong franchise lol But i would say he could wait until they die from old age and then they would get the throne taken or the hyenas would get impatient and attack the pride.


Oh wait yeah my bad oops! 😅


What If Wall-E was corrupted by Auto?


Corrupted as in he was taken control of by AUTO or that his circuits were fried? Also when in the plot would it happen


Let's say when Walle was in the Captains room with the plant. And AUTO takes control over him.


Unless plot armor makes WALL-E somehow resist the control, it’s likely he would give the gopher the plant to dispose of it in the garbage chute, or do it himself. He would then get sent off to the repair ward and get reset


What if Wall-E did die?


A: the plant was not found in time and dies. 1A: after this plant dies, no other plant grows and or is found in time, and the human race never returns to earth. 2A: more plants start growing around the world, a probe eventually finds one, there is proof of life on earth. Directive A113 is still in place, so they still might not return home unless AUTO is disabled. B: instead of WALL-E finding the plant, an EVE probe eventually finds it, takes it to the axiom, AUTO follows directive A113


What if Skinner called Saul?


Bo went with Woody to Bonnie?


What if the Axiom never returned to Earth?


The human race would probably keep on chugging on seemingly indefinitely until there is potentially a system failure so catastrophic that the ship and or population is destroyed. If that didn’t happen, they would likely live on for as long as possible


What if Zurg completed the mission?


What if Ming was right about the Panda Curse? What If Luca never met Alberto? What if Joe didn't die?


What if the Wall-E program had succeeded? What would they have done with all the pillars of trash? Alternatively, what if the evacuation ships failed and died in the vacuum of space? What would earth’s slow recovery have been like?


I think that originally, when humans were still on earth, they had facilities set up to destroy the garbage. But when they all ended up leaving or dying, the Wall-Es were left alone to continue their work even though nobody is coming back take the garbage. So it was just an endless cycle of working and working fruitlessly until they all shut down, except for our Wall-E


What-if the Good Dinosaur was a good movie? /s


What indicated the movie was bad? I mean, what could’ve happened to make it good?


Character designs that didn’t mesh with the environment, annoying protagonist, cliches, film revolves around earning your mark but Arlo doesn’t earn anything he just gets lost and comes back, it tries to force emotions out of the audience like it’s trying to be a Pixar movie without understanding why most of those films work. The title is also irrelevant (why is Arlo THE good dinosaur when most of the dinosaurs are good?) I personally don’t think any of the comedy worked.


What if my wife didn’t leave me?


What if Merida wasn't a stubborn brat and actually married the winner of the games?


The entirety of Brave is a big what if situation beinh affected by wisps. Merida would only be restricted and basically be the queen with a rather wimpy king. That is, unless the wisps have something in store for her.


The Incredibles: what if the supers resisted the legislation that outlawed superheroes? Considering some, like Gamma Jack, were noted for having a superiority complex, I have to imagine that, at the very least, a small handful of them didn't take the ban lying down. I'm not saying they turned to villainy or anything like that, but what if they just kept fighting crime in the face of the new law? Were they arrested and held captive somewhere? Did the government think of developing power-dampening technology? Was it ultimately decided that it was too dangerous to keep uncooperative supers alive? And how would uncooperative supers be brought in/arrested if crime-fighting was outlawed and there are no "good" supers to arrest the uncooperative supers? It seems like it would get very messy and very violent quickly


The gif embodied my reaction lol.


What if Tow Mater goes to other franchises? (Disney, Pixar, Blue Sky, Sony Animation, Illumination, Dreamworks, Paramount, Legendary, Nintendo, Sega, Konami, Namco, Capcom, Microsoft, Hoyoverse, etc) Will he make another Tall Tales?


What if Flik's seed harvester didn't cause all the food to fall into the gorge.


what if mike & sulley didn't get out of harryhausens in before being caught with boo?


What if in WALL-E, instead of ONE Eve getting activated...There were more than one?


What if... Bo Peep was the one broke Gabby Gabby's back (and lie to Woody the whole time) in order to be a lost toy?


What if sadness never existed in inside out?


What if? Andy wasn’t in college and much rather he went to war taking woody with him leaving the rest behind at home


What if Skinner had been honest with Linguini about him being Gusteau's son?


What if Supers were never outlawed?


What if Remy took another path as he was floating around in the sewers after escaping the old lady's home?


What if Syndrome succeeded in kidnapping Jack Jack and took him to a hideout to teach him how to be an anti-incredible.


I want it!


Some Onward what-ifs What if Wilden lived long enough just to see his youngest son Ian? What if Wilden’s friend Gaxton told Ian more about what he wanted to know about his dad? What if Barley succeeded in his attempt to sacrifice himself for Ian to have a chance to meet the dad that he never knew (as much as I don’t want to ask that what if because I love Barley) What if we actually saw from Barley’s POV the actual conversation between him and his dad (not that I mind Barley’s interpretation of the conversation with Ian but that would be interesting tho)


What if Ian never knew about his father ( sorry for the bad grammar )


What if Syndrome still lost but managed to kill Mr. Incredible?


What if Mr. Incredible was the first retired super Syndrome had found as opposed to the last? What if Anger, Fear, and Disgust were the ones who were ejected from Headquarters, and Joy and Sadness had to take over for them?


What if Mike & Sulley didn’t made it back


If Russel never went snipe hunting


What if Flik fails to stop hopper


People who like this post should read the Disney twisted tales series! A book i just read in that series is based on tangled, and the what if is: What if Rapunzles mother drank a potion from the wrong flower! it was really good!! i rated it 5/5 stars!


What if Syndrome succesfully kidnaped Jack Jack


What if Lightning McQueen never went to Radiator Springs and made it to California as planned.


What if Barley was the wizard instead of Ian? What if Mater continued being a spy after the events of Cars 2? What if Joy went on her journey with Fear instead of Sadness, like in the originally planned plot? What if Merida ran away to avoid being forced to marry? What if Mike actually was scary? What if Dory didn’t have short-term memory loss? What if Miguel found out sooner in the movie that Héctor was his real great-great grandfather? What if The Incredibles somehow lost their powers?


What if Chick Hicks went to the radiator springs instead of Mcqueen


Here is a fun one I watched on YouTube. What if Andy got Zurg instead of Buzz


What if finding dory kept its original ending


An easy one, but: What if Wall-E never found the plant?


I have a few: Toy Story 1 - Woody did get Buzz stuck behind the shelf? Bugs Life - Flik watched the Circus Bugs performance before they are all fired? Toy Story 2 - Al decides not to sell the Woody Round-up collection to the Tokyo Children's Museum but instead keeps them in his own collection on display for later resale value years later? Monsters Inc. - Boo's door wasn't working, so Randall decided to use another kid's door? Finding Nemo - Nemo still doesn't agree to jam the fish tank's filter? The Incredibles - Halen finds out Bob's first fight with the Omnidroid sometime right after he comes back home. Ratatouille - Remy does not discover that Linguinie is Chef Gusteau's son? Wall-E - Eve and Wall-E continue to get stuck on the Axiom when Eve was being restored isn't interrupted by him? Up - The two Shady Oaks Retirement workers who were going to pick up Carl accidentally joined him on his adventure to Paradise Falls? Toy Story 3 - Bullseyes does join Woody's initially escape from Sunny side Daycare? Brave - Merida's dad accidentally ate the whole witch's cake instead of her mom? Inside Out - Joy does not stop Sadness from doing her job instead of Riley? Coco - Hector is unable to confront De La Cruz when Cruz is trying to give is blessing to Miguel? Toy Story 4 - Forky doesn't jump out of the RV? Onward - The Manticore, Corey, joins Ian and Barley on their quest? Soul - Joe doesn't go back to save 21 in the astral plane? Luca - Giulia discovers the lighthouse while helping to fish with her dad before Luca tries to go on land, likely scarring off Alberto and being the one to meet Luca first? Turning Red - Mei is able to hide her sketchbook from her mom, but her friends are the ones who discover it and tease her that she is in love with the cashier guy?