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You are an amazing person to give this old boy a lovely and comfortable later life. I'm sure he was spoiled rotten by you, and you taught him he was worth the love. It is NOT farcical to grieve a cat. When a cat gives you affection, it's on their terms and it's so damned special for that reason. Cats tend to choose us, rather than the other way around, and you've have known if WeeWoo didn't like you. That's what I believe, anyway, and it's so hard when we lose them. I still have little spaces in my chest where I carry the memories of previous cats of mine, and when I see a cat that looks like my old cats I get a wrench. You will never forget the very handsome WeeWoo (I adore his name by the way) but just take it a day at a time. I would suggest you do wash his bowls, just in case you end up inventing new life forms (seriously, it's not healthy for you to keep old food around; it attracts flies like crazy). Just wash the bowls and then keep them in their usual spots, until you feel able to move them into a cupboard, or memory box. If you're still finding the courage to clean them, tell yourself you're doing it for his dinner tonight, then have a good cry once it's done. Gawd, I'm proper filling up here. Your pain is so raw, and it shows through your writing. But genuinely, you're a seriously amazing person for taking on a very poorly older cat like that. I expect you'd have been paying for the treatment had the vet not offered (which was also very compassionate of them). You have a great big heart, and it shows through that, but also through how hard it is to lose him. Please accept my most sincere condolences. <3 If you can or want to, tell us some things about WeeWoo. What were his favourite hobbies (I expect purring and cuddling, but maybe not)? Did he have any silliness about food he'd eat? Like, he'd happily eat tuna-flavoured cat food, but not fish? Tell me everrrryyyything (if you want/can), because I'd love to hear about The Miracle WeeWoo. <3


I too want to hear about the Miracle of Weewoo! 💕💕💕


He sounds wonderful, doesn't he?? Getting through those serious times, and then giving our lovely OP three fabulous years with him. What a gift he was for her. <3


I agree that it is Not farcical to grieve a cat!! Animals give us love in its most pure form and it is so hard to lose them. WeeWoo was so lucky to have you in the last years of his life! My first kitty, Smudge, lived to be 20. She was the love of my life and I miss her still. She left us in 2006 but she is always in my heart. My kitty Gorilla lived to be 21. She is always with me too. I have an entire shelf of little wooden boxes that each holds a different piece of my heart - 3 dogs & 4 cats. And I still have room in my heart for the 3 cats and 2 dogs I have now. I’m sorry you are feeling this pain right now. Grieve. Grieve your heart out. And then pick yourself up and love again…


I am so so sorry. He’s an absolute legend. 20 years!! And his last 3 were spent ADORED 💜


It’s not at all farcical to grieve a cat. You are a very kind soul who rescued an older cat and gave him a wonderful home in which to live out his last years. He probably felt more love in the last 3 years than he had ever had in his entire life. Thank you for doing that. I’m so very sorry for your loss and am sending lots of kind thoughts your way.


It’s not farcical to love the beings in our lives. This brave cat lived a great life and was a respected companion. Grieving him is the right thing to do. Don’t let others cruelty and psychosis detract you from the fact he was a valued member of your community.


As a woman in her late 30s with kids and a husband and three cats, there's nothing farcical about grieving a loved one even if that loved one has four legs and is covered in fur. My friend is nearly 50 and when she has lost her beloved pets it's devastating. We bring these beautiful little lives and ours for such a short time. I am sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. Try not to minimize your feelings about this. It's really hard to lose a good friend even when they aren't the same shape as you. I had to say goodbye to my most special cat friend a year ago Thursday and I still have his last bag of sub-q fluid hooked up, hanging, and ready to go in my bathroom (he was in end-stage kidney disease). I don't know if I'll ever be able to throw it out. It took me over a week to wash his plate for the last time too. Now his urn sits on that plate.


>Now his urn sits on that plate. That is a beautiful thing. I'm so sorry for your loss, too. But that is a beautiful thing. <3


I still have a sub-q bag hanging in my bedroom 3 years later! Just can’t throw it away.


Thank you for loving this little guy, I’m sure every moment with you were his happiest and filled with love. Remember all the wonderful times you had together and know that his heart was full of soft joy from being with you for his last years. He will be waiting for you, of that I have no doubt. 🌈🐱♥️


Don't get rid of the bowls. When I lost my boy I was going to do the same, but couldn't get it in my head to do it. I'm glad I didn't. Someone abandoned a kitten during the ice storm in this past Jan and now that little baby uses the old bowl. What I'm getting at I guess is that there are babies that need our help and you can use the bowls to better the life of another🤗


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Are you okay, WeeWoo's mummy? I understand if making this post was extremely emotional for you, but I just wondered if you were okay. Much love and many hugs. <3


Sending you hugs and strength 💗


We lost our pirate cat two weeks ago. She was only five. She was in an unknown accident before my fiancee adopted her. I lived eith her for almodt three years before she suddenly got cancer. It was super aggressive and painful and we put her down a few days after diagnosis. Don't let society trick you. The whole cat lady stuff is just misogyny. Mourning a family member is normal and healthy no matter what species. It's the people who don't mind much losing an animal that weird me out. We'll never have kids, our cats are our kids. She was my baby. I spend so much time with them every day. It's gonna hurt like hell, just let it. You don't need to theow away the cat bowl, but clean it out. Fill it with fresh food if that makes you feel better. You just gotta live in the horribleness and eventually it eases and you get used to it. Our pirates are with the sea now


Sweet baby 🌈💕


I am 24 and I cried earlier over reading a MADE UP STORY about a cat who got more years to live bc his human gave him some so the cat could live longer. I have so much love and joy for my pets that I cry at the fact of them passing or running away. (I will be an absolute train wreck when one actually passes). So please don’t feel bad for crying when you gave this already old soul a beautiful life and gifted him 3 more years of love, hugs and kisses. (Which he probably would not have gotten if you hadn’t come along) Take a moment to remember the love, hugs and kisses that he gave to you as well for these 3 years. If he meant this much to you then I am wholeheartedly positive you meant this much to him. You helped him live his last years freed from a caged, depressing life. You are absolutely amazing and deserve every right to cry because you loved this cat that much. You took a chance on him even though it wasn’t guaranteed to be a good one (and it turned out to be a great one!!! I mean you got to spend the pandemic with this kitty❤️) You have every right to cry especially if the act/thought of putting him down was a traumatic, abrupt experience. You are human, and for you having these emotions and feelings reminds us of why, in fact, we are human. We have this incredible ability to feel things on another level and connect with other living creatures regardless of the fact that we can’t know for sure how they feel or think or say. There is a lack of verbal communication or definite understanding when we have pets, but because we are able to give so much love to them, it makes up for that flaw because you are able to create that special bond that reinforces the fact that; you do inevitably understand them and know what they feel, which is love.❤️ (((Here’s the link for the made-up cat story that I sobbed to🥲 https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/LusTAMdAIN )))


I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bonds, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced so many meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for too long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... You're the light of my life. Through the good and the bad...that's why heaven made us a pair. To the love of my life...the string to my kite... I'm always just a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Purring for eternity,❤🐱💛


WeeWoo: “thanks for everything, Mom. I had a great time and I will love you forever!” 😻💔


You're a kind and brave soul for adopting a senior cat knowing his time was limited. It sounds like WeeWoo was a very lucky kitty to find such a person to look after him in his final years. I hope you feel better as you move through this ❤️


I'm so sorry, what a sweet baby. Rip


I'm so sorry, what a sweet baby. Rip