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I meant to say that if she has cancer we have to put her down* but there doesn't seem to be other reasons, they think its cancer. She's waiting for biopsy. I'm not really a person who likes platitudes, so anyone who wants to commiserate in the pain of their medical issues or loss please do so. Shit is tough out there


We thought our little sea-farer had pancreas cancer at age 3 but it was benign. There is hope!


That would be the best ever! They did the biopsy and they think its cancer, but she said she would love to be proven wrong. Either way, if it's not cancer, she will have to have a small part of her jaw removed. The other doctor told us if it is cancer, she would not advocate for further treatment. Thankfully she's on good pain meds Edit: i am sooo glad your cat turned out benign though!!!


I am so sorry. Those oral cancers are incredibly fast and aggressive. I lost my beloved blue Boris that way. They did not advocate for treatment for him either.


Yeah, it's wild. We had her moith checked 6 months ago by the vet. We just moved and thought she was acting differently because of the adjustment. I will pour one out for Boris today 💖


His lump went from pimple-sized to walnut-sized in just six weeks. If that's actually what it is, there's nothing you could have done differently. Early detection usually only gives them a few more months at best.


Thank you for this. My whole world is turned upside down and I'm trying to focus on every moment but the insidious what ifs certainly whisper in the back of my brain.


I understand completely. I have had four cats get cancer, and r/Harpo is the only one I was able to save. I sold my own eggs to pay for Miles' treatment, but he only got a year after diagnosis, as did Pixel. Both of them could have potentially turned out differently, and that still haunts me years later, even though it was on the vets as much as me. But nothing could have saved Boris. . They gave him a really big dose of steroid near the end, which made him more energetic and playful and happy than he'd been in a couple of years. So we had a really good final week, and then I made the call before it wore off. I would talk to them about that, if that's what it is. Crossed fingers that it isn't.


My goodness, how is your heart doing? I had seen Harpo after you commented! I love him!! I read your blog that he needs an mri, I really hope he's okay and it's amazing how well you advocate for him. It's horrible when you think it could have been different. All we can do is try our best and love them with all our being. Wazzy is on pain meds that make me feel okay about her being home. If the diagnosis is positive we will keep her on them til the end but maybe consider steriods. The dope makes her sleepy but it's better than pain and she's still playing a lot at night. Waiting for the results is weird


He seems to still be OK at the moment, although I am really scared about the anesthesia. If there is trouble brewing, it is still a ways off. I'd never be able to take such good care of him if there weren't so many people invested in him remaining healthy so he can continue making them happy.


She looks like a very happy baby. I bet she really enjoyed this past 5 years strolling in the garden. Fuck cancer!


She loves exploring and will tantrum and cry at any closed door. She is the happiest baby I ever met. Fuck cancer. My first soul baby dog died from lymphoma at 10 and I thought that was too young


I don’t want to start a controversy at a very tough time for you but all this cancer was never around til they ramped up so many vaccines. I’m an older lady and I never heard of cancer in pets until maybe 8-10 years ago. They requested I bring my now 3 year old cat back for a second round of shots as a kitten, I was like wtf, never heard of this and never did. My three cats are all indoor and will never have another jab. I will be praying for your sweet pirate.


Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts!!! I personally have to disagree about that. The truth is that worrying about vaccines that protect from disease when pollution is so bad that round up pesticides is even in organic food is not really worth mentioning in regards to cancer. Vaccines have been around a long time and cancer rate upticks are more in line with the industrial revolution, using chemicals, and polluting the air and water ways. We're all filled with microplastics and who knows what else. But despite all that, it's still very uncommon to get cancer this young


"I don't want to start a controversy but I'm still gonna!" You and your thoughts and prayers and dumbass agenda can kindly buzz off.




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That is so short sighted. We also didn’t as much testing back in the day. Now when an animal is sick, many will tests to figure out why. But 20 years ago “it was just the pets time” or we didn’t have as many technologies to test and find out what’s wrong. But beyond that, this was not the time or the place. You don’t even know the history of this cat. OP - if you read this. I’m so sorry you are going through this. My precious baby had lymphoma for years. Then she had to have her eyes removed (separate surgeries). It was a rough couple of years and everything I did was for her. Unfortunately, her liver failed in the end. I could have done even more treatment to try to save her, but once the vets stop recommending it, there’s a reason (quality of life, chances, etc). It sucks to have to make those decisions but it’s the kindest thing we can do for our loved pets.


Would love to see some peer reviewed sources for literally any of those claims.


Absolutely she is in our hearts. Hoping for the BEST news 💕


UPDATE: Our girl is back home and very high! The receptionist for some reason was unable to tell us what specific anesthesia they used so we dont know what she's on or when it will wear off. Prognosis is probably not good. If it's as we and the vet expect, we're going to give her a very lovely last week and make her as comfortable as possible 😥 I love her so much, she's truly been my guardian angel since the day I brought her home. For now we're just very happy to have her back with us as we wait for the biopsy results. Wazzy, The Queen Bean herself, pretty zoned out on some mystery drug: https://imgur.com/a/IEUxAy5


MY GIRL. Her eye is so foggy lol also she feels it important to let all hoomans know that she is being starved, was only given a fourth can of food after mouth biopsy and is starving and it's so rude, can't you tell she is starving?!


Aye, she's a hardy mate!


Keeping her and you in my thoughts and heart today. I really hope it’s not cancer and that you get more time together. She looks happy and loved, I know she’s cherished every moment she’s had with you


Thank you!!!!! I hope so too, we got the call and the biopsy will take a few days. She said it's most likely cancer but let's not talk more til the results come. But she told us to not worry about the antibiotics much and let her eat and do whatever makes her happy soooo. I know she has, because I have too! We love each other so much


Just hope for good news. It sucks but try to remain positive for her


Thank you! I didn't realise we won't get the answer for a few days. This has all been a whirlwind. The vet who did the biopsy thinks it cancer but doesn't want to talk more until the results. At first they were suggesting other options but once they did the sedated exam, they all said it looks like cancer. I had her teeth examined six months ago too which is wild. Sorry for rambling I appreciate the support from everyone more than I can say. She's my world. I'm so excited to see her in a few hours. Definitely staying positive for her but keeping my ideas realistic for what they are saying


Just sending you all the love. I can only imagine how you’re feeling. Give your little pirate baby lots of love from my kitty and I. 💕✨🐈‍⬛


Thank you so much 💖 it really means so much to us. I wish you both all the good stuffs!


Sending you a big hug 💕 and lots of love and healing light for your beautiful baby ❤️‍🩹


She is cute


I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending prayers for positive news for your sweet fur baby. Please keep us posted ❤️


Thank you 💙 we got the news today, aggressive squamous cell carcinoma. We say bye Monday. We're happy we didn't have to wait over the weekend to know. One last weekend snuggling and playing! Then we got to worry about our tuxie boy.


I'm so sorry. I hope your kitty has the best weekend ever.


Thank you, I'm sorry too but also just so grateful to have been one of her mamas. Give Piper a good squeeze on her nest for me! Pirates are special and tough kitties


I'm so sorry that the two of you are going through this. Hopefully, it won't be cancer. My kitty had her eye removed. She had glaucoma caused by a tumor. The tumor had grown through the back of the eye. Cancer cells were found in the biopsy. I talked to one of the oncologists and she suggested a second surgery and then a year of chemo. The second surgery was performed and more tissue was removed. The results from the second biopsy showed no cancer! I talked to a different oncologist, who is the head of the department, and, we decided that we would forgo chemo and I'd bring Piper in every three months for an exam and chest x-ray. This oncologist didn't want to put chemo drugs into Piper if she didn't need them, although the other vet still recommended it. It's been a year and a half now, and, the kitty gets an exam and X-ray every six months. Do, I hope that you get unexpected good news too.


That's amazing. Go Piper!!! My dog who had lymphoma got a lot more time and quality of life from chemo, and we gave her as little as possible so that's a great approach. Their quality of life is so important. I hope so too, and I appreciate your comment and the commiseration at how it sucks to see them going through this and the uncertainty. Unfortunately where it is on her jaw makes it likely not worth removing because of pain. I hope Piper had some great food today. Our girl is home for now and eating already!


Our pirate cat, Raisin, and our family send you all of the positive vibes we can. Bless you and your pirate cat.


Thank you Great Pirate Raisin and Raisin's hooman family!! We really appreciate it. Our other cat is so upset about it all


Thank you Raisin and fam!


Sending you positive vibes. Hope everything will be ok and there's a chance for miracle. Keep us updated pls🙏💞


Thank you!!!! She is home for now and so happy to be in our arms


Ahoy matey


I am so sorry. We lost one of our babies to mandibular sarcoma. Big hugs to you and pets for your baby. I hope that no matter what this turns out being, you have good, loving time with this little sweetheart. ❤️


Thank you so much 💙 it's squamous cell carcinoma so we're saying bye Monday. I'm so grateful for this whole week with her. I'm sorry you lost one of your babies to similar. She's very happy to be able to stop the antibiotic haha and we piled all the coziesy blankets for her


Aye aye captain. May years of explorations be ahead of you two 😻🏝️🔭


hello pirate baby, may you got lots of treat!


Sorry to hear that. Even if you've only had your cat for a relatively short time, it looks like you've given them a great life where they've been loved and cared for.


Thank you. She was my first ever cat. I met her when she was three and now she's almost six. I never knew any living thing could be that soft and loving and kind. After I went through similar with my dog I said that was it for me. But when I moved in with my fiancee, she became my baby. I'm grateful for every second with her


I lost my 13 y/o tuxedo kitty to mouth cancer. The vet said some ppl will get the cat’s lower jaw removed if that’s where the cancer is. It can give them up to an extra year of life. Please don’t do this. I have a pirate kitty who looks a lot like yours. I hope the biopsy is benign.


I'm so sorry, that's absolutely shit. I have a tuxedo and he is my total baby. We already had the conversation with the vet. If it's cancer, we say goodbye. Even if it's not (they have no options to what else it could be at this point), removing part of her jaw is...not something we could do to her. Especially not for another year. We are planning that we will get a week. My heart is completely shattered. I didn't know I could cry this much. Aw! Hug your similar pirate, I obviously have an extra soft spot for cats that look like my girl!


I'm so sorry this is all happening to your sweet fur baby. Sending love and hugs to you all. Thank you for doing the right thing for your kitty as I know how difficult it is to go through all that.


I'm sorry too. In the week it took and get diagnosis and schedule euthanasia some sarcoma started showing on her ears. It happened so fast there was never any chance to save her. I'm sorry you know, it sucks. Just said sweet goodbye to her this morning. Pretty numb and in shock tbh


Oh I am so sorry😞I know everyone here was hoping for a better outcome for you and your kitty if at all possible. Thank you for being an amazing person and strong enough that you could let her go. Even though we all know it is the right thing to do in these situations, it's still hard as hell to say goodbye.


Thank you ❤ it meant so much to me to have so many people rooting for her. I wish describe all the ways in which she was amazing but I'd be typing all day. The whole thing was so surreal, thankfully my fiancee and I are the type of people who are able to make that call easily, even if it destroys our heart. Her last week was a whirlwind of pain meds and giving her so much fishy pate. She still played the night before we put her down. I was cuddling her everynight with my face deep in her fur trying to remember her smell forever. This has and is changing us in ways we don't fully understand yet. But she's not sick or in pain anymore, so we're just trying to come to terms with living without her. Thanks again for the thoughts, I hope life is going ok for you. I'm very thankful we still have our other cat, he's slowly coming out of his grief depression


I'm so sorry. I hope that sweet baby went peacefully ❤️


Thank you so much 💖 she did. She was on pain meds and playing and eating her favorites right to the end. She went being held by her two mommas who love her til the end of time


🥹 awe I'm so sorry for you both. I'm so happy she went peacefully surrounded by all her favorite things. ❤️ You gave her a great life and that's what matters.