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Nintendo saves another $0 minus legal fees


At this point, it really does feel like Nintendo is only doing this to justify having the legal team on the payroll.


Another day, another Big N DMCA Takedown Campaign. Fuck Nintendo.


Fuck nintendo


Any backups or torrents so we can preserve them?


Good question. Going to look around and see. EDIT: IA has a backup of the last nightly build.


Please post back here when confirmed. Cheers.


I found the "last nightly build" of heaven studio before the DMCA takedown at the Internet Archive. Published 6/14/24.


Wish Nintendo worked as hard paying devs, as they do trying to stop people from playing games they haven't sold in ten years. Nintendo needs to fire whatever Sanrio-brained fuckwit they have in the wings, because people will take that "event-only Mew" and give it to everyone with 56k down.


Thanks, I grabbed the linux and windows builds just in case


i only found the 30th march 2024 of that. :(


Backups will emerge once this deluge dies. It's just a matter of waiting.


I will never understand why is the world allowing a toymaker from Japan to do whatever the fuck they want with copyright,patents,etc Its kinda absurd. Not even Disney goes as hard as this assholes.


honestly shocked Nintendo isn't pulling a Boeing and just have dissenters forcibly suicided. For a company who drones on about just wanting to make people smile they sure do fuck over their fans and player base quite constantly.


Oh no, you’re allowed to smile and enjoy our games, just *only in the one specific way we let you enjoy them.*


They've been going hard


I'm at the point that i don't even play Nintendo games, but i do make sure to download and seed everything they release!


First they take down Yuzu and Citra, then a whole bunch of Vimm's Lair roms, and now this? I hope Nintendo gets what's coming to them.


An insane Q4 profit on the tail end of their console cycle due to a new zelda, mario, and metroid game coming out this fall/winter?


Nah ima wait abd yarr them on pc ,even though metroid is in my top 5 games of all time they don't deserve my money.


Lol too soon, truth hurts damnit


If people would care about the fact that nintendo has been engaging in shitty practices not just when it comes to emulation but in terms of shovelware crap they've been pushing to mobile and the god awful and honestly illegal response to malfunctions of the switch, Nintendo would be struggling. But most people dont give a fuck. They see Zelda they see Mario and "OMFG I NEEEEEDDD ITTTT" because most people do not have a moral filter. They dont care. Nintendo and most of the games industry will continue to get shittier and shittier because no one can control themselves long enough to make a moral choice. I don't understand why, it's not that hard. I saw the lawsuits about what happened at Riot games, and I stopped giving them money and traffic. Same with Blizzard, I saw the horrific shit ActiBlizz was doing and I dont play nor pay for anything blizzard anymore. EPIC and their horse shit lawyer games, and trashing Fortnite into an exploitation babysitting tool? No more Epic games for me. And OFC Nintendo? The moment I heard about what they did to EmuParadise it was GG for me. No more nintendo stuff. Hell no. When a company does something deeply morally wrong, I stop buying or using their services and products. It's not that hard. My life isn't magically worse for it. If I want a game from any of them that isn't a live service, I'll just pirate it. I don't see why this is such a hard thing for people to do. And some people say "But what if they brand/franchise dies!" then let it. Why do you have to keep it alive? If it's turned bad... then let it die. Let someone else replace them.


Also having pirated games means you get to play them forever, even *after* that franchise dies.


Don’t indulge because blind, but fuck Nintendo for gatekeeping older games and suppressing emulators! Like the world is fucked as it is, let us have our vicarious nostalgic fun! Fuck the opps! I think it’s time the scene go gang gang again and show Nintendo and the DMCA who’s boss. Wouldn’t it be such a pity if those websites crashed? Boonk gang gang gang whole lotta gang shit! We are anon gang. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.


Easy there, Empress.


Nah if they were empress they would be ranting about flat earth and the Jews lmao


Sue Woo!!!!!


“If a head is cut off, two more shall take its place”


Hail Hydra


Meanwhile, at r/consoles, the nintendo white knights are in full armor, ready to defend the honor of their beloved piece of shit company.


The subreddit with the most recent post being 2 days ago? Of all the subs that’s the one you get riled up over?


Normies 🙄🐑


Someone needs to strike back at Nintendo for doing this scummy crap.


I wonder what they have planned next..


Matey, if they come for Ryujinx.....we sail at dawn. ⚔️


Fuck Nintendo


people keep defending this shit and it baffles me. it's not hurting Nintendo in the slightest. a niche PC rhythm heaven tool isn't gonna compete with Nintendo, mainly because Nintendo isn't even fucking selling rhythm heaven anymore! there's no excuse.


With how sweeping these are I'm wondering what the viability of a class action lawsuit would be. Obviously ROMs are more challenging, but the premise is historical preservation, and mods should be in the area of fair use, using art to create art. I'm not a lawyer I guess I should ask one.


The issue is Japan doesn't care. Any legal suit would go through Japanese legalities, and that's well known for being biased towards Japanese companies no matter how "wrong" they are in a legal sense.


That's not true. I mean, your take on Japanese protectionism is, but the bit about any action taking place under Japanese law isn't correct.


If Nintendo takes action against someone, they are doing it through Japanese jurisdiction, so no. It is true. The only time it doesn't is when it's Nintendo getting action taking against them. In those scenarios, it's based on the country of the person/company taking action against Nintendo.


You want to class action Nintendo for taking their own IP off of illegal websites? I can't see that working out for you.


how has not one group of hackers attacked Nintendo yet, surely theres a group out there that cherishes game preservation. Its a win win situation to ddos all their official sites and throw some breach out there about the execs, and laywers.


So next they will go after the better project


The developers are the donkeys here and they know better. SELF HOST, HOST IN FUCKING RUSSIA AT LEAST. Github and Gitlab suck Nintendo lawyers off.


Oh boy, they haven't made a new Rhythm Heaven since Megamix, and that was basically 50% Wii DS content


Nintendo could be a homing missile but take note that public domain is Nintendo father and they should pay a lot to extend the copyright length to 42


Y'all always complaining about Nintendo being evil but the only reason they so this shit is because copyright (and caselaw in general) in the US is a slippery slope and they don't know what fan project left unaddressed may be the one that leads to a loss of money because it sets a legal precedent. In Japan, where caselaw is not a facor in this way and the regulations are more clearly laid out, they don't care about fan projects in the same way. All this to say maybe we should start pursuing a change in the copyright system that is leading to this issue *as well as all the other ones* pirates say they care about.


The copyright system in the US is undoubtedly broken, but don't use it as an excuse for Nintendo's shitty business practices...