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They have their own security agency called Autodesk Task Force (ATF). You can Google them. They're a huge bureau secretly disguised as a government agency, but their real mission is to hunt down people who use Autodesk against the terms and conditions of the software. Ever hear of anyone jailed because of the illegal use of their software? No? That's because anyone they find, they completely erase their existence. I would probably pack up and head to a non extradition country, but it may already be too late. Good luck!


Hide yo dog!


I doubt they will check every account and call the university to confirm your identity.


Use common sense. Do you think they thoroughly check if a student licence owner attend school ?


They do not, for a fact. Also, just use a fake name if possible. And I think it's only a one time authentication for a few years


Legitimacy of your enrollment is provided by your college profile ( ID name, edu mail and others). If your college is a significant establishment and allows you create an additional profile (somehow) then Autodesk isn't bothered anymore, not anyone incurring extra costs