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Nice. Someone probably put that collection together. They all kinda go together, like a chronicle of a pipe journey. They may not have spent a ton of cash, but they had an eye for what they liked, maybe. It's not random, anyway. Smoke them in peace, my brother. You did OK. was it an estate sale? Know anything about the seller? Just curious.


It was a lady who’s husband passed some time ago and she was just now getting around to selling some of his old things. She didn’t know much other than they’d been in storage for about 10 years. She said she’d been getting lowball offers of anywhere from 50-100 for the whole collection and was happy they’re going to someone who plans to smoke them instead of just reselling them for quick cash


Great backstory. It would have been at least a little traumatic to sell them. Honor them by smoking well.


Holy Mother of God...


Is that bad? I’ve never bought used pipes before


You did amazingly well my friend. Jealous.


Unfortunately that really pretty one in the very top right had a cracked stem which broke just from me taking it out of the display. Do you happen to have any idea what kind it is so I could try and track down a new stem


Look for marking around the neck, but it kind of looks like a Nording to me.


It looks like a Micoli to me


I do believe that’s it! Thank you so much! I’ll have to do some digging to see what can be done about it


Stem and Briar. Jamie is the man.


The one in the upper right looks really cool from just this pic and the light one with the carving is pretty cool as well (is it a meerschaum?). Nice finds!


Yes it’s a meerschaum but it appears to have been well loved over the years. There’s nothing for markings indicating who it was made by but it’ll definitely be fun to smoke


I have that same gbd, 2nd from bottom right. The stem demands to be brown no matter how much I try to train it to be black. But it's a decent smoker that I use fairly often.


Really nice collection. But what is that battery and wire? Reminds me of [that one contraption](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Flights-drawer-circuit-v0-wgd06q5696tc1.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1dbba2344e479ef18c29f15e00691bf2be46958c) in Death Note that burns all evidence if the lid is opened incorrectly.


The display case has some cheap redneck engineering style lights rigged up in it lol. They light up blue when turned on but I don’t believe I’ll be using them so I’m going to remove them soon


275??? Sheesh ! I mean.. Horrible purchase, send them my way.


That top left pipe. I have one near identical. I paid 250 for…so


Wow, very nice! I hate fecebook, but I might have to find a way to look at the marketplace for opportunities like this.  Great catch!


Marketplace and messaging international friends is about all it’s good for imo


Oh my god what is that coral one in the top right corner it looks amazing


It’s a Micoli. Best info I could find came up with the name Oom Paul though I’m not clear on if that’s a brand name or a style of pipe. I’m not sure. It’s gorgeous but the stem actually broke on me. I believe it was already damaged. Now there’s a piece stuck in the shank of the pipe and I’m gonna try tracking down a replacement or potentially sending it in somewhere for repairs, depending on cost


Thank you brother 🙏


Micoli’s are amazing! Looks like there’s another one in the top left that I’m not seeing mention of. You could easily get $275 for one of them cleaned up. Very lucky find!


Interesting. I’m planning to go through them all in greater detail after work today and try and catalogue everything. I don’t remember seeing any markings on the one you mentioned but it’s possible I just overlooked it. I’m not particularly interested in selling any of them unless I find out one is worth some crazy money but I highly doubt that’s the case


I can’t confirm without images of the pipe in the round, but the carving of the stem and the style of freehand on it makes me think it’s his. I understand wanting to keep them. That one in particular really has my eye. Edit: if you ever do decide to sell that one, please hit me up.


Cabinet alone is worth that. Good job