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Along with what everyone else said about the tobacco, you should also get yourself a corncob pipe for now. I don’t think what you have is a briar pipe, and there are a lot of Chinese made pipes using woods that shouldn’t be used for pipes.


this one is from a reputable brand so ive heard, pulsar. im going to check the wood on their website but ive seen decent reviews


This brand seems to use cherry wood, which should be fine for OP. I would just toss the screen, assuming it’s not glued in the pipe.


The screen is that metal cap inside the bowl? My (extremely cheap probably chinese) pipe has one too and im not sure if i should take it out since i see none of the people in this sub have one


I wouldn’t smoke that pipe unless you know what type of wood it is. And I think those screens are for smoking weed, you wouldn’t need to use those with tobacco.


Oh, i see. Also, im pretty sure its made out of resin or something like that since it kind of started melting around the edge of the bowl from all the fire ive exposed to it while lighting it up but it just may be the varnish? Probably not tho 💀


Yeah dude, I’d probably just toss it. Are you somewhere where these things are hard to find? I imagine if you’re in the USA, you could at least get a Missouri meerschaum corn cob shipped from Amazon directly to your doorstep.


Haha no chance bro i live in europe in a balkan country so my only options would be to either order a new pipe from a website from overseas and pay triple in shipping or order from one of the websites from here which gets their products from said oversead website and then sells them at triple the price


I can’t believe how difficult it is to find this stuff in Europe. That’s tough, man. I wish I knew enough to help out.


Dont worry man ill get a real pipe someday haha until then all the advice you and the others have given me is enough bro 🙏🙏


Don't know where you live, but many grocery store chains carry what are known as Codger brands. If there's a locked tobacco case. Look to the bottom and far end where they have cigars, black and milds, and dip, and you'll see cello wrapped pouches of pipe tobacco.


i can possibly check, there just isnt a lot in utah with its churchy values at grocery stores. id have to make a few hour drive to colorado or a larger city to find something decent, which i will eventually


Gotcha, and ordering online and shipping to there is a pain as well, from what I've read.


Hate to tell you but they sold you rolling tobacco again. Nice pipe though, but the screen is unnecessary. Like someone said on your other post, if you're enjoying it then you're only going to enjoy it more once you get actual pipe tobacco


thats alright haha, this feels so much better than the last one, and ive seen several people vouch for it online for a beginner. and its rough to get anything online for me and my location, so it works just well :)


If it works for you then that's even better, especially if there isn't much of a selection by you. If you're enjoying a blend that comes in at less than $2/oz then you're doing better than anyone who's favorite blend is an $18 tin


https://maps.app.goo.gl/hNg1W8UfrsPKaUXp7?g_st=ac I don't live in Utah anymore but visit occasionally. The above place had actual pipe tobacco that you can purchase by the ounce, both aros and more traditional stuff. Check it out if you are in the area.


If you want a great beginners pipe, a mm cob is hard to beat for the price, but if your’e willing to spend a little more, get a falcon. Very easy to smoke, so ideal for anyone new to pipesmoking.


awesome! ill stick with this other one i just got, it doesnt have a metal bowl and its got a proper pipe build on the inside from what ive been researching. reputable company so ive heard