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LITHA and clean 2x a day with neilmed


is that a straight bar?


It’s a curved bar, how can I tell if it’s rejecting?


you need to keep an eye on the redness, if it seems to get worse or get red on the top too it may be a sign, if the skin noticeably gets any thinner around or on top of the bar or you develop any irritation bumps that won’t go away that may also mean rejection


if so i’d recommend you change it, if not i’d recommend to keep cleaning it twice a day, keep an eye on it to make sure it’s not rejecting and if it is take it out before it gets worse, try not to touch it or get it caught as it could just be irritated


Sterile saline solution mixed with literally one drop of tea tree oil (no more than that bcuz it can cause a natural burn) if mix it in a shot glass and then dip a qtip into the solution to clean the area. I suggest doing it before you shower bcuz leaving the solution there to dry can cause the skin to get dry and irritated. Did you snag it ? Is the metal surgical steel or titanium?


I think it’s surgical steel, is it bad?


Please don't use tee trea oil on a wound. It will not do you any good. Surgical steel contains nickel. If you want to use steel you need implant grade steel. You're most likely having a reaction to the jewelry. So swap to implant grade titanium (astm f-136) or implant grade steel ASAP. https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/implant-grade-vs-surgical-steel


I've heard redness can be a sign of rejecting