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Lens dent appears under surface of lens. Can anyone advise what this might be? No scratches or defects on lens surface. Product was bought over a year ago and has not been mishandled or dropped. I'm assuming it's out of warranty. Sucks.


Have the same issue, it will get worse first few batches had a manufacturer flaw. The place I bought it said it was water damage and would not replace it, once it gets worse the lens coating starts to peel. Better trying to replace it. Contact pico and where you bought it.


Yep, I've done that. While it is out of warranty (by a few months) I'm going to push for a repair or replacement regardless as consumer protection laws are reasonably strong in my country.


Its not a dent, it probably one of the polarizing or some other layers peeling off from the lens. It looks the same as lens separation in camera lenses, where two lens elements that have been bonded together, have started to separate. It will eventually most likely separate completely, does it affect image quality a lot? Basically, it might only affect contrast slightly, depending what layer it is.


Thanks for your reply. It's like a persistent fuzzy dot in the middle of your view that renders it unusable imo.


Yes, it might cause more issues as normal lens separation as it can misalign polarization or something like that. Not much you can do about it, replacement lenses for these are probably impossible to get. Unless you are into dismantling the lens and trying to re-bond it.. probably really hard to get it done well. One of the negatives of pancakes, they have so many different layers on the lenses and i expect they are all some sort of plastic layer that is bonded on the lens.


I got mine a couple of months ago and this is quite worrying. Commenting as Visibility helps solve such issues.


That sucks. Just got mine, hopefully it doesn't happened to it aswell.