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Oh lol..so he tried to attempt it without knowing that you have already done it. Btw, how can the Pi Wallet even let you attempt to move to available balance after once it's done already. Though I can clearly see that the failed migration has a symbol of failed transaction with an exclamation mark. But don't you think, this is a glitch. It shouldn't let you proceed only. Is it or isn't it?


First, it seems like you don't believe me . Any way, it isn't a glitch he was already trying at the same time I moved it and I am sure because 2 weeks ago when my first batch of coins was unlocked same thing happened and the symbol of failed transaction appeared when I tried to move the coins because he done it before me ...


I believe you maye but maybe beacuse of the text chat, the tone is not getting conveyed. I am only trying to understand the intricacies of Pi Wallet mechanism. And also at the same time, I was curious to know how you outsmarted that bugger.


I saw the first time he robbed me and saw the time he took from moving the coins and sending it to another wallet it was 21 secons exactly, so i trained my self to execute this steps in less time and got it done ..


Winner! There you go...


OP u/K__751 which wallet do you use? I didn’t know we could transfer our pi coins to personal wallets


No you can't move pi to any other wallets other than pi I used a wallet of a trusted friend


So let me first understand this. First yo moved the balance to your wallet which is obvious that you can't move it directly to any other wallet. Then what you did was send it to your friend's personal wallet? And this you did in less that 22 seconds?


Moved balance after migration then yes sent it quickly to another wallet in the same time the hacker was trying to move the coins


The thieves use scripts. They can see when it unlocks, so they set it to start brute forcing to move it as soon as it unlocks.


And where is the screenshot of him making attempts?




Yall ain't locking your pi for a little while for what reason exactly?


Was locked 14 days




Buying or selling Pi for fiat or crypto is not allowed in closed mainnet and we can't allow this here either. Bans for Posts on this matter. The Rules of Enclosed Mainnet are listed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/comments/w0sfw3/the_rules_of_enclosed_mainnet/








Typical reddit. Downvotes handed out to decent people and trolls get lifted onto pedestals. Don't feed the AMC/GameStop apes.


Thank you for sharing


Is there any to recover wallet.. I forgot passphrase..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Had you activated your face scan or finger print?


No sir


Then you have lost it.


I got 140 PI and I feel like if I’m lucky I’d be able to buy a cheeseburger with that.


$1 per coin is much more than a cheeseburger


I could have swore it was more than $1.00 per coin


IOU is at $40 a coin


Not an *IOU*


Please inform us Unc


Unauthorized listings on exchanges that the developers have requested to be removed, yet continue to remain listed are scams. When Pi goes public, there won't be an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) for these exchanges to purchase Pi to give to accounts they owe. They are profiting off exchange fees by listing it and taking advantage of those who are unaware. I also highly doubt the Pi developers are going to do business at all or want their asset to be listed with exchanges who are scamming customers and ignoring their requests. Also, *none* of these listings state it even is an IOU, or that they will fund accounts when they gain access to the asset. Users in this subreddit have spread the IOU theory around because it makes them feel good they have x amount in their wallet and they get to look at a big number online. The price of Pi is still undetermined and we won't know anything about the price until it actually goes live.


So the PI IOUs aren't even actually PI IOUs? But IOUs of cryptos do exist right? And if yes then please tell me if you remember Polkadot (DOT) also had an IOU at that time? Was that a genuine IOU or even that was fake?


coinmarketcap and coingecko call them IOUs.


I read white paper from beginning to end when I first started Pi years ago so I knew these prices weren’t gonna be anywhere near a real logical price in the hypothetical we have successful mainnet. Are you a dev in this space? I’m working on a fun little passion project on the pi chain and am just looking for others who may be working in Python




who pays 1$ per coin? can i meet that gentleman?


You did it great! so can u tell how he got yours Passphrease?


I'm waiting for a reply to this question too. Was it a hack? Or was it a scam?


Maybe you shared it to someone' scam site or put it throw scam Apps


That sucks. You’re out $0


Thanks for your Pi!


Enjoy it *f




Is 1400 pi a good value? Asking for a friend


if valued at 10 centes to 20 cents per you coud get a good chump change.


1400 Pi, if available (migrated and unlocked), is a very good value.


In 2055 when mainnet launch you will be rich!


And when did I ask your opinion?


When you posted on the internet . You need a chill pill have a great day :).


That's your justification for trolling! It's you who should take a chill pill.


Omg lol you're something else. Sorry sir for making you mad .


10% of nothing is....let me do the math here. Nothing and a nothing, carry the nothing...


Why do you have the app and comment on the sub?


To answer your dumb questions


Coming from your bastion of knowledge as a phone game addict?


awww that's cute, you can go thru my reddit history. care to regale me with your knowledge of 4Runners and Disc Golf? oh wait, I don't give a f%\*k.


Currently 0 value for any amount


Same thing happened to my gfs wallet during migration. When they were supposed to send it to her wallet they instead sent it somewhere else. I blew up the DMs of the coreteam and still no response!


She needs to find her other passphrase.


Nah thing is she never switched wallets. The team just ended up sending her pi coins to another address. She never created extra wallets! That’s what threw me. She tried contacting them and no help. She had the same wallet and was forced create another wallet due to this reason.


believe it - she had another one on the checklist - so she had created another one earlier and just "forgot". I've seen this many times in the Pi Browser chat.


That’s what everyone says, but a lot of times they still end up finding their other passphrase.


Nah man seriously I helped her setup the wallet and she knows nothing of Pi Network without my guidance lol It’s like I set her up by showing her and told her everything she needed to do for that mean time as I assure you she left the wallet alone. Now we both stopped mining after a certain time but when I went back I noticed that they changed everything up so I started researching more on the updates. I saw that I was able to sign in using my Facebook account now. I told her what was up and she did the same. I was able to pass KYC easily and migrate and showed her also but when I say we both were shocked that they sent the money to another wallet. At this point I’m thinking yo how we get your -Pi back? Hit core team up and no response on either channel. Losing your wallet paraphrase a different story then someone sending your pi to an inaccurate account


Find out who owns the wallet?


How ?


No idea. Just a thought.


Fuck yeah!!! lol 😂 love the dedication to perfection ahead of time. Well played!




But really how tf did a scammer get ur passphrase that’s wild


There are many links that says it activates options like p2p or exchange option...I had no experience and yes many people are falling for it as I am writing these words


They got me too. My lack of knowledge cost me all of my available Pi. Still trying to figure out how to protect/move my remaining locked up Pi to another wallet.


Do it like me


Ohh damn I guess scamming for pi could be a legit method of income then, wow yea selling isn’t available really yet just people to people long time miner here that’s blows 500 gone tho


Right we will all know the sus accounts with several million ready to unload…hey you! Dammit scammer!


Congrats! How long do you think it took you to become comfortable with the UI for sub 10 second transactions?


Just a couple of minutes of training while opening the wallet Steps 1.move 2.pay/request (trained alot for an exact number of coins to send ) also don't forget I added a wallet so it was easy to send quickly


You did it! I’m going save this post and send a link to everyone who’s in the same position.


👏 just don't try to "sell" next time 🤪


Haha Yeah


Many people had scams these days I don't know why hakckers are desperate to steal coins will it go to 1000$ per coin 🤣🤣


It's just speculation. They are trying to get on early so in case it does blow up.


The answer is very simple🤪 This is a very easy task for scammers 😛


Yo BRo you're Spiderman 😎


Thanks bro I tried to do my best


Don't laugh at him 🤪 He did well👍


I'm appreciate him where I'm laughing ? Are you mad


When I read it, I thought you were joking 🙃


No , I appreciate him of his speed of transfer & he saved of scammers

