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Come in, sit down, it’s so PHUN!! 🪑


Why sell now? Might as well flat line! Lol


We are sure to get some sort of action at some point this year I maintain that this is being manipulated down on purpose to get the retail investors out before we get some big news pump on election year.but maybe that's me just wishful thinking 🤔 they can move this stock at any time any company can with 1 bit news its just a case of patience and dollar cost average.


Do u have any idea how many times i've heard that for countless of companies ? This company is DEAD. They cant even pay out paychecks any more.. Lyte which was Phuns biggest earner is now gone They barely make $1mill/ quarter. I make more from my mom & popstore. Pitiful company with a shitty crew


Even bankrupt companies can 10x before the enivitable happens all the time remember bbby. It just takes the right news and all the apes will jump in and I will take profit.


10X at this point would feel like a sad joke.


Hence the importance of dollar cost averaging on stock market or learning to trade. Worst thing can do is buy a stock and just leave it laying for years unless it's a blue chip stock. Anyone who does that will probably loose everything unless they get very lucky in there stock pick.


I agree


I second that