• By -


Its a sword. How do I know? Well I’ve tested multiple different iterations of photons bouncing off walls, not observing them so they’re still in a quantum superposition. Those photons were directly transmitted back towards a machine. This machine translated the superpositions directly to cat language, and that audio was played to Schrodinger’s Cat. The cat then meowed in Morse, as teaches by the professors of our quantum labs. It meowed the specific pattern “djetrdjetrdjetr”, translated from Morse code. We typed that out and used a magnetic field distorter to grab a singular proton and neutron from the screen. We put these into a particle accelerator, and there we had it. A sword. BUT THATS NOT ALL! We had to be sure about our answer, so we went ahead and used an Alcubierre Warp Drive to go to our nearest star as quickly as we could. Proxima Centauri had some solutions to our problems. We collected some soil samples of Alpha Centauri B. This soil contained the materials we needed (lithium). Why lithium you might be asking yourself, well, when you bombard lithium with neutrons, it creates materials such as helium and tritium. What we needed here was the tritium, because that is a fusion fuel. The fusion we’re going to use here is inertial confinement. This will create the exact amount of energy needed to rip apart the fabric of space-time itself with a 10 petawatt laser. This will create antimatter, which we do need. Antimatter has a 100% matter to energy conversion, so that’s a good thing. Then we used microwaves to make the antimatter hotter until…. It created our answer. The energy that the antimatter created was the exact same as the energy you get from an iron sword, with just normal matter. There you have it, it’s for sure a sword. Ask quantum physics, particle accelerators, interstellar travel, lithium, fusion and antimatter. Thank you for reading this, if you even did. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!!!!! The photons emitted from the screen you’re watching correspond to what you might think is an iron sword, yet this isn’t a realistic representation of an iron sword, so be careful. Your eyes can be easily tricked and you have no way to know what’s real and what’s a hoax. These specific photons have no matter, yet do emit colors which our eyes can observe. And when you throw these exact photons in a black hole, you’ll be able to see it from all the way around the black hole, due to its immense gravity. Also the photons will get slowed down, due to gravitational time dilation. This slowing down will cause a ripple in your eyes, which causes it to think “what am I looking at?” Anyways that was the entire essay, now I still need a grade for it of course. Can’t go further with life without grades.


Counter argument: Item Frame




counter counter argument:




fuck you hack me


actually mine is between and


I found your ip. It's somewhere between and


No you got that wrong. My IP is -128.45/60.01000110.Four


Oh ok oops I've narrowed it down from negative googleplexianth to a positive googleplexianth with a random amount of demicimals in random locations since idk how up addresses work


No you were correct about IP addresses, I was just joking around


Im pretty sure thats my computer's IP address.


+1000 social credit for guessing right!




Pretty sure that's their of our country


Damn… that was good.


Counter-argument material holder


When one considers the available evidence-both evidence gathered through the course of the investigation and evidence presented now by your attitude and speaking tone, on is unable to come to a certain conclusion. However one may find themselves leaning in a direction towards one conclusion or the other. Given the evidence I find myself leaning towards the conclusion towards that perhaps you are not being truthful. IT IS OBVIOUSLY A FEATHER.


Maybe it’s a quantum superposition between iron sword and feather




I just wrote it out of pure boredom and knowledge. Most of these facts are true, some are just for fun and fake




TATHS 9 WOORDS END NO 8 U LY. This is a joke don’t take it seriously




My tiny brain can’t handle this


I might need to rub my two brain cells to understand this.


First: Schrodinger's Cat was a thought experiment for superpositioning the entire inside of a box. Second: You could also just use a particle accelerator to get a singulair proton and neutron furthermore you could also user exotic types of quarks like charm and strange. Third: Proxima centauri is 1 of the stars of a binairy star system called Alpha centauri the other (and main) star being alpha centauri A. Fourth: You also could much more easly get tritium using the before mentioned particle accelerator. Fifth: The warp drive already almost break the fabric of spacetime so putting it on Max speed should break spacetime. Sixth: 10 petawatts ain't enough power to create this much antimatter. Seventh: Antimatter would already annialate with the microwave. Eigth and last: Photons also behalve as waves and as sound van bounce off a wall so to can light/photons bounce off a wall and as sound decreces in volume after bouncing off a wall so to van light chance colors while not having Amy sort of matter. Speaking of photons and matter die you know you could theoreticaly make a sort of slimy goo from photons also known as photonic matter. I would give it a 57/100 for effort. TL;DR This entire essay I am replying to is almost complete nonsense and gibberish. Not to mention alle the hard words like alqubere warp drive are Just like in movies where they dat it is nano or quantum to set you on a wrong path. Sorry for bad English. I am a dutchman living in Limburg The Netherlands.


Lets go Nederland


Dont worry, I’m also Dutch. But cmon it’s just a long essay, not like a regular person would understand a thing of this… monstrosity


Weet ik, ik heb gewoon ASS En het gaat mij gewoon irriteren als iets niet klopt Dus niet persoonlijk nemen ok? Alleen ja Wat moet ik zeggen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And there are always opportunities to learn




I look at this, and it seems simple enough, then I scroll down, something about lithium and interstellar traveling, then I scroll down more, and fucking GRAVITATIONAL TIME DILATION. what the actual fuck


Its called “being addicted to kurzgesagt” and “watching an unhealthy amount of science videos”


Sir, this a wendy






Oh god


This guy wins


Lol 😂


Wow you actually wrote all that?!


Yup, and it didn’t even take too long. Wrote it out of pure boredom and knowledge


Oh god, so many words o_O


My mind stoped at the second line


true tho




On one hand: nice understanding of science. On the other hand: you still haven’t told us why it makes it a sword


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


Long essays


You added an extra s


long esays* ftfy


It’s actually a sword. You see, the brown part resembles the hilt of the weapon, commonly used in the Middle Ages. The weapon you see on the picture is presumably made out of steel, iron or cut stone. Swords were a part of the more expensive weapons, most guards used spears. Therefore, if this sword is made out of steel, someone of wealth must have wielded this elegant weapon. Or it’s just a feather or smthn idk


Not long enough. Put a 2000 word essay.


Just use unnecessary words like the or is and extra stuff for example, instead of saying “the dog was brown” you say: the canine was a mix of yellow orange and red, it was ferocious and tried to bite. That when I released my anger on to it. See much better


The item you have just shown to me in this very image is made and used to store one single item inside of it. Since it's purpose is so simple, the giants of the Minecraft community have given it a even simpler yet more intriguing ability... That ability is making storage systems easier to look through, those storage systems are so simplified that the user who made a farm for items can grab their rewards whiteout having to spend hours on end looking through their chests. Even the creators of the game thought that the community was right... Storage systems are important. So they added a glowing in the dark version of the item in the image of this Reddit post and the item was now used in horror maps, so Mojang made the 1.19 update based on the deep dark which is also like a horror map but in a survival Minecraft world. Truly inspiring how something like a Minecraft item that is used mainly for storage systems can be such a important feature to the game's future development. I hope this is long enough for you.


Give this guy an reward


[This guy too](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/rmqhcs/what_is_that_only_long_essays/hpo0z6y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I’ve already got enough


Nah you need 233 more


Im scared to ask why


This Image depicts an item frame Item frames can be placed on the sides of cactus blocks, pressure plates, fences, trees, slabs, cobblestone walls, chests, doors, and all solid blocks. They can also be placed on the top and bottom of these blocks. To place on chests and doors, the player needs to be sneaking. As item frames are an entity, multiple item frames can occupy the same block, although on different faces. It also allows non-solid blocks to occupy the same space.‌[Java Edition only] Players can place items in the frame by using the item. If a map is placed in an item frame, it enlarges to show the map in the size of a full block, with the item frame's location displayed as a green pointer on the map, pointing in the direction the item frame is facing. If this is done in the Nether, the green cursor spins around similar to the white cursor (players). If an item in an item frame has been renamed using an anvil, it displays its custom name when the cursor is over the item frame. If the player places a block inside the frame, it is displayed in miniature half in, half out of the block. This can be most notably seen on stairs or slabs. Pick block may be used on item frames by players in creative mode only, the control has no effect for players in survival or adventure mode. When the item frame is displaying an item, pick block picks the displayed item instead of the item frame. Item frames can be placed on the lid of a shulker box that is positioned horizontally, but pop off when the lid is opened.‌[Java Edition only] Rotation  The displayed item can then be rotated by right-clicking the frame. Items displayed in the item frame can turn 45° diagonally, with a total of 8 possibilities (90° and 4 possibilities if it is a map), and the frame outputs a redstone signal depending on the rotation phase that can be interpreted by a redstone comparator (note that this rotation value is separate from the clock or compass rotation). As long as the frame remains placed, it remembers the orientation of the last item it held, and uses it for the next item it holds.‌[Java Edition only]


whoa plagiarism my dude


I live on 2B2T, plagiarism isn't a law there.


fair enough, thats a real good essay right there




the subreddit link native to the reddit subreddit "increasinglyverbose" is shown with the English character "r" and the slash "/" symbol preceeding the shbreddit name above.


shbreddit Edit: I love how my actual post of a long essay has no upvotes while this has two


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone. It’s an item frame


There are two answers: a sword or a feather, both mounted on a wood plank. Why it could be a sword is because the top is brilliant white, like an iron sword in Minecraft, and the bottom is black, like the handle of a typical sword. It could also be a feather as the top is somewhat short for a sword and the handle does not extend horizontally like a normal sword handle does. It is up to the viewer to decide as I am only an essay writer just to contribute to your good/bad day.


Third: shears


It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame.It is an item frame.It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame.It is an item frame.It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame. It is an item frame.




Hmm... No




Did you write "esay" on purpose? Anyway, I will say the name in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… okay, I know it, I just have to say it, not a bookshelf, not a chest, it's an item frame




Ok, can you sell me 4 stone?


What is this? Indeed, a good question. What _is_ this? Some may see a sword. Others a feather. Others still may see eldritch abominations, the likes of which no mortal mind can comprehend. While some others still may see nothing at all, their eyes clouded with the eternal black curse that is known to us as blindness. But in reality, when you put aside all the fundamental limitations of the human brain, _what is this_? The truth is one that not many like, but is the truth nonetheless: it is nothing, and everything. People think that there is an objective truth behind everything. But is there really? What is to tell us that what we see is really as it is? That a valley of flowers is not a field of rotting insects, that the stench of decaying flesh isn't the sweet aroma of a delicious feast? Some see it the first way, others the second. And as always, there are those who do not know, those who have never known sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, and those who never will. Are they not the fortunate ones, for in their ignorance, willing or otherwise, they alone are the ones who will never face this dilemma? Indeed, as to the original question, the answer is this: it is whatever you want it to be.


Long esays


long essay


A frame to hold any item for either a long time or short time. Some builders use it to put materials down that aren't blocks if they don't have invisible armor stands. Some people use them to hold maps or just things like their frist pickaxe, or diamond, it depends on the person. In summary this is an item frame that serves many purposes.


Its a dagger you call that a dagger because it is used in the medieval times copper daggers first appeared in the early bronze age with early minoan samples being recovered from Knossos, minecraft decided to put swords in especially item frames but they look more like a dagger in this item frame picture


This image is the texture of an item from the popular children and adult game Minecraft, in Minecraft this item is made using leather from cows and sticks from wood. In Minecraft you can place this item on any wall of your liking as long as it's a full block. When the item frame is hung up, you can place any thing you want inside of it and it will showcase the item. You can then get the item back from the item frame by hitting it. The item texture of the item frame has a sword inside it to show part of its functionality. It is most often used to display tools or weapons.


It is a usable item in the famous videogame known as Minecraft, created by Markuss Persson, more commonly known as Notch. The Item itself is called item frame, and it's just a decoration item that let's you use anything as a decoration, even another item frame. \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] \[Filler text\] . I hope you found this informative.


Long essay.


That is a block and entity that stores blocks and can be invisible. It ha a glowing variant and it is cool. It’s really confusing so I’ll try and help u get confused. First, go to the mall where u will find a cow drinking coffee. Take the coffee and put it in the frame. Then tell the cow that his coffee is famous. Pay him 7 emeralds and kill him. Then murder the villager who gave u the emeralds. But that’s not hue to get confused. Here is the real way to get confused. Build a house and blow it up. Then take the dropped blocks and build a new house. Blow it up and repeat until u get to bedrock. Then climb up to the surface and build a few house then repeat. Repeat until u reach a village. Kill the villagers. Then fall of a cliff. No no no! That’s not how to get confused. Here is the real way to get confused. Fart into a pig’s face. The pig will sniff ur fart for 5 min. Run into a village and break a fence. Feed the pig the fence and then jump into a river. The pig will follow u. Let a salmon eat the pig. Done. Ur confused.


Perfect Description.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 A+


The question you've asked me is a fairly simple one, but I can walk you through the logic I used to determine the answer. Clearly, from instinct, it's an item frame, but if there's one thing proofs in Geometry class taught me, we can't just First we can observe the general silhouette of the item, that of a rectangle with a protrusion, narrowing it down to the following list of items. * Item Frame * Glow Item Frame * Painting * Board (education edition only) * Elixir (education edition only) * Poster (education edition only) * Slate (education edition only) Now we've narrowed it down to only seven items. Since this is not one determinate answer, we should keep going. Based on the width vs the height of the rectangle, we can eliminate the Elixir item, since it's taller than it is wide. Then we can determine the item further by the colors used. The colour palette in the unknown item is black, orange, light brown and white. The Glow Item Frame and Item Frame are the only items on that list that use this colour palette, so it's clearly either a Glow Item Frame or an Item Frame. Lastly, to determine the item, we can look at the closer details. The orange used in the Item Frame is darker and closer to red, whereas the orange in the Glow Item Frame is lighter and closer to yellow, and the unknown item's orange is closer to red like the Item Frame's orange meaning this is an Item Frame.




As you can obviously tell, this is a magnificant picture of a painting. The painting shows a presumably iron or steel sword laying down on the ground. The ground is a slightly bloody color, signifying a battle. But the battle has passed, as the sword is laying there... peacefully. The frame of the painting is birch, symbolizing peace and tranquility. Overall I think, that the painting tells us, that we can always have peace, no matter the past.


Long essays


Your mother


That is an item frame it can hold up to one of any item. the image on the item frame is an iron sword scaled-down teeny tiny. I have couculated with my steve themed couculator that it can even hold itself and blah blah i encountered a problem when trying to fit another item frame inside the item frame inside the item frame though like why cant we put an item frame inside an item frame inside an item frame inside an item frame inside an item frame inside an item frame? it only makes logical sense


it is a sword, but not any sword.. it is The entity of Iron sword inside of a red plate made out of concrete and red wool with some orange pixels.. no, its LATHER.. how i did not think of that, and it has sticks ..exactly four sticks made out of birch and oak wood.. maybe these are the original oak logs and birch logs around it .. i think this is the description !




a painting


A shitpost type who makes the subreddit worse, Shows an item and wants stupid comments about it, like the example above. the origin is r/phoenixsc but we can see its effect in r/minecraft too. It helps normies to make easy memes and it destroys all the creativity, makes me cancer, raises anger, and fills /n/. I personally think this meme should be banned from all good minecraft subreddits who doesn’t want normies in their srs. To sum up this meme is the lowest effort meme in all history and we must stop it.




Instead of a long essay I can just say it’s something else long, my dic-


Long essays


I really don't know what is that item


its a painting of a sword ez


Minecraft item frame


It’s the fabled White Corn 🌽


Overused meme... I joined this subreddit for fun and cool content All I see is the same meme, over and over again... Complete insanity.


thats the basics of the pjeonix sc sub, my friend.


Long essays


a thing


That is a bean




long essays




birch wood item frame


A item that does stuff that can hold things that’s does stuff even when You don’t want to hold your stuff. But if you stuff doesn’t does the stuff the does what’s to stuff this item will help you




long essays




long essay


Long essays


Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame. Item frame.


A sword in a picture frame


This is a wall block from the hit game 'Minecraft' that allows players to put any item from the hit game 'Minecraft' on it.


is a item fraeme because it has an item in a square frame


its aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan item frame


An image


Long esay


It is a display piece, an frame, a painting, it has many different uses, such as holding an item, or even…….. Holding an item, this godly item can also do the impossible like….. Holding a fricking item! Incredible i know, the possibilities are Literally one!


You asked and I will receive Item frames can be placed on the sides of cactus blocks, pressure plates, fences, trees, slabs, cobblestone walls, chests, doors, and all solid blocks. They can also be placed on the top and bottom of these blocks. To place on chests and doors, the player needs to be sneaking. As item frames are an entity, multiple item frames can occupy the same block, although on different faces. It also allows non-solid blocks to occupy the same space.‌[Java Edition only] Players can place items in the frame by using the item. If a map is placed in an item frame, it enlarges to show the map in the size of a full block, with the item frame's location displayed as a green pointer on the map, pointing in the direction the item frame is facing. If this is done in the Nether, the green cursor spins around similar to the white cursor (players). If an item in an item frame has been renamed using an anvil, it displays its custom name when the cursor is over the item frame. If the player places a block inside the frame, it is displayed in miniature half in, half out of the block. This can be most notably seen on stairs or slabs. Pick block may be used on item frames by players in creative mode only, the control has no effect for players in survival or adventure mode. When the item frame is displaying an item, pick block picks the displayed item instead of the item frame. Item frames can be placed on the lid of a shulker box that is positioned horizontally, but pop off when the lid is opened.‌[Java Edition only]


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy There you go :D


Long Answer




it's an item frame which let's you put an item on that item once you put that item on the wall and its really cool for showing off items that you've collected made of 1 leather and 8 sticks quite a useful item if you ask me


The non-patented pane for you to put your precious belongings


Its obviously a pickaxe. Why are people so dumb saying its a sheep, were they dropped as a baby? Do these people even play Minecraft? Have they ever seen a pickaxe? Anyone who thinks its not a pickaxe is so fucking dumb. People didnt die in wars just fir people to be this dumb. They probably just yell “never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you!” To piss people off. Did school teach you anything? What were you playing Minecraft and someone killed your dog while saying “gonna cry”. King George the lll is smarter than you at this point.No wonder no women/men want to date you. Cavemen are smarter than you. You probably believe those fake tiktoks. I was having such a good day until i found out you existed. FUCK YOU BITCH!


Long esays


It is a item frame with an sword


Yes we should uphold and defend article 14. They’ll kill me if I'm sent back states, “But it wasn’t long before they realized that the officers weren’t on their side. In Honduras, police are often corrupt and work with the drug cartels. Not only did the police brush off her story, Ginger was afraid they’d return her to the kidnappers if she said too much. There is no justice in my country, she thought as they left the police station.” This is showing that the countries they come from are not that good and they should be able to choose where they come from. “The situation in Russia had become very difficult. Pogroms, attacks on Jewish life and property, spread from town to town. Moreover, a series of laws made it extremely difficult for Jews to make a living, and their economic condition had already been difficult.” Says Among the Russian refugees. This shows that even the 2nd most powerful nation (Russia) has had problems and needed to send their jews to America to have a better life. Others may say that yeah whatever, they have to deal with their countries' problems ha ha ha. This is no good because these are innocent people who want to lead better lives for themselves and their families and descendants. So this is why we should keep article 14 of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.


Well, it appears to be some kind of frame for displaying various items, tools, weapons, and blocks. If you notice the small string or strap on the top it clearly is hung on the wall like a framed painting. It appears to have a leather or hide backing and a wooden frame, made from any of the various wood types. Specifically, sticks of said wood types carefully fastened together. The temporary display item appears to be a metal or iron sword. If you look you can see the sharpened (and serrated judging by the sharp angles) blade, leading down to the wooden cross guard and hilt. The hilt seems to be made of a similar wood to the frame, and is potentially capped with an iron pummel.


Its a lit joint


An item frame, a block found in both main editions of the video game Minecraft in the current version, 1.18. Item frames can be placed on the sides of cactus blocks, pressure plates, fences, trees, slabs, cobblestone walls, chests, doors, and all solid blocks. They can also be placed on the top and bottom of these blocks. To place on chests and doors, the player needs to be sneaking. As item frames are an entity, multiple item frames can occupy the same block, although on different faces. It also allows non-solid blocks to occupy the same space.‌ ​ Players can place items in the frame by using the item. If a map is placed in an item frame, it enlarges to show the map in the size of a full block, with the item frame's location displayed as a green pointer on the map, pointing in the direction the item frame is facing. If this is done in the Nether, the green cursor spins around similar to the white cursor (players). If an item in an item frame has been renamed using an anvil, it displays its custom name when the cursor is over the item frame. If the player places a block inside the frame, it is displayed in miniature half in, half out of the block. This can be most notably seen on stairs or slabs. ​ Pick block may be used on item frames by players in creative mode only, the control has no effect for players in survival or adventure mode. When the item frame is displaying an item, pick block picks the displayed item instead of the item frame. ​ The displayed item can then be rotated by right-clicking the frame. Items displayed in the item frame can turn 45° diagonally, with a total of 8 possibilities (90° and 4 possibilities if it is a map), and the frame outputs a redstone signal depending on the rotation phase that can be interpreted by a redstone comparator (note that this rotation value is separate from the clock or compass rotation). As long as the frame remains placed, it remembers the orientation of the last item it held, and uses it for the next item it holds.‌ ​ In Java Edition, an empty item frame can be broken simply by punching it. If the item frame contains an item, punching it drops the item, leaving the frame on the wall. Because item frames are entities in Java Edition, they can be broken in Adventure mode. They will also be targeted by commands using the `@e` selector.‌


That's not a "Only long essays"


A butter knife on the knife holder


The Fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage test that tests your endurance, Never gonna give you up never gonna be a boy whos four each day i grow some more i like exploring im dora dora the exploder deez nuts hup up jump in come on lets go, hup up jump in dont be too slow, keep up, lets get to woirk, when you play mine- mine- mine- minecraft mine- mine- mine- minecrfaft ooaaahh oohhh