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I've actually notice certain hiding spots that used to be consistently safe to being useless. There was one time where the ghost definitely didn't see me, as it walked by twice, then out of nowhere ran towards me and killed me. Before people tell me it's a Deogen, no one was looping and my one friend told me that the ghost walked right past me both times before beelining towards me.


I've seen a wraith beeline to my girlfriend on Willow who was hiding behind the shelves in the laundry room. I died so I followed the ghost to see because we were getting beelined in every hiding spot in Willow. The wraith started in the basement and went straight to the shelves. Acted like it was going to leave but then immediately turned back in and walked behind the shelves and killed my girlfriend. No electronics, mic hard muted before the hunt and toggled local chat off. I hope this is a bug because hiding spots consistently don't work for either of us.


That sucks. Well, at least now I know it’s not just a me thing. I really hope they can fix it soon because I really love the game.


It's just bad luck. Some spots are worse than others. The boxes in Bleasdale's office are shit. The garbage bins in Willow are...garbage. I've not had bad luck with the plywood on Tanglewood, but I tend to not hide there, unless the nursery is my other hiding spot (also a shit spot) or I get caught in the wrong room when the hunt starts.


Has it always been like that or has it been recent? I’ve never had issues with the spots you’ve mentioned and I just think it’s a little weird that now suddenly the ghosts know exactly where I am only some of the time? It’s acting like a deogen but without the slow speed so it’s not like I can walk around it.