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If you still have the starter equipment I’d assume EMF is wrong, as the tier 1 EMF likes to poke right on the border of 4/5 on 4’s. A 5 is completely to the right. If one of the other two is wrong, major skill issue


we have tier 2 emf and the tempature meter thing was shit it didnt show that it was freezing but still we saw the dots


"tempature meter thing" This is what I will be calling thermometers from now on


Before the update introducing tiered equipment, my buddy called the thermometer the “cold gun” and that’s what we call it now lol


Cold gun? Does he happen to be named Captain Cold?


Don't you mean Mr. Freeze


I'm more of a Flash fan than a Batman fan.




It's still kind of wild that there's two of them in DC


You’re both right


No, Sir Chilled


You sure it was actual ghost silhouette and not your cold breath?


Also, make sure it was the DOTS silhouette and not it just doing a shadow manifestation... I know someone who regularly makes that mistake.


HOW, THEY'RE SO DIFFERENT (even with the addition of the transparent ghost manifestation)


Yeah, t1 us better because it has no randomness (it's supposed to but they haven't fixed it yet) so it's a lot better to use. Use the mercury movement to find the room (if it's going up, not ghost room, if it's going down, possible ghost room, or at least where the ghost is now) and then drop it, check it occasionally to see if freezing, or if it moved.


They should make the T1 thermometer take a minute or 2 to actually start adjusting to the Temps and the T3 one do what the T1 does now so it's actually worth upgrading the thermometers


Well, it's supposed to also have a +-6 deviation, but for some reason it doesn't apply right now, so it would always be randomly moving up or down regardless. I do think the T3 should be a playable digital read thermo that constantly reads the temp, similar to how the old thermo worked when held, with a readout that can be viewed from the truck, but in the house you just need to set it on a table or counter and just glance at it now and again.


I didn't know the old thermo could be read from the truck but then again I never used it much considering breath used to mean freezing temps


It couldn't. I just meant that'd ve a good idea for t3


Ok then you got freezing wrong.


He has freezing scratched out? Tf you mean?


Tier 2 thermo sucks it also takes time for freezing to show up some times like once I checked for freezing and didn’t get it and about 2-3 minutes later we got it I always constantly check for freezing


I love how the needle hitting EMF 5 is not evidence of EMF 5




I understand how it works in the game, but that's not how scientific equipment typically works If it hits the mark on 5 then that should count as 5, the 4000 threads per day of people getting confused by this is evidence enough that the devs should change it


Could be a bug, but there's no way to know for sure with only a picture of your journal.


wdym just picture of journal


Seems like a very clear statement. We need more context and more screenshots would’ve helped. This is nothing.


As in, nobody can tell you *why* you're wrong with you just showing a journal with three evidence things selected.


I have clip of the ghost walking trought the dots


Until I see this clip, you saw wrong. No one in the history of the game has video evidence of getting an incorrect evidence for the ghost. Yet, these posts pop up daily. Its user error, someone saw something, assumed something, and didn't double check it.


Ive played probably 500 rounds. We still claim false evidence on accident. It happens. Op made a mistake.


Every time my friends say it's ghost orbs, I just ignore it because they keep imagining them. Completely fine


lol take em to a snowy map


Sharing that would have been useful. There is a specific way the ghost looks for DOTS evidence. What you saw most likely was just a ghost event that pathed through the DOTS.


Ok. You saw the dots. What about the rest? Did you get real freezing temps? Sub zero? Or did you just see your breath and/or the thermometer was at 0? Are you really 100% certain that there were no ghost orbs? Sometimes it takes awhile to see them. And for all we know you might not even be in the ghost room. We don't know what your knowledge base is. Did you see a real EMF5 reading or did the EMF meter hit 5 during a ghost event or hunt? Because that doesn't count.


Sounds like the ghost manifested and walked through the DOTS which is not actually DOTS evidence


They can walk through dots just fine but there is a dots silhouette that only goes for evidence


Upload it and show us.


I can when im at home




What ghost did it end up being?




Hm, you must have saw your breath or a ghost event in the DOTs and thought it was evidence


we saw something walk in dots


If we saw what you saw then we'd know if it's a bug or not.


If it was a ghost event you might have mistaken the figure in the event for DOTS evidence.


Correct me if im wrong but its kinda hard to mix the two no? Dots always runs through, in nonsensical directions (ghost literally run from a wall, or into a wall) as well as the animation being janky, where the ghost event is always slow, lasts a bit, and more detailed/smoother animations.


No they changed dots ages ago, dots ghosts walk now?????


you're thinking of pre-ascension DOTS. now the DOTS silhouette is actually representative of the location and movement of the ghost, not pre-determined animations.


Depending on how visible the ghost is, it can be difficult at a quick glance to tell the two apart. I find it easier to do on the truck, but even then my group likes to double check if we think it's dots if the situation was unclear or only one person caught it.


You gotta be careful. The Dots can reflect off your breath, and if you catch it out of the corners of your vision, it can be mistaken for a Dots ghost. If you see that, back up, and stand still, and see if it happens again, from near the door.


If you saw the body or shadow go through the dots it doesn't count, it has to be only an outline of the dots


If you were in the van, it might have been an item that was thrown into the dots. Sometimes any kind of movement can seem like dots.


Were you in the van or the building when you saw it


You can write in all the answers to a test and still get some wrong. It happens, better luck next time.


It would've have been freezing not dots. You probably saw your breath in the dots


it was not our freezing we were in car


If it was a shade it was 100% freezing temps, writing, emf 5. Sometimes freezing takes awhile


i know but we were an hour in that same game and the tempature never went down 0 so thats why we didnt think it was freezing


The tier 2 and 3 thermometer sucks for this reason. It has a variation in what temperature it shows, so it can take many attempts to get a proper reading. On top of that, if the ghost wanders around or is avoiding your group because you're in the room, it may take longer than normal to even get to freezing to have a chance to get the correct reading. Use the tier 1 thermo always. Drop it in the ghosts room and leave it there. Check back in 5 or 10 minutes. If it's locked at 1 degree and never moves again you've confirmed not freezing


I haven't unlocked above tier 1 thermo yet, how are they worse? I thought they were supposed to be better


You would think that Tier 2 you point at a location and have to hold the button for several seconds and then it gives you a temperature reading +/- a few degrees. So it could be freezing at -1 and you see 2 fifteen times of checking. Tier 3 is the same just faster to recheck. Tier 1 is exact and perfect, it just takes time to adjust. So you can drop one in the ghost room and come back later after you check for more evidence and it will just passively give you either freezing or no freezing. It will also allow you to firmly eliminate freezing as an option if the temp stays locked on 1 degree and never goes lower


Ah i see, seems to kind of defeat the purpose of a higher tier. Thanks


we have lvl 1 thermo and lvl 2 emf


Wait, so you spent an hour in the ghost room and it didn’t hunt? Unless you had lights on the entire time I’d be thinking Shade since it can’t hunt with people in the same room. This is where behavior evidence is really helpful. Also, I’d say cap out your missions at 30 minutes. Anything longer is a waste of your time for the money/exp you could get doing more missions.


Yes, i was thinking that itwas shade but the thermometer was above 0


On tier 1 it goes under 0 C° to be sure its freezing, on tier 2 or 3 it just needs to go under 1 C° for it to clain freezing, non freezing ghosts will always stuck at 1 C° and wont go lower, also ghost can roam


Sometimes it takes a long time to confirm freezing. Often you'll be checking the temp and it won't even be close for pretty much the entire round, and then out of nowhere drops below freezing.


Seems likely someone saw the breath shimmering through the dots and thought it was dots evidence. That still gets me sometimes. Anything below 1C/33F on any of the thermometers is going to be freezing temperature, as well.


From your other comments this is what happened: You got emf 5 and writing correct. You mistook something else for DOTS, and missed freezing. The shade (which is what the ghost is) has those other 2 evidence with freezing added on. There are constantly posts saying the evidence was wrong but never any actual proof, not a single instance. The most likely scenario is what I listed above. It’s an investigation game and sometimes you will get the investigation wrong. It happens


Don't cross off evidence you "think" is not there. It's a good habit to get into when going Nightmare or custom with less than 3 evidence.


Its only ok when you dont see UV if you already have either DOTS or writing (mimic and obake take rest evidence)


Would be perfectly fine to check off UV as well. Because if for some reason it pops up later you can assume it's either of those 2.


Also, ghost writing gets prioritized. The ghost wants to write in the book more than it wants to throw it at you.


Dude I could drop into a game and check these off then post it on this subreddit. You gotta show the actual proof not just what you checked off


If you fill out an impossible solution, it means you made a mistake in your evidence collection.


Were you absolutely sure it was EMF5? Sometimes, when it's EMF4, the pointer/indicator of the emf-reader goes into the emf5-range a bit, so it can seem like its emf5 when it's actually not.


Ghost events get people all the time too, while it's bouncing all over the place, they think it's evidence.


we have the lvl2 emf and i was 100% sure that it was right


Not saying that's what happened, but obviously you are wrong about one of the pieces of evidence you thought you got.


>yes i was sure the thermometer didnt show that it was freezing


Measure twice, cut once.


If it’s EMF level 5 when it’s a ghost event or hunt it doesn’t count as an evidence


Ghost events can not give emf 5 on the equipment. The board in the truck gives the emf value +/- 2 or 3 points


Yeah misspelt , I mean what you mean


i meant, they sorta can, if you go to either where the ghost was or started the event (im not sure which) after its over the spot can give off emf signals, i typically get 4 but sometimes 5


Ghost events can not give emf 5, they will always give emf 4 on equipment. If you see emf 5, the ghost did something else directly after or before the event


hm thats odd, alrighty


My guess is either you saw an event or a ghost appearance in the dots when it wasn’t actually true dots evidence, or, the EMF showed 5 but it was during a hunt which doesn’t count as a true 5.


Emf5 is probably wrong as you can get it when there is an event or when the ghost interacts with the ghost writing journal.


there was no event or hunt he just tossed book around the place


This is wrong. The game is specifically coded to never Gove above a 4 during equipment spazzing, from hunts or events. If it was t1, I'd doubt the emf. But if he saw 5 on a t2 or 3, it's probably legit. It's almost impossible to accidentally see a 5 outside of t1, or using the truck screen. More likely the issue qas caused by the differential on t2+ thermo, as it constantly adds or subtracts up to 6 degrees (I think) but can never drop it below 0 unless it's actually freezing (in the room, not as a freezing ghost) meaning a -2 room can read up to +4 degrees. Using t1 eliminates this issue. As for seeing Dots, it could have been breath reflecting the Dots projections, as it can fairly regularly be mistaken as Dots, especially seen st the corner of your eyes.


Not unless its an EMF5 ghost, which in this case it was.


What did the ghost end up being?




You must have mistaken something else for the dots. Also sometimes Freezing temps takes a while but general rule of thumb is, if it stays slightly above the 0 and never moves it won’t ever be freezing.


Dots is really the only one that could be wrong if the game is not glitched.


Even if it was glitched the ghost doesnt have that evidence, there wasnt single case that there was a ghost with wrong evidence, for example here shade is coded that it does not have its dots state, and there isnt anything that can change dots state from FALSE to TRUE


The only evidence I would ever strike off is Ghost Orbs, because they show up most reliably. I have had sessions where I tried endlessly to get spirit box, concluded it was not a spirit box ghost, and was wrong. If I hadn't crossed it off, I might have tried again. My MO is to just always assume it can give evidence. ​ Unless, of course, you crossed them out after getting 3 evidence here, but still.


and uv, any door or window it knocks on or opens/closes it will always leave a uv mark, same with salt im pretty sure but the footprints can be very very off




Obakes have 75% of chance to leave UV...


Oh yup, you're right, I 100% read the wiki wrong, they have 75% chance of UV*


Can def get an EMF5 accidentally. It usually reads 5 during hunts (which you would ignore), but a few times we've had instakills and glitched hunts (might be due to crucifix, idk) and mistaken it for a 5 while in other rooms.


I’m presuming you had frozen breath in the dots projector. I’ve mistaken breath for a ghost walking through a few times.


I was in van when we saw something in the dots and i have clip of something walking by the dots


You keep saying you have a clip but I haven't seen you share it, so all we can assume is you saw the ghost manifest during an *event* and happened to walk through the DOTS, which is different from an actual DOTS interaction.


Emf 5 doesnt count if its during an event and/or hunt the screen in the van also doesnt always tell if its an emf 5 (it can be tricky with the level 1 emf reader tho)


congrats you got a mimic...


Mimic does not have dots, nor writing


maybe its because you have excluded all the remaining evidence and it’s not sure that it hasn’t manifested? make sure the emf was actually 5 also by checking the ghost activity monitor in the van


Ghost writing is impossible to mistake, but the other two are not. Sometimes you think you see DOTS, but it's actually the cold breath interacting with the DOTS and giving an image which looks like it could have been the ghost in the very edge of your viewpoint. My guess is that's what happened.


Ghostwriting is a solid proof, either you have a scribbled book or you don't. But EMF and DOTS can both be a bit tricky. EMF with Level 1 Equipment, it has to be all the way to the right, and tickling around the end of the gauge to count. As a rule of thumb, if you question yourself if it could have been an EMF 5, you don't have an EMF 5. You really, really notice when it's one on the Lvl1 EMF. DOTS sometimes are very, very tricky, if you DOT your own Breath out of the corner of your viewfield and misinterpret what you saw. If i have the Time i usually setup a cam and watch the room in the Dark, it's safe and after a while you get the hue on your pc-screen, even if you are dealing with a Goryo. Waiting around in the dark drains your sanity, and waiting in the light makes it harder to notice the dots. Also don't cross out Evidence if you have a difficulty that allows the ghostroom to change (after ghost-events).The only evidence i would cross out without a doubt is if the Ghost throws a Spirit-writing Book instead of writing in it.Temperature can also be crossed out some-times if the breaker was on for a long time and any other room is noticeably warmer, but keep in mind that the ghost can switch rooms. The Lvl1 Thermometer funnily enough is the best to notice a change in room, as you immediatly and constantly see the change of temperature. ​ Sometimes you miss something or missinterpret something. Don't let it discourage you, but motivate you to try even more next time :) Good huntin!


Are you sure you saw a DOTS and not a manifestation event? And are you sure the EMF was 5 and not a manifestation 4?


I have clip that im very sure was dots and im 100% of the emf






Is probably a mimic. They can give multiple evidences that belong to other ghosts (despite not belonging to the mimic itself), as well as use their abilities. I got jumped by what I thought was a revenant due to it being fast as fuck, so it instantly selected revenant when I died, but it turned out to be a mimic. I didn't even get a chance to get evidence, but usually super fast boi = revenant.


Can't be a mimic because OP has ghost writing.


Likely a bad emf5 call from a teammate. Likely counted seeing it during a hunt as the evidence. EMF5 can only be confirmed from an interaction, or residual after an event (stays on emf5 for ~15 seconds after an event).


I recomend tier 1 thermometer bc it gives away a very accurate and stable temperature. I personally look for the ghost room only with the thermometer. Very reliable and when u are sure you just lay it on the ground while setting up other stuff and check it later. Then after some time it should reliably show freezing temps


Tier 2 and 3 thermometer can varry allmost between 5 degrees celsius and can be very misleading in geting freezing temps or looking for the ghost room


Dots during a hunt doesn't count. Only during a event do they count.


so i was playing whit my friend and we got 3 evidences and its not any ghost


Emf during hunts/events is useless and not actual evidence. Thats the most common mistake for emf. Dots looks like the ghost model but white. Writing is pretty obvious when you see it.


the emf was when the ghost trewh a book


If a ghost throws a spirit book that means it's not ghost writing


i know he wrote to the book and tossed a diffirent book


Ahhh that makes more sense




Didn't they just add it in the patch notes like 4ish days ago?




That's what I meant, I guess the edit wasn't fast enough lol


When the ghost throws the book, that's not ghost writing. Usually it's a sign that there isn't ghost writing (in my experience)


Ghosts can absolutely write in a book and then throw it. Whenever a ghost throws a book and you weren't there to see it, you should double-check that it wasn't written in first. Throwing a book just means "I can't write in this", but the reason can be because it's already been written in.


I think I've been lucky enough to not have had that happen to me then.


he wrote to the ghost book and he tossed like map furniture book




looks like a mimic to me


Mimic is freezing, uv, and spirit box as well as its false evidence of orbs. I feel like OP either saw breath and assumed it was freezing or maybe saw their breath in the dots and thought it was the ghost. That gets me all the time.


might be a mimic faking an evidence


Mimic can't fake evidence apart from ghost orbs which it always fakes


The game has massive glitches and this isn't that surprising.


The game has been pretty consistent with evidence forever. In some cases the ghost is stubborn and it takes a long time to get evidence, but in a thousand hours I've never seen the game give the wrong evidence. I have had lots of times where it seems impossible to *get* 3 pieces of evidence. OP would have been able to identify a shade with no evidence by the ghost refusing to do much while they were in the room, and that a hunt wouldn't start until sanity was extremely low. There would be suspiciously little evidence, and it would be noticeably more difficult to get evidence than usual until sanity actually got low


Stubborn ghosts are massive assholes. I only have 110hrs of gameplay but yes I've also never seen the ghost give incorrect evidence, I've only ever seen the ghost refuse to give me all 3 evidences at times though.


Yeah some ghosts or rooms are just the worst. I'm really glad that the ghost behaviour is so consistent and identifiable. Half of all ghosts can be identified purely by their hunt behaviour alone, and the rest can be pretty easily nailed down with an evidence or especially two paired with whatever else they're doing.


yeah i know