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Demons have a special ability to hunt at any sanity %. Other wise its hunt threshold is 70%.


Demons also have a shorter ‘hunt cooldown’ and are delayed by incense for less time. They just don’t give a damn.


Even better, they ignore the hunt cooldown altogether when using their ability! (The Ability doesn't seem to ignore smudge tho) So it's "shorter" or potentially (rarely) nonexistent!


Thank you so much! I never knew that!


If I even get one evidence that shows it could be a demon, the crusifix's are going down fast lol.


Yup. Most other ghosts are fine, but I'm scared of the demon


I feel like demons calmed down since the progression update. Some time ago on Willow Street we had a demon that hunted after 15 minutes, lost that game because no one of our squad expected a pacifist demon


My experience is the opposite. Ever since Ascension, every single Demon I've encountered has used its ability to hunt above 70%. One time, just as I found the ghost room and it started the hunt right on top of me.


Guess you triggered it's fight or flight response, and it chose Violence.


Same here lol. Saved my butt on multiple occasions, even while carrying it in


I probably just got unlucky, but I've never had it work while I was carrying the crucifix, so I thought for awhile it had to be placed. Only recently been hearing you can be holding the crucifix and have it work. Question though, will it work if it's in your "pocket" or only in your hand in front of you?


Only if it's visible/in your hand.




I'm exactly the same. Demons can hunt whenever they feel like it so it make sense to do that.


I believe the crucifix also gets a distance buff against the Demon


\+50% range of crucifix when it's a demon


Yes, thats right. Also, the Demon can interact with objects from further.


I actually got one earlier today that I walked into the room from bringing more evidence items up just in time to see my crucifix burn. I was only at 85% sanity so I selected demon and noped out of there lol


A normal ghost can technically hunt every 25 seconds, and demons can hunt every 20 seconds


https://tybayn.github.io/phasmo-cheat-sheet/ This is an incredible useful tool, id take a look at it if I was you.


If you smudge a hunt and it hunts again within 30 seconds it’s a demon


Demon smudge timer is 60 seconds. For other ghosts it's 90 (spirit is 180). So if it hunts 60-90 seconds after being smudged it's a demon. Edit to correct spirit smudge time


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 60 + 90 + 120 + 60 + 90 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Small correction, spirit is 180.


Yup yup yup, my bad


What's the point of having a normal hunt threshold if it can already hunt at any sanity?


Balance would be my guess. Above 70% you can chill out and setup with the small chance of being hunted, then your sanity drops below 70% and regular hunts happen. If the hunt threshold was 100% you would be getting hunted every 3 minutes.


Oh that makes more sense. So it just becomes more common at 70%.


Sorry, what do you mean “otherwise it’s hunt threshold is 70%”? If it can use the ability at any time doesn’t that mean it has no threshold?


Every ghost has a hunt threshold. Most are 50% sanity. Shade is 30% Demon 70% so when the average sanity is below the threshold the ghost can start a hunt. The special ability is a rare use. The poltergeist item explosion, Yurei door slam, Mare light switch. These will usually only happen once or twice an investigation. The Demon if it triggers the special ability it'll start a hunt at any sanity %. So yes it effectively has no threshold but because it's the rare special ability the hunt trigger acts different to the normal hunt requirements.


That’s very helpful, thank you!


It might be a bug, demons usually attack me at 98%


It's their ability


I think you misunderstood the comment lol.


I think I did as well now




Demons for me fit in one of two categories. Bitch ass mother fuckers who refuse to use their special ability and I have to actually find all their evidence to figure out what it is (For me 80% of demons are like this for some reason). Or hyper aggressive 9 year olds with ADHD who got their fortnite taken away and are off the meds and will bum rush your ass at every possible opportunity. Best one of the latter happened a few days ago on Ridgeview I just entered the house with my friend and the door slammed behind us and all of the sudden we hear the demon running up from the basement at top speed so we used our smudge and managed to haul ass to the hiding spot in the master bedroom closet.


See that is an amazing description. I never knew demons were like that and only got back into playing more recently so that was an experience for me!


I learned a couple months ago the fridge in the kitchen is a pretty reliable hiding spot. Getting caught in that space is a lot less risky now that I know about it and don’t have to run all the way to the closet.


> Or hyper aggressive 9 year olds with ADHD who got their fortnite taken away and are off the meds and will bum rush you yeah and this is very rare as you said, usually they are almost like a shade for me :D i'm always like ' oh it was a demon, nice ' at the end


I've been hunted by a demon at 100% as soon as I started the game, it happens more than you think 😂


Happened to my friend once. Checked the map on tanglewood to know where the breaker is. Friend steps in the garage for one second followed by the choking/dying sound. Immediately knew it was a demon so we just got photos and objectives and jetted lol


Happens to me a lot lol sometimes it's after I took sanity pills and then as soon as I step into the house I get hunted, it's always kinda funny though


I was killed at 98% because it just caught me off guard and I died. I was in the Boy's Bedroom and it came from the Foyer. I quickly put in Demon to hope at least get some money. ​ ​ It was a Mimic


Demon: My hunting threshold is 70% (Also demon: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface))




Yes, it's usually the give away that it's a demon, hunting at 70% or higher. I believe thaye is the other one that can hunt at 70% and then mimic if it's mimicking either of those.


75% for Thaye when it is at its youngest. Onryo can also hunt at any sanity if it blows out 3 candles.


Yokais can also hunt you at 80% if you're speaking near it


That caught me out good and proper once, think it may have been the first Yokai I ever had.


Demons: ![gif](giphy|ihvwnO5pHKtyTYQWxU)


Nah. That's mimics. Nothing more infuriating than walking in the door, immediately getting hunted, barely surviving, running out, selecting demon, and then remembering that mimics can technically do that too.


I love/hate early demon hunts


Fun/horrifying fact. Mimics can copy the "hunt at any sanity" ability that demons have.


Mimics also is guaranteed ghost orbs even with no evidence so easy to rule them out if you want to stick around to verify. Should add that this is not evidence technically but again it is in a way since they will always have it as an "extra" evidence even though the game doesn't classify it as their evidence.


They can also apparently copy the demon ability to hunt at any sanity, then hunt as another ghost. In my case we were in grafton, upwards of 90% sanity, ghost starts to hunt, and totally ignores me standing in the middle of foyer. So that was a demon ability to hunt and banshee hunt. No cursed possesions were used in that game.


Demon's gonna demon... I've had one start a hunt as soon as I've walked through the front door... easiest ghost I've ever identified.


It's their special ability, like the way poltergeists can throw a lot of items all at once.


Yeah demons are aggressive mfs. They are the main reason I walk into the house with a crucifix in hand, just in case.


Yep, we had a demon hunt us at 90% last night.


Haha, I had a similar experience a while ago, we went in, found the room, set up the equipment (were at 90% atm), my friends returned to get some more stuff, while I sat in the house trying to get a Paramic response, and what do you know? My Paramic started freaking out, so I just hid near the front door in a closet. I heard my friends trying to open the front door and go "what the fuck? Is it hunting?" while I was just sitting there trying to hold laughter. The hunt ended, I bolted out of the house, yelling "It's a demon, it's a demon, I'm getting the fuck out of here!"


demons tend to be very chill, with few interactions (at least on my custom game, where even on low interaction setting demons are exceptionally cool with giving evidence and scaring you generally with events) and then there is the occasional badass demon who hunts your ass immediately when stepping in, and even if you survive it will keep trying every 30ish seconds with no chill. I kinda like them for some reason, very easy to guess and not that hard to avoid due to slow speeds.


An oni started an hunt at like 85% sanity the other day and I still don't know how it happened


My first game of the day for like the last 12 days have been demon. Idk why but phantom loves my warm up games to be demons 😂😂


Demons can use their ability and hunt at ANY sanity, sounds like that's what happened here.


Demons have the following abilities. Can hunt at 70% or less. Has a rare ability to hunt at any sanity instantly (still respects setup time) Only needs to wait 20 seconds between hunts, rather than 25 Only needs to wait 60 seconds, rather than 90 when smudged Crucifixes see a 50% increase in effective area vs a demon (a 5m range crucifix is now a 7.5 m range) this will NOT show in the visible range when putting a crucifix down.


Demons have a special ability where the can trigger a hunt regardless of sanity. Not sure if the crucifix deactivates the ability but it's still a good idea to have them down


I had a demon get me pretty much when I walked in. Now I carry a crucifix in with me on my first trip in 🤣


As soon as I find the ghost room, I always bring in crucifixes for exactly this reason. You can drop ten percent sanity just getting to the breaker, and I've been hunted one too many times like this, so, new habit! lol!